The Eastlands

A land where the clank of armor and the chants of holy men fill the air, the Eastlands stand as a bastion of martial prowess and spiritual devotion. It's a place where ancient traditions hold fast, and arcane practices are viewed with suspicion. Amidst towering citadels and bustling marketplaces, the cities of Ania and Gnome's Landing serve as jewels in a crown of enduring legacy and unyielding commerce.  


Encircled by the Amber, Gyre, and Drakefire Oceans, the Eastlands are a complex mixture of natural wonder. The imposing Crystalcap Mountains and the nation of Erindor, separate the region from its western counterpart, giving way to dense pine forests and shimmering lakes in the north. The Blessed Fields, fertile lands in the northeast, promise abundant harvests. Central mineral-rich hills descend into arid landscapes, finally transitioning into lush deciduous forests in the south. Travelers beware the northern Bedlam, a swirling maelstrom of treacherous waters. The climate varies from the biting cold of the northern reaches to the mild warmth of the southern tip.


Originally centered around the city of Ania, founded by the heroic Ulric Lothor, the Eastlands underwent several transformative eras. Following Lothor's noble sacrifice in the Age of Horror, the territory became Sarros, a part of The Civil Kingdoms that knew no end to internal strife. The era of the Tritos Dominion emerged when the dragons appointed the elf Caraconne Tritos as King. However, his demise in the recent Demon War has led to a schism, birthing the new nations of Frijring and Serawa, and leaving the lands awash in simmering tensions.


  • The Eastlands
    A land where the clank of armor and the chants of holy men fill the air, the Eastlands stand as a bastion of martial prowess and spiritual devotion. It's a place where ancient traditions hold fast, and arcane practices are viewed with suspicion. Amidst towering citadels and bustling marketplaces, the cities of Ania and Gnome's Landing serve as jewels in a crown of enduring legacy and unyielding commerce.  


    Encircled by the Amber, Gyre, and Drakefire Oceans, the Eastlands are a complex mixture of natural wonder. The imposing Crystalcap Mountains and the nation of Erindor, separate the region from its western counterpart, giving way to dense pine forests and shimmering lakes in the north. The Blessed Fields, fertile lands in the northeast, promise abundant harvests. Central mineral-rich hills descend into arid landscapes, finally transitioning into lush deciduous forests in the south. Travelers beware the northern Bedlam, a swirling maelstrom of treacherous waters. The climate varies from the biting cold of the northern reaches to the mild warmth of the southern tip.
Continent of Pathriam
The Eastlands Base Map Image

Natural Landmarks
The Abadaya Badlands, The Amir Channel, The Blessed Fields, Bloodborn Moors, Brigand's Woods, Brotsmida Mountains, Bruhn River, Carmyrddin Forest, Chayarrow Peaks, Chayarrow River, Crown River, The Cruel Wood, Crystal Waters, The Crystalcap Mountains, Dwarfdown Woods, Emberwood, The Emerald Wood, The Endless Hills, Futhorc River, Futhark River, Festivo Run, Griprak River, Gulf of Lothor, Gulf of St. Ren, Illuminated Peaks, Iron Hills, The Layso, Le'Cheff Basin, The Locke, Morden Woods, Old Futhorc River, The Ores, Rakkar River, The River Celia, River Glein, River of the Sun, Rowtop River, Shelter Lake, Slatetop Mountains, The Stein, The Runedak, The Treadpeaks, The Tepidre, The Trident, Truntao Forest, Vivi's Woods, Voris River, Yarrow Run, Yarrow Valley

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