The Arcane Collective

After the Age of Horror left the world in shambles, the elves of Leng became reclusive, hoarding all information regarding magic. From the years 4,110 to 4,436 DA much of the world suffered, trying to gain access to what Leng possessed. It was the betrayal by Daermathor Beriana, who released the magical archives to the people of Erimata, that prompted the Sovereign Sage of the period, Azha Govstevania, to form the city of Blarek, declaring that the world would forever have access to magic, and in doing so, created the Arcane Collective.   The Collective began as a gathering of the world's magic practitioners with the goal of protecting and maintaining the teachings of magic. Azha Govstevania united the minds and talents of various magical groups, schools, and libraries, ensuring that knowledge was accessible to all.   In the thousands of years since its founding, the Collective has grown, integrating existing groups and creating factions of its own. Under the banner of the Collective, groups like the Odelian Order in Thorn, the Civil Servants in the Tritos Dominion, Kinsfolk United in Erindor, Pious Conservators in Tao, and the Wratched Strays in Zan'deil have gained great influence. Though some perceive the Collective as the true rulers of the world, the diversity and complexity of their individual motives generally dispel such broad generalizations.   The Arcane Collective's power is felt globally, but its roots are firmly planted in the country of Thorn, in the city of New Blarek, where it was first founded. The Odelian Order, arguably the strongest within the Collective, rules the nation and safeguards much of its knowledge. In the Tritos Dominion, the Collective maintains major posts, including their the Collective Academy, their largest teaching facility, and the Venerated Repository, a stronghold of magical information.   Known and often criticized, the Collective faces scrutiny for not preventing many of the world's problems. Their influence and decisions have been both praised and questioned, leading to a complex public perception. Despite these challenges, the Collective also fosters global collaboration and celebration of magic. Every 10 years, they choose a country to host a magical world's fair, uniquely imbued with arcane splendor. This event, called the Collectivist Summit, draws massive crowds. Magic portals and transportation systems enable people from faraway lands to attend, and the greatest minds are encouraged to showcase their work.   Designed to gather and protect the sacred teachings of magic, the Arcane Collective's purpose resonates with a commitment to preserve and enhance the magical arts. They operate with a system of representatives who diligently select members to fulfill the Collective's mission, ensuring that the torch of magical knowledge continues to burn brightly across the land.


The Arcane Collective uses its considerable resources to gather and maintain all information about magic, ensuring its preservation for future generations. With a presence worldwide, they keep a finger on the pulse of society, ever attuned to the ebb and flow of new knowledge. However, their large diversity of character leads to personal plans often getting in the way, adding complexity to their mission.   With the fall of Blarek in 6,064 DA and the subsequent reconstruction of the city, much of the Collective's focus has been redirected to New Blarek and the institutions within. Their continued commitment to the proliferation and protection of magical knowledge shapes the core of their existence, a mission that wishes to transcend borders and time.

Allies & Enemies

As a nexus for some of the world's most distinguished magic users, the Arcane Collective's influence is pervasive and its connections extensive. Yet, this widespread network also means that alliances and animosities are an inevitable part of its existence.   The most prominent member traditionally associated with the Collective is the Sovereign Sage. However, the newly appointed Sage, Malik Kincaid, has distanced himself from the organization, focusing on matters he deems more pressing. Riieyu Divmur'ss, a student of the previous Sage, remains a steadfast ally, although his current duties station him in Tao, where he serves the local dragons.   The Collective's very formation was a response to the elves of Leng withholding arcane knowledge. This historical context has led to a hesitancy to integrate elven arcane factions, particularly the Kotodama Clan and its ancient leader, Seinaru Kotodama.   Followers of Rodgort have occasionally targeted the Venerated Repository and libraries in the city of New Blarek, seeking to obliterate important historical records. These agents of chaos aim to destroy indiscriminately, yet seem especially intent on erasing portions of mortal history.   In the nations of Cadmus and Belwin, where the Odelian Order holds significant sway, public opinion has turned against the Collective. Although not directly responsible for the Order's actions, the two organizations have become conflated. Currently, the Order is preoccupied with rebuilding the capital city in Thorn, and in doing so has pulled resources from other regions, stirring discontent.  

Groups within the Collective

  The Collective's primary directive is not to police, although many factions that belong to the Collective are part of their own region's magical forces.   Civil Servants. Operating as part of the Tritos Dominion, they serve as military forces, national guards, and regulators of magic use, including the deployment of the controversial Shatterstaves.   Kinsfolk United. Active in Erindor and Mortéglace, this group consists of the Undain and Ander Clans of dwarves, focusing on harnessing magic to aid their communities.   Odelian Order. Based in the nation of Thorn and extending into the Westlands of Pathriam, their leaders, known as "Educators," are among the most influential people in the world.   Pious Conservators. Stationed in the city of Tao in Undai, they serve as enforcers and observers under the oversight of the dragons of Emperor's Peak.   Wratched Strays. Found in the ancient lands of Kalatearman, this faction is dedicated to researching arcane history and seeking ancient knowledge in the mysterious Asylum.
  Becoming a member of the Arcane Collective is no small task, given the organization's standing. Prospective members must display not only exceptional magical aptitude but also a commitment to the Collective's overarching goals of preservation and responsible dissemination of arcane knowledge.   Applicants must first receive a nomination from a current member in good standing. Following this, they are required to undergo a stringent vetting process, including but not limited to interviews, magical examinations, and ethical evaluations. The final decision rests with a council of senior members, often including at least one representative from each of the major factions within the Collective.   Upon acceptance, new members swear an oath to uphold the values and objectives of the organization. They gain access to resources, albeit with varying levels of restriction based on rank and specialization. Advancement within the Collective is largely merit-based, contingent on contributions and successful completion of any tasks or missions assigned.

Temporary Image

One of the many vaults inside the Venerated Repository.

Restricted Magic
  The Arcane Collective boasts an extensive archive containing copies of all known spells. While the organization's mission centers on the preservation and dissemination of magical knowledge, there are notable restrictions.   Spells of 7th level or higher are closely guarded, accessible only with special permissions from both the Keeper of the Chronicles and the Keeper of the Keys. As a result, aspirants often face a choice: align with the Collective's interests or venture beyond its influence in search of this potent magic. The latter option is fraught with challenges, making the pursuit of such powerful spells a matter of both skill and caution.
Notable Accomplishments
  Recovery from the Age of Horror. Born in the aftermath of this dark period, the Collective emerged as a beacon of hope and a repository of information, striving to prevent such catastrophes from happening again.   Defense of the Library of Asundeai. During the absence of its caretaker, Angus Noel, the Collective took charge of this invaluable library, ensuring its treasures remained intact and accessible.   Formation of the Odelian Order. This influential faction, which now oversees the education and government in Thorn, was founded by members of the Collective.   The Venerated Repository. Beyond merely preserving texts, this vault serves as a stronghold against those who would misuse or destroy the world's magical knowledge.   The Collective Academy. This institution has educated thousands in the responsible and ethical use of magic, serving as a bedrock for the next generation of arcane practitioners.   Invention of the Cantrip 'Shared Knowledge'. Also known as "The Gist," this cantrip allows for rapid dissemination of information, encapsulating the Collective's ethos of shared wisdom.

Major Players

Many of those with power in the Arcane Collective are present in other factions. What follows are those specifically related to the Collective and its operations.

Danethull, the Arcane Shadow

Neutral, Male Dragon
  Initially dismissed as mere myth or rumor among students at the Collective Academy, the Arcane Shadow is a figure said to hunt those who misuse the Arcane Collective's knowledge for selfish or malevolent ends. The inexplicable and violent demises of various rogue mages and disloyal members have only fueled such speculation.   In reality, Danethull is a copper dragon appointed by the dragons of Emperor's Peak to act as a vigilant overseer for the mortal custodians of magic. When the Covenant was established, the dragons advocated for the Shadow's role, but met resistance from the Ancestors, leading to the creation of the Sovereign Sage instead. Following the deaths of the Ancestors Dromadaes and Matunas, the dragons deployed Danethull as a failsafe. He has been silently executing this role for thousands of years, known officially to two current individuals: the former and current Sovereign Sages, Harvie Deadeyes and Malik Kincaid, both of whom have received unsettling visits from Danethull at the start of their appointment.

Hans Melish

Lawful Neutral, Male Human
  Leader of the Venerated Repository and Keeper of the Chronicles, Hans is a bit of an old kook who spends entirely too much time alone in study. Lacking social grace or decorum, there are few people alive on Dromaria who know more about arcane history and practice than he does. Hans considers himself a steward of history and has never left the Repository since his appointment to the position.   Often visited and always included in discussions regarding the Arcane Collective's major plans, Hans's refusal to leave means many of the major meetings take place in the Repository. While he has very little political acumen, Hans is a wealth of information regarding anything to do with magical education and history.

Lorainne Bosquet

Lawful Neutral, Female Human   Lorainne leads the Collective Academy and is a renowned scholar and teacher. Known for her kind-hearted, moral disposition, she is also a shrewd businesswoman who prioritizes education. Her leadership aims to build the next generation of the Arcane Collective, making it better and stronger.   Many regard Lorainne as the true leader of the entire organization, calling her the Keeper of the Keys. She considers herself responsible for educating future generations on achieving the Collective's goals. Happily married to her husband Louis and recently caring for their newborn child, she has been on leave for most of the year. Lorainne has only just returned to find the Collective Academy in shambles, with much of the work she had expected to be completed remaining undone in her absence.


Lawful Neutral, Neo-Natix   A Neo-Natix with extremely mysterious origins, Alexander was initially brought on at the Collective Academy for protection. However, he far exceeded expectations in hospitality, politeness, and ability, proving to be a reliable individual who somehow managed to excel in all areas. Over time, he has become a liaison for everyone in the Arcane Collective, attending to mundane tasks before being entrusted with advising on some of the more significant endeavors. Whether seeking an audience with the Arcane Collective, entry to the repository, or enrollment in the academy, Alexander is likely the first person one will interact with.   Regularly traveling between New Blarek and the Collective Academy, Alexander has been granted special permission from the Crown of Ania for regular teleportation circles in an otherwise restricted area. He has been known to speak in the capital city of Ania, advocating for the benefits of education and higher learning.

Bradley Du'urn

Lawful Good, Male Human   Chancellor Bradley Du'urn represents the third generation of wizards serving House Ramus. Raised alongside the current King, and taught by the Ramus family, Bradley's beliefs are firmly rooted in the idea that magic is a weapon and must be deployed with careful consideration. His military-style approach to spell-use, restrained and functional, has led to a resurgence in some of the world's more taboo and destructive spells.   After serving in the Civil Legion and receiving education at the Collective Academy alongside his mother Elisa Du'urn, Bradley returned to House Ramus to serve King Ender and his family. Viewing each other as equals, Bradley's relationship with the King is one of trust and mutual respect. As advisor and Chancellor, Bradley recommends using magic as a weapon through the Shatterstaves, enhancing education on the subject and providing additional resources.   Bradley's appointment as Chancellor marked a significant transition within the Tritos Dominion, as he replaced the long-standing Chancellor Laurali Estavossa. Laurali's elven heritage and centuries of control as an advisor made her the most influential figure within Ania. Her loyalty to the King and mastery over the kingdom's political secrets had shaped the nation's destiny. Bradley's rise to the position signals a change in direction, particularly in his views on the Arcane Collective.   Unlike his predecessor, Bradley perceives the Venerated Repository and Collective Academy as integral parts of the Tritos Dominion, prioritizing their value to the country over the broader needs of the Collective. This perspective has introduced a new dynamic within the Collective's operations, as Bradley actively pursues the utilization of these institutions for the Dominion's benefit.   Currently, Bradley is running a recruitment campaign for the military, enticing individuals with the promise of learning magic, including types usually restricted in everyday life. His advocacy for education and faith as guides to proper magic use underscores his belief in the importance of using the potential of the arcane for his country.

Justice Noble

Neutral Good, Dragonborn   Justice Noble, the honorable yet somewhat pompous golden dragonborn paladin of Matunas, is a paragon of morality. Guided by virtue in every action, Justice often feels compelled to impose his moral framework on those around him. Despite serving as an enforcer for the Pious Conservators in the city of Tao, his relationship with the Arcane Collective is unofficial, even though the Conservators themselves maintain a formal relationship with the Collective.   Justice has earned a reputation as the Collective's top recruiter. He directs interested individuals to the city of New Blarek or mentors them himself within the Pious Conservators. Steadfast in his belief that magic's true purpose is altruistic, Justice urges the Collective to engage in more charitable activities, envisioning a world where arcane power brings about equality and aid.

Mairi Undain

Neutral, Female Dwarf   One of the Three Kings of Un-Dain and a distinguished member of the Arcane Collective, King Mairi is a sorcerer deeply committed to preserving the purity of magical traditions. Her focus extends to actively advocating for the continued prohibition of many powerful spells. Adorned from head to toe in noble tattoos, Mairi stands as a hero to the Undain dwarves.   A shrewd diplomat and strategist, King Mairi oversees the intricate matters of imports, exports, and diplomatic relations within Erindor. Frequently at odds with King Heilga, she nevertheless pursues her vision with determination. Recently, she has been working diligently to establish a diplomatic relationship with the new King of Ania, Ender Ramus, pushing hard to forge trade agreements with the troubled country. She is considered both a respected political ally and a formidable rival.


Niyami Almara'amai

Chaotic Good, Female Elvenari   Niyami Almara'amai wears many hats within the Arcane Collective. Primarily, she leads the Shepherds of the Eternal, a specialized group that monitors immortal or long-lived beings across the globe. Currently, she operates as a Wratched Stray in the ancient homeland of Kalatearman.   Niyami is dedicated to the recovery and preservation of arcane knowledge. She walks the Path of the Ancestors, delving into arcane histories firsthand. In her role within the Collective, she acts both as an archaeologist, bringing her discoveries back for cataloging, and as an intelligence gatherer for some of the most influential figures in the magical world.

Zelgadis Markov

Chaotic Good, Male Human
  Born and raised in the city of Tor to a family of arcane teachers, Zelgadis rose to prominence as a member of the Band of the Last Days. This group gained fame for killing the Prophet Stroud, an event witnessed in the waters worldwide. Afterward, Zelgadis was pressed into service by the dragons he rescued. Though a member of the Arcane Collective, he is more interested in teaching than in the stuffy bureaucracy behind arcane preservation.   As a Chosen of Polurn, Zelgadis bears the mantle of the Chosen of Winter. While the specifics of his divine duties remain unknown, he enjoys the implicit trust of his goddess to do what is necessary. This divine status complements his reputation as a heroic, albeit stoic, individual.   Zelgadis's approach to magic is grounded in common sense and a willingness to challenge tradition. He encourages growth and thoughtful experimentation, focusing on the active exploration of magical anomalies. Known for his unnatural powers and often found in colder climates, Zelgadis is a studious man with a passion for the practical application of magic.

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