
Wondrous, uncommon, Pathway® (any)

The Daydreamer is a multifaceted spherical device, designed to capture and replay dreams in a vivid three-dimensional experience. The item requires a single Pathway charge of any type to function.   Upon attunement, the Daydreamer begins recording the dreams of its attuned user. The device automatically edits non-dream periods, ensuring that only the actual dreams are captured. Once recorded, the dream can be replayed within the crystal, offering a visual and audio experience of the dream world.   The device has a storage limit of one dream at a time, with each recorded dream lasting up to 24 hours before it fades away. To record a new dream, the previous one must be either played back or allowed to expire.   Illumination faiths employ Daydreamers to search for signs and omens, whether from past lives, or from the gods. The practice has since spread, making Daydreamers a fairly common household device in the Tritos Dominion.

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