
Illumination is a major religious structure in Dromaria, stemming from the teachings of the Ancestor Sorona Van Dem and a prophesied coming savior, as heralded by the goddess Narwel. At its core, Illumination seeks to guide its followers towards a path of truth and prosperity. The belief has given birth to several branches, including Summertide and Lothoren, each with its distinct interpretation of the prophecy.  
"When the goblin approached us with her audacious scheme, I deemed her ensnared by evil. The notion of shattering the world to mend it seemed the discourse of one who had forsaken righteousness. Yet in this, my esteemed Lothor perceived truths beyond my grasp. His radiance illumined Thurknot, and by his divine grace, she was granted the understanding to fulfill her aspirations without laying waste to our Civil Kingdom, instead rising as a Crusader of Illumination.   Bathed in the wisdom of Sorona's sacred words, let us intone this solemn prayer:   'O Sorona, Guiding Light of our kingdom, bestow upon us your sagacious insight. May our paths be lit by your wisdom, and may our hearts be fortified against the shadow of ignorance.'"

~ Ygrette Lothor
The Plans of Savagery
"Tome of Valediction"
The Grand Prophecy
  When the Ancestors journeyed across the solar system, their path led them to the distant planet Malkari. There, they encountered Narwel, a divine being with insight into the vast intricacies of existence; the goddess spoke a prophecy that became a foundational aspect of history.   Narwel foresaw that the settlers' future was a place that would become known as Dromaria. This land, with its potential, was the first of her visions. But the most debated aspect of the prophecy was the prediction of a creation or birth of a being—a god, hero, or savior. This figure, foretold by Narwel, was destined to rise from the Ancestors and play a crucial role in the unfolding destiny of the new world.   The prophecy was delivered orally, and its original words were never recorded verbatim. Over time, various traditions have sought to interpret the Grand Prophecy, shaping it into beliefs that resonate with their unique perspectives.
Devotees of Illumination are often drawn by its teachings of hope and the promise of protection. They adhere to the principles laid down in the Tome of Valediction and other sacred texts, and their faith has grown in conjunction with the rise of legendary figures like Lothor. Followers of Illumination include common people seeking guidance, scholars interpreting the prophecy, and holy warriors on a spiritual quest.   Organization
Illumination is organized around temples, religious scholars, and spiritual leaders who work to spread the teachings and interpret the prophecy. There's a hierarchy within the faith, with higher-ranking priests and priestesses guiding the spiritual journey of their congregations. The branches, such as Lothoren and Summertide, have their distinct structures but share common principles.   Other Perspectives
Illumination's belief in a prophesied deity has led to different interpretations, spawning branches like Lothoren and Summertide, each viewing a different figure as the prophesied hero. These differences have sometimes led to tension between the branches, with debates on the true fulfillment of Narwel's prophecy. The religious landscape sees them as significant faiths, with varying degrees of acceptance and skepticism from other beliefs and cultures within Dromaria.
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