Chapter Eight: Spells & Treasure
Playtest content. This is draft material and subject to change.
Casting Time
1 Bonus Action

The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack during this spell’s duration, your weapon roars with an ear-splitting command, and the attack deals an extra 3d8 thunder damage to the target. Additionally, the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or follow a command on its next turn.
You may choose from the following commands:
Drop. The target drops whatever it is holding and then ends its turn.
Grovel. The target falls prone and then ends its turn.
Halt. The target doesn't move and takes no actions. A flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so. If it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance needed to remain in the air.
1 Action
20 ft.
You create precise explosive detonations beneath creatures, objects, or structures you can see. Each target you choose that is on a solid surface within the area must make a Dexterity saving throw or it takes 4d8 force damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. If a creature failed its saving throw, its speed is reduced by half until the end of its next turn.
*- (caltrops and a tinderbox)
*- (caltrops and a tinderbox)
1 Action
8 Hours
1 Action
1 Action
V,S,M *
V,S,M *
8 Hours
8 Hours
Upon casting this spell and entering a period of sleep or trance, your dreams become vivid and easily recalled. When you awaken, you remember every detail with striking clarity.
For the next 24 hours, you may add 1d6 to an Insight, History, or Religion check of your choice. This addition must be used before the next short rest or it is lost. The striking clarity of your dreams may also provide symbolic insights into challenges or quests you are facing; the specifics are at the GM's discretion.
*-(a pinch of sand and a feather)
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Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
1 Action
60 ft.
1 Action
1 Action
60 ft.
60 ft.
Designed to harness the unfettered core of magic, to use essence is a high-risk, high-reward gambit. Tampering with raw magic is exceptionally dangerous, yet undeniably potent. You channel essence to unleash a devastating surge of energy toward a creature within range. The targeted creature takes 3d8 force damage that cannot be resisted. You may choose to amplify the spell's power by spending one of your hit dice, thereby adding an additional 1d8 damage. However, if you do, you must make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 10 or half the damage dealt, whichever is higher). On a failed save, you suffer one level of exhaustion. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the base damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd. Additionally, you can choose to spend an extra hit die for each level above 3rd, with the same risk of exhaustion as detailed above.
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Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
1 Action
8 hours
60 ft.
1 Action
1 Action
60 ft.
60 ft.
Originally designed to protect crops from pests, Harvest Guard has found use in deterring small creatures from specific areas. When cast, choose a 10-foot cube within range. Small or tiny creatures entering or starting their turn in the cube must make a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened and move away. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success, and is immune to the effects of Harvest Guard for 24 hours.
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Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
Classes: Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard
1 Action
1 Action
1 Action
Devised to sidestep the laborious rituals traditionally required for forming magical bonds, Instant Attunement allows you to immediately connect with a touched magic item that requires attunement. Upon casting, you instantly attune to a magic item you are touching, provided you meet the item's attunement prerequisites. This spell does not bypass class, race, or level restrictions on attunement, nor does it allow you to exceed your maximum number of attuned items. Casting this spell on an item to which you or someone else is already attuned has no effect. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a 2nd-level spell slot or higher, you may choose to instantly unattune from one magic item you are currently attuned to, in addition to attuning to the new item.
*- (a golden key worth 50gp)
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Classes: Bard, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Classes: Bard, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
1 Minute
1 Minute
1 Minute
Designed to mitigate the unsettling features of undead servitude, Mortis Cloak offers a more palatable presentation for your skeletal or zombie minions. Upon casting, the spell grants a skeleton or zombie 10 temporary hit points and creates a thin magical layer around the creature. While this layer doesn't alter the creature's inherent nature, it mitigates the foul smell, disturbing appearance, and haunting sounds commonly associated with undead, covering them with a golden shimmer. Interactions with the affected undead become less unnerving, their presence emits a scent of mild fragrance, and they are rendered undetectable by spells or abilities that specifically target undead. *- (a piece of silk and a vial of fragrant oil)
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Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
Classes: Cleric, Warlock, Wizard
1 Minute
10 Minutes
25 ft. cube
1 Minute (R)
1 Minute (R)
25 ft. cube
25 ft. cube
V,S,M *
V,S,M *
10 Minutes
10 Minutes
Choose a 25-foot cube within sight and select a specific 10-minute time frame within the last 24 hours. An illusion appears within the chosen cube, replaying the events and sounds that occurred during the specified time. The illusion is translucent and can be viewed from all angles. Each area can only be subject to this spell once; subsequent attempts to cast this spell in the same location will yield garbled, incomprehensible illusions.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level the spell may go back up to 48 hours. When you cast the spell using a spell slot of 4th level the time period is up to one week, and a spell slot of 5th level up to one month.
*- (a shard of crystal and a dollop of ink)
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Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
1 Bonus Action

The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack during this spell’s duration, your weapon hisses with a vile miasma, and the attack deals an extra 4d6 necrotic damage to the target. Additionally, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or it deals only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength for up to 1 minute.
Until the spell ends, you can drain energy from the target. As an action you may deal 4d6 necrotic damage and regain hit points equal to half the amount of necrotic damage dealt.
At the end of each of the target's turns, it can make a Constitution saving throw against the spell. On a success, the spell ends.
1 Action
1 Action
1 Action
Created by the Arcane Collective and most commonly known as "The Gist," this cantrip facilitates the quick sharing of summarized information. With a touch and a spoken phrase, you can quickly catch a willing creature up on a specific topic or experience you've had. Upon casting, select a piece of information or experience you wish to share. The target gains an immediate, summarized understanding of this information as if they had been briefly filled in. The spell is limited to transferring objective details and facts; it cannot convey emotions, intentions, or subjective interpretations.
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Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Magic Items
Magic intertwines with daily life in many places. Enchanted goods offer more than wealth or weapons, becoming an integral part of existence for most people. The magical items of Dromaria are crafted with the intent to enrich and simplify life. These innovations range from the mundane to the magnificent, providing solutions for elemental needs like heating, water, and power, to innovating in areas of transportation and academia, drastically reducing the effort and time needed for tasks.
However, not all creations are born of benevolence. Among the myriad of magical treasures are relics of profound power, left behind by the Ancestors. Some bear souls, lingering in the physical realm, imparting their objects with immense arcane potential. Others remain hidden, lost to time or hoarded away. This chapter contains such magical items and relics, found across the world.
Inside of Serpent's Treasures
Sentient Items
Sentient items are those that possess awareness, and in some cases, personalities and wills of their own. These items can communicate with their wielders, offering advice, warnings, or even commands. The creation of such items often involves complex rituals and extreme arcane knowledge, or occasionally, through an act so intense that a soul becomes Tethered to an object, retaining a fragment of its consciousness.
Any intelligent items found on Dromaria will have their necessary stats provided, including personality and motives. If you intend to use a sentient item it is important to think of what can occur. Always consider the implications of a player losing control of their character, even temporarily.
If you, as a GM, decide to create or use sentient items in your campaign, you may refer to the charts provided in Chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. These charts will guide you in determining the item's characteristics, from its communication capabilities to its alignment, providing a framework for how these items interact with the world and their users.
Beast Scent
Potion, uncommon
An oily grey ointment that, when applied, causes nearby animals to perceive you as one of their own species. While this doesn't guarantee they will be friendly, it highly reduces their concern about your presence. You have advantage on ability checks when interacting with beasts for 1 hour.
Potion, uncommon
An oily grey ointment that, when applied, causes nearby animals to perceive you as one of their own species. While this doesn't guarantee they will be friendly, it highly reduces their concern about your presence. You have advantage on ability checks when interacting with beasts for 1 hour.
Boots of Sturdy Footing
Wondrous Item, rare
This pair of boots is made from supple leather with soles made of steel, allowing the wearer to walk unobstructed and safe from harm. Upon speaking the command word, their magic grants you the ability to traverse any area as though it were solid ground. This includes magically altered or naturally difficult terrain, as well as cross small gaps in space, as long as they are within your movement, such as a trapped pit or the distance between rooftops. This protective magic functions only while the wearer is in motion. The effects of the boots last for up to 1 minute and recharge at dawn.
Wondrous Item, rare
This pair of boots is made from supple leather with soles made of steel, allowing the wearer to walk unobstructed and safe from harm. Upon speaking the command word, their magic grants you the ability to traverse any area as though it were solid ground. This includes magically altered or naturally difficult terrain, as well as cross small gaps in space, as long as they are within your movement, such as a trapped pit or the distance between rooftops. This protective magic functions only while the wearer is in motion. The effects of the boots last for up to 1 minute and recharge at dawn.
Cord of Retribution
Weapon (whip), legendary (requires attunement)
A whip crafted from the searing sinews of a dragon, adorned with scales embedded into its ever-bleeding surface, creating vicious spikes. The fearsome appearance masks its surprising length and formidable strength. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this whip. This whip has a reach of 20 ft. While attuned to this whip, you have resistance to fire damage and advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. Burning. When you hit a creature with the Cord of Retribution, it inflicts an additional 1d6 fire damage. Bleed. On a critical hit, the target must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 slashing damage at the start of each of its turns. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Stun. On a successful hit, the target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn. Curse. Once attuned, the whip cannot be unattuned unless a remove curse spell is cast on it. Drawback. A fragment of Lucca's hatred lingers within the whip. You are compelled to use the Cord of Retribution against dragons. When in the presence of a being with draconic blood you must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw, upon a failure you launch into a frenzy, spending all movement and actions in an effort to kill the creature. This effect will not subside until the draconic presence is dead or you are.
Weapon (whip), legendary (requires attunement)
A whip crafted from the searing sinews of a dragon, adorned with scales embedded into its ever-bleeding surface, creating vicious spikes. The fearsome appearance masks its surprising length and formidable strength. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this whip. This whip has a reach of 20 ft. While attuned to this whip, you have resistance to fire damage and advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. Burning. When you hit a creature with the Cord of Retribution, it inflicts an additional 1d6 fire damage. Bleed. On a critical hit, the target must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 2d6 slashing damage at the start of each of its turns. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. Stun. On a successful hit, the target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn. Curse. Once attuned, the whip cannot be unattuned unless a remove curse spell is cast on it. Drawback. A fragment of Lucca's hatred lingers within the whip. You are compelled to use the Cord of Retribution against dragons. When in the presence of a being with draconic blood you must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw, upon a failure you launch into a frenzy, spending all movement and actions in an effort to kill the creature. This effect will not subside until the draconic presence is dead or you are.
Crown of Regalia
Wondrous Item, rare
While wearing this crown, the user is perpetually under the illusion of appearing tidy and dressed in noble finery, regardless of their actual attire. The illusion changes daily, granting the wearer the appearance of an abundant wardrobe with a variety of tasteful and stylish outfits. While wearing the Crown of Regalia, the wearer has advantage on Charisma (Deception) ability checks.
Wondrous Item, rare
While wearing this crown, the user is perpetually under the illusion of appearing tidy and dressed in noble finery, regardless of their actual attire. The illusion changes daily, granting the wearer the appearance of an abundant wardrobe with a variety of tasteful and stylish outfits. While wearing the Crown of Regalia, the wearer has advantage on Charisma (Deception) ability checks.
Deft Touch
Wondrous Item, rare
Deft Touch is an unbreakable lock pick endowed with a subtle magic. When used by a rogue, it grants a +1 bonus to thieves' tools checks related to opening locks. This finely crafted tool, resembling a key to the untrained eye, reveals its true form only to those familiar with Thieves' Cant.
Wondrous Item, rare
Deft Touch is an unbreakable lock pick endowed with a subtle magic. When used by a rogue, it grants a +1 bonus to thieves' tools checks related to opening locks. This finely crafted tool, resembling a key to the untrained eye, reveals its true form only to those familiar with Thieves' Cant.
Dragon Heart Vault - Riot
Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement - special)
Once a rebellious copper dragon named Hunru Nunrunflothukin, "Riot" harbors a deep-seated loathing for its current state of existence. Isolated within the vault, Riot's interactions with the outside world are rare, fueling a burning desire to wreak havoc and incite chaos whenever the opportunity arises. Originally a fervent supporter of Rodgort, Riot's inclination towards destruction and disorder has only intensified over time. This malevolent spirit bestows upon its wielder the power to sow discord wherever they go. Personality Trait: "Enabler"
Aligning with Riot is to embrace destruction. If you gain Riot's favor, it's a sign that you share its destructive tendencies. Initially, Riot may direct its wrath against Covenant-following dragons, but as the wielder's bond with Riot strengthens, its targets may diversify. The spirit will encourage every intrusive thought that occurs, always inspiring anarchy.
All decisions about Riot's attitude toward you and what conditions you have met is up to your GM. You may gain access to the following abilities after meeting Riot's conditions:
Each vault offers additional, specific benefits and drawbacks, reflecting the nature and history of the contained dragon spirit. These are listed in each individual Dragon Heart Vault statblock.
Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement - special)
Once a rebellious copper dragon named Hunru Nunrunflothukin, "Riot" harbors a deep-seated loathing for its current state of existence. Isolated within the vault, Riot's interactions with the outside world are rare, fueling a burning desire to wreak havoc and incite chaos whenever the opportunity arises. Originally a fervent supporter of Rodgort, Riot's inclination towards destruction and disorder has only intensified over time. This malevolent spirit bestows upon its wielder the power to sow discord wherever they go. Personality Trait: "Enabler"
Aligning with Riot is to embrace destruction. If you gain Riot's favor, it's a sign that you share its destructive tendencies. Initially, Riot may direct its wrath against Covenant-following dragons, but as the wielder's bond with Riot strengthens, its targets may diversify. The spirit will encourage every intrusive thought that occurs, always inspiring anarchy.
Unlocking Riot’s Vault
The vault's interior is a labyrinth of tiny concealed passages and magical doors, with each door at a passage junction capable of reshaping itself to open or close at Riot's command. To access Riot’s heart, one must navigate three secret doors. Discovering each door requires a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check. Unlocking a door needs a DC 25 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tools) check. Failure causes the vault to shift, increasing the DC for all subsequent checks by +2. All three locks are required to unlock in succession, and the vault resets its base DC after one week.Riot's Curse
An initial DC 18 Charisma saving throw is required when first attuning to the vault and additionally anytime you use an ability of the heart that requires an action. When you are cursed the dragon spirit can use the following abilities:- Command: Riot. The spirit may command its wielder using the word "riot," requiring a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw to resist. If you fail, on your next turn, as your action, you must destroy an object or attack someone nearby, whichever you judge most likely to cause a riot. The spirit may use this abiltity anytime you speak to a new person for the first time.
- Taunting Vision. Riot manifests as a spectral version of itself that follows you, visible only to them and other dragons. The extent of its interaction and visibility depends on Riot's attitude towards you.
- Dragon Frenzy. When a dragon sees Riot, it is possible they enter a rage, attacking without care until either they or the bearer of the Dragon Heart Vault is defeated. Any dragion who sees Riot must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or attack you. The dragon may repeat this save at the end of its turn. If a dragon's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the dragon is immune to the frenzy for the next 24 hours. Riot may choose to remain unseen unless it serves a broader scheme of chaos.
Beneficial Properties
The vault's powers are closely tied to the dragon's disposition towards you and your alignment with its goals. The more aligned your objectives with Riot's, the more abilities you unlock, benefiting both parties involved. Some of the vault's abilities are conditional, requiring completion of tasks aligned with Riot’s desires. The following benefits apply upon attunement:- Any spell cast with the Dragon Heart Vault as a spell focus deals double damage to objects and structures.
- You have resistance to acid damage.
- Frightful Presence. Each creature of your choice that is within 120 feet of you and aware of your presence must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to your Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
- Condition: Sacrifice a person to a dragon.
- Flight & Blindsight. You gain a fly speed of 40 ft and Blindsight of 60 ft.
- Condition: Destroy a Covenant facility such as a church or school of magic.
- Acid Immunity & Slow. You are immune to acid damage and you can cast the Slow spell once per day, DC 18 Wisdom saving throw.
- Condition: Betray your closest companion in a dramatic fashion.
Dragon Heart Vaults
Dragon Heart Vaults are a cursed fusion of arcane artistry and perfected mechanical craftsmanship. Each vault appears different, a mystery locked inside a metal riddle with a crystalized dragon heart beating at its center. Dona Aldini's inventive genius is evident in the vault's design, intricate and tailored to the spirit it guards. The runes that spread across their surface are the keys to dangerous secrets, glowing from the crystal within. The origins go back to the first war between the Ancestors and the dragons. Crafted as a deceptive masterpiece, the vault was part of a cunning stratagem devised by Lucca Krazier and the god of invention, Dona. Presented as a temple of peace to the dragons, it was, in truth, a fatal snare, designed to sever the dragons from their souls and hearts. The magic of the devices contained and controlled the fury of the dragon hearts. These artifacts dealt crippling blows to dragonkind and forced negotiations that would directly lead to the Covenant. Over the centuries, the vaults scattered across the world, becoming objects of legend and desire. The Sovereign Sage was given the task of safeguarding the crystal hearts, ensuring their power remained contained, and treated with the respect dragons deserve. Yet, such artifacts of power have a way of surfacing in the hands of those who seek them, always challenging the balance of power. Today, clerics and paladins of the Covenant actively hunt those who dare to recreate such potent magic. The existing vaults stand as solemn reminders of the past, symbols of loss, reverence, and the eternal tension between creation and destruction. As time has unfolded, each Dragon Heart Vault has been given a name, meant to characterize the dragon spirit within. The known vaults are called: Brawn, Edict, Flare, Hail, Halo, Spite, Trauma, Riot, Lucid, and Wink. While the whereabouts of the vaults are meant to remain secret, a few have surfaced in recent history, revealing their ongoing influence in the world's affairs. Known to have played a crucial role in the battle at Emperor's Peak, Flare, under the stewardship of Osveta Kaznovati, Chosen of Matunas, has become a focal point of attention among the dragons. Despite her connection to the Covenant church, Osveta's bond with Flare has led to a mix of suspicion and intrigue among the draconic community. Held by Malik Kincaid, the Sovereign Sage, Brawn's vault has been tied to the affairs of Emperor's Peak. Yami, a young black dragon and Malik's companion, leverages his vault for political gain, a situation that is causing tension in dragon-human relations. Notoriously missing since its disappearance from Emperor’s Peak, the absence of Riot's vault continues to cast a long shadow. Current speculation is all about its potential use.Attunement & Benefits
Attunement to a Dragon Heart Vault is an intricate process that changes based on each individual dragon spirit. Once attuned all Dragon Heart Vaults grant the following traits:- You can speak, read, and write Draconic.
- You are immune to a dragon's Frightful Presence.
- The Dragon Heart Vault can be used as a spell focus.
- You can see a subtle glow around any dragons within sight, revealing them even when shapeshifted.
If the wielder lacks sufficient willpower, the dragon within may seize control of the vessel, using it to act as it did while it lived. Each vault is cursed in a different way. Over time the dragons have changed the vaults in specific ways, each one unique, overriding the original enchantments of the device. Only the mechanical engineering of Dona has kept the hearts inside. Once you attune to this cursed artifact, you can’t unattune to it unless you are targeted by the Remove Curse spell or similar magic. While using the Dragon Heart Vault, you risk continuing to be cursed, whenever the dragon spirit has an opportunity to do so.Destroying a Heart
Destroying a Dragon Heart Vault is deemed a grave offense by Covenant related dragon communities, and it's typically advised to report such matters to the Arcane Collective rather than taking action independently. The only known method to effectively destroy a Heart is through the breath weapon of a primal dragon, once the vault is open and the Heart is vulnerable. Doing so leads to the primal dragon's own demise, making it an exceptionally unlikely sacrifice. The closest known instance is when Osveta Kaznovati replaced her own heart with that of Flare's, destroying the spirit's vault in the process.Fit-Nit Halo
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement for full function)
The Fitnit Halo is a masterfully crafted item designed for mental protection, taking the form of a sleek, metallic halo. Its installation, requiring a skilled healer or artificer, is swift and minimally invasive, taking one hour. Once secured, the item can be attuned to the wearer, allowing them to activate or deactivate its protective features at will. Removing the device requires a reversal of the process. While attuned, the Fitnit Halo serves as a potent barrier against telepathic intrusions. When active it blocks the Sending spell and the full effects of the Detect Thoughts spell, as well as any form of telepathic communication. When installed but not attuned, the Fitnit Halo still provides baseline protection by preventing the message spell and the ability to read surface thoughts from Detect Thoughts. Made by Equinox Industries, and branded with their eclipse logo, the average cost for obtaining and installing the Fitnit Halo is typically 500 gp.
Wondrous Item, uncommon (requires attunement for full function)
The Fitnit Halo is a masterfully crafted item designed for mental protection, taking the form of a sleek, metallic halo. Its installation, requiring a skilled healer or artificer, is swift and minimally invasive, taking one hour. Once secured, the item can be attuned to the wearer, allowing them to activate or deactivate its protective features at will. Removing the device requires a reversal of the process. While attuned, the Fitnit Halo serves as a potent barrier against telepathic intrusions. When active it blocks the Sending spell and the full effects of the Detect Thoughts spell, as well as any form of telepathic communication. When installed but not attuned, the Fitnit Halo still provides baseline protection by preventing the message spell and the ability to read surface thoughts from Detect Thoughts. Made by Equinox Industries, and branded with their eclipse logo, the average cost for obtaining and installing the Fitnit Halo is typically 500 gp.
“Protecting the mind is good for the soul. Complete privacy when you need it most.”~ Chairman Kail Gnox
Equinox Industries
Wondrous Item, common
Flashdarts are a small bag of enchanted powder that functions as an emergency escape. As an action, the user may throw the flashdart up to 80 feet, immediatly moving to that location without provoking attacks of opportunity. Flashdarts are a one use item. Flashdarts are created using explosive powder. If exposed to direct flame the bag ignites and causes the user 1d6 points of fire damage and the flashdart is consumed in the blaze.
Wondrous Item, common
Flashdarts are a small bag of enchanted powder that functions as an emergency escape. As an action, the user may throw the flashdart up to 80 feet, immediatly moving to that location without provoking attacks of opportunity. Flashdarts are a one use item. Flashdarts are created using explosive powder. If exposed to direct flame the bag ignites and causes the user 1d6 points of fire damage and the flashdart is consumed in the blaze.
Lanyon Lantern
Wondrous Item, common
The Lanyon Lantern, widely used by military units in the Tritos Dominion, is crafted from Lanyon Pods. The lantern shines 30 feet of bright light, and an additional 10 feet of dim light. These pods, harvested from the naturally bioluminescent Lanyon Trees found in Tritos and Leng, enable the lantern to reveal invisible creatures and objects while within the bright light. While often associated with magical items, these lanterns require no special enchantments to function, lasting 3d10 days before needing reapplication Although favored by the Shatterstaves for tactical purposes, the Lanyon Lantern is equally effective as a standard light source, proving invaluable for navigating dark environments.
Wondrous Item, common
The Lanyon Lantern, widely used by military units in the Tritos Dominion, is crafted from Lanyon Pods. The lantern shines 30 feet of bright light, and an additional 10 feet of dim light. These pods, harvested from the naturally bioluminescent Lanyon Trees found in Tritos and Leng, enable the lantern to reveal invisible creatures and objects while within the bright light. While often associated with magical items, these lanterns require no special enchantments to function, lasting 3d10 days before needing reapplication Although favored by the Shatterstaves for tactical purposes, the Lanyon Lantern is equally effective as a standard light source, proving invaluable for navigating dark environments.
Propulsory Engine
Wondrous Item, uncommon, Pathway® (air)
About the size of a small basket, this simple metallic device enhances vehicular mobility using elemental energy. It requires one air charge from a Pathway, efficiently powering it for up to 8 hours. Designed to attach to any large-sized, wheeled vehicles, the Propulsory Engine doubles the vehicle's speed and is capable of initiating movement. Alongside its function as a propulsion system, it has a side exhaust port that emits a gust-like force, impacting its immediate surroundings. Any creatures caught behind a Propulsory Engine when it is activated must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pushed back 10 ft. and knocked prone. Activating or deactivating the engine takes an action. When activated and in motion, the vehicle cannot turn.
Wondrous Item, uncommon, Pathway® (air)
About the size of a small basket, this simple metallic device enhances vehicular mobility using elemental energy. It requires one air charge from a Pathway, efficiently powering it for up to 8 hours. Designed to attach to any large-sized, wheeled vehicles, the Propulsory Engine doubles the vehicle's speed and is capable of initiating movement. Alongside its function as a propulsion system, it has a side exhaust port that emits a gust-like force, impacting its immediate surroundings. Any creatures caught behind a Propulsory Engine when it is activated must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pushed back 10 ft. and knocked prone. Activating or deactivating the engine takes an action. When activated and in motion, the vehicle cannot turn.
Security Shield
Wondrous Item, common
This nondescript coin can be carried anywhere on someone’s person and is used to prevent surprise attacks. Upon suffering any weapon attack, the bearer gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from that attack. After activation the security shield becomes inert until the next day at dawn. The shield can be made into other mundane items, and is typically crafted into something that is not visible to potential attackers. If someone is carrying multiple security shields when attacked, they all activate, only giving the effect of one.
Wondrous Item, common
This nondescript coin can be carried anywhere on someone’s person and is used to prevent surprise attacks. Upon suffering any weapon attack, the bearer gains resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from that attack. After activation the security shield becomes inert until the next day at dawn. The shield can be made into other mundane items, and is typically crafted into something that is not visible to potential attackers. If someone is carrying multiple security shields when attacked, they all activate, only giving the effect of one.
Sanity Shaper
Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires attunement)
This wickedly sharp relic of The Nebull is a medical scalpel crafted from a dark, obsidian-like material, with intricate engravings along its blade that seem to shift and writhe. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the following additional properties. Bleak Whispers
When you hit a creature with this dagger, it whispers haunting echoes of torment and madness into their mind. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of their next turn. Maddening Strike. Once per day, you can channel the dark power of the Sanity Shaper to unleash a devastating strike. On a successful hit, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted with a maddening curse. While afflicted, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. At the end of each of the cursed target’s turns, the target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or they take 2d10 psychic damage. If the target succeeds on three of these saves, it is no longer cursed, and the effect ends. If the target fails three of these saves, the madness lasts for 1 hour. Remove Curse may remove this effect. Sanity Drain. Whenever a creature is killed by the Sanity Shaper, you regain hit points equal to half the creature's hit point maximum, and you gain temporary hit points equal to the amount healed. Curse of The Nebull.
Once attuned to the Sanity Shaper, you become haunted by the echoes of The Nebull's torment. You have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and you hear eerie whispers and deranged laughter in your mind at all times. Once attuned, the dagger cannot be unattuned unless a remove curse spell is cast on it. Drawback. Anyone attuned to the Sanity Shaper must claim one life by the dawn of each day or they will be afflicted by the blades Maddening Strike instead. The wielder gets no saving throws against the effect.
Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires attunement)
This wickedly sharp relic of The Nebull is a medical scalpel crafted from a dark, obsidian-like material, with intricate engravings along its blade that seem to shift and writhe. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. It has the following additional properties. Bleak Whispers
When you hit a creature with this dagger, it whispers haunting echoes of torment and madness into their mind. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened until the end of their next turn. Maddening Strike. Once per day, you can channel the dark power of the Sanity Shaper to unleash a devastating strike. On a successful hit, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be afflicted with a maddening curse. While afflicted, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks. At the end of each of the cursed target’s turns, the target must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or they take 2d10 psychic damage. If the target succeeds on three of these saves, it is no longer cursed, and the effect ends. If the target fails three of these saves, the madness lasts for 1 hour. Remove Curse may remove this effect. Sanity Drain. Whenever a creature is killed by the Sanity Shaper, you regain hit points equal to half the creature's hit point maximum, and you gain temporary hit points equal to the amount healed. Curse of The Nebull.
Once attuned to the Sanity Shaper, you become haunted by the echoes of The Nebull's torment. You have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws and you hear eerie whispers and deranged laughter in your mind at all times. Once attuned, the dagger cannot be unattuned unless a remove curse spell is cast on it. Drawback. Anyone attuned to the Sanity Shaper must claim one life by the dawn of each day or they will be afflicted by the blades Maddening Strike instead. The wielder gets no saving throws against the effect.
Song Stone
Wondrous Item, rare
Thousands of Song Stones exist, but they are most commonly found across the continent of Leng and at the Library of Asundeai in Graetis. A Song Stone is a fist-sized gem, typically blue or green in color. They possess an electric static quality, sometimes emitting shocks when touched. To activate the Song Stone, you must use an action and speak its command word. Upon activation, the stone projects a holographic recording, allowing the viewer to see and hear any pre-recorded messages. These recordings can last up to three hours. Should you wish to record a new message, a different command word is used, but only if the stone currently holds no recording. Erasing the existing content requires attunement to the Song Stone. The technology to make Song Stones has been credited to Serithell Yam'hikir, and has long been forgotten. Those that do exist typically contain historical records, teachings, and messages from the Ancestors themselves. Because of their rarity and the things they contain, most are used only sparingly, held in secure places.
Wondrous Item, rare
Thousands of Song Stones exist, but they are most commonly found across the continent of Leng and at the Library of Asundeai in Graetis. A Song Stone is a fist-sized gem, typically blue or green in color. They possess an electric static quality, sometimes emitting shocks when touched. To activate the Song Stone, you must use an action and speak its command word. Upon activation, the stone projects a holographic recording, allowing the viewer to see and hear any pre-recorded messages. These recordings can last up to three hours. Should you wish to record a new message, a different command word is used, but only if the stone currently holds no recording. Erasing the existing content requires attunement to the Song Stone. The technology to make Song Stones has been credited to Serithell Yam'hikir, and has long been forgotten. Those that do exist typically contain historical records, teachings, and messages from the Ancestors themselves. Because of their rarity and the things they contain, most are used only sparingly, held in secure places.
Soul Charm
Wondrous Item, uncommon
The Soul Charm is a compact, personal item carried by individuals as a safeguard against soul Untethering. Following the increase of such incidents, and despite the general illegality of soul related magic, the Summertide Church has reintroduced these charms to offer a means of preserving the cycle of rebirth. Upon the wearer's death, their soul can Tether to the Soul Charm, provided it is in their possession. This Tethering allows the soul to remain in the material world for up to one week before the charm becomes inactive. While linked to the charm in such a way, the being is aware of their surroundings as if they were in the object’s space. They can’t move or use reactions. Spells such as Speak with Dead can communicate with the Tethered soul. Creating a Soul Charm requires metal worth at least 500 gp.
Wondrous Item, uncommon
The Soul Charm is a compact, personal item carried by individuals as a safeguard against soul Untethering. Following the increase of such incidents, and despite the general illegality of soul related magic, the Summertide Church has reintroduced these charms to offer a means of preserving the cycle of rebirth. Upon the wearer's death, their soul can Tether to the Soul Charm, provided it is in their possession. This Tethering allows the soul to remain in the material world for up to one week before the charm becomes inactive. While linked to the charm in such a way, the being is aware of their surroundings as if they were in the object’s space. They can’t move or use reactions. Spells such as Speak with Dead can communicate with the Tethered soul. Creating a Soul Charm requires metal worth at least 500 gp.
Soul Reliquary
Wondrous Item, rare
The Soul Reliquary, a more advanced and potent counterpart to the Soul Charm, is typically stored in secure locations. The Summertide Church's initiative to counter the rising cases of soul Untethering has led to the creation of these reliquaries, which offer a stronger and longer-lasting Tether for souls. The reliquary can Tether a soul from up to one mile away from the deceased, where it can remain for up to one month before the Soul Reliquary ceases to function. While linked to the reliquary in such a way, the being is aware of their surroundings as if they were in the object’s space. They can’t move or use reactions. Spells such as Speak with Dead can communicate with the Tethered soul. A Soul Reliquary requires metal worth at least 1,000 gp for its construction.
Wondrous Item, rare
The Soul Reliquary, a more advanced and potent counterpart to the Soul Charm, is typically stored in secure locations. The Summertide Church's initiative to counter the rising cases of soul Untethering has led to the creation of these reliquaries, which offer a stronger and longer-lasting Tether for souls. The reliquary can Tether a soul from up to one mile away from the deceased, where it can remain for up to one month before the Soul Reliquary ceases to function. While linked to the reliquary in such a way, the being is aware of their surroundings as if they were in the object’s space. They can’t move or use reactions. Spells such as Speak with Dead can communicate with the Tethered soul. A Soul Reliquary requires metal worth at least 1,000 gp for its construction.
Worldstone Weapon
Weapon (any), rare
Crafted from the rare Otherwyld metal known as Worldstone, these weapons feature a striking chromatic sheen that fluctuates between purple and green. Common in the Otherwyld but a rarity in Dromaria, Worldstone is used for its ability to absorb and manipulate elemental energies, a skill meticulously honed by Otherwyld gnomes. This weapon grants you a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Worldstone possesses a reactive property to elemental forces. When you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can use your reaction to lessen the impact, gaining resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. Also, the first time you hit with a melee attack on your next turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the triggering type, and the effect ends.
Weapon (any), rare
Crafted from the rare Otherwyld metal known as Worldstone, these weapons feature a striking chromatic sheen that fluctuates between purple and green. Common in the Otherwyld but a rarity in Dromaria, Worldstone is used for its ability to absorb and manipulate elemental energies, a skill meticulously honed by Otherwyld gnomes. This weapon grants you a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Worldstone possesses a reactive property to elemental forces. When you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can use your reaction to lessen the impact, gaining resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. Also, the first time you hit with a melee attack on your next turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the triggering type, and the effect ends.
Popular Items
Wondrous Item, common
A small metal disc with a small arcane sigil on the front, dousers are used to put out fires. When the disc is pressed, a small gust of wind draws the flame into the device extinguishing it. The user may extinguish up to 5 feet of space worth of non-magical flames. The flames may be up to 30 feet away. The douser may be used as a bonus action and has 3 charges. Dousers are often crafted with a pin attached and worn on the user’s clothing for ease of use.
Wondrous Item, common
A small metal disc with a small arcane sigil on the front, dousers are used to put out fires. When the disc is pressed, a small gust of wind draws the flame into the device extinguishing it. The user may extinguish up to 5 feet of space worth of non-magical flames. The flames may be up to 30 feet away. The douser may be used as a bonus action and has 3 charges. Dousers are often crafted with a pin attached and worn on the user’s clothing for ease of use.
Wondrous Item, uncommon, Pathway® (any)
The Daydreamer is a multifaceted spherical device, designed to capture and replay dreams in a vivid three-dimensional experience. The item requires a single Pathway charge of any type to function. Upon attunement, the Daydreamer begins recording the dreams of its attuned user. The device automatically edits non-dream periods, ensuring that only the actual dreams are captured. Once recorded, the dream can be replayed within the crystal, offering a visual and audio experience of the dream world. The device has a storage limit of one dream at a time, with each recorded dream lasting up to 24 hours before it fades away. To record a new dream, the previous one must be either played back or allowed to expire. Illumination faiths employ Daydreamers to search for signs and omens, whether from past lives, or from the gods. The practice has since spread, making Daydreamers a fairly common household device in the Tritos Dominion.
Wondrous Item, uncommon, Pathway® (any)
The Daydreamer is a multifaceted spherical device, designed to capture and replay dreams in a vivid three-dimensional experience. The item requires a single Pathway charge of any type to function. Upon attunement, the Daydreamer begins recording the dreams of its attuned user. The device automatically edits non-dream periods, ensuring that only the actual dreams are captured. Once recorded, the dream can be replayed within the crystal, offering a visual and audio experience of the dream world. The device has a storage limit of one dream at a time, with each recorded dream lasting up to 24 hours before it fades away. To record a new dream, the previous one must be either played back or allowed to expire. Illumination faiths employ Daydreamers to search for signs and omens, whether from past lives, or from the gods. The practice has since spread, making Daydreamers a fairly common household device in the Tritos Dominion.
Wondrous Item, common
A flapjack is a small bent piece of metal with an adhesive side that can be attached to any object weighing 1 to 5 pounds. When the object is touched by anyone but the user of the flapjack the object launches into the air, flying up to 90 feet in a random direction, stopping early if it impacts against a solid surface. If the object would strike a creature, that creature must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the object strikes the target and stops moving. When the object strikes something, the object and what it strikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning damage. Flapjacks are a one use item. Flapjacks were originally designed as an alarm device, which they still function as, but have since been primarily used as cruel practical jokes.
Wondrous Item, common
A flapjack is a small bent piece of metal with an adhesive side that can be attached to any object weighing 1 to 5 pounds. When the object is touched by anyone but the user of the flapjack the object launches into the air, flying up to 90 feet in a random direction, stopping early if it impacts against a solid surface. If the object would strike a creature, that creature must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the object strikes the target and stops moving. When the object strikes something, the object and what it strikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning damage. Flapjacks are a one use item. Flapjacks were originally designed as an alarm device, which they still function as, but have since been primarily used as cruel practical jokes.
Floating Shelf
Wondrous Item, common
A small disk made of metal or wood that may be set in a space up to 3 feet off the ground and left there, floating on nothing. The shelf may hold up to 50 pounds. If the user moves more than 100 feet from the floating shelf it drops to the ground. Unlike similar spells, the floating shelf does not move with the user.
Wondrous Item, common
A small disk made of metal or wood that may be set in a space up to 3 feet off the ground and left there, floating on nothing. The shelf may hold up to 50 pounds. If the user moves more than 100 feet from the floating shelf it drops to the ground. Unlike similar spells, the floating shelf does not move with the user.
Force Baton
Rod, uncommon
This rod is employed by law enforcement officers and designed to incapacitate targets with a burst of force energy. As an action, you can make a ranged attack against a creature within 30 feet. You are proficient with this attack, and it uses your Dexterity modifier for the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage. The damage from a force baton is always non-lethal. If the target is a Medium or Smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. The range of this attack is 30 feet, with a long range of up to 90 feet.
Rod, uncommon
This rod is employed by law enforcement officers and designed to incapacitate targets with a burst of force energy. As an action, you can make a ranged attack against a creature within 30 feet. You are proficient with this attack, and it uses your Dexterity modifier for the attack roll. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage. The damage from a force baton is always non-lethal. If the target is a Medium or Smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. The range of this attack is 30 feet, with a long range of up to 90 feet.
Fresh Pellet
Wondrous Item, common
Fresh pellets are the size of a pebble and can be added to food or water making it safe to consume. Each pellet may be used for one meal's worth of non-magical food and drink, which is purified of poison and disease. Fresh pellets are typically made in batches, containing up to 7 uses per container.
Wondrous Item, common
Fresh pellets are the size of a pebble and can be added to food or water making it safe to consume. Each pellet may be used for one meal's worth of non-magical food and drink, which is purified of poison and disease. Fresh pellets are typically made in batches, containing up to 7 uses per container.
Wondrous Item, common
Two small wooden cups that are magically connected, allowing discussion to take place from a distance of up to 500 feet in 1 minute intervals. Only the users of the Go-Betweens can hear the sounds emitting from the cups. After use, a Go-Between require 1 minute before it functions again.
Wondrous Item, common
Two small wooden cups that are magically connected, allowing discussion to take place from a distance of up to 500 feet in 1 minute intervals. Only the users of the Go-Betweens can hear the sounds emitting from the cups. After use, a Go-Between require 1 minute before it functions again.
Helpful Hand
Wondrous Item, common
Helpful Hand is a small segmented wooden hand that is capable of floating, holding itself in place, carrying up to 5lbs, and manipulating objects to perform small tasks for its user. The hand operates similar to the Mage Hand spell but has a physical form that can function for up to two hours at a time, after which it stops for 24 hours. Upon giving the hand commands it will attempt to do them to the best of its ability. The Helpful Hand is not capable of very fine details such as writing, picking locks, or disabling traps.
Wondrous Item, common
Helpful Hand is a small segmented wooden hand that is capable of floating, holding itself in place, carrying up to 5lbs, and manipulating objects to perform small tasks for its user. The hand operates similar to the Mage Hand spell but has a physical form that can function for up to two hours at a time, after which it stops for 24 hours. Upon giving the hand commands it will attempt to do them to the best of its ability. The Helpful Hand is not capable of very fine details such as writing, picking locks, or disabling traps.
Mending Box
Wondrous Item, common, Pathway® (earth)
Available in various sizes, this versatile item ranges from the compactness of a jewelry box to the spaciousness of a wardrobe. When an item, along with all its components, is placed inside the Mending Box and the lid is securely closed, it undergoes a restoration process. Over the next 10 minutes, the item is repaired as if by the Mending spell. For operation, a single earth Pathway® charge is required. The Mending Box has become a staple in households, with its larger counterpart, the Mending Cabinet, being equally prevalent yet more costly. These essential items are predominantly manufactured by the E.L.L.F. Corporation.
Wondrous Item, common, Pathway® (earth)
Available in various sizes, this versatile item ranges from the compactness of a jewelry box to the spaciousness of a wardrobe. When an item, along with all its components, is placed inside the Mending Box and the lid is securely closed, it undergoes a restoration process. Over the next 10 minutes, the item is repaired as if by the Mending spell. For operation, a single earth Pathway® charge is required. The Mending Box has become a staple in households, with its larger counterpart, the Mending Cabinet, being equally prevalent yet more costly. These essential items are predominantly manufactured by the E.L.L.F. Corporation.
Wondrous Item, common (portable & standard), uncommon (industrial), Pathway® (air/water)
A standard of elemental magic, the Nipper serves as a crucial tool for preserving perishables in various settings. Available in three distinct sizes, it caters to a wide range of storage needs: Portable. This small, easily transportable version keeps perishables fresh for up to a week on a single air or water Pathway® charge. Ideal for adventurers and travelers. Standard. Suitable for everyday use in homes or small establishments, it offers enough space to store a variety of items, maintaining freshness for a week with a single air or water Pathway® charge. Industrial. The largest model, designed for storing substantial quantities. It's essential for large-scale operations, requiring both an air and a water Pathway® charge to preserve items effectively for up to a week.
Wondrous Item, common (portable & standard), uncommon (industrial), Pathway® (air/water)
A standard of elemental magic, the Nipper serves as a crucial tool for preserving perishables in various settings. Available in three distinct sizes, it caters to a wide range of storage needs: Portable. This small, easily transportable version keeps perishables fresh for up to a week on a single air or water Pathway® charge. Ideal for adventurers and travelers. Standard. Suitable for everyday use in homes or small establishments, it offers enough space to store a variety of items, maintaining freshness for a week with a single air or water Pathway® charge. Industrial. The largest model, designed for storing substantial quantities. It's essential for large-scale operations, requiring both an air and a water Pathway® charge to preserve items effectively for up to a week.
Wondrous Item, common
Pathways® are small, palm-sized devices used for changing elemental energy into readily usable power. Made from a combination of Worldstone and copper, they are designed to hold and distribute elemental forces. Pathways were developed by the E.L.L.F. Corporation and are commonly used to power a wide range of technology, from vehicles and lighting to domestic appliances like heating and plumbing. Pathways come in two main variants, Pathway® and Pathway Plus®. Pathway®. The first models were specialized to store energy of a single elemental type, from air, earth, fire, and water. Devices normally require specific charges, so multiple Pathways® were needed for different applications, making them costly. Pathways® hold one charge of a single element, designated by its design. These models are most commonly called, Air Pathway®, Earth Pathway®, Fire Pathway®, or Water Pathway®, depending on their function, or are simply abbreviated to their initials. Pathway Plus®. Made to address the limitations of the original, the plus model can convert any charged element into any of the chosen energy types, compatible with both old and new Pathway® operated devices. Pathway Plus® holds one charge each and can be used for any energy type. Charging and Usage. A Pathway® can be charged naturally by exposing it to raw elements for 8 hours, or instantaneously using spells. Once discharged, a Pathway® must remain dormant for an hour before it can be recharged. A fully charged Pathway® emits a gentle hum and vibrates slightly, indicating its readiness for use. The energy from a charged Pathway® is used immediately upon insertion into a compatible device, and the duration of power depends on the device's requirements. Any machine powered with Pathway® technology has a slot or dock where the charge is received, and has become known as the "buzz bank." It takes an action to charge a Pathway® fully using a spell and it can be done in two ways:
Wondrous Item, common
Pathways® are small, palm-sized devices used for changing elemental energy into readily usable power. Made from a combination of Worldstone and copper, they are designed to hold and distribute elemental forces. Pathways were developed by the E.L.L.F. Corporation and are commonly used to power a wide range of technology, from vehicles and lighting to domestic appliances like heating and plumbing. Pathways come in two main variants, Pathway® and Pathway Plus®. Pathway®. The first models were specialized to store energy of a single elemental type, from air, earth, fire, and water. Devices normally require specific charges, so multiple Pathways® were needed for different applications, making them costly. Pathways® hold one charge of a single element, designated by its design. These models are most commonly called, Air Pathway®, Earth Pathway®, Fire Pathway®, or Water Pathway®, depending on their function, or are simply abbreviated to their initials. Pathway Plus®. Made to address the limitations of the original, the plus model can convert any charged element into any of the chosen energy types, compatible with both old and new Pathway® operated devices. Pathway Plus® holds one charge each and can be used for any energy type. Charging and Usage. A Pathway® can be charged naturally by exposing it to raw elements for 8 hours, or instantaneously using spells. Once discharged, a Pathway® must remain dormant for an hour before it can be recharged. A fully charged Pathway® emits a gentle hum and vibrates slightly, indicating its readiness for use. The energy from a charged Pathway® is used immediately upon insertion into a compatible device, and the duration of power depends on the device's requirements. Any machine powered with Pathway® technology has a slot or dock where the charge is received, and has become known as the "buzz bank." It takes an action to charge a Pathway® fully using a spell and it can be done in two ways:
• Cast a 1st level or higher spell of air, earth, fire, or water into the Pathway®, which absorbs the energy and charges the device.
• Cast a 2nd level or higher spell of any kind into the Pathway®, which absorbs the energy and charges the device.
Charging a Pathway® through natural means is routinely done by leaving the device outside, buried in earth, submerssed in water, or placed in fire.• Cast a 2nd level or higher spell of any kind into the Pathway®, which absorbs the energy and charges the device.
Portable Scholar
Wondrous Item, common
The portable scholar is a small figurine made from wood or metal that can be animated by commanding it to “Read for me.” The scholar will then begin reading aloud any written word within 30 feet of it at a standard speaking volume, starting with whatever is closest. If given a book or sheets of paper, the figurine is capable of turning pages to continue reading. It can be stopped by saying, “Thank you, stop reading.” During the crafting of the portable scholar, the creator must speak aloud for 10 minutes. The scholar will translate and speak in whatever language the original creator spoke in.
Wondrous Item, common
The portable scholar is a small figurine made from wood or metal that can be animated by commanding it to “Read for me.” The scholar will then begin reading aloud any written word within 30 feet of it at a standard speaking volume, starting with whatever is closest. If given a book or sheets of paper, the figurine is capable of turning pages to continue reading. It can be stopped by saying, “Thank you, stop reading.” During the crafting of the portable scholar, the creator must speak aloud for 10 minutes. The scholar will translate and speak in whatever language the original creator spoke in.
Renewing Wrap
Wondrous Item, common
Sectioned off into small sections, and wrapped around a spool, renewing wrap can be stuck to a broken object. This cloth wrap repairs an object as if it the Mending spell had been cast on it. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, it mends over the course of 1 minute, leaving no trace of the former damage. Renewing wrap can physically repair a magic item or construct, but it can't restore magic to such an object. Designed for easy repairs for anyone to use, each wrap has 10 charges.
Wondrous Item, common
Sectioned off into small sections, and wrapped around a spool, renewing wrap can be stuck to a broken object. This cloth wrap repairs an object as if it the Mending spell had been cast on it. As long as the break or tear is no larger than 1 foot in any dimension, it mends over the course of 1 minute, leaving no trace of the former damage. Renewing wrap can physically repair a magic item or construct, but it can't restore magic to such an object. Designed for easy repairs for anyone to use, each wrap has 10 charges.
Wonderous Item, common
The searchlight is a foot long iron tube with a small metal switch. Upon flipping the switch bright light is shed in a 20-foot line and dim light for an additional 20 feet. Completely covering the front with something opaque blocks the light. The searchlight may be activated as a bonus action. The light may be any color, chosen upon crafting, otherwise it is normal light.
Wonderous Item, common
The searchlight is a foot long iron tube with a small metal switch. Upon flipping the switch bright light is shed in a 20-foot line and dim light for an additional 20 feet. Completely covering the front with something opaque blocks the light. The searchlight may be activated as a bonus action. The light may be any color, chosen upon crafting, otherwise it is normal light.
Self-Writing Quill
Wondrous Item, common
This standard looking quill will write anything down that is spoken in its presence, in whatever language it is spoken. The quill must be placed, standing up, on parchment or paper to begin writing. It will continue writing until it is placed flat on a surface or it does not hear a spoken language for 10 minutes. Whomever is enchanting the quill must be writing for the entirety of its creation. The quill will then write in the same style as the crafter. A DC 13 Investigation check can determine if writing was done using a self-writing quill.
Wondrous Item, common
This standard looking quill will write anything down that is spoken in its presence, in whatever language it is spoken. The quill must be placed, standing up, on parchment or paper to begin writing. It will continue writing until it is placed flat on a surface or it does not hear a spoken language for 10 minutes. Whomever is enchanting the quill must be writing for the entirety of its creation. The quill will then write in the same style as the crafter. A DC 13 Investigation check can determine if writing was done using a self-writing quill.
Sending Seat
Wondrous Item, common, Pathway® (air)
The Sending Seat, an egg-shaped booth powered by a single air Pathway® charge, offers a private setting for long-distance communication. Found in public spaces throughout Dromaria, it utilizes the Sending spell to connect individuals over great distances. Sending Seats are used for both public and private communication. Publicly installed seats are designed for prolonged use, facilitating comprehensive and uninterrupted conversations. In contrast, the domestic versions of the Sending Seat, while popular in homes, are limited to 10 minutes of operation per charge due to the constraints of sustaining power in a residential environment.
Wondrous Item, common, Pathway® (air)
The Sending Seat, an egg-shaped booth powered by a single air Pathway® charge, offers a private setting for long-distance communication. Found in public spaces throughout Dromaria, it utilizes the Sending spell to connect individuals over great distances. Sending Seats are used for both public and private communication. Publicly installed seats are designed for prolonged use, facilitating comprehensive and uninterrupted conversations. In contrast, the domestic versions of the Sending Seat, while popular in homes, are limited to 10 minutes of operation per charge due to the constraints of sustaining power in a residential environment.
Wondrous Item, uncommon
A Slatetop is a compact delivery box, usually crafted from wood and featuring a distinctive black slate top. Invented by the Slatetop Post, it serves as a mailing system across various regions. The box functions by placing an item weighing no more than one pound inside. Upon writing a specific word or phrase on the slate, the item inside is magically transported to another Slatetop bearing the same inscription. However, caution is advised: if multiple boxes share identical inscriptions, it can cause enchantment disruptions, leading to potential malfunctions or breaks in the magic. For those requiring more secure and private deliveries, Secured Slatetops are available for an additional fee. These specialized boxes are linked exclusively to one other, ensuring that contents are transported only between two predetermined locations. This feature has made them particularly popular among government and military facilities.
Wondrous Item, uncommon
A Slatetop is a compact delivery box, usually crafted from wood and featuring a distinctive black slate top. Invented by the Slatetop Post, it serves as a mailing system across various regions. The box functions by placing an item weighing no more than one pound inside. Upon writing a specific word or phrase on the slate, the item inside is magically transported to another Slatetop bearing the same inscription. However, caution is advised: if multiple boxes share identical inscriptions, it can cause enchantment disruptions, leading to potential malfunctions or breaks in the magic. For those requiring more secure and private deliveries, Secured Slatetops are available for an additional fee. These specialized boxes are linked exclusively to one other, ensuring that contents are transported only between two predetermined locations. This feature has made them particularly popular among government and military facilities.
Tension Screen
Wondrous Item, rare, Pathway® (water) (requires attunement to broadcast)
The Tension Screen is a large, water-based public display, commonly installed in town squares and major meeting areas. The system is connected to a secondary location known as the Flagstaff. Whatever is displayed or performed at the Flagstaff is simultaneously shown on the Tension Screen. Control of the Tension Screen is centralized at the Flagstaff location. Attunement and activation are required from this point, making the Flagstaff the base of the operation. The Tension Screen itself typically measures between 10 to 20 ft. in diameter. It consists of a metal disc framed by glass on both sides, with water filling its interior. This construction allows images and performances to be displayed within the water, visible from either side of the screen. Accompanying sound can be projected up to a distance of 60 ft. at a moderate volume. The screens require a single water Pathway® charge which lasts up to 1 week. Although these screens have been a common feature for about 200 years, their usage varies widely. Some towns and cities utilize them for public shows and entertainment, while others reserve them primarily for important announcements, warnings, or political statements.
Wondrous Item, rare, Pathway® (water) (requires attunement to broadcast)
The Tension Screen is a large, water-based public display, commonly installed in town squares and major meeting areas. The system is connected to a secondary location known as the Flagstaff. Whatever is displayed or performed at the Flagstaff is simultaneously shown on the Tension Screen. Control of the Tension Screen is centralized at the Flagstaff location. Attunement and activation are required from this point, making the Flagstaff the base of the operation. The Tension Screen itself typically measures between 10 to 20 ft. in diameter. It consists of a metal disc framed by glass on both sides, with water filling its interior. This construction allows images and performances to be displayed within the water, visible from either side of the screen. Accompanying sound can be projected up to a distance of 60 ft. at a moderate volume. The screens require a single water Pathway® charge which lasts up to 1 week. Although these screens have been a common feature for about 200 years, their usage varies widely. Some towns and cities utilize them for public shows and entertainment, while others reserve them primarily for important announcements, warnings, or political statements.
Vehicles are a common component of travel and exploration in Dromaria, offering a variety of means to traverse the world. In this section, the game mechanics are based on the core concepts from the Player's Handbook's "Mounts and Vehicles" and Chapter 5 in the Dungeon Master's Guide's "The Sky" and "The Sea." Expanding on the options presented in those books, here you will find the driving and operating rules of Dromaria's mechanized land vehicles. The prevalence and types of vehicles differ significantly across regions, based on infrastructure, environment, and cultures. Each vehicle's description includes its common usage area, and the relationship between the vehicle's design and its role in the respective local setting.
Mechanical Land Vehicle Rules
Vehicle ProficiencyIf you're proficient with a specific kind of vehicle (air, land, water), you can add your proficiency bonus to any checks made to control that vehicle. Mechanical Elements & Fuel
Mechanical engines need a specific type and amount of fuel, as detailed in the vehicle’s stat block. While some vehicles may incorporate magical components, a mechanical engine typically cannot be disabled with Dispel Magic or similar effects. Operator Role
The operator is responsible for managing additional functions of the vehicle that are separate from driving, such as using special parts or activating unique features. Driver Seat
Operating the driver’s seat involves managing controls like a wheel, levers, and pedals. An unmanned vehicle automatically fails Dexterity saving throws. A proficient driver can apply their proficiency bonus to ability checks and saving throws that use the vehicle’s stats. Parts
Some vehicles can be customized with various parts, including weapons and other upgrades. Parts can be interchanged using the “Swap Part” action, unless otherwise specified. Fuel
Each type of engine uses specific fuel, with each unit lasting for 1 hour of operation unless otherwise noted, as indicated in a vehicle's stat block. Accidents
Some actions have risks associated with them and may lead to accidents. Accidents, and how severe they are, is up to the GM. Some things, such as turning and braking at high speeds may automatically result in a minor or major accident. Accidents can be found the on the Accident Tables. Difficult Terrain
While on difficult terrain all driving related actions are done at disadvantage. Opportunity Attacks
Vehicles provoke opportunity attacks like any other entity. When this occurs, the attacker may target either the vehicle or any creature aboard it that is not fully covered and is within reach.
Driving Actions
Move & Stop. The driver can use an action to move the vehicle up to its standard speed or to stop it. Steer. The vehicle can be steered freely at normal speed. Top Speed. If the vehicle is already at normal speed, the driver can choose to increase to the vehicle’s top speed on successive turns. Unattended Vehicle. If the driver is incapacitated, exits the seat, or doesn't modify the vehicle’s course or speed, it continues in its last direction and speed until colliding with an obstacle or the speed of the vehicle changes. Bonus Actions. As a bonus action, the driver can either start or shut off the engine, or make the vehicle take the Dash or Disengage action while the engine is running.Turning
Normal Speed. At normal speed vehicles can turn without restriction.Above Normal Speed. Turning while above normal speed requires a Dexterity saving throw. The DC is 10+1 for every 10 ft. the vehicle is going over its normal speed. Failure results in a minor accident. Exceeding Top Speed. Turning while over top speed requires a Dexterity saving throw. The DC is 15+1 for every 10 ft. the vehicle is going over its top speed. Failure results in a major accident.
Over normal speed. Coming to a complete stop while over normal speed requires a Strength saving throw. The DC is 10+1 for every 10 ft. the vehicle is going over normal speed. Failure results in overshooting the intended stop by 1d6 x 10 ft.At top speed. Coming to a complete stop is significantly more challenging at top speed, requiring a Strength saving throw. The DC is 15+1 for every 10 ft. the vehicle is going over its normal speed. Failure results in a minor accident.
Over top speed. Going over top speed means coming to a full stop in a single turn is nearly impossible. Attempting to do so requires a Strength saving throw at disadvantage. The DC is 15+1 for every 10 ft. the vehicle is going over its normal speed. Failure results in a major accident.
Accident Tables
Anytime an accident occurs roll on the appropriate table. Results that last longer than 1 round require stopping the vehicle to fix. If the vehicle crashes creatures inside must roll Dexterity saving throws. The DC is equal to 10+1 for every 10 ft. the vehicle is traveling over its normal speed at the time of the accident. If a creature fails it takes bludgeoning damage equal to 3d6 + 1d6 for every 10 ft. the vehicle was traveling over its normal speed, taking half damage on a success.Minor Accident
Minor accidents mean something inconvient has happened but not life threatening. Most of these can be taken care of quickly or pass on their own.
Major Accident
Major accidents are severe occurences that lead to permanent damage to both the vehicle and those inside. If a vehicle crashes as a result it is considered totalled, the extent of that damage is up to the GM.
"You're gonna feel the ground quake under the might of my engine. My symphony of destruction, the primal scream of the open road! I'm a whirlwind of power on wheels, and nobody can clip the wings of this wild giant! Ooh yeah, I'm the king of the asphalt jungle! Try to outrun the storm? You might as well try to cage a tornado! I am Brother Bones, the soul of the throttle, the spirit of freedom, and I'm coming for you!"
~ Brother Bones
"Bakodo and the Art of Burner Maintenance"
Unique Vehicles
Huge Vehicle, land (3,000 lb.)
Creature Capacity 4 Medium creatures
Cargo Capacity 200 lb.
Armor Class 19
Hit Points 60 (damage threshold 10)
Speed 40 ft. normal / 80 ft. top
Damage Immunities Lightning, Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious
Ashwagons require 1 creature to operate and move. All other actions require 1 additional operator. The vehicle offers half cover to anyone inside it. Fuel. Ashwagons are powered by coal. Every 25 lbs. of fuel provides 1 hour of driving time. Slow Start. An ashwagon's movement speed is reduced by half when it initially moves from a stationary position. Swap Part. The ashwagon features modular components for quick modifications. As an action, an operator can remove, equip, or use a part. If three operators work in unison, they can swap and use a part collectively within the same turn.
Huge Vehicle, land (3,000 lb.)
Creature Capacity 4 Medium creatures
Cargo Capacity 200 lb.
Armor Class 19
Hit Points 60 (damage threshold 10)
Speed 40 ft. normal / 80 ft. top
18 (+4) |
12 (+1) |
14 (+2) |
0 (-) |
0 (-) |
0 (-) |
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious
Ashwagons require 1 creature to operate and move. All other actions require 1 additional operator. The vehicle offers half cover to anyone inside it. Fuel. Ashwagons are powered by coal. Every 25 lbs. of fuel provides 1 hour of driving time. Slow Start. An ashwagon's movement speed is reduced by half when it initially moves from a stationary position. Swap Part. The ashwagon features modular components for quick modifications. As an action, an operator can remove, equip, or use a part. If three operators work in unison, they can swap and use a part collectively within the same turn.
Skimmer Plate. The ashwagon has advanced hovering capabilities, allowing it to smoothly travel over rough terrain and across liquid surfaces (except lava) without incurring movement penalties. Once equipped, the Skimmer Plate can be used for a continuous duration of 1 hour before requiring the part to be swapped and recharged. This is affected by the Swap Part ability. The Skimmer Plate requires one earth Pathway® charge for 1 hour of power. Actions
Multiattack. The ashwagon makes up to three bolt attacks if the Bolt Turret is equipped. Bolt Turret. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 120 ft., one target. Hit: 16 ( 3d8+2 ) piercing damage. The bolt turrent is considered a part and is affected by the Swap Part ability. It takes one operator to fire the bolt turret. Each clip of ammunition contains 12 bolts. It requires an action to reload. Drive and Steer. The ashwagon requires a driver to operate and it takes an action to move and steer. Surge Gear. When equipped, the ashwagon can accelerate beyond its normal maximum speed to 120 ft. The vehicle must initially accelerate to its standard top speed before Surge Gear can be activated. While active, the ashwagon's fuel consumption is doubled and it becomes harder to brake and turn. This is affected by the Swap Part ability and requires an operator to turn on and off as an action.
Characterized by having three or more wheels and powered by the same coal-burning engines as their counterparts, burners, ashwagons are predominantly seen in the country of Bohdan. Prized for their customizability, these vehicles often boast additional parts on their sides and roofs, all designed for easy swapping and multifunctionality. Each component allows for swift modifications and replacements, adapting to different needs during travel, from rugged terrain to long-haul journeys. Ashwagons, varying in size to accommodate 3 to 8 passengers, are all about making a statement. With their thunderous engines and plumes of smoke, ashwagons are a reflection of the bold and unapologetic spirit of Bohdan. Unlike in other regions, where such vehicles are frowned upon for their pollution and need for large infrastructure, in Bohdan, the ashwagon’s faults are embraced as part of its charm. On the Gearhead Expressway, all vehicles are an integral part of local identity; fueling stations are common, and races the norm. But amidst the blackened highways, from the extravagantly rugged to the understatedly sleek, it is the ashwagons that define the style.
Characterized by having three or more wheels and powered by the same coal-burning engines as their counterparts, burners, ashwagons are predominantly seen in the country of Bohdan. Prized for their customizability, these vehicles often boast additional parts on their sides and roofs, all designed for easy swapping and multifunctionality. Each component allows for swift modifications and replacements, adapting to different needs during travel, from rugged terrain to long-haul journeys. Ashwagons, varying in size to accommodate 3 to 8 passengers, are all about making a statement. With their thunderous engines and plumes of smoke, ashwagons are a reflection of the bold and unapologetic spirit of Bohdan. Unlike in other regions, where such vehicles are frowned upon for their pollution and need for large infrastructure, in Bohdan, the ashwagon’s faults are embraced as part of its charm. On the Gearhead Expressway, all vehicles are an integral part of local identity; fueling stations are common, and races the norm. But amidst the blackened highways, from the extravagantly rugged to the understatedly sleek, it is the ashwagons that define the style.
Large Vehicle, land (500 lb.)
Creature Capacity 2 Medium creatures
Cargo Capacity 50 lb.
Armor Class 17
Hit Points 30 (damage threshold 5)
Speed 60 ft. normal / 80 ft. top
Damage Immunities Lightning, Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious
Burners require 1 creature to operate and move.
Large Vehicle, land (500 lb.)
Creature Capacity 2 Medium creatures
Cargo Capacity 50 lb.
Armor Class 17
Hit Points 30 (damage threshold 5)
Speed 60 ft. normal / 80 ft. top
16 (+4) |
14 (+2) |
14 (+2) |
0 (-) |
0 (-) |
0 (-) |
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious
Burners require 1 creature to operate and move.
Fuel. Burners are powered by coal. Every 25 lbs. of fuel provides 2 hours of driving time.
Drive and Steer. The burner requires a driver to operate and it takes an action to move and steer.
Bonus Actions
Sharp Turn. As a bonus action the burner can turn to face any direction, regardless of current speed.
Swerve. If the burner would be hit with an attack the driver may use its reaction to swerve, rolling 1d8 and subtracting the amount from the attack roll.
These two-wheeled machines, fueled by a combination of steam and coal ignition, have become the most prevalent vehicles in the country of Bohdan. Unlike their counterparts, the ashwagons, burners focus more on precision rather than aesthetic functionality. This emphasis on design over durability makes them susceptible to damage. The construction of a burner prioritizes maneuverability and agility. While they might not boast the highest top speeds, especially compared to other vehicles on the Gearhead Expressway, they compensate with their fuel efficiency and ability to navigate through tight spaces with ease. Typically, burners are designed to carry no more than two passengers, aligning with their sleek and compact form. Despite their many advantages, burners come with an inherent risk. The open design offers little protection, leaving drivers and passengers exposed to the elements and the dangers of the road. This lack of safety has led to burners being associated with a higher rate of accidents and fatalities in Bohdan.
These two-wheeled machines, fueled by a combination of steam and coal ignition, have become the most prevalent vehicles in the country of Bohdan. Unlike their counterparts, the ashwagons, burners focus more on precision rather than aesthetic functionality. This emphasis on design over durability makes them susceptible to damage. The construction of a burner prioritizes maneuverability and agility. While they might not boast the highest top speeds, especially compared to other vehicles on the Gearhead Expressway, they compensate with their fuel efficiency and ability to navigate through tight spaces with ease. Typically, burners are designed to carry no more than two passengers, aligning with their sleek and compact form. Despite their many advantages, burners come with an inherent risk. The open design offers little protection, leaving drivers and passengers exposed to the elements and the dangers of the road. This lack of safety has led to burners being associated with a higher rate of accidents and fatalities in Bohdan.
Capran Carrier
Gargantuan Vehicle, air (250 ft. by 30 ft.)
Creature Capacity 8 Medium creatures / 100 Medium creatures
Cargo Capacity 300 lbs. / 10,000 lbs.
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 200 (damage threshold 15)
Speed 20 mph.
Damage Immunities Lightning, Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Stunned, Unconscious
Capran Carriers require 2 creatures to operate and move, and 4 creatures to safely land. All other actions require 1 additional operator. If any actions are taken without enough creatures, they are done with disadvantage. Up to 8 creatures may fit in the helm of the vessel. Fuel. Capran Carriers are powered by CAP Crude. Every 100 lbs. of fuel provides 8 hours of flying time. After 24 hours of continuous flight a carrier must stop for basic maintenance lasting at least 8 hours.
Gargantuan Vehicle, air (250 ft. by 30 ft.)
Creature Capacity 8 Medium creatures / 100 Medium creatures
Cargo Capacity 300 lbs. / 10,000 lbs.
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 200 (damage threshold 15)
Speed 20 mph.
18 (+4) |
16 (+2) |
16 (+2) |
0 (-) |
0 (-) |
0 (-) |
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Stunned, Unconscious
Capran Carriers require 2 creatures to operate and move, and 4 creatures to safely land. All other actions require 1 additional operator. If any actions are taken without enough creatures, they are done with disadvantage. Up to 8 creatures may fit in the helm of the vessel. Fuel. Capran Carriers are powered by CAP Crude. Every 100 lbs. of fuel provides 8 hours of flying time. After 24 hours of continuous flight a carrier must stop for basic maintenance lasting at least 8 hours.
Jackknife Hold. Capran Carriers are designed for two modes of transport. Their specialized system allows for the cabin to be switched based on need, one designed for passengers and the other for storage.
Passenger Cabin. When equipped the passenger cabin can hold up to 100 passengers and their belongings of up to 20 lbs. each. The cabin provides air and is always at a comfortable temperature. Strongbox. When equipped the strongbox allows for up to 10,000 lbs. of weight to be transported. The box is pressurized to remove air for weight distribution. A creature stuck inside when the strongbox is sealed immediately begins suffocating. Actions
Drive and Steer. Capran Carriers requires 2 drivers to operate and it takes an action to move and steer. If there are not enough drivers, all vehicle based checks are done at disadvantage. While maintaining a normal speed, the carrier will keep its momentum and direction without the need for guidance.
Blowback Barrier. A driver can use a reaction immediately after being hit by a melee attack to push the attacker up to 50 feet away.
The Capran Carrier, with its metal-bound balloon, is the source of most affordable and efficient air travel in Dromaria. Utilizing CAP Crude, which undergoes a transformative elemental reaction through an arcane filter, the airship maintains buoyancy effortlessly. This ingenious system ensures that as long as fuel is supplied, the vessel remains aloft. should the filter encounter issues, the Carrier is designed to descend gradually, losing height in a controlled manner, ensuring passenger safety during unexpected maintenance. The Carrier's design balances functionality and safety, making it a reliable choice for travel. Capran Corporation, run by Kymer Capran of Tintown, provides services across Pathriam for those looking to sail the skies or move goods across the globe.
The Capran Carrier, with its metal-bound balloon, is the source of most affordable and efficient air travel in Dromaria. Utilizing CAP Crude, which undergoes a transformative elemental reaction through an arcane filter, the airship maintains buoyancy effortlessly. This ingenious system ensures that as long as fuel is supplied, the vessel remains aloft. should the filter encounter issues, the Carrier is designed to descend gradually, losing height in a controlled manner, ensuring passenger safety during unexpected maintenance. The Carrier's design balances functionality and safety, making it a reliable choice for travel. Capran Corporation, run by Kymer Capran of Tintown, provides services across Pathriam for those looking to sail the skies or move goods across the globe.
Gotun Disk
Large Vehicle, air (500 lb.), Pathway® (air)
Creature Capacity 1 Medium creature
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 20 (damage threshold 5)
Speed fly 20 ft.
Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious
Gotun Disks require 1 creature to operate and move. Hover. The Gotun Disk may hover while in the air and may remain stationary as long as it contains fuel.
Large Vehicle, air (500 lb.), Pathway® (air)
Creature Capacity 1 Medium creature
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 20 (damage threshold 5)
Speed fly 20 ft.
16 (+3) |
16 (+3) |
12 (+1) |
0 (-) |
0 (-) |
0 (-) |
Gotun Disks require 1 creature to operate and move. Hover. The Gotun Disk may hover while in the air and may remain stationary as long as it contains fuel.
Fuel. Gotun Disks are powered by 1 air Pathway® charge. A single charge allows for 1 hour of flight anytime in the next 24 hours. The flight does not need to be consecutive.
Magical Engine. A Gotun Disk's engine is magical and becomes inoperable within an Antimagic Field. When the engine comes into contact with such an effect, the Gotun Disk shuts down and can’t be restarted until the engine is free of the field. A DC 15 Dispel Magic may temporarily disrupt the engine as well, causing it to turn off for 1 minute.
Drive and Steer. The Gotun Disk requires a driver to operate and it takes an action to move and steer.
Exhaust Landing. If the Gotun Disk would crash or fall from the air, the driver may use a reaction to take no damage for the first 30 ft. of falling. This ability functions even if the engine cannot operate or the vehicle has reached 0 hit points.
The Gotun Disk, a creation of E.L.L.F. Corporation, has emerged as a form of personal air travel within the nation of Thorn. Originally designed for construction tasks following the Demon War, this 5 ft. diameter disk-shaped airship has steadily gained traction for private use. Its design is both practical and user-friendly, featuring a slightly rounded top with a large exhaust port. The underside, where the pilot operates, is well-equipped with secure straps, responsive handholds, and a combination of throttles and buttons, complemented by foot pedals, contributing to its remarkable maneuverability. Made of extremely light-weight metal, Gotun Disks are designed to land safely in the event of an incident. Powered by a singular air Pathway® charge, the Gotun Disk offers one hour of flight. The machine is adept at executing precise turns and can hover effortlessly. Because of its capabilities, it has become an ideal tool for accessing hard-to-reach areas, as well as a favorite for leisure flights. Though it's not the fastest mode of transport, its stability and reliability more than compensate for its moderate speed. The engine produces a noticeable sound, audible up to 100 feet away. This has led to a ban on unlicensed use within the city limits of New Blarek, where noise pollution is a concern. Nonetheless, its blend of functional utility and recreational appeal continues to endear it to a growing number of users, particularly for short-distance journeys and exploration.
The Gotun Disk, a creation of E.L.L.F. Corporation, has emerged as a form of personal air travel within the nation of Thorn. Originally designed for construction tasks following the Demon War, this 5 ft. diameter disk-shaped airship has steadily gained traction for private use. Its design is both practical and user-friendly, featuring a slightly rounded top with a large exhaust port. The underside, where the pilot operates, is well-equipped with secure straps, responsive handholds, and a combination of throttles and buttons, complemented by foot pedals, contributing to its remarkable maneuverability. Made of extremely light-weight metal, Gotun Disks are designed to land safely in the event of an incident. Powered by a singular air Pathway® charge, the Gotun Disk offers one hour of flight. The machine is adept at executing precise turns and can hover effortlessly. Because of its capabilities, it has become an ideal tool for accessing hard-to-reach areas, as well as a favorite for leisure flights. Though it's not the fastest mode of transport, its stability and reliability more than compensate for its moderate speed. The engine produces a noticeable sound, audible up to 100 feet away. This has led to a ban on unlicensed use within the city limits of New Blarek, where noise pollution is a concern. Nonetheless, its blend of functional utility and recreational appeal continues to endear it to a growing number of users, particularly for short-distance journeys and exploration.
Gargantuan Vehicle, water (150 ft. diameter)
Creature Capacity 30 medium creatures
Cargo Capacity 200 tons
Armor Class 22
Hit Points 400 (damage threshold 25)
Speed 3 mph. (72 miles per day)
Damage Immunities Lightning, Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious
A Stormskipper requires 3 creatures to steer, operate, and move. Each additional part requires 1 additional creature to operate. Fuel. Stormskippers require an Elemental Infusion for fuel. The secret behind the fuel is closely guarded, used in Stormskippers and vessels from the continent of Leng. A single infusion will last for years.
Dual Engine. A Stormskipper's engine is both mechanical and magical in nature. While the magical components become inoperable within an Antimagic Field, the mechanical portion allows the vessel to continue moving, although without its ability to wave skip or use the gyroscopic stabilizer. If the mechanical portion breaks, the magic allows the vessel to move, although at only half speed.
Gargantuan Vehicle, water (150 ft. diameter)
Creature Capacity 30 medium creatures
Cargo Capacity 200 tons
Armor Class 22
Hit Points 400 (damage threshold 25)
Speed 3 mph. (72 miles per day)
16 (+3) |
16 (+3) |
12 (+1) |
0 (-) |
0 (-) |
0 (-) |
A Stormskipper requires 3 creatures to steer, operate, and move. Each additional part requires 1 additional creature to operate. Fuel. Stormskippers require an Elemental Infusion for fuel. The secret behind the fuel is closely guarded, used in Stormskippers and vessels from the continent of Leng. A single infusion will last for years.
Dual Engine. A Stormskipper's engine is both mechanical and magical in nature. While the magical components become inoperable within an Antimagic Field, the mechanical portion allows the vessel to continue moving, although without its ability to wave skip or use the gyroscopic stabilizer. If the mechanical portion breaks, the magic allows the vessel to move, although at only half speed.
Drive and Steer. The Stormskipper requires three drivers to operate and it takes an action to move and steer. If there are only two drivers all vehicle based checks are done at disadvantage. If there is only one driver the only action they can take is stopping or maintaining speed.
Gyroscopic Stabilizer. As an action, the ship’s gyroscopic stabilizer works to maintain balance in rough waters. For the next 10 minutes, the ship has advantage on all checks against environmental effects that would otherwise cause instability or movement impairment. The stablizer takes 1 creature to operate and stops functioning if an action is not used to maintain it.
Aether Barrier. Once per day, as an action, the Stormskipper may activate a magical Aether Barrier that surrounds the ship, granting resistance to acid, cold, fire, and thunder damage for 1 hour. The barrier fades prematurely if it absorbs damage exceeding 50 hit points. The barrier takes 1 creature to operate and stops functioning if an action is not used to maintain it.
Wave Skip. As a reaction to an incoming hazard, the Stormskipper can perform a wave skip. The ship gains +10 on all Dexterity saving throws against effects that would knock it off course or cause it to capsize.
The Stormskipper, originating from Gnome's Landing, was invented to tackle the relentless Bedlam where the Amber meets the Gyre Ocean. The massive watercraft rides the waves of places that have long been deemed unnavigable. Its structure, perplexing yet functional, allows it to glide over tumultuous seas with ease. Central to the Stormskipper's design is its spinning lower section, synchronized with the ocean's turbulence, ensuring the upper part remains stable. This feature is crucial for carrying heavy cargo, including critical supplies, across these perilous waters. Developed in response to Shemeer's earthquake disaster on Mortéglace in 5,488 DA, the Stormskipper provided a vital link for aid from Pathriam. Requiring a crew of 20-30, including specialized drivers for its hard to handle navigation system, the Stormskipper has a substantial cargo capacity, essential for its purpose. While its original design has largely remained unchanged for 500 years, minor upgrades have enhanced its functionality.
The Stormskipper, originating from Gnome's Landing, was invented to tackle the relentless Bedlam where the Amber meets the Gyre Ocean. The massive watercraft rides the waves of places that have long been deemed unnavigable. Its structure, perplexing yet functional, allows it to glide over tumultuous seas with ease. Central to the Stormskipper's design is its spinning lower section, synchronized with the ocean's turbulence, ensuring the upper part remains stable. This feature is crucial for carrying heavy cargo, including critical supplies, across these perilous waters. Developed in response to Shemeer's earthquake disaster on Mortéglace in 5,488 DA, the Stormskipper provided a vital link for aid from Pathriam. Requiring a crew of 20-30, including specialized drivers for its hard to handle navigation system, the Stormskipper has a substantial cargo capacity, essential for its purpose. While its original design has largely remained unchanged for 500 years, minor upgrades have enhanced its functionality.