The Emerald Wood Geographic Location in Dromaria | World Anvil

The Emerald Wood

Covering a vast expanse from the Slatetop Mountains to the shores of the Gyre Ocean, the Emerald Wood is the largest deciduous forest in the Tritos Dominion. It envelops the Ores River and stands out in the Eastlands on the continent of Pathriam.   Remarkably, the leaves in the forest maintain a vibrant emerald green even during the chilliest winter months. This uniqueness has made the Emerald Wood famous.   In the town of Shelter Lake, artisans harvest a special type of lumber known as greenwood. This light green wood appears freshly cut no matter its age, thanks to a treatment process known only to the proprietors of the Greenwood Mill.   Overseen by the Baron in Dondarian, the forest's resources are heavily exploited. This harvesting extends throughout the forest, and the major highway running through it pushes wildlife deeper into its reaches, creating a misleading sense of safety for travelers.   Local folklore adds another layer of mystique to the Emerald Wood. Rumors circulate that the trees themselves move and the forest layout shifts during the night, emphasizing the forest's ancient nature.
Tritos Dominion   Associated Articles
Greenwood, Greenwood Mill, Mortimer Greenwood

Emerald Wood art by Thomas Moran.

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