Chapter Seven: GM Resources in Dromaria | World Anvil

Chapter Seven: GM Resources



  Aiding the Hammer
The Red Keep Adventure  


    Life & Death   Religion  

Holidays & Celebrations

Using holidays in your RPG sessions is an excellent way to accurately symbolize the passage of time. When you start a new session or campaign, consider the time of year and what is ahead. Starting on the new year or at the beginning of spring can give an easy entry point for any adventuring party. Holidays traditionally mark moments of cultural and religious significance, typically centered around the changing of seasons. For characters who are entrenched in a specific faith, turning a holiday into a special event can create a memorable moment tied to their history.   Here you will find plot hooks and information meant to unite players and get them excited for festivities, including details on Dromaria specific holidays, the regions they are most commonly practiced in, and optional rules tied to the specific days.
Miscellaneous Holidays
  Birthdays, funerals, weddings, and other such celebrations vary completely based on region and culture. Personal holidays such as these are a great opportunity to create a unique atmosphere and add in-game stakes to current events. A character’s birthday could lead to the local village throwing them a party or a wedding may turn into the setting for a midnight murder mystery.

All Goblins Day

6th of Sapphire

Goblins do not typically celebrate their own birthday, instead, everyone celebrates all goblin's birthdays on the same day, known as All Goblins Day. It is said this is the day she was discovered by Lothor and saved. The day begins by breaking a wishbone in special thanks to Thurknot, saying grace before a giant feast, and is followed by dancing.   Important Items: The Wishbone
Rituals: Breaking the Wishbone, Dancing, Feasts
Celebrated Locales: Not region-specific, wherever goblins are.

Optional Rules:
  • Goblins receive temporary hit points equal to their level at the start of the day.
  • Whoever wins the wishbone gets a +1 bonus to saving throws for 24 hours.


1st - 10th of Amethyst

In the first week of the Amethyst, to represent Lothor's ushering of humanity out of the dangers of an ice age and into the warmth of a new era, all lights are put out for one week and fire is prohibited except for a single bonfire, maintained by followers of Lothor. Citizens who pay tithe and tribute may bask in the flame's warmth. It is a treasured and time-honored tradition by those of the faith, and a nuisance for everyone else involved. All proceeds benefit the Church of Lothoren.   Important Items: The bonfire
Rituals: Lighting & extinguishing of the bonfire, Meals around the bonfire, One source of light and heat
Celebrated Locales: Southern Mortéglace, Eastlands of Pathriam, Rural Thorn, the Thorn Territory   Optional Rules:
  • Expected tithing.


14th & 15th of Diamond
  Celivale is the name for the Spring Solstice given by the Illumination faiths. Celivale Eve, on the 14th of Diamond, is a time for mourning those lost in winter. It is recognized by tending neglected graves. Celivale Day, on the 15th of Diamond, begins by hanging colorful lanterns as the world transitions into spring, easing the passing of spirits.   Important Items: Celivale lanterns, Zonne Donations
Rituals: Tending Graves, Hanging Lanterns
Celebrated Locales: Pathriam, Tao   Optional Rules:
  • Those who tend a grave during Celivale are gifted a memory or piece of advice from the deceased. Treat as the spell Augury.
  • Celivale lantern light provides the plant growth spell after 24 hours when the light goes out.


27th of Topaz - 30th of Sapphire   After the murder of their son Amir and the subsequent death of Peruvus Van Dem, Ulric Lothor and Ygrette Mellion entered into a period of grieving. They spent this time with their remaining children, never leaving the inner sanctum of Hearthhome Castle. Each day a member of the community would bring them food, song, and love. For thirty-three days they remained, and each day they were given the blessings of those who loved them. Now, in the Lothoren religion, Committal serves as a tribute to the community. The period is observed beginning on the 27th of Topaz each year, starting with a church service at noon on the first day. The period is honored by donations and civil work. Typical service means choosing something to give to those in need for thirty-three days.   Important Items: Food, Zonne Donations
Rituals: Charitable Work, Dedicated Service
Celebrated Locales: Eastlands of Pathriam, Morteglace, Thorn, Thorn Territory, Venden   Optional Rules:
  • Those who give daily service may benefit from the Dedication blessing of the Ceremony spell. (For the next 24 hours, whenever the target makes a saving throw, it can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the save. A creature can benefit from this rite only once per day of Committal.)

The Day of Anointment

18th of Amethyst   In the ancient Codes of the Vayla, rooted in the teachings of Tus’Alim, there were painful paths to redemption. The Day of Anointment began as a pardoning for the unlawful, who willingly submitted to the pain of scalding hot oil, anointing them back into society. While still followed within the walls of Kalatearman and on the Path of the Ancestors, the old methods have faded in favor of less barbaric practices.   Now it is a day of forgiveness and second chances, celebrated by rehabilitation and recovery. Communities gather around those who have been locked away or are suffering from chronic issues. Citizens and leaders are encouraged to listen to the stories of those imprisoned and suffering, seeking new or enlightened ways to help them. If enough members of the community agree, individuals can be anointed in various ceremonies, freeing them and absolving them of guilt.   Important Items: Incense, Oils
Rituals: Consecration, Letter Writing to Upiryrials and Members of Courts
Celebrated Locales: Non-Region Specific   Optional Rules:
  • Forgiveness for a crime committed. A person consecrated in this way benefits from the Atonement blessing of the Ceremony spell. (The target’s alignment returns to its original.)


13th of Opal   Nobbletot is an Otherwyld tradition intended to instill discipline into misbehaving youths. As stories go, a creature known as Rimpsmeat comes to take bad children from their parents, leaving payments of toys and sweets behind. To keep Rimpsmeat at bay, the children craft dolls to trick the creature. Kids take the holiday far more seriously than others, as fear of Rimpsmeat seems to fade when entering adulthood.   Rimpsmeat is said to be a small otherwylder, with exaggerated physical features, wearing bright yellow clothing, and carrying silvered knives, that leaves behind the smell of sugar and cooked meat. It relies on a massive, overweight companion called The Gobble Goat for transportation, feeding its prizes to the goat before moving on to the next home. Some say that the children become the kids of the Gobble Goat, eventually turning into goats themselves; the only tracks left behind are those of massive cloven hooves.   Important Items: Hand-Crafted Dolls, Cursed Sweets & Toys
Rituals: Decoy Dolls, Feeding the Goat
Celebrated Locales: Belwin, Gnomes Landing, Heavy Gnome or Goblin Populations, The Otherwyld   Optional Rules:
  • See Rimpsmeat and Gobble Goat Stat Block


9th of Diamond   Also known as Partner’s Day, the origins of Patapata come from the love shared by Vale and Asir in the aftermath of the Age of Horror, when life was returning to the world. People everywhere were encouraged to have more children, showing love and affection for one another, specifically their partners. Summertide continues the holiday, although it is less about coupling and more about romance and togetherness. People are encouraged to spend quality time with loved ones. The phrase, “The birds and the beds, “ comes from Patapata, often associated with birds and song.   Important Items: Love Letters, Musical Instruments, Trinkets of Affection
Rituals: Patapata, Song Writing
Celebrated Locales: Pathriam, Tao, The Great Forest of Leng, Zan’deil   Optional Rules:
  • Babies conceived or born on Patapata have the Lucky feat.
  • People who spend more than an hour of quality time with those they consider family are blessed for 24 hours with telepathy. This functions as the Telepathic Bond spell.

Pyrelight Festival

1st of Ruby   Celebrated during the summer solstice, the Pyrelight Festival honors Asir's sacrifice with the burning of large wicker figures and a communal feast, marking the end of the Age of Horror. While the summer solstice is celebrated in many places, the Pyrelight Festivals are held by those of the Summertide and Covenant faiths.   Important Items: Wicker Figures
Rituals: The Pyre Lighting, Feasting
Celebrated Locales: Belwin, Erimata, The Great Forest of Leng, Serawa, Various other portions of Pathriam   Optional Rules:
  • Anyone who participates in a Pyrelight Festival gains 1 temporary hit point per level and is resistant to cold damage for 24 hours.

St. Peruvus Day

4th of Topaz   Peruvus Van Dem died near the end of the Age of Horror at the hands of his father. In Peruvus’ memory, the Ancestors dedicated a day to him, ensuring his sacrifice would be remembered forever. The holiday has come to represent love in all its forms and is still celebrated the world over. It is a day to exchange gifts with those closest to you and to reunite with relatives who have grown distant. Family reunions and portraits are common traditions held on St. Peruvus Day.   Important Items: Flowers, Love Letters, Communication Devices
Rituals: Family Portraits, Family Reunions
Celebrated Locales: Worldwide sponsored by Caprun Corp   Optional Rules:
  • Public Tension Screens and Sending Seats are powered and opened for free communication, allowing people to contact distant loved ones. People gather around and share these special moments as a community.
  • Exchanging gifts.


1st of Emerald   The beginning of the new year and a fresh start for everyone. In Illumination-based faiths, Renewal ushers in tradition, including the clearing of dead plants and trees to make way for new growth, midnight church services, and personal Blind Admittance.   Blind Admittance is an ancient practice of atonement and the burden that it bears. It is typically accomplished with the use of Ad Books, or as they are colloquially called “Bad Books.” Ad Books are diaries and journals containing a person’s indiscretions, started anew each new year. When Renewal comes, people are encouraged to share their book with those they love most or a trusted priest of their faith. What the recipient does with an Ad Book is up to them, but the books are often burned or buried without ever being opened. The new year is celebrated by every major region, though not all participate in Renewal traditions.   Important Items: Ad Books
Rituals: Blind Admittance, Clearing the Old for the New
Celebrated Locales: Celebrated anywhere the Illumination and its offshoot faiths have worshipers.   Optional Rules:
  • “Bad Books.” People carry around and leave behind journals filled with their indiscretions.

Trellis Day

15th of Pearl   The autumn equinox, Trellis day is a time for preparing for winter, exchanging goods with neighbors, and celebrating the year’s achievements with a community gathering. People work together and prepare for winter during the day, and when the sun sets there are block parties in every community. Music and dancing are accompanied by exchanging goods with neighbors to enjoy over the upcoming winter. Trellis Day is celebrated by all major faiths.   Important Items: Agronomous
Rituals: Updating the Agronmous
Celebrated Locales: Worldwide   Optional Rules:
  • Crops harvested on Trellis Day last twice as long as normal.


22nd of Bloodstone   Tribute is a day honoring the Covenant and celebrating dragons held across the entirety of Erimata. Dragons take flight across the continent, stopping in settlements and spending time with the citizens of their great land, and in exchange, the people throw them parties and offer gifts. It is a day of honesty and cooperation, sharing in the needs of the Covenant.   Important Items: Tribute for Dragons
Rituals: The Dragon Flight
Celebrated Locales: Erimata, Dragons in other locales may honor Tribute   Optional Rules:
  • Dragons are more likely to respond positively to requests during Tribute.
  • Dragons are everywhere

Wanderlust Excursions

11th - 20th of Moonstone   A holiday observed mostly by halflings, the Wanderlust Excursions are a week-long period of embracing travel. Those who participate spend their time exploring a place they have never been, fully embracing wherever it is. The origins are linked to Temilian Sunrun, although no one remembers when it began. Followers of Temilianism believe they are closest to their god during this time.   Important Items: Walking stick
Rituals: Halflings wash their feet before entering any new place during the excursion as a sign of respect. They are encouraged to gift a story for every night of shelter given.
Celebrated Locales: Wherever wanderers end up   Optional Rules:
  • During the holiday, Halflings cannot get lost, and they always know which direction is home.
  • Likely to encounter many traveling halflings.

Holiday Quests

Blessing Gone Wrong. A ceremony goes wrong and something unexpected occurs, causing misfortune. The effects of the corruption must be reversed. (Magical mishaps, arcana and religion)   Cursed Gifts. Intentional or not, gifts meant for the celebration have been cursed. The source of the curse must be identified and cleansed. (Dark magic, )   Haunted Site. Restless spirits are haunting a site important to the holiday. Uncover the origins of the spirits and put them to rest. (Undead, )   Holiday Champion. A competition or series of trials is being held to determine a champion. (Physical contests, riddles, puzzles, or other competitive events)   Lost Artifact. An item linked to the holiday has been lost for centuries and recently discovered in a dangerous location. (Dungeon crawl, history)   Mischievous Trickster. A rambunctious fey or devil is causing havoc to disrupt the holiday during preparations. Stop the menace before it can ruin the holiday. (Enchanted objects, illusions, chaos)   Missing Guests. Important figures for the holiday have vanished or have yet to arrive. Find and rescue the people before it is too late. (Tracking, kidnapping, dangerous terrain)   Mysterious Weather. Something or someone is tampering with the weather disrupting the upcoming festivities. Discover the source of the disruption and put it to rest. (Elementals, investigation, survival, weather-related obstacles)   Rival Factions. Different groups want to celebrate in their own ways, threatening to ruin celebrations. Figure out the reason for the fighting and ease tensions to enjoy the holiday. (Diplomacy, insight, )   Sabotaged Festival. Someone is causing accidents and disrupting preparations for the holiday. Identify the saboteur and catch them in the act. (Traps, tracking, suspects, investigation)  





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