Tome of Valediction

Ygrette Melion, a figure of wisdom in the tumultuous early days of Dromaria, is the esteemed author of the "Tome of Valediction." Penned prior to the onset of the Age of Horror, the tome stands as a foundational text for the Illumination faith, a beacon of guidance through the darkest times. Ygrette's work began with the ancient teachings of Tus'Alim, bridging worlds and eras to establish a doctrine that would resonate with Dromaria's current citizens. The book's creation marked a pivotal moment in the spiritual development of the world, providing a philosophical framework that would endure for millenia.   Within its pages, the "Tome of Valediction" champions the virtues of rebirth, ethical living, and the pursuit of truth. It outlines a vision of existence where life is a continuous cycle of learning and growth, encouraging readers to lead lives that contribute to the greater good of all. The teachings emphasize personal responsibility, community service, and a commitment to uphold justice and fairness. The tome delves into the concept of reincarnation, a belief that the soul undergoes a series of lifetimes, each an opportunity to progress towards creating a perfect soul, an idea further expounded in the supplemental work "Garden of Souls."   As proof of its profound influence, the "Tome of Valediction" is perhaps the most widely disseminated book in Dromaria's history. Copies of the original text are treasured relics, while numerous amended versions circulate among the populace. The first significant addition, the "Garden of Souls," offered deeper insight into the mechanics of the soul's journey beyond death and into the hands of Polurn. Modern iterations are expansive, often including Gwynn Lothor's "Civil Gospels," which weave together her father Ulric's legacy with the foundations laid by her mother Ygrette. These texts collectively serve not just as spiritual guidebooks, but as historical documents that capture the essence of Dromaria's religious evolution from its ancestral roots to the present day.
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Ygrette Melion
3,602 DA

Associated Faith(s)
  The Tome of Valediction is the essential text to the Illumination religion.   Asir, Lothor, and Sorona are the three deities most associated with the faith.

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