Chastity Renault in Dromaria | World Anvil

Chastity Renault

Chastity Renault was born in the elven city of Kuran, where, as a child of diplomat parents, she was steeped in the intricacies of elemental magic. This early exposure left an indelible mark, deeply ingraining in her a fascination with the arcane.   Her bond with her cousin, Ender Ramus, who would later ascend to the throne as King, was formed upon her return to the Tritos Dominion at a young age. This relationship, intertwined with the political machinations of House Hargrave, set the stage for her eventual rise within The Shatterstaves, a specialized military unit focusing on defense against magic.   In her service with the Shatterstaves, Chastity's achievements have been unparalleled. Her crowning moment was receiving the Honor Zonne from King Caraconne Tritos, a recognition bestowed for her unprecedented success in apprehending magical fugitives. The defining act of her career was a daring confrontation in the Morden Woods, where she single-handedly subdued a rogue wizard wreaking havoc on local villages.   Chastity's rapid ascent to the pinnacle of the Shatterstaves was no mere stroke of fate. It was a calculated move by House Hargrave, leveraging her close ties with King Ramus. This political maneuvering was pivotal when the Shatterstaves transitioned from a specialized unit under the Civil Servants to an autonomous military division, with Chastity being named the first-ever Magister Primarius.   Under Chastity's leadership, the Shatterstaves have embodied her values: an unyielding adherence to tradition, a fervent nationalism, and a stringent control over the use of magic. Her belief that magic should be wielded only by those in power, not the common folk, has significantly shaped the unit's operations and policies.   Now, as the Magister Primarius of an independent Shatterstaves, Chastity Renault wields considerable influence. Her role not only grants her the power to shape the future of magical warfare in the Dominion but also allows her to enact her vision for a nation where magic is tightly controlled and utilized for the greater good.

Roleplaying Chastity Renault

Personality Trait. "I am not led by hatred or fear of the arcane, but understanding of the evil it brings."
Ideal. "It is better to eliminate a threat entirely than to let it fester and rot away the nation's morality."
Bond. "Leading the Shatterstaves is the greatest honor of my lifetime."
Flaw. "My methods are considered cruel and I encourage those rumors."
28th day of Moonstone

Skin Tone
Pale white

Down mohawk faded purple
124 lbs

Current Residence

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