Lilith the Cruel in Dromaria | World Anvil

Lilith the Cruel

  Lilith the Cruel Roll Initiative
Medium Fiend (Demon), Neutral Evil
Armor Class (natural armor)
Hit Points 272 (32d8 + 128)
Speed 60 ft., fly 120 ft.


Saving Throws DEX +11, CON +12, CHA +16
Skills Deception +16, Insight +12, Perception +12, Persuasion +24, Stealth +11
Damage Resistances Cold, Lightning; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Fire, Poison
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned
Senses Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 22
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Telepathy 60 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +8 Challenge 25
Magic Resistance. Lilith has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.   Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Lilith fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.   Magic Weapons. Lilith’s weapon attacks are magical.   Charm Aura. Creatures Lilith can see within 30 feet of her must succeed on a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed for 1 day. The charmed targets obey Lilith’s verbal or telepathic commands. If the targets suffer any harm or receive a suicidal command, they can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If a target successfully saves against the effect, or if the effect on it ends, the target is immune to Lilith's Charm Aura for the next 24 hours.   Telepathic Bond. Lilith ignores the range restriction on her telepathy when communicating with a creature she has charmed. The two don't even need to be on the same plane of existence.   Innate Spellcasting. Lilith’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 23). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:   At will: charm person, crown of madness, detect magic, dispel magic, dissonant whispers   3/day each: counterspell, darkness, dominate person, sanctuary, telekinesis, teleport

  1/day each: dominate monster, greater invisibility   Actions
Multiattack. Lilith makes two Claw attacks or four Eldritch Blasts. She can replace one Claw attack with a use of Spellcasting.   Claw. Melee Weapon Attack. +14 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 7 ( 1d6 + 6 ) slashing damage plus 12 ( 2d10 ) necrotic damage.   Eldritch Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +16 to hit, reach 120 ft., one target. Hit: 13 ( 1d10 + 8 ) force damage. When Lilith hits a creature with eldritch blast, she can push the creature up to 10 feet away from herself in a straight line.   Etherealness. Lilith magically enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa.     Bonus Actions
Shapechanger. Lilith transforms into a form that resembles a Medium Humanoid or back into her true form. Aside from her size, her statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed.     Reactions
Bitter Bond. As a reaction when Lilith takes damage, she can unleash a backlash on a creature she can see. The creature takes psychic damage equal to the amount of damage Lilith just received.     Legendary Actions
Lilith can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Lilith regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn.   Move (Costs 1 Action). Lilith moves up to half her speed without provoking opportunity attacks.   Eldritch Blast (Costs 1 Action). Lilith attacks with two bolts of her Eldritch Blast.   Alluring Gaze (Costs 2 Actions). Lilith targets a creature she can see with an alluring gaze. The creature must make a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw or become enraptured by her. If a creature fails it remains transfixed in its location and is considered restrained until the end of its next turn. This is a charm effect.


When the mortals arrived on Dromaria they brought the attention of various outside threats. Lead among them was the succubus, Lilith. The empress of deception and queen of seduction, Lilith the Cruel, is known for always being ten steps ahead, a mastermind of manipulation. It was Lilith’s curse that doomed mortal life cycles to burn out and it was her designs that brought on the great Demon War.   In her real form, she is a sexual temptress with maroon skin, vicious claws, long wings that flow like a cloak behind her, and horns that stand straight with a small curve at the tip. Whispers of temptation and desire follow in her wake. When assuming a mortal guise it is impossible to say what shape Lilith may take, hiding among the citizens of Dromaria.  


Lilith’s past is clouded in mystery, nearly impossible to discern truth from fiction. Folktales speak of an ancient grudge against the Krazier family that led her to Dromaria, hellbent on ravishing Hadim Krazier's legacy. When Polurn Krazier made her noble sacrifice for the cycle of life and death, it is said Lilith tainted it, creating the tiefling curse.   Over the millennia Lilith’s presence has been nothing more than rumors. Cults have dedicated themselves to the demon queen, rising and falling. Blame for wars, famines, and other disasters has been attributed to Lilith when her touch has been nowhere near. Her name is the whispered shadows of haunting secrets, fear, and lust.   In 6,064 DA Lilith meddled on Dromaria openly, ushering in the Demon War, the largest conflict the world has ever seen. Using a group called The Fist, Lilith undermined nations, giving rise to the Demon Lord Lucca and his generals. Lucca, the child of Hadim Krazier, conquered the nation of Thorn and broke its capital. Battles touched every shore. In the aftermath, with Lucca defeated and most demons slain, Lilith was nowhere to be seen.   It is unknown exactly where Lilith is or what she has been up to in the years since. However, warlocks preaching her name and showing fearsome new powers have begun to creep into the fringes of society.  


Lilith is a smart and cunning opponent, rarely caught unaware. She fights battles that she is positive she will win and avoids all other conflicts. Using her shape-changing abilities, Lilith is rarely seen in her true form, blending in wherever she wishes. She will seduce or dominate anyone nearby that she desires, using them as bodyguards and killers.   Given the chance Lilith will turn groups against one another, never getting involved herself. Once conflict has escalated she will slink off to continue her devious plots. If anyone hunts Lilith she will inevitably have traps set, and pawns ready to warn her of threats. Should methods be deployed that prevent her escape, Lilith will focus on the source of the hindrance with all her attention. She is a demon and has many methods of returning should she be defeated, but she is patient, cold, and merciless, and will plot her vengeance, hunting opposition until the end of their days.  

Roleplaying Lilith the Cruel

Personality Trait. "I am a being of my own agenda and enjoy myself fully."
Ideal. "Servitude. It is your place to be beneath my heel."
Bond. "My demons must be freed to sow their chaos, and I will be at their head."
Flaw. "I am the most important one and no others will ever match up."

Skin Color
Left side broken, straight

The Abyss
Current Residence
Patron Of
Sisters of the Demonic Pact
"It has taken the whole of our strength, the will of our people and our nation to rebuild in the aftermath of the Demon War. Our great capital was annihilated by the mechanization and cruelty of Lilith.   In the years to come, under my honored command, we will seek out the demoness and bring her to justice. I am ashamed to admit that I too was taken in by her guile, poised to help, but useless all the same. My hand held the blade that let her free.   We will use what we know of her, the lies, the plots, and the people she violated to find her. Our work begins with the remnants of The Fist. Our city has had the chance to mourn, we will resume our crusade against the enemy."  
~ Heirophant Marcel Fischer

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