Song Stone

Wondrous, rare

Thousands of Song Stones exist, but they are most commonly found across the continent of Leng and at the Library of Asundeai in Graetis. A Song Stone is a fist-sized gem, typically blue or green in color. They possess an electric static quality, sometimes emitting shocks when touched.   To activate the Song Stone, you must use an action and speak its command word. Upon activation, the stone projects a holographic recording, allowing the viewer to see and hear any pre-recorded messages. These recordings can last up to three hours.   Should you wish to record a new message, a different command word is used, but only if the stone currently holds no recording. Erasing the existing content requires attunement to the Song Stone.   The technology to make Song Stones has been credited to Serithell Yam'hikir, and has long been forgotten. Those that do exist typically contain historical records, teachings, and messages from the Ancestors themselves. Because of their rarity and the things they contain, most are used only sparingly, held in secure places.

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