
"If the songs of the world are not yet calling to you, then we must seek a pathway that will lead them there. We shall explore each method until you are blessed with the gift. All these techniques share a common pursuit: they reach beyond oneself. You are not delving inward, but rather, expanding outward. As I understand you might be unfamiliar with this concept, let us start there.   Begin by closing your eyes. Focus on the sensations around you, the whisper of the wind, the rustle of leaves, the distant murmur of a stream. Find a single note in the melody. Allow your consciousness to drift, to merge with that sound. In this state, you shall begin to hear the world's song, your Calling, a melody that is uniquely yours yet intertwined with the orchestra of existence."  
~ Serithell Yam'hikir
"My Mother's Words," Emperor Aenaryuu Kaless


Elves are said to hear the world as a song, a melody that sparks their creativity. This song, resonating with nature's harmony and desires, was comprehended most profoundly by Serithell, the goddess of art, elves, and music. Serithell, in tune with the world's music, guided her people to follow suit. Through this pathway, many elves have achieved their Calling.   Serithell is an empress, a mother, a bride, and a goddess. To the world, she is the very embodiment of the elven people. Her followers have become the guardians of culture, chronicling every song, preserving memories and their heritage. Her lifelong union with the god Sithir, along with their children, left significant imprints on the world, culminating with her departure following her daughter's death.   Many of the goddess' teachings embody her sadness, weeping for a world struck by horror. Though some faiths dismiss the worship of Serithell as frivolous or superficial, her adherents remain steadfast. They acknowledge the goddess's considerable influence on elven heritage, culture, and all of Dromaria.  

Modern Depiction

Serithell's memory is etched into the hearts of the elves, her likeness carved and painted across Leng. Her most common form is a mature elven woman with elaborately braided silver hair and elegant attire, frequently shown playing a lyre or painting, dressed in mourning robes. Many iterations show her with a distant gaze, as if hearing the music of the world and letting it guide her hand.  

Tenets of Serithell

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Hear the songs and stories the world imparts and express them.
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Master your Calling to fulfill a need left by the universe.
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Honor the cultures and histories of the past, for they lay the foundation for the future.
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Elevate others at every opportunity, and never abandon the elvenari.
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Bringing color to the world through art, story, and song is the true purpose of the elves.

Serithell Worshiping Adventurers

Most elves worship Serithell to some degree, recognizing the significant role she plays in their ancestry and traditions. While some elvenari revere the goddess, time has bred conflicts between them and her other followers. Many clerics and paladins devoted to Serithell's Calling serve her, although they must demonstrate remarkable talent or ability before being officially ordained into the faith.
Goddess of Art, Elves, & Music

Why would you choose this faith?
  Those who find joy in the melodies of the world, or have a deep appreciation for art, heritage, and cultural preservation may find themselves drawn to the teachings of Serithell. The faith of Serithell offers an enriching path to those who seek to express the world's stories and songs through their craft or to fulfill a Calling that the universe has left unattended.   Bards, clerics, and wizards are the most common among Serithell worshiping adventurers. However, any who wish to honor their heritage, master their Calling, or bring color to the world through creativity may find a home within her ranks.
    Characters from different backgrounds may find themselves following the path of Serithell, but elves from the Leng Empire make up the largest gatherings of followers.
Holy Symbol
  The symbol most associated with Serithell is a lyre interlaced with a keyhole and entwined in vines. It is a customary emblem in elven homes and places of worship. Those adhering to Serithell's Calling wear amulets and pendants bearing this symbol, a dedication to their heritage and seeking the goddess's guidance. Furthermore, this emblem is often etched into or inlaid on musical instruments as a mark of quality.
Associated Religions
  Serithell is followed by many elves as a goddess, and is a heavily influential figure in the Calling. Her influence is also present in the Covenant and the Path of the Ancestors.

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