
Rockfall Rules

Be the last person remaining in the Rockfall arena.   How its Played
The arena is the shape of a square box suspended from the ceiling, surrounded by four walls with an open bottom, typically above water. After 30 seconds a wall disappears, starting with the northern wall. This continues every 30 seconds, with a new wall disappearing moving clockwise. If a match reaches the point where only the ceiling is left (after 2 minutes) there is no time limit.   Every 20 ft. there are metal rings hanging from a hook. These Lodestone Rings are used to weigh others down, as seen in the game mechanics below. No hooks or rings are found on the ceiling.   Rockfall players dodge, scramble, and brawl their way to victory to be the last one hanging on.   Participants
Traditionally there are 8-16 participants per match. This can vary depending on the arena size or event.  

Special Equipment

Every player wears a Bellie. Bellies are made of a sturdy leather strap, wrapped around a player’s midsection with hooks on the front, sides, and back designed to hold the Lodestone Rings.   Gripper Gloves and Gripper Slippers are required for any participants who cannot naturally stick to walls. Participants who have a natural climb speed do not need Grippers.   Lodestone Rings
The rings found hanging around Rockfall arenas are enchanted to reduce participants' speed. Once hung on a Bellie, a Lodestone Ring reduces a creature’s speed by 10 feet. When a creature’s speed reaches 0, it must make a Strength saving throw equal to 15 plus the number of Lodestone Rings hung on their Bellie. On a failure they fall. The creature repeats this saving throw at the end of each of its turns.   Once a Lodestone Ring has been attached to a Bellie it cannot be removed.
Types of Rockfall Matches
  • Battle Royal. Every person for themselves. This is the most traditional format.
  • Duos. Multiple teams of two partners. Tradition rules mean eliminating one person will disqualify the team.
  • Teams. Teams of any chosen number. Team matches are typically for spectacle or scrimmage. The last team standing wins.

Specialty Matches
  • Head to Head. Ceiling exhibition matches. Matches rarely go to the ceiling and it is exciting to watch.
  • Bellie to Bellie. Tag partners are attached by 20 ft. ropes on their Bellies.
  • Bedrock Brawl. Anything goes rules. Any sort of weapon, injury, or spell use you can imagine.
  • Maul For All. Large-scale battle royale with an overwhelming number of participants.
  • Battle Box. The walls don’t fall away.
  • Underwater Rockfall. Currents pull players downward as the game progresses.

In-Game Mechanics

The game runs on combat rounds and initiative. After 5 rounds a wall disappears.  
  • Note: When using Bedrock rules or when looking for faster play, have the walls vanish every 2 rounds instead.
  Characters may take actions as normal as long as they remain within the rules of Rockfall. The most common actions are to grapple, escape a grapple, attack, dash, or hang a ring. While participating in a Rockfall match, players gain the following special bonus actions, actions, and reactions.   Players must end their turn on a wall or ceiling, incurring a penalty of two rings if they attempt flight or levitation in the empty arena space.

Rockfall Actions

Grab Ring. As a bonus action, you may grab a ring off a hook within 5 feet.   Attach Ring. You may attempt to attach a ring to a creature as part of an attack action. Make an opposed grapple check against the opponent.   Reactions. When a creature moves within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to prepare yourself, choosing one of the following options:  
  • Brace. Gain +2 AC.
  • Resist. Impose disadvantage on grapple checks made against you by the opposing creature.
  • Retreat. Immediately move 10 feet without provoking an opportunity attack.

Official Arena Rules

  Official rules exist to ensure balance and fairness for anyone who wants to participate in the game.  
  • No piercing or slashing attacks.
  • No magic or spell casting.
  • No weapons or projectiles.
  • Natural abilities are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • No eye-gouging, low-blows, choking, biting, foreign objects, spitting, & interference.
If a rule is violated the official reserves the right to pause play and administer a warning or whatever the punishment is before the game resumes. Application of the rules is dependent on what is selected before the match begins and the officials' personal judgment.   Penalties may range from attaching 1 to 3 Lodestone Rings to a participant, or in extreme cases, immediate ejection.

Bedrock Rules

Bedrock rules are a mixture of traditional and backyard Rockfall play. Depending on where one is in the world matches can vary drastically.   Bedrock rules should be treated as a regular combat scenario in addition to Rockfall. Lodestone Rings are still in effect and deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage if used as a weapon. Enchantments are built into many arenas to ensure the action stays confined to the play area, shielding the audience in attendance. Some unofficial sites do not offer this protection.

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