Masuta Clan - Background

As a member of the Masuta Clan, you serve as a part of the Leng Empire's militia, tasked with defending against external threats. Despite being viewed as traditionalists, the clan upholds the training of samurai and ninja in the Laon Territory, where strict codes of honor govern daily life. The Masuta Clan's primary objective is to safeguard the way of the blade and uphold the noble art of combat, prioritizing tradition and preserving the martial nobility of Leng.
Skill Proficiency: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight. or Stealth
Tool Proficiency: One type of Gaming Set, Vehicles (land)
Equipment: A uniform representing your military unit, an insignia denoting your rank, a gaming set of your choice, and a pouch containing 10 gp
Feature: Extrasensory Training
Your experience in the Masuta Clan has sharpened your instincts, particularly in perceiving danger. You possess a heightened sixth sense for detecting hostile intentions, sometimes enabling you to detect the presence of individuals with ill intent as they approach or when they are within your vicinity. This heightened awareness may grant you an edge in spotting ambushes, identifying traps, and navigating treacherous situations.
Suggested Characteristics
Members of the Masuta Clan are resilient and trained to fight. This impacts how they see themselves and others, always seeking an edge. Their flaws often come from being too focused or rigid.  
Military Position
  Living in the Masuta Clan makes it likely that you have served in the military at some point, even if you do not now. Here are a list of potential positions you may have served.  

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