Dragon Heart Vault in Dromaria | World Anvil

Dragon Heart Vault

Wondrous Item, Artifact (requires attunement - special)

Dragon Heart Vaults are a cursed fusion of arcane artistry and perfected mechanical craftsmanship. Each vault appears different, a mystery locked inside a metal riddle with a crystalized dragon heart beating at its center. Dona Aldini's inventive genius is evident in the vault's design, intricate and tailored to the spirit it guards. The runes that spread across their surface are the keys to dangerous secrets, glowing from the crystal within.   The origins go back to the first war between the Ancestors and the dragons. Crafted as a deceptive masterpiece, the vault was part of a cunning stratagem devised by Lucca Krazier and the god of invention, Dona. Presented as a temple of peace to the dragons, it was, in truth, a fatal snare, designed to sever the dragons from their souls and hearts.   The magic of the devices contained and controlled the fury of the dragon hearts. These artifacts dealt crippling blows to dragonkind and forced negotiations that would directly lead to The Covenant.   Over the centuries, the vaults scattered across the world, becoming objects of legend and desire. The Sovereign Sage was given the task of safeguarding the crystal hearts, ensuring their power remained contained, and treated with the respect dragons deserve. Yet, such artifacts of power have a way of surfacing in the hands of those who seek them, always challenging the balance of power.   Today, clerics and paladins of the Covenant actively hunt those who dare to recreate such potent magic. The existing vaults stand as solemn reminders of the past, symbols of loss, reverence, and the eternal tension between creation and destruction.   As time has unfolded, each Dragon Heart Vault has been given a name, meant to characterize the dragon spirit within. The known vaults are called: Brawn, Edict, Flare, Hail, Halo, Spite, Trauma, Riot, Lucid, and Wink.   While the whereabouts of the vaults are meant to remain secret, a few have surfaced in recent history, revealing their ongoing influence in the world's affairs.   Known to have played a crucial role in the battle at Emperor's Peak, Flare, under the stewardship of Osveta Kaznovati, Chosen of Matunas, has become a focal point of attention among the dragons. Despite her connection to the Covenant church, Osveta's bond with Flare has led to a mix of suspicion and intrigue among the draconic community.   Held by Malik Kincaid, the Sovereign Sage, Brawn's vault has been tied to the affairs of Emperor's Peak. Yami, a young black dragon and Malik's companion, leverages his vault for political gain, a situation that is causing tension in dragon-human relations.   Notoriously missing since its disappearance from Emperor’s Peak, the absence of Riot's vault continues to cast a long shadow. Current speculation is all about its potential use.  

Attunement & Benefits

Attunement to a Dragon Heart Vault is an intricate process that changes based on each individual dragon spirit. Once attuned all Dragon Heart Vaults grant the following traits:  
  • You can speak, read, and write Draconic.
  • You are immune to a dragon's Frightful Presence.
  • The Dragon Heart Vault can be used as a spell focus.
  • You can see a subtle glow around any dragons within sight, revealing them even when shapeshifted.
  Each vault offers additional, specific benefits and drawbacks, reflecting the nature and history of the contained dragon spirit. These are listed in each individual Dragon Heart Vault statblock.  


If the wielder lacks sufficient willpower, the dragon within may seize control of the vessel, using it to act as it did while it lived. Each vault is cursed in a different way. Over time the dragons have changed the vaults in specific ways, each one unique, overriding the original enchantments of the device. Only the mechanical engineering of Dona has kept the hearts inside. Once you attune to this cursed artifact, you can’t unattune to it unless you are targeted by the Remove Curse spell or similar magic. While using the Dragon Heart Vault, you risk continuing to be cursed, whenever the dragon spirit has an opportunity to do so.  

Destroying a Heart

Destroying a Dragon Heart Vault is deemed a grave offense by Covenant related dragon communities, and it's typically advised to report such matters to the Arcane Collective rather than taking action independently.   The only known method to effectively destroy a Heart is through the breath weapon of a primal dragon, once the vault is open and the Heart is vulnerable. Doing so leads to the primal dragon's own demise, making it an exceptionally unlikely sacrifice. The closest known instance is when Osveta Kaznovati replaced her own heart with that of Flare's, destroying the spirit's vault in the process.

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