Civil Legion

The Civil Legion, the authoritative military and law enforcement branch of the Tritos Dominion, boasts a lineage dating back thousands of years. Esteemed as one of the world's oldest and most formidable military forces, the Legion commands fear on a global scale. Mandatory service for every citizen at age 16 is a hallmark of the institution, reinforcing a sense of collective duty throughout the Dominion. This practice augments the Legion's numbers and creates a shared commitment to the Dominion's ideals.   In the current era of King Ender Ramus, with the strategic leadership of Grandmaster Marcus Trenton Dahlword III , the Civil Legion has entered a phase of revitalized purpose and tactical evolution. At the forefront of their agenda is the safeguarding of the Dominion's borders, a task that has taken on renewed urgency as the threat of war looms anew.   Diversity and specialization mark the Legion's strength, with various units including aerial, naval, and arcane divisions. The Civil Servants, the Legion's primary arcane division, provide vital defense against magical challenges. Meanwhile, the Shatterstaves, formerly a branch within the Civil Servants, have risen to prominence as an independent division under King Ramus, tasked with handling particularly dangerous magical threats.   The presence of the Civil Legion is a constant across the Tritos Dominion. From the smallest hamlets to the bustling streets of major cities, the distinctive red and blue uniforms emblazoned with the Zonne are a familiar sight. For many, this emblem represents a comforting assurance of safety and order. Yet for others, it's a symbol of oppression, a heavy cloak of authority that looms over their lives, lifting only when the troops march past.


The Civil Legion's primary mandate is the defense of the Tritos Dominion and the enforcement of its laws. In recent times, this has involved strategically positioning their forces along the nation's borders, in response to escalating tensions and the looming possibility of conflict.   Integral to the Civil Legion's operation is the cultivation of loyalty and unity among the citizens of the Dominion. The mandatory service required of all citizens at age 16 plays a crucial role in this, instilling a sense of collective duty and allegiance to the ideals of the Tritos Dominion.

Allies & Enemies

In the hierarchical structure of the Tritos Dominion, the Royal Family, notably the King and Queen, reign supreme. Just beneath their esteemed position, or nearly on par, stands the Marshal Baal Mallora. He is a pivotal figure, exerting considerable influence over the Civil Legion. Mallora's role is key in shaping the Legion's overarching objectives and missions, though he is not involved in their daily operations. His position serves to balance the King's power, ensuring that the Legion's actions consistently reflect the broader interests of the Dominion.   The Tritos Dominion, favoring a stance of self-reliance, forms minimal military alliances with other nations. In cases where external support is necessary, the country turns to mercenary companies. An exception to this rule is the relationship with the Darkstone Clan of Kul' Karit. Officially a sovereign entity, the Clan's central integration with the Dominion frequently involves them in military affairs.   The kingdom works to avoid global politics but is a member of the Guilds of Tor. With the Knights of the Saber, adventurers may move with less concern, and find the proper avenues toward success. The guild is run by Knights Commander Rory Dahlword, and is an official part of the royal court.   Within the Tritos Dominion, the Civil Legion is backed by a solid network of political and court alliances, reinforcing its role as a crucial pillar of national strength. Moreover, the Church of Lothor provides spiritual and moral support to the Legion's cause. This partnership not only emboldens the morale of the Legion but also imbues their endeavors with a sense of divine endorsement.
Ranks of the Civil Legion
  Across the Tritos Dominion, ranks of royalty and power determine the balance of authority. The Civil Legion's ranks are clear-cut, with definitive positions overseeing those beneath them. The King and Queen stand at the apex, making decisions at will, except when countered by the Marshal of the Realm. These ranks are for the whole of the Civil Legion and do not include titles found in specialized divisions.  
Herald of Arms
Master of Horse
Knights Commander
Knights Marhsal
  For full details on each rank, including their roles and responsibilities, refer to: Ranks of the Tritos Dominion.
Honor Zonne
  The highest medal the Civil Legion can bestow on a citizen. Only the Lothoren faith is authorized to award this prestigious honor, usually given for acts of tremendous bravery, charity, and selflessness in service to the Tritos Dominion. Due to the church's penchant for examining an individual's entire life's work rather than singular accomplishments, the Honor Zonne is most often awarded posthumously.
Arcane Military Divisions
  Within the Civil Legion, there are two major divisions specifically tasked with handling magical affairs. For more detailed information, please follow the links to their respective individual pages.

Major Players

Grandmaster Marcus Trenton Dahlword III

Lawful Evil, Male Human   Born into an esteemed family, Marcus Trenton Dahlwood III's early years were shaped by the contrasting reputations of his house: respected and ambitious in Ania, yet perceived as eccentric in their ancestral home, Cryptok Castle, in the northern Dominion.   Rising through the ranks of the Civil Legion, Marcus's true mettle shone during the Demon War. Following the assassination of King Caraconne Tritos by the Demon Lord Lucca, Marcus swiftly organized the defense of the realm, assuming command amidst chaos. His strategic acumen and gallantry in the face of adversity were pivotal in maintaining order, earning him the revered title of Grandmaster.   Marcus's leadership style mirrors the legacy of his lineage: decisive, demanding, and driven. He commands respect and obedience, traits reflected in his familial relations and military conduct. As Grandmaster, his focus remains on the kingdom's security.   In the current political landscape, Marcus stands firm with the newly appointed King Ender Ramus, advocating for the restitution of territories and resources lost to Frijring and Serawa. Marcus is preparing his legion for war.   The Dahlwood family's curse, rooted in the tragic history of Cryptok Castle, has forever cast a shadow over Marcus's life. Two years ago, he made a secretive pact with a nymph from the Otherwyld. While details remain obscure, his dedication is to safeguarding his family's legacy and managing the affliction that plagues their cursed seat.   Despite personal loss, with the passing of his wife Mary, Marcus continues to uphold his duties with resilience. His five children, two of whom serve as Knights in the Civil Legion, stand alongside him, helping to secure the Dahlwood name.

Magister Primarius Chastity Renault

Lawful Evil, Female Human
  Chastity Renault was born in the elven city of Kuran, where, as a child of diplomat parents, she was steeped in the intricacies of elemental magic. This early exposure left an indelible mark, deeply ingraining in her a fascination with the arcane.   Her bond with her cousin, Ender Ramus, who would later ascend to the throne as King, was formed upon her return to the Tritos Dominion at a young age. This relationship, intertwined with the political machinations of House Hargrave, set the stage for her eventual rise within The Shatterstaves.   In her service with the Shatterstaves, Chastity's achievements have been unparalleled. Her crowning moment was receiving the Honor Zonne from King Caraconne Tritos, a recognition bestowed for her unprecedented success in apprehending magical fugitives. The defining act of her career was a daring confrontation in the Morden Woods, where she single-handedly subdued a rogue wizard wreaking havoc on local villages.   Chastity's rapid ascent to the pinnacle of the Shatterstaves was no mere stroke of fate. It was a calculated move by House Hargrave, leveraging her close ties with King Ramus. This political maneuvering was pivotal when the Shatterstaves transitioned from a specialized unit under the Civil Servants to an autonomous military division, with Chastity being named the first-ever Magister Primarius.   Now, as the Magister Primarius of an independent Shatterstaves, Chastity Renault wields considerable influence. Her role not only grants her the power to shape the future of magical warfare in the Dominion but also allows her to enact her vision for a nation where magic is tightly controlled and utilized for the greater good.

Hierophant Valerie Smith

Lawful Good, Female Human   Valerie Smith began with an unremarkable childhood, where she discovered purpose in the teachings of Lothor. This early passion evolved into a devoted commitment, guiding her path to become a revered leader in the church.   Valerie's devotion extends beyond the spiritual realm to the political, particularly in her inexorable belief in King Ramus as the reincarnation of Lothor. This conviction, originally a self-rationalized intuition, has become an integral part of her identity, influencing her decisions and actions within the church and kingdom. Where the King is seen, whether in the courts or on the battlefield, Valerie is by his side.   As Hierophant, Valerie rules overs the Lothoren Church within the Tritos Dominion with a leadership style that inspires and demands. Her influence is felt throughout the Civil Legion, where her encouragement leaves a lasting impression on each member. Called "The Silver-Tongued Apostle" by those of the Legion, the Hierophant has given personal blessings to every soldier for the last 30 years.   The kingdom's firm stance on Ramus's divine role, has not been without controversy. Within the broader context of Illumination and its various sects, Valerie's interpretations have sparked tensions, particularly within Summertide. Yet, despite these challenges, Valerie's charismatic rhetoric continues to draw a strong following. Her personal beliefs resonate with the tenets of Lothor where she advocates for the helpless, champions forgiveness, and prioritizes the community's needs over personal interests.

Elisa Du'urn

Neutral Good, Female Human
  Attendant Elisa Du'urn's current journey began with the mysterious death of her husband Gregor, an event that steered her towards an unyielding pursuit of arcane knowledge. Despite her inability to cast spells, Elisa's determination has led her to master the use of magical artifacts. Head of the rising House Du'urn and the Civil Servants, she now has direct command over those skilled in the arcane arts.   Elisa nurtured her son Bradley's magical talent. Their joint attendance at the Collective Academy was funded by House Ramus, turning into a source of immense pride for Elisa as she witnessed Bradley flourish into a proficient practitioner of the arcane.   As the Attendant of the Civil Servants, Elisa has managed her duties with a focus on leveraging magic to serve and protect the kingdom. In a role traditionally surrounded by scrutiny, she has balanced the rising concerns over magic use with her own quest to uncover the truth behind her husband's death.   Elisa's ascent to power coincided with a period of nepotism within the kingdom's elite, especially surrounding King Ramus. Despite the murky waters of political intrigue, she has adeptly maintained her composure, ensuring the Civil Servants align with the King's objectives.   In these times of upheaval following the Demon War, Elisa has shown herself to be a woman of resilience and adaptability. Her rise to power has not been without its challenges and temptations. Elisa has taken risks that, while calculated, speak to a deeper ambition and a desire to influence the course of the kingdom's future.

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