
~ Unknown
Book of Prayers
Book of Prayers
Elves, also known as high elves or the Eshanan, are noble humanoids steeped in magic and tradition. They are generally slender and beautiful, commonly dressing in ornate attire to reflect their elevated status. High elves are well known for their exceptionally long lives, combat skills, and a mastery of spellcasting. Among their own people an individual's talents in creativity are considered fundamental. Normally reaching heights of up to 6 feet and weighing up to 170 lbs, most elves benefit from a naturally high metabolism. While elven hair varies, the most common colors are brown and black, and most people prefer to keep their hair long and elegantly styled. In contrast to their cousins, the elvenari, the Eshanan have slightly shorter ears and often possess shades of pale skin or golden complexions. While there are several differences between elves and elvenari, the most significant distinction lies in their relationship with nature. The elves consider themselves masters of the natural world, manipulating it to their advantage rather than simply coexisting with it. Use of the arcane is taught at a young age, as well as presentation and etiquette in its uses. Eshanan elves are effectively immortal, but their bodies will slow with age. Most choose to seek a new Calling after 500 years of life, but some have been known to live as long as 800 -1,000 years before letting themselves go. The longest known living elf is Seinaru Kotodama at a recorded 3,247 years, although it is said he was a young man when he walked among the Ancestors and that his real age is far greater.
Common traits of elves and elvenari.
Eshanan elves inhabit the advanced arcane and spiritual society of The Leng Empire. The majority of its citizens devote their lives to the Calling, a religious belief taught by Serithell, the goddess of elves, music, and art. Followers of the goddess are dedicated to experiencing the music of Dromaria and expressing it through acts of creation, preserving it for eternity. Most inhabitants of Leng prefer to remain within their homeland, perceiving no need to venture beyond its borders. The elves actively work to safeguard not only their own traditions but those of other cultures as well. The Eshanans consider themselves champions of history, which has strained their relations with the elvenari. Elves frequently regard their neighbors as less cultured, endeavoring to elevate their lives. Missionaries seeking to enlighten sometimes enter the Great Forest, always leading to inevitable conflict. An Emperor rules Leng from the capital city of Tensen. By their decree three prominent clans bear the responsibility of protecting the Empire's territories, with lesser clans aligning themselves with those they believe will provide the most protection. These clans engage in discreet conflicts among themselves, striving to seize neighboring lands or control trade routes. However, they refrain from engaging in full-scale disputes, fearing the attention of the Emperor and disrupting the equilibrium of the Empire. The three major clans maintain peace, engaging in trade and occasionally uniting against external threats. However, trust between them remains in constant flux, with land and trade routes often acquired through both legitimate and illegitimate means.
The Kerithal Territory
Affiliation: The Kamihikari Clan, The Ryuu Clan, The Clan of the Cave, & The Clan of the Fang Following the Muindor Disputes, the Kamihikari Clan assumed the responsibility of providing spiritual guidance and ensuring the well-being of the new Leng Empire. This territory serves as a repository of knowledge on various religions from across Dromaria, including those unfamiliar to the general populace. The ruling members of the Kamihikari Clan consist of individuals who possess divine connections. High inquisitors, paladins, and clerics hold key positions overseeing crucial aspects of life within the Kerithal Territory. Even seemingly mundane aspects of life carry religious significance, often involving invocations of the gods for various purposes. Due to its proximity to Tensen, the seat of power for the Emperor, Kerithal is widely regarded as the strongest of the three territories. It boasts the largest landmass and possesses the greatest overall wealth. For the past two centuries, the region has experienced a period of general prosperity, marked by the absence of major conflicts until the events of the Demon War in the end of the Draconic Age. The majority of common-folk residing in the Kerithal Territory perceive the Masuta Clan as a dying society, struggling to adapt to the demands of the current era. They view the Kotodama Clan as inferior but also recognize them as a constant magical threat to the not-so distant south.The Kuran Territory
Affiliation: The Kotodama Clan & The Clan of the Fang The Kotodama Clan have long been known as the scholars and practitioners of arcane magic in the Leng Empire, a tradition they continue to uphold to this day. Any clan member deemed unfit for training in the arcane arts undergoes instruction in martial skills for protection, craftsmanship for building, or other service-oriented skills. Those who govern the clan are exclusively referred to as Magus and are experts at magical control. Since the downfall of the old Leng Empire, the Kuran Territory has emerged as one of the foremost centers of magical prowess on Dromaria. In recent times, their expertise in warfare has positioned them as a valuable ally to both the Laon Territory and the Kerithal Territory. The devastating impact of the Demon War was badly felt in the lands controlled by the clan. Although the elves managed to repel a significant portion of the enemy forces, vast areas were laid to waste, resulting in substantial loss. The rebuilding remains in progress. The majority of people in the Kuran Territory perceive the Masuta Clan as a steadfast ally who fail to recognize the advantages of embracing new ways. They regard the Kamihikari Clan as excessively devoted to Serithell's teachings, which they believe limits their approach and methodology.Laon Territory
Affiliation: The Masuta Clan & The Zen Wa Clan During the fall of the old Leng Empire, the Masuta Clan was tasked with resolving conflicts that arose. Since then, they have acted as a militia, protecting the Leng Empire against potential external threats. After a long period of peace, many viewed their traditions as outdated and unnecessary. When the Demon War spread across all of Leng, the Laon Territory was the least affected. Some argue that it was because they had less to lose, but the reality is that all attempts to attack the cities of Laon and Yiu were repelled. Although some damage occurred, the territory emerged from the war relatively unscathed. Despite controlling the least amount of land on Leng, the Laon Territory rarely faces conflict due to its formidable military. The Masuta Clan continues to train traditional samurai and cunning assassins. Potential leaders are identified at a young age and undergo specialized provincial training. Codes of honor govern almost all aspects of life in the Laon Territory. The majority of residents perceive the Kotodama Clan as a war-bonded ally engaged in dangerous arcane practices. They view the Kamihikari Clan as manipulators who exploit their territory to assert their influence over the world.Elsinleyown rejects the Eshanan when they seek refuge.
The high elves trace their origins back to the dying world of Eshana, where experiments by the people inadvertently allowed the void to consume their home. During this dark time, a small group led by Serithell Yam'hikir and her husband Kaless Sithir, along with the Eshanan champion Seinaru Kotodama, protected their people. When the Ancestors arrived, the leaders gathered the elves and departed their doomed world in search of a new and safer home. During their journey, the elves encountered people similar to themselves on other worlds, who became known as the elvenari. The Eshanan welcomed their cousins, and the elves became a unified people. However, tensions began to arise after their arrival on Dromaria. Serithell believed it was her Calling to elevate the elvenari and impart her knowledge to them. Many elvenari saw this as a disregard for their own ancestry and took offense. Eventually, Serithell's daughter joined the elvenari goddess Asir, taking their people and leaving the high elves behind. Despite the departure of the elvenari, the Eshanan moved on and settled in their new home, Dendenwine, which was constructed in the likeness of Eshana. Kaless Sithir was crowned Emperor of the new land, and the elves rejoiced. Emperor Sithir would go on to re-establish currency across the globe, creating open borders with the intent of widespread trade. They did not enjoy tranquility long, disrupted by the arrival of a monstrous entity known as the Lecker during the Age of Horror. The Lecker devoured their new home, forcing the high elves to flee to the continent of Leng, where the elvenari had already settled. The high elves faced a hostile reception upon their arrival. Elsinleyown Yam'hikir, Serithell's daughter, considered the Eshanan's presence an invasion and a declaration of war against the elvenari. This event sparked the Muindor Disputes, a series of conflicts that ultimately led to Elsinleyown's death at the hands of her brother, Aenaryuu Sithir, who became the newly crowned emperor of the Eshanan people. Injured during the conflict with his sister, Aenaryuu retreated to the capital city of Tensen and developed the clan system that has since governed Leng. He eventually granted the Clans of Leng control over three territories, overseeing their individual domains. In the aftermath of their daughter's death, Serithell and Sithir vanished from elven society. Their impact in leading the Eshanan people has led to their worship, with inclusion in religions across the world. Serithell's place within the Calling defines culture across Leng but also greatly influences society globally. The Path of the Ancestors also speaks heavily of the Eshanan place in Dromarian history.
Elven Backgrounds
Here are a few Dromaria specific backgrounds associated with elves:
While these represent the clans themselves, elves from anywhere could easily find themselves with a similar backstory.
Death of the Emperor
On the 3rd of Ruby in 2 UE, the Eternal Dragon Emperor Aenaryuu Kaless, Blessed of Serithell, passed away, much to the dismay of the elves. Their rule, which spanned 2,098 years, shaped not only the Leng Empire but exerted a significant influence on activities throughout the world.
A relatively young elf, formerly known as Sorcerer Elroth, has assumed the new seat of power. Let us all welcome Emperor Ledelúthien de'Prodegius Elrotharotitil, The Prodigy of Kotodama and Champion of Serithell.
The deceased Emperor Aenaryuu Kaless.
Elven Traits
The elves of Dromaria have the same in-game statistics as high elves as found in the Player's Handbook.
All other elven races, such as half-elf, wood elf, and dark elf are considered elvenari and follow the statistics of their equivalent counterpart.
These are of course merely guidelines. Elves of different natures can be found all across Dromaria.
"The Final Voice"
To perform Nyellindeli is to achieve one's highest blessing through a singular masterpiece.
It is common for Eshanan who are devoted to the Calling of music, to channel their lifetime of talent into a final performance. Those invited to partake in the event are said to receive the blessing of Serithell, witnessing the culmination of a kindred spirit's Calling.
The event is a somber reflection, as most elves do not survive long after performing their "Final Voice."
"The Final Voice"
Cultural Tidbits