Chapter Five: Gazetteer

A World to Explore

This chapter introduces the continents and oceans of Dromaria, detailing their geography, history, and notable features within their boundaries. It includes an overview of distinctive landmarks, ranging from the shattered summit of Emperor's Peak to the storm-lashed coastlines of the Gyre Ocean. Prepare to embark on a journey of exploration!  

Lands of Dromaria

“I have walked this world for ages and in that time I have battled titans and gazed upon splendor, trembled within dark wilderness and soared above the loftiest peaks. Even so, I have only begun to scratch the surface that is the wonder of this place.”

~ Temilian Sunrun
“The Compass to Her Heart: Prologue”
Southern Tritos Dominion
  The south region of the Tritos Dominion has been laid out in this book in full, with each landmark, city, and person given life. To prevent that information from becoming overwhelming here each part can be found on their own individual pages. Each city contains maps, current events, and detailed NPCs to help run the game.
Extra Information
  There is a lot of information to present on the continents, countries, and other features of the world. Each continent section on this page has additional information that may be found by following its title link. Within the continent pages you will find links to every country and nation of the world as well.


A frozen and deadly frontier shrouded in mystery, Ebon is an uninhabitable arctic wasteland filled with ancient evils, societal outcasts, and otherworldly abominations. A land where mortals succumb to brutal cold or become food for tyrants and monsters, very few people have braved the chilly continent and even fewer have returned to tell their terrifying stories. Mortals are not welcome on Ebon, and every inch of the continent exists to remind those souls who would trespass.  


Ebon is a continent so cold that plant and animal life cannot grow there; the inhabitants of the land resort to using one another as the primary food source. Seemingly absent of any true landmarks, Ebon is an open wasteland of frozen fields and bottomless icy crevasses.  


The heart of evil on Dromaria, Ebon was the home and seat of power for the god Ishkul and the ancient terror Ignatius the Cold. These two exiled Upiryrials combined their might to create an army of frozen monsters. Reinforced by the dragons fleeing the mainlands and the Covenant, the duo launched a campaign against the world, plunging it into an ice age, forever known as the Age of Horror.   Only twice in Dromaria's history has there been records of mortals walking Ebon: the tritons who planted the Worldtree deep in the seas beneath the mainland, were the first to glimpse the coming horrors from the wastes. The second instance was the great ride on Ebon, where Lothor and Asir fell while defeating the sinister duo. Mortals have avoided the frozen land since, with the dragons who rebel against the Covenant and monstrous remnants from ages past making up the majority of the population.
Ignatius the Cold
  As time has passed, the lore surrounding both Ishkul and Ignatius has grown. While Ishkul is often portrayed as a deity, Ignatius stands in stark contrast, remembered merely as a man who broke the world. Referenced in Lothoren and Summertide religious texts, history paints him as a conqueror, tyrant, and villain. With his death, the world began its slow return to a natural state, gradually erasing the icy scars he had left behind. Forever associated with Ebon, it's said that in the remote reaches of Mortéglace, one can still hear his screams emanating from the icy crevasses.
Natural Landmarks
  Ebon has never been accurately mapped and lacks marked natural landmarks. However, it is known that far beneath the surface, in the oceanic depths, a Worldtree was planted during the earliest days of the Ancestors' arrival.


Erimata is a sprawling continent east of Leng, encircled by the Drakefire, Sterling, and Gyre Oceans. Known for its longstanding peace and security, Erimata has largely been conflict-free, particularly since the signing of the Covenant. Overseen and ruled by dragons, this land is the homeland of the Malkari, although every race on Dromaria can be found there.  


Erimata is a land of contrasting landscapes, each more intriguing than the last. The southeast is dominated by the world's largest desert, while a massive mountain range looms in the southwest, cradling the enormous city of Tao. The central region is a fertile stretch of grasslands and farms, flanked by plateaus on the west and a combination of lakes and pine forests to the east. The northern territories diverge in climate; the east is cooler and drier, whereas the west hosts Emperor's Peak and the planet's largest lake.  


Erimata is colloquially known as the "Land of Dragons." Before the arrival of mortals, the world was entirely under dragon dominion, particularly the Primals. When the Covenant was established, dragons designated Erimata as their stronghold, with Emperor's Peak in Don Shou serving as the center of their governance. The land's customs and traditions have been entirely influenced by the ruling dragons.   During the dark period known as the Age of Horror, Ulric Lothor brokered the Dragon's Peace, an amendment to the Covenant. This allowed mortals to find sanctuary in Erimata as long as they adhered to dragon law. Since then, the land has been open to mortal settlement under the accord.   The stability of Erimata has been recently tested, when the Prophet Stroud wreaked havoc on Emperor's Peak, the dragon's capital. This act ignited global tensions and destabilized the continent, necessitating repeated intervention by the Sovereign Sage, a neutral mediator between dragons and mortals.
Erimata Base Map Image

Capital City: Emperor's Peak


Leng is a verdant continent situated southwest of Erimata, flanked by the Drakefire Ocean to the east and the Gyre Ocean to the west. Primarily inhabited by elves and elvenari, Leng has long enjoyed stability and unity. However, for the first time in millennia, it faces a period of political uncertainty. Governed by the Emperor and influential clans, the continent boasts a thriving economy and a citizenry deeply connected to their elven lineage.  


Leng is a picturesque realm of sprawling green plains and is home to the world's largest forest. The continent is divided into three territories, each one controlled by various clans. In the north is the Kerithal Territory. In the east, taking up the smallest amount of land, is the Laon Territory. Taking up the largest section of land without the Great Forest, is the Kuran Territory. While its natural beauty is unparalleled, the Rai Mountains separating Kuran Territory leaves a sense of constant peril while within view.  


Leng was one of the earliest lands settled by the elvenari, who found solace in its nature-rich expanse. When the Eshanan elves sought refuge after fleeing their home of Dendenwine, tensions escalated into a conflict known as the Muindor Disputes. This strife led to the deaths of key figures, including Elsinleyown Yam'hikir and her mother, the goddess Serithell, who with her last breath blessed the land in an attempt to mend the fractured nation.   The elvenari retreated into the Great Forest for a period but have since re-emerged, with some choosing to remain within the forest's bounds. Emperor Aenaryuu initiated his reign in the aftermath of this turbulent period. Though initially self-serving, he evolved into a committed ruler intent on elevating elven society. Following a pivotal battle with his sister, he divided Leng into three territories, each governed by a major clan responsible for different aspects of governance: the Masuta Clan for military, the Kotodama Clan for arcane matters, and the Kamihikari Clan for spirituality.   Emperor Aenaryuu, the oldest non-dragon ruler in the world, held his position for 1,934 years until his untimely demise in 2 UE, slain by the guardian Seveth Van Dem. This event has given rise to a new Emperor, Elroth, and ignited a fire of political unrest among the clans.

Leng Base Map Image



Dendenwine, once a lush forest continent, now exists as a perilous archipelago in the Sterling Ocean, situated between Pathriam and Erimata. Though treacherous, its warm climate and strategic location make it simultaneously a popular destination for Dromaria's elite and a haven for pirates. While nominally part of the Leng Empire, Dendenwine has a poignant history to the elves.  


Dendenwine features a tropical climate with warm waters and cool evening breezes. The area is fraught with navigational hazards, from treacherous tides to submerged rocky outcroppings. The archipelago's unique flora and fauna are increasingly endangered due to sport hunting and collecting, despite conservation efforts by Leng. The region experiences a typical summer-winter cycle, with milder winters.  


Initially envisioned as a sanctuary for Eshanan elves, Dendenwine became a cultural touchstone for all of Dromaria. However, its glory was short-lived. A destructive entity known as the Lecker ravaged the land, forcing the elves to abandon their homes. What remains are fragmented islands, the most prominent being Lainathia, a fortified resort city for the wealthy. The rest of the archipelago has become a refuge for pirates, particularly around Naga Cove.

Dendenwine Base Map Image

  No countries remain intact in Dendenwine. Lainathia serves as an exclusive resort for the affluent, while Naga Cove operates under its own set of rules, enforced by local guilds.


Mortéglace is an untamed land unconstrained by modern governance. Neither the Illumination's light nor the Covenant's influence has reached this perilous expanse. It is a place of unbridled freedom where only the fittest endure. Daily threats come from a harsh environment and menacing wildlife, including vicious monsters and giants. It attracts the bravest souls unburdened by societal norms, many of whom are dwarves of the Ander Clan lineage. Over the ages, they have carved a stronghold in the mountains, becoming the dominant people in the icy expanse.  


Comprising two distinct landmasses, Mortéglace lies in Dromaria's northern most reaches. It's bordered by the tempestuous Amber Ocean and the Bedlam, an underwater maelstrom that makes southern maritime routes impossible. The land is a blend of icy forests and imposing mountains where nature reigns supreme. Not under the Covenant's protection, it often becomes a battlefield between mortals and dragons.  


Originally settled by the Ander Clan dwarves, Mortéglace was their refuge from the overbearing authority of the Ancestors living in Zan'deil. They built Ander Hall and invited dwarves of the other Matron Clans to live freely on Mortéglace. However, the pull of warmer climates led most to decline, shattering a once-unified nation. Mortéglace has also been plagued by nightmarish monsters created by the god Ishkul. Through valor and ingenuity, the Anders contained these threats in the Ley Prisons, securing the land from the horrors.   In 6,071 DA, a calamitous event shattered the Ley Prisons, unleashing the imprisoned menaces back onto Mortéglace. Most notably, Maegoloth the Apex, known to the dwarves as Guth-Nas Bloodbane, has resumed his rule over the fire giants, casting a shadow of war on the horizon.

Mortéglace Base Map Image

  Mortéglace is its own sovereign entity, standing as both continent and country.  
Capital City: Ander Hall


Pathriam stands as Dromaria's most populous continent. Its landscape is as divided as its people, rife with both physical and ideological barriers. Though a fragile peace currently holds, the continent's history is fraught with internal strife and invasions, particularly following the devastating Demon War. A diverse array of powerful magic users and warriors imbue Pathriam with a dynamic tension, leaving it perpetually balanced between the promise of prosperity and the threat of conflict.  


Pathriam is a diverse continent encircled by multiple oceans: the Sterling Ocean to the west, the Amber Ocean to the north, the Drakefire Ocean to the south, and the Gyre Ocean to the east. At its core lies the sprawling Crystalcap Mountains, beneath which the Scorched Sea and its scattered islands are situated. The continent is a mosaic of various terrains, ecosystems, and biomes, each accommodating a wide range of inhabitants. From arid deserts to lush forests, Pathriam offers environments to suit any need. In the far southwest, the forest of Tempus Nova serves as a gateway to the Otherwyld.  


From the moment Ania staked its claim on this unsettled land, Pathriam has been in constant flux. A rotating cast of kings, queens, committees, and councils have redrawn the political map to meet their own needs or those of their people. Despite frequent internal conflict, the continent has a history of unity when faced with external threats, such as the Age of Horror and demonic invasions. This resilience has always enabled Pathriam to recover and rebuild, even if its morality often comes into question. The landmass is typically divided into the Eastlands and the Westlands, separated by the dwarven nation of Erindor.
Pathriam Base Map Image

Countries & Territories
      Pathriam is divided into three major sections. You may find more detailed information about these sections here:

The Eastlands

A land where the clank of armor and the chants of holy men fill the air, the Eastlands stand as a bastion of martial prowess and spiritual devotion. It's a place where ancient traditions hold fast, and arcane practices are viewed with suspicion. Amidst towering citadels and bustling marketplaces, the cities of Ania and Gnome's Landing serve as jewels in a crown of enduring legacy and unyielding commerce.  


Encircled by the Amber, Gyre, and Drakefire Oceans, the Eastlands are a complex mixture of natural wonder. The imposing Crystalcap Mountains and the nation of Erindor, separate the region from its western counterpart, giving way to dense pine forests and shimmering lakes in the north. The Blessed Fields, fertile lands in the northeast, promise abundant harvests. Central mineral-rich hills descend into arid landscapes, finally transitioning into lush deciduous forests in the south. Travelers beware the northern Bedlam, a swirling maelstrom of treacherous waters. The climate varies from the biting cold of the northern reaches to the mild warmth of the southern tip.  


Originally centered around the city of Ania, founded by the heroic Ulric Lothor, the Eastlands underwent several transformative eras. Following Lothor's noble sacrifice in the Age of Horror, and subsequent war with Thorn and Erindor, the territory became Sarros, a part of the Civil Kingdom that knew no end to internal strife. The era of the Tritos Dominion emerged when the dragons appointed the elf Caraconne Tritos as King. However, his demise in the recent Demon War has led to a schism, birthing the new nations of Frijring and Serawa, and leaving the lands awash in simmering tensions.

The Westlands

The Westlands are a teetering balance between optimistic prosperity and potential conflict, heavily influenced by its dominant nation, Thorn. The region's capital, New Blarek, serves as a reminder to the area's commitment to magical and technological advancement. Notably independent, the country of Bohdan stands aside, unbound by the Covenant that otherwise unifies the majority of society.  


The region was initially settled and then abandoned during the Age of Horror, thanks to the terror spread by the Aberhent Prince Ishkul. After his defeat, the Westlands were resettled, embroiled in centuries-long conflicts, especially with the city of Ania in The Eastlands across the Crystalcap Mountains. Amidst a scarcity of magical knowledge, the Arcane Collective founded the city of Blarek as a haven for arcane wisdom. As recently as 6,064 DA the area faced devastation during the Demon War, but has since been rebuilt by the Odelian Order, with Blarek rechristened as New Blarek.  


The Westlands boast a varied terrain, from arid plateaus and towering mountain ranges to fertile farmlands and mystical woods. The north features buttes and chilly pine forests, while the south warms up with hills, a small desert, and the expansive Tempus Nova forest that leads to the Otherwyld. The region is framed by the Sterling Ocean to the west and the Drakefire Ocean to the south, with the Scorched Sea off its inner southeastern coast. A diverse range of weather patterns reflect the area's varied geography, generally adhering to standard seasonal shifts.


Zan'deil is a land steeped in ageless mystery, the birthplace of Dromaria's first civilizations. Now, it serves as a home to barbarian clans and secretive elvenari societies. The continent also hosts Kalatearman, a sanctuary city for mankind, off-limits to dragons and ruled by the venerable One-Eyed King, Galvani Aldini. A place of paradox and oddities, the towns of Zan'deil evoke an unsettling sense of wonder, as if each one were a shadowy echo of stories best left untold.  


Once the battleground of a war against dragons, Zan'deil's landscape is dotted with forgotten relics and primeval histories. The recent resurgence of the ancestral guardian, Seveth Van Dem, has reignited interest in this old land. Kalatearman, originally a vessel for the first settlers, has evolved into a fortified city under the eternal watch of Galvani, safeguarded by advanced machinery and a massive wall known as the King's Bulwark.   Much of the history of Zan'deil has been collected and disseminated, used as the basis for religions and coveted by those seeking the Path of the Ancestors.  


Located in southern Dromaria, Zan'deil is an untamed island continent with diverse landscapes. From arid plains and towering mountains to dense jungles, the land experiences extreme weather patterns: sweltering summers, flood-prone springs, and harsh winters. Plant and animal life that no longer exist are said to still be found thriving on Zan'deil largely at the expense of the land's struggling citizens.
Zan'deil Base Map Image

  Zan'deil is a continent with two regions that could be considered official territories. The remainder of the land is under no formal rule.  

Waters of Dromaria

This section provides a detailed overview of Dromaria's oceans, including the Scorched Sea. It explores the geography, history, industry, and inhabitants of each aquatic region. These bodies of water display a wide range of climates and conditions, each presenting unique challenges.

Temp Image Bodies of Water

Stormskipper Crossing the Bedlam

  Recently, in pivotal events related to the oceans, the tritons have emerged on the surface after millennia of seclusion. As a playable race in Dromaria, tritons are featured in Chapter Six: Player Resources. The city of Flotsodom has recently docked in the country of Frijring, and the returning tritons have been hailed as heroes.

Temp Triton Art

Frijring celebrates the tritons.


Amber Ocean

Situated in northeastern Dromaria, the Amber Ocean extends from the continent of Pathriam to the icy shores of Mortéglace. The ocean is infamous for the Bedlam, a permanent, miles-long whirlpool at its core, south of Mortéglace and north of Pathriam. Along its north-west most boundary, the Amber Ocean meets the towering mountain range of Erindor. The ocean's most distinctive feature is its amber reef, a vibrant golden barrier that protects the mountains from the ocean's surging tides.


North of the continent of Pathriam, the ocean stretches up to the southern shores of Mortéglace. The climate ranges from moderate warmth on the western coasts in the summer, to brutal storms across the whole of the ocean in the winter. Where the Amber Ocean meets the Gyre Ocean there is a turbulent whirlpool called The Bedlam that diverts most life from the area.  


Though largely unexplored due to its treacherous conditions, the Amber Ocean has long served as a natural barrier between the continents it borders. Oral histories suggest that many have perished attempting to conquer its turbulent waters, reinforcing its menacing reputation. The amber reef is thought to be as old as the waters themselves, a natural marvel that has withstood the test of time.


The Amber Ocean is largely devoid of commercial activities due to its hazardous nature. However, the Thorn Territory has managed to harness its beauty for tourism, offering boat tours to those daring enough to glimpse the ocean's golden hues.


The inhospitable conditions of the Amber Ocean make it largely uninhabited by people. However, various species of resilient marine life have adapted to its extreme conditions, their details largely unknown due to the ocean's perilous nature.

Drakefire Ocean

The Drakefire Ocean is a warm, clear, and shallow body of water situated centrally in Dromaria, primarily between the continents of Erimata, Pathriam, and Zan'deil. Renowned for its less menacing sea life and frequent water travel, it also poses threats through violent seasonal storms that frequently ravage its south and northwestern shores.


Located centrally, the Drakefire Ocean is bordered by three main continents: Erimata, Pathriam, and Zan'deil. Its shallowness is attributed to elevated underwater land formations, a phenomenon speculated to be influenced by the primal dragons around Erimata. The ocean's waters are so clear that one can easily glimpse its underwater world. It connects to the Sterling Ocean at its northernmost point between Erimata and Pathriam's Westlands.  


The Drakefire Ocean is unique for its shallowness, a characteristic many attribute to the presence of primal dragons in nearby Erimata. Its less threatening fauna and clear waters have made it a popular route for seafarers, except in areas near Zan'deil where lawless dragons and pirates roam. Two of the most violent naval battles in Dromarian history have taken place within the Drakefire. The first occurred between Innex, now the Tritos Dominion, and the marauders known as the Kraken's Fist in 4,050 DA, marking the end of King Leo IV's reign when he died at sea. The second was a much longer and bloodier affair between 4,500 and 5,670 DA during the reign of the Mustella family over Ania. For almost 200 years they waged war against a dragon known as the Burnished Baron living on eastern Zan'deil. What began as a territorial conflict escalated to personal vendetta, leading to eight generations of Mustella kings before the Scaled Assembly intervened, killing the ruler themselves and installing their own king, Caraconne Tritos.


As the main trade artery between Leng, Undai, and the Esh Republic, the Drakefire Ocean sees considerable maritime activity. Water travel here is considered safer, especially in the northern currents and near its confluence with the Sterling Ocean. However, this safety diminishes as one moves farther towards Dendenwine, where piracy becomes a significant concern, necessitating a strong military presence held by Thorn.  


The Drakefire Ocean is home to a diverse array of shallow-water creatures and amphibians, as well as mortal communities and pirates. Its seas are less menacing near its northern shores due to the high number of Covenant-aligned dragons in the region, particularly around Undai and the Esh Republic. The closer to Zan'deil one gets the more likely they are to come across dragons who hold no allegiance to anyone but themselves, and risk the eternal rivalry of the Burnished Baron and Kish the Mad.


Gyre Ocean

The Gyre Ocean is a vast, chilly, and rainy expanse of water that spans both north and southwestern Dromaria. Known for its dark depths, it houses the singular underwater world tree beneath the continent of Ebon. While the ocean offers beauty and allure, it also presents deadly risks due to the menacing creatures that inhabit the icy lands above its northern reaches.


Stretching across a considerable portion of western Dromaria, the Gyre Ocean is the world's largest ocean. Its climate features a mix of cold, rainy weather and occasional extreme conditions such as storms. The ocean is divided into various regions, with the northern areas being particularly perilous due to the harsh climate and dangerous creatures. Its most unique feature is the world tree Ebon, which resides underwater at the ocean's southernmost point under the continent of the same name.  


The Gyre Ocean holds a unique place in Dromarian history, primarily because of Ebon, the world tree. World trees in Dromaria connect the realm to the elemental planes and were planted to allow mortals to coexist with dragons. Ebon's underwater location was the result of a perilous quest by the god Peruvus, making it the only world tree beneath the sea.


In stark contrast to its quieter northern confluence with the Amber Ocean, the southern regions of the Gyre Ocean bustle with activity. Numerous coastal cities flourish along its shores, with numerous maritime routes that are guarded and regularly traveled. Nevertheless, the areas surrounding Ebon and the hazardous southern continent remain largely uncharted due to the risks they pose.


While the icy southern most reaches are dominated by dragons and unknown menacing monsters, the more temperate central and northern areas are inhabited by various races, including embers and Tritons. These regions offer a stark contrast to the uninhabited, dangerous southern areas, boasting thriving communities and bustling coastal cities.

Scorched Sea

The Scorched Sea is a large body of water in the large area beneath Erindor, marked by its scalding temperatures and calm conditions. Created by the cataclysmic destruction of the Essence Forge, this sea serves as a crucial trade route between the eastern and western regions of Pathriam and as a naval base for Frijring. Specialized ships called Bargos are required to navigate its hazardous waters.


Administered by Erindor, the sea is bordered to the north by the Crystalcap Mountains, which create a natural barrier that keeps the waters generally calm. A chain of islands punctuates the central area, offering navigational challenges and temporary refuge. To the east, the sea meets the Tritos Dominion and Frijring; to the west, it's bordered by Graetis, Thorn, and Belwin, with the latter's coastline featuring imposing cliffs.   The Blighted Cove, a poisonous area devoid of marine life, is situated along the Belwin coastline and is believed to be caused by an unexplored underwater reef. Adding to the sea's hazardous geography is its northeastern quadrant, which remains in a perpetual state of combustion due to the destroyed Essence Forge far below its surface.  


Originally known as the Gulf of Erindor, the Scorched Sea underwent a dramatic transformation during the Age of Horror when a monster called the Konoclast destroyed the Undain Clan's Essence Forge. This cataclysmic event not only obliterated a significant portion of dwarven history but also set a roughly 100-mile radius of the sea into perpetual boiling.   The underwater depths are a chaotic mix of collapsed mountain ranges, dwarven ruins, and the remnants of countless ships that have met their end. Over time, these conditions have rendered the Scorched Sea a hotspot for military conflict and piracy. During the initial conflicts in the region Thorn openly supported mercenaries to control the central islands, leading to the establishment of Trayo, a town often mislabeled as a pirate haven but in reality serves as a crucial stopover point.   About 300 years ago, the dwarves opened the Calendar Exchange, a large bank located on the shores within the inner ring of the Crystalcap Mountains. This has become the most frequented stop in the area, particularly for ships from the Westlands. For centuries, the Tritos Dominion's powerful navy dominated the eastern waters until Frijring seceded and commandeered the fleet. This transition has recently led Trayo to seek protection from Frijring, creating an alliance in the center of the sea.


Conditions have led to specialized industries. Shrimping is a mainstay for many coastal communities, while adventurous fishermen with specialized Bargos capture rare aquatic life in the sea's boiling region. Trade and transportation are also key, especially between the southern areas adjacent to the Drakefire Ocean. A thriving shipbuilding sector has emerged to produce vessels capable of navigating the sea's challenging waters.   The port town of Trayo is a major stop for travel between the Eastlands and the Westlands, boasting a large tavern and import business, as well as a strong guild presence from the Guilds of Tor. The Calendar Exchange, a financial hub, is situated within the inner ring of the Crystalcap Mountains and serves as a crucial economic center, particularly for the Westlands.  


The Scorched Sea's waters are rich with hardy aquatic species, including many unique forms of life that have adapted to its extreme conditions. While not densely populated, surrounding coastal areas and islands host a mix of permanent and transient residents. The port town of Trayo is a notable hub, often mistaken as a pirate haven but serving as a major stopover point with a significant guild presence from the Guilds of Tor.   Erindor maintains jurisdiction over the sea, with the dwarves of the Undain Clan playing a significant role in its governance. The sea also attracts various military presences, most notably from Frijring, which recently seceded and commandeered a fleet from the Tritos Dominion.

Sterling Ocean

The Sterling Ocean is a central body of water in Dromaria, encircling the fragmented continent of Dendenwine. Known for its calm seas and rocky landscapes, it has earned the monikers "the Shipwreck Isles" and "the Pirate Isles." Despite difficult navigation, its temperate waters and rich marine life make it a hub of adventure and commerce.


Positioned at the heart of Dromaria, the Sterling Ocean is bordered by the continents of Pathriam and Erimata, with its central feature being the crumbled kingdom of Dendenwine. The ocean is punctuated by jagged outcroppings, particularly near Dendenwine, making navigation in the areas hazardous, a point of pride for the local pirates who regularly travel through.  


Once a contiguous landmass, Dendenwine was shattered into smaller islands by an ancient evil known as the Lecker, prompting its elven inhabitants to largely abandon it. Only one heavily fortified elven city remains called Lainathia. Now, thousands of years later, the Sterling Ocean gained notoriety as a haven for pirates, particularly in Naga Cove, which serves as the stronghold for the organized Guilds of Naga Cove.


Inner trade routes are integral to the economies of the surrounding continents. However, the presence of pirates, especially around Dendenwine and the center of the ocean, adds a layer of complexity and danger to these passages. Consequently, there is a significant military presence near key trade points to safeguard commerce.  


The ocean teems with diverse marine life of all kinds, contributing to both its allure and its dangers. Mortal activity is mostly concentrated in the form of piracy, organized by the Guilds of Naga Cove. Their base, Naga Cove, is a secluded area within the inner islands of the ocean, difficult to access for those not in the know.

Articles under Chapter Five: Gazetteer

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