
Dukkerin is not just a game; it's the pulse of the Otherwyld, a set of ever-changing rules and objectives dictated by the goddess Dipthi herself. Originating from the earliest days of the Otherwyld, the game has evolved into a complex social structure that governs the actions and behaviors of its inhabitants. Conducted at the Tabernacle of Chance near the Madcaps, the game begins anew each time Dipthi declares a change, a holiday known as Daes Dae.   Players are divided into Houses upon spinning the Wheel of Fortune, each House having its unique role, magical focus, and dominion over a specific time.   House of Cups. Constantly active, this house specializes in charms and enchantments. Rulership and rank, held by those known as the Lovers, are determined by a combative contest that unfailingly concludes in a communal orgy, setting the social order until the next game.   House of Swords. Dominant during the nocturnal hours, this house focuses on illusions and divination. Leadership and rank are earned through acts of valor or cunning deception, and the leaders are known as the Devils.   House of Wands. In control during the daytime, this house is centered on evocation and conjuration. Those who lead, called the Magicians, are chosen through a frenetic race from one point to another, using any means necessary.   Once Dipthi returns to the Tabernacle of Chance, the game resets. A new round of Dukkerin begins with the spinning of the Wheel of Fortune, which assigns individuals to their respective Houses. Before leaving, Dipthi announces the game's purpose, known as "Dipthi's Dream," which sets the tone for the actions of all inhabitants until her return. This could range from spreading the influence of the Otherwyld, to finding true love, or even capturing the most people before the goddess's return.   The impact of Dukkerin extends beyond the borders of the Otherwyld. The game influences how the fey interact with Dromaria, setting a prevailing mood that can swing from helpful to sinister, depending on Dipthi's most recent decree. During the opening ceremony of each new round, any Otherwylder can declare their name for the game, adding to the personal investment and excitement of the proceedings.   Scholars who study the fey often seek to understand the current iteration of Dipthi's Dream. Gaining this knowledge can help to anticipate the actions of the Otherwyld's inhabitants, providing invaluable insights for both adventurers and academics alike.
Current Dipthi's Dream
  Find the moon.

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