Citizen of Flotsodom - Background in Dromaria | World Anvil

Citizen of Flotsodom - Background

Your culture is based in your aquatic nature, your divine connection with Narwel, and the years of isolation you endured. These factors have shaped traditions that may seem peculiar to outsiders but are integral to maintaining the prosperity of the sea and upholding the favor of your goddess.   As a member of the triton community residing in the submersible city of Flotsodom, you have emerged from a long exile to bring service to the people of the land. However, your presence in the world above has sparked wariness and uncertainty among surface dwellers, who remain unfamiliar with the motives and history of the tritons.   Flotsodom has settled at a significant location known as the Eye of Narwel within the country of Frijring. This emergence has caused tension with the neighboring Tritos Dominion, a nation already embroiled in conflicts with Frijring. As a citizen of Flotsodom, you find yourself navigating the delicate political landscape, seeking to balance your commitment to aiding the land-dwellers while managing the strained relations between your submersible city and the Tritos Dominion. It is a challenging act, striving for understanding while upholding the values and guidance of your underwater heritage.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception
Tool Proficiencies: Navigator's Tools, Vehicles (water)
Equipment: A small knife, 50 feet of hempen rope, a piece of living coral, a vial of water from your home, and a set of traveler's clothes
Feature: Aquatic Couriers
You possess the ability to communicate with aquatic creatures and enlist their help in delivering messages to contacts within the city. This unique skill allows you to maintain communication with fellow tritons, share vital information, and coordinate actions from a distance. However, the effectiveness of this feature depends on the availability and cooperation of aquatic creatures in the surrounding area.
Suggested Characteristics
Being an underwater being has imbued you with an automatic connection to the sea, something that impacts pretty much every aspect of your life, from your personality to your ideals and bonds. Many flaws likely come from the divide of cultures on the surface, something every water-dweller is forced to navigate.  
Special Feature: Manipulate Coral
  The great coral barrier surrounds Flotsodom and as a citizen you have the ability to manipulate it according to your will. From a young age, you were trained in the art of coral manipulation, enabling you to shape and move the coral as desired.   With this skill, you treat any area covered in coral as if it were normal terrain, effortlessly navigating through it with your natural speed and agility. Whether creating passages, altering the coral's structure, or utilizing its living properties, you can harness its power to your advantage.

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