
Few sights on Pathriam rival the natural beauty of Frijring's scenic peninsula. The region is home to the snow-capped Brotsmida Mountains, crystalline spires surrounding Denma'roo, and numerous freshwater lakes. With two port cities, Frijring boasts a formidable naval presence. Though the climate leans toward the chilly side, the land is also known for its gentle, frequent rains.  


Frijring's diverse landscape features mountains, flatlands, and lowlands. Deep fjords, scars from the Age of Horror, punctuate the terrain. The Brotsmida Mountains are colder yet full of life, while the rest of the peninsula benefits from constant rains that nourish a rich, untamed ecology. During winter, storms render the land impassable by foot and make sailing the southern coast perilous. Notable geographic features include the Scorched Sea to the north and the Drakefire Ocean to the south, with Frijring separated from the Tritos Dominion by Brigand's Woods and the Slatetop Mountains.


The region now known as Frijring was formerly referred to as the Southern Gateway, a vital military outpost within the Tritos Dominion. Its people, considered hearty and hard-working, long felt overlooked by the Dominion, reaping the burdens of taxation and conscription without seeing improvements beyond naval upgrades.   Upon the death of the long-reigning King Caraconne Tritos, the people began to entertain ideas of change. Around this time, their southeastern neighbors, also under the Dominion's rule, reached out to discuss succession. In 6069 DA, Frijring and its neighbor, Serawa, declared independence, becoming staunch allies with treaties in place.   By seceding, Frijring gained control of the world's largest navy, previously stationed at its ports. This move allowed them to open direct trade routes with Graetis, Thorn, and Erindor, circumventing the Dominion's restrictions. However, the current king of the Tritos Dominion, Ender Ramus, faces challenges as Frijring's secession has disrupted established trade agreements, leaving the Dominion scrambling to renegotiate and stabilize its commerce.   Recently, a mysterious floating city known as Flotsodom has appeared in the Eye of Narwel. Inhabited by tritons, this city bolsters Frijring's already substantial naval power.  


Frijitians are shaped by their rain-soaked, rugged frontier. They value respect, tolerance, and survival, embodying a spirit reminiscent of ancient seafaring and land-tilling societies. While not inclined to war, they don't shy away from conflict, relying on their formidable naval prowess for defense. Traditional clothing often makes an appearance during holidays and ceremonies. Recently, the arrival of tritons from Flotsodom has infused their celebrations and traditions with aquatic elements.  


Frijring enjoys a close alliance with its neighboring country, Serawa. Their interdependence has been crucial in successfully seceding from the Tritos Dominion. Relations with the Dominion remain tense, frequently bordering on open hostilities and even declarations of war. Since gaining independence, Frijring has established trade routes with Erindor, Graetis, and Thorn, thereby circumventing the harsh regulations previously imposed by the Tritos Dominion.  


Frijitians have a symbiotic relationship with Serawa, providing naval security in exchange for border protection against the Tritos Dominion and favorable trade terms for food. Moreover, dragons pay a significant annual stipend to Freya, the capital, for exclusive access to Denma'roo, which funds much of the region's supplies for the year.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

Commonwealth Abolition. Frijring is governed by a council of elected officials known as the Commonwealth Abolition. Two representatives are elected from each city and village, including the newly aligned triton city of Flotsodom. A leader is appointed among them, responsible for foreign relations and negotiations.   Stowik Rakankrak. The diplomatic leader from Freya, Stowik Rakankrak is a Rakankrak dwarf who once left his clan to avoid rule but ironically finds himself in a position of governance in Frijring. Though he's committed to the welfare of Frijring's people, he harbors a secret longing to be free of his political responsibilities.   Brewster Steeple. A dragonborn custodian from Denma'roo, Brewster Steeple has a complex connection to a primal spirit trapped within the region. This connection has granted him insight into the spirit's desires, and he's actively working to align the Commonwealth's actions with the spirit's wishes.   Admiral Nia Ochman. A naval commander from Preacher's Bay, Admiral Nia Ochman is a brilliant tactician who seized the opportunity to defect from the Tritos Dominion with a significant portion of its naval fleet. Now Ania's most-wanted, she enjoys unwavering loyalty from those who followed her, bolstering her influence within the Commonwealth.  

Current Events

Tensions with Tritos Dominion. Ongoing tensions and border conflicts with the Tritos Dominion are a major topic in Frijring. The disputes have escalated to a point where they are bordering on open hostilities and even declarations of war.   Essencebane Creatures. Strange creatures known as Essencebane have been sighted in the Tritos Earthwork, where border disputes are most contentious. These void creatures are consuming animals and causing unease among the populace.   Triton Alliance. The inclusion of tritons in the Commonwealth has been met with widespread enthusiasm. This cultural trend, dubbed "Tritonfever," has led many in the coastal cities to decorate their homes and businesses with sea-themed ornaments.   Dragonborn Influx. Since the attack on Emperor's Peak, a significant number of dragonborn have been migrating toward Denma'roo, both consciously and subconsciously. The reasons for this migration are not entirely understood but are a point of interest.   Sea Industry Boom. Frijring is experiencing an unexpected boom in its sea industry. Fish populations have surged to unprecedented levels, presenting both an opportunity and a challenge for the Commonwealth to manage effectively.


  • Frijring
    Few sights on Pathriam rival the natural beauty of Frijring's scenic peninsula. The region is home to the snow-capped Brotsmida Mountains, crystalline spires surrounding Denma'roo, and numerous freshwater lakes. With three port cities, Frijring boasts a formidable naval presence. Though the climate leans toward the chilly side, the land is also known for its gentle, frequent rains.  


    Frijring's diverse landscape features mountains, flatlands, and lowlands. Deep fjords, scars from the Age of Horror, punctuate the terrain. The Brotsmida Mountains are colder yet full of life, while the rest of the peninsula benefits from constant rains that nourish a rich, untamed ecology. During winter, storms render the land impassable by foot and make sailing the southern coast perilous. Notable geographic features include the Scorched Sea to the north and the Drakefire Ocean to the south, with Frijring separated from the Tritos Dominion by Brigand's Woods and the Slatetop Mountains.
Country of Frijring

Frijring Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages   Capital: Freya   Denma'roo, Grauss, Preacher's Bay, Rakkar, Roo, Shroa, Tine
Natural Landmarks   Brigand's Woods, Brotsmida Mountains, Rakkar River, Rowtop River
Points of Interest   Eye of Narwel, The Tritos Earthwork

Frijring Mission Statement
"A land for the people, ruled by the people."
Frijring Goals
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To build a nation free from monarchy and oppression, focused on the welfare of its citizens.
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Provide military protection for both the citizens of Frijring and those of Serawa.

General Governance
  Frijring operates under a Commonwealth of elected officials, allowing each town and city considerable autonomy in law enforcement. The legal landscape varies significantly, influenced by the region's seafaring and warrior heritage as well as its history under the Sorona and Upiryrial courts.
Naval Cities of Preacher's Bay and Grauss
  These port cities maintain a stringent legal code, influenced by a strong military presence.  
Maritime Offenses.
Acts such as piracy, smuggling, and mutiny are dealt with severely, resulting in imprisonment or corporal punishment.   Civil Conduct.
Public brawls and duels are restricted to designated areas, with military officers serving as arbiters.

Capital City of Freya
  The one place in the region with large prison facilities, Freya not only enforces its own local set of laws but also serves as an arbiter in other disputes within Frijring. Individuals from outside the country may be deported but more commonly face the same judgment as local residents.  
Theft and Burglary.
Theft is punishable by forced labor, the duration of which depends on the value of the stolen items.   Public Intoxication.
While not illegal, causing disturbances while intoxicated may result in temporary imprisonment.   Assault.
Sentences can reach up to 5 years in prison, depending on the severity of the assault.   Murder.
Punishable by up to 15 years in prison per victim.   Damage to Property.
Offenders must compensate for the value of the damage and perform an equal amount of community labor.   Magical Offenses.
Crimes committed through magical means are especially egregious and result in harsher sentences, often involving specialized restraints.

Frontier Towns and Villages
  In smaller communities, the approach to law enforcement resembles that of rugged frontiers, where local authorities wield significant power. Sentences are determined by local governing bodies or councils and are not standardized across the Commonwealth.  
Weapon Regulation.
Open carry of weapons is permitted, but using a weapon within town limits without just cause is an offense.   Property Disputes.
Land and property disagreements are typically settled by the town council. Dueling over such matters is strictly prohibited.

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