Gotun Disk

  Gotun Disk
Large Vehicle, air (500 lb.), Pathway® (air)
Creature Capacity 1 Medium creature
Armor Class 14
Hit Points 20 (damage threshold 5)
Speed fly 20 ft.

16 (+3)
16 (+3)
12 (+1)
0 (-)
0 (-)
0 (-)
Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Stunned, Unconscious

Gotun Disks require 1 creature to operate and move.   Hover. The Gotun Disk may hover while in the air and may remain stationary as long as it contains fuel.

Fuel. Gotun Disks are powered by 1 air Pathway® charge. A single charge allows for 1 hour of flight anytime in the next 24 hours. The flight does not need to be consecutive.

Magical Engine. A Gotun Disk's engine is magical and becomes inoperable within an Antimagic Field. When the engine comes into contact with such an effect, the Gotun Disk shuts down and can’t be restarted until the engine is free of the field. A DC 15 Dispel Magic may temporarily disrupt the engine as well, causing it to turn off for 1 minute.

Drive and Steer. The Gotun Disk requires a driver to operate and it takes an action to move and steer.

Exhaust Landing. If the Gotun Disk would crash or fall from the air, the driver may use a reaction to take no damage for the first 30 ft. of falling. This ability functions even if the engine cannot operate or the vehicle has reached 0 hit points.
The Gotun Disk, a creation of E.L.L.F. Corporation, has emerged as a form of personal air travel within the nation of Thorn. Originally designed for construction tasks following the Demon War, this 5 ft. diameter disk-shaped airship has steadily gained traction for private use. Its design is both practical and user-friendly, featuring a slightly rounded top with a large exhaust port. The underside, where the pilot operates, is well-equipped with secure straps, responsive handholds, and a combination of throttles and buttons, complemented by foot pedals, contributing to its remarkable maneuverability. Made of extremely light-weight metal, Gotun Disks are designed to land safely in the event of an incident.   Powered by a singular air Pathway® charge, the Gotun Disk offers one hour of flight. The machine is adept at executing precise turns and can hover effortlessly. Because of its capabilities, it has become an ideal tool for accessing hard-to-reach areas, as well as a favorite for leisure flights. Though it's not the fastest mode of transport, its stability and reliability more than compensate for its moderate speed.   The engine produces a noticeable sound, audible up to 100 feet away. This has led to a ban on unlicensed use within the city limits of New Blarek, where noise pollution is a concern. Nonetheless, its blend of functional utility and recreational appeal continues to endear it to a growing number of users, particularly for short-distance journeys and exploration.

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