Guilds of Tor
Everywhere there are people there is a need for work. The Guilds of Tor facilitate the adventuring lifestyle worldwide, promoting their members, bidding for jobs, and creating a legal framework under which to do it all.
Based in the city of Tor, in the nation of Liyish, the guilds began as a form of bureaucracy designed to take pressure off the primal dragon Nat’sunseer. Liyish was founded on the primal’s desire to collect and share knowledge. To do so, the Guilds of Tor’s main objectives were to prevent Nath'sunseer from becoming bogged down in administrative details and to ensure that every student and guild member had an equal chance at success, whether in education or adventurous pursuits.
The guild headquarters is located in Tor, on the famous Denwa Street, but guildhouses are found almost everywhere. No matter where they are, each guild is guided by specific principles. The first and most important is to follow the Covenant. After which, each guild has its unique defining ideals and interests, aligning with what jobs and licenses they procure. Newcomers, long-tenured students, faculty, and adventurers alike, will regularly find themselves navigating the Guilds' intricate administrative framework.
Listed here are the Guilds of Tor found in this chapter:
Found here are fourteen unique guilds designed for players and GMs to enhance their adventures. Included with each is everything you need to know about the guild, including their leaders, ideals, interests, jobs, starting equipment, and downtime benefits. Every guild lists where their jurisdiction is and what they are licensed to do. The Guilds of Tor encompass hundreds of guilds; the majority of which handle bookkeeping, government, and financial work. However, what the Guilds of Tor are most famous for is adventure. Anywhere there is a guild presence it is possible to get information about rankings and potential bids. The minutiae of most work happens behind the scenes, with guilds wheeling and dealing as needed. These things can be handled in the background, such as bidding for jobs and the necessary legal work to keep licensed adventurers out of trouble. As long as the PCs are doing what they are allowed to do, the guilds can handle the legal mishaps that come with a miscast fireball or rescuing the wrong captive. Using guild licenses, each member is permitted to do assigned work in specific regions. Jobs may come through direct communication or from local officials who have put in requests. No matter the location, having a guild allows for regular employment and adventurers that fit a group’s playstyle. There is always another guild to join if your current one doesn’t operate where you are. Every guild and member, excluding the Grisly Six, is ranked weekly. These rankings are posted in every guild hall and inn. The highest-ranking members will never find themselves wanting for work, gaining celebrity and fame, while the guilds can leverage better pay and opportunities. By the time members have climbed the rankings, they are often in charge or playing major parts in their guild’s hierarchy. The ranking methods are kept as strict guild secrets, handled at the headquarters in Tor, purposefully designed to instill competition and growth.
Adventuring Guild Operations
Found here are fourteen unique guilds designed for players and GMs to enhance their adventures. Included with each is everything you need to know about the guild, including their leaders, ideals, interests, jobs, starting equipment, and downtime benefits. Every guild lists where their jurisdiction is and what they are licensed to do. The Guilds of Tor encompass hundreds of guilds; the majority of which handle bookkeeping, government, and financial work. However, what the Guilds of Tor are most famous for is adventure. Anywhere there is a guild presence it is possible to get information about rankings and potential bids. The minutiae of most work happens behind the scenes, with guilds wheeling and dealing as needed. These things can be handled in the background, such as bidding for jobs and the necessary legal work to keep licensed adventurers out of trouble. As long as the PCs are doing what they are allowed to do, the guilds can handle the legal mishaps that come with a miscast fireball or rescuing the wrong captive. Using guild licenses, each member is permitted to do assigned work in specific regions. Jobs may come through direct communication or from local officials who have put in requests. No matter the location, having a guild allows for regular employment and adventurers that fit a group’s playstyle. There is always another guild to join if your current one doesn’t operate where you are. Every guild and member, excluding the Grisly Six, is ranked weekly. These rankings are posted in every guild hall and inn. The highest-ranking members will never find themselves wanting for work, gaining celebrity and fame, while the guilds can leverage better pay and opportunities. By the time members have climbed the rankings, they are often in charge or playing major parts in their guild’s hierarchy. The ranking methods are kept as strict guild secrets, handled at the headquarters in Tor, purposefully designed to instill competition and growth.
The bustling controlled chaos of Denwa Street during Celivale Eve.
Joining a Guild
How and when guilds are used is entirely up to the individual running your game. Some GMs may choose to start with everyone already in a guild, handing out whatever benefits they wish from the starting options. Others may choose to have the guilds come into play later, attempting to hinder or recruit you on your adventure. Before you choose any options presented in this chapter speak with your GM about their intentions and let them know if you have an interest in being part of a Guild of Tor. You don’t have to be from Tor to join the guilds. Adventuring parties often include members of different guilds working toward the same cause, becoming common practice for multiple groups to collaborate when necessary. Guilds provide a number of incentives, including regular pay, resources, and other forms of backing. Whenever you are on the wrong side of the law ask yourself, would I still be in trouble if I was a licensed adventurer?Guild Benefits
By becoming a member, you are invited to use the Guilds of Tor’s vast network of resources, including access to knowledge, jobs, and consistent pay. Beyond this, every individual guild has a subset of additional perks unique to itself, from starting gear to downtime benefits. What a character gets up to in between adventures helps define who they become. The Guilds of Tor listed here have options for enhancing the basic downtime rules found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide and additional rules provided in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything. Part of a character’s downtime is making new personal connections. Some jobs may lead to new allies, but most activities have a chance to incur a rival. A rival’s goals, assets, and plans are defined by their relationship to your character and are created by your GM. Found on the Rival and Ally Tables are possible individuals that may be encountered in Dromaria, and quirks that help define them.Official Guild Rankings
Updated guild rankings can be found here: Guilds of Tor Rankings"Out of chaos, we provide order."~ Guild slogan
Denwa Street
Tor is among the most famous cities in the world in large part because of Denwa Street. When it began, the area was the heart of the labor movement in Liyish, centered around finding careers for its educated citizens. As the guilds progressed and began to prosper it created an economic hub.
Now, Denwa Street is a place known for having everything, from banking and gambling to crafting and killing. No matter the time of day the street is full, bustling with the activities of the guilds. To those who live in the city, the street is a place of love, work, headaches, and heartbreaks, a cultural pillar of their community. “Dromaria travels down Denwa Street,” has become a widely recognized unofficial motto worldwide.Guild Licenses
Every guild member is assigned a license when they are admitted. These are considered official documents under the legal protections of the Guilds of Tor. Each member may be licensed for specific types of work, which the guild itself is permitted to handle. The kinds of jobs guilds are licensed for are listed in their sections. Here is a list of the potential actions guilds are officially allowed to perform:
Arcane Conveyance Authority
License to carry and use potentially dangerous magical items.
License to carry and use potentially dangerous magical items.
Arcane Investigation Charter
Permission to interfere in and investigate magical events and anomalies.
Permission to interfere in and investigate magical events and anomalies.
Artifact Reclamation License
Permission to handle recovered magical items, including artifacts of a sentient nature.
Permission to handle recovered magical items, including artifacts of a sentient nature.
Authority of Detainment
Power to arrest and detain suspected individuals.
Said suspects may be held for up to 40 hours when local authorities must be notified.
Power to arrest and detain suspected individuals.
Said suspects may be held for up to 40 hours when local authorities must be notified.
Beast Hunter Permit
Power to hunt approved beasts in a given region without informing locals.
Power to hunt approved beasts in a given region without informing locals.
Bounty Execution Writ
Permission to hunt and collect any guild-approved bounty.
Permission to hunt and collect any guild-approved bounty.
Confiscation and Inspection Rights
Power to search and seize after informing local law officials and presenting the guild writ.
Power to search and seize after informing local law officials and presenting the guild writ.
Knowledge Acquisition Pass
Access all research, case files, and other information on an assigned job or guild need.
Access all research, case files, and other information on an assigned job or guild need.
Necrocleansing License
Permission to hunt or cleanse undead related matters.
Sanctum Access Permit
Power to enter and investigate sites of religious importance.
Power to enter and investigate sites of religious importance.
Use of Force Seal
Power to use physical or magical means to instill guild related justice. Local laws apply for permitted magical use.
Power to use physical or magical means to instill guild related justice. Local laws apply for permitted magical use.
Council of the Dragon
Emperor’s Peak may have been attacked, but the dragons are far from gone. Founded by the great nation of Don Shou, the Council of the Dragon is a righteous guild seeking to protect the world. Due to their affiliation with the great dragons, there is an association of danger and nobility around their members.
Scalelord Unta
Lawful Good, Dragonborn Scalelord Unta, a green dragonborn, is extremely devoted to the Covenant and the dragons of Emperor's Peak. As the honored leader of the Council of the Dragon guild, Unta is a skilled diplomat, known for being personable, friendly, and thoroughly understanding of both dragon and mortal affairs. Unta harbors a profound love for the arcane, sometimes verging on obsession. Currently, the Council of Dragons is immersed in investigating Denma'roo in Frijring, and Unta has been there personally to oversee. Not even the fall of Emperor's Peak has been sufficient to divert Scalelord Unta and his guild from their current findings.Ideals
![]() | Stop magic that is being used for corruption. |
![]() | Preserve unique magics and find their true purpose. |
![]() | Respect dragonkind in their hunt for truth and understanding. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Arcane Anomalies. The guild specializes in seeking out oddities and anomalies of arcane nature. |
![]() | Magical Items. An intense interest in acquiring and crafting magic items. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Component Pouch, Floating Shelf, Helpful Hand, Potion of Healing, Self-Writing Quill, and your choice of Alchemist’s Supplies, Carpenter’s Tools, Jeweler’s Tools, or Tinker’s Tools Monthly Stipend: 150 gp and any paper, parchment, or ink requiredDowntime Benefits
Due to the vast reach of the guild you have access to resources others wouldn’t.- During downtime you are able to gather magical formulas for crafting. (See Formula Table)
- The guild covers 25% of the cost needed for crafting magic items.
- When crafting a magic item you do not need to roll for complications.
Guild Symbol
Base of Operations
Emperor's Peak
Formula Table
The Council of the Dragon references crafting magic items and using formulas as found in the 5ed Player's Handbook and
Xanathar's Guide to Everything.Daring Dynamos
Some work is just too dangerous and for those jobs there are the Daring Dynamos. Based in Pilien, on the continent of Pathriam, the Daring Dynamos are a relatively small guild who have made a very large name for themselves. They hold no ties to any larger organizations, believing firmly in remaining independent.
Chaotic Neutral, Male DwarfTempo is a man stuck in the twilight between life and death. He carries the aura of a battle-hardened survivor, his refined attire contrasting starkly with a body scarred from time. A former miner of the Darkstone Clan in Kul' Karit, his life took an unexpected turn following his exile for stealing explosives. His path, from a disgraced miner to a daring smuggler, eventually led him to his best friend Dalton Shane. Together, they ventured into the world of explosives running, laying the foundations for the Daring Dynamos. The guild is now a legitimate enterprise, born from their shared expertise in incendiaries, seafaring, and trade. While on an excursion off the coast of Zan'deil, Tempo's ship was capsized and he drowned. Upon awakening on the beach nearby, he found himself Tethered to his own corpse, his soul having left and rebounded to his body in the midst of decay. Now bound to the mortal plane after his vessel's demise, Tempo thrives in his peculiar state of existence. Despite his rough exterior, Tempo harbors an artist's soul. Once proficient with his dominant hand, he now navigates the challenge of relearning his artistic touch. His speech, direct and incisive, speaks of a man who embraces life and seeks its thrills.
Dalton Shane
Neutral Good, Male Human Dalton Shane, the pragmatic co-leader of the Daring Dynamos, has roots embedded in the merchant world of Pilien. Raised in a family accustomed to traversing the countries of Thorn and Belwin, his youthful years were spent absorbing the intricacies of trade and commerce, particularly along the coast of the Westlands. At the age of 20, his entrepreneurial spirit led him to establish Shane's Shipyard in the city of Anchor, marking the beginning of his personal venture into the shipping industry. However, this venture met an abrupt end when treachery resulted in the destruction of his life's work. This catastrophe ignited a new path for Dalton. Dedicating years to understanding explosives, he meticulously traced the components used in the sabotage of his shipyard. This quest for knowledge and retribution brought him to Tempo, the man who would become his mentor and his closest friend. Their partnership flourished as they navigated the risky waters of smuggling along the coast of the Sterling Ocean and the pirate isles of Dendenwine. His quest for vengeance eventually gave way, and Dalton went legit, founding the Daring Dynamos alongside Tempo. Dalton's role in the guild is pivotal; he is the mastermind behind every operation, orchestrating plans from their base in Pilien. While Tempo is the face in the field, Dalton's expertise ensures their operations run smoothly. His family life is as central to him as his guild duties, with his wife, Bertha, and daughter, Holly, playing key roles in the day-to-day management of most endeavors.Ideals
![]() | To make a name for oneself is to etch your history onto the pages of remembrance. |
![]() | Do not waste time on piddling matters, others with less important tasks will take care of them. |
![]() | If it can't be blown up you need a bigger bomb. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Bragging Rights. All about being the first and being the best at it. |
![]() | Risk and Danger. The Dynamos seek out the most dangerous jobs, often those others won’t take. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Bit and Bridle, Bomb, Douser, Go-Between, Potion of Fire Resistance, Riding Horse, Riding Saddle, and choose one Weapon to be made Silvered Monthly Stipend: 100 gp and matching contributions to your family, necessary ammunition, rations (7 days), and feed (7 days)Downtime Benefits
Boasting is best, and the Daring Dynamos are nothing if not the best. The guild promotes bravado in all its forms.- Any money made through pitfighting the Daring Dynamos will pay you an equal amount.
- The guild will always cover carousing fees for the lower and middle class.
- Suffering complications while exploring during downtime does not hinder your progress.
Grisly Six
The Grisly Six, the commanding force within the Guilds of Tor, is named after its six founding leaders. Their primary role is to oversee and regulate the activities of other guilds, ensuring strict adherence to the rules they established. The guild, far expanded beyond the original six, still carries their legacy of decisive justice. Tasked with investigating infractions, maintaining guild boundaries, and overseeing high-risk operations, they hold the authority to enforce discipline and administer punishments. Their power is extensive; they can intervene in any guild matter, earning both respect and caution from all members. Funded by taxes from the other guilds, the Grisly Six operates with a broad mandate, ensuring good faith among all interests.
Abaddon Angleov
Lawful Neutral, Male Upiryrial Abaddon Angleov, a man bound by the Covenant, stands as a paragon of unyielding law. Raised in the city of Tor, his upbringing was steeped in the principles of order, shaping him into a figure of harsh principles. Abaddon's life took a decisive turn when he joined forces with five others to confront the piracy plaguing their city. This decision marked the beginning of a transformation from a citizen to a symbol of authority. Known as the "Ax Hand" in his early days with the Grisly Six, Abaddon was renowned for his brutal efficiency in meting out justice. His role as an executioner, though harsh, was thought of as a necessary arm of the law in a city besieged by lawlessness. Over time, as the tides of piracy receded, so too did the need for such severe measures, allowing Abaddon to evolve from enforcer to advocate. Today, Abaddon excels in the realm of bureaucracy, his acumen for legal proceedings and permit acquisition unparalleled. His dedication now is to upholding the law and defending citizens. While his methods have softened, his resolve has only grown stronger. The original brutal nature of his youth now serves as a stark contrast to the wise and measured leader he has become. Abaddon's influence extends beyond the courtroom and city hall; his legacy as a founding member of the Grisly Six shapes much of the guild's ethos. His journey from vigilante justice to legal advocacy encapsulates the evolution of law enforcement in a city once defined by chaos. Despite occasional tensions with newer guilds, Abaddon remains a central figure in the diplomacy of the Guilds of Tor.Guild Symbol
Base of Operations
![]() | Ensure fairness and equality among the guilds. |
![]() | Hard, swift justice for wronged or violated members. |
![]() | Keep the guilds united and on track. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Surveying Danger. Oversee other guild activity in high-risk situations. |
![]() | Enforcers. Punishing infractions of other guilds and guild members. |
![]() | Cleanup. Taking over abandoned or forfeited jobs. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: 500 gp, Acid (vial), Crawler Mucus (contact), Dagger, Manacles, Oil (flask), Searchlight, Slatetop, and a Tinderbox Monthly Stipend: 200 gp and repayments for food and lodgingDowntime Benefits
The Grisly Six give their members a license to do what is necessary in all regards, and will ensure freedom if needed.- All research costs related to a job are covered by the guild.
- You have advantage on rolls when carousing, committing a crime, or working.
- When committing crime you do not have to roll for complications.
Huntress is the one of the oldest guilds currently in operation on a worldwide scale. They are the highest rated Guild of Tor in both popularity and overall ranked standings. Despite their competitive focus, when a dangerous creature stalks the countryside, Huntress is there.
Neutral, Female Awakened Fox The leader of the Huntress Guild is an awakened red fox the size of a pony named Swift. She has never spoken of how she came to be in her current state. However, hunters began to notice the fox's exceptional ability to track any foe, regardless of distance. Some followed in her wake, hoping to gain an advantage over their opposition, but they often found themselves competing for mere scraps. Over time, this became a game for Swift. As the number of hunters swelled, those among them pooled their coins for supplies and assistance, all in an effort to claim a hunt before Swift. Finally, the day came when the hunters proved themselves as capable as Swift. For the first time, the fox lent her strength to another's hunt. After that moment, Swift took a step back, watching her new skulk grow and hunt. She provided encouragement, leadership, and ran beside her companions when necessary, content to let her 'pups' be the predators.Ideals
![]() | If there is something to win, then it is worth doing. |
![]() | Seek out that which offers both a challenge and has a worthy cause. |
![]() | When representing others, do so with understanding of what they stand for. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Wild Beasts. Called upon to hunt the great creatures of the wilds. |
![]() | The Prize. In any and all guild competitions (official or not) Huntress will do whatever is needed to win the prize. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Beast Scent, Bit and Bridle, Block and Tackle, Caltrops, Fishing Tackle, Hunting Trap, Potion of Healing, Riding Horse, Riding Saddle, and your choice of Leatherworker's Tools, Monster Hunter's Pack, or Woodcarver's Tools Monthly Stipend: 200 gp and necessary ammunitionDowntime Benefits
Huntress believes in its members and does everything it can to support them.- If seeking an animal companion or mount, the guild will provide information to the closest available and cover associated fees.
- Your exploration only takes five days instead of seven.
- When training in your downtime you do not need to roll for complications.
Founded by the elves of the Leng Empire, the Kamihikari Clan has been part of the ruling class for millennia. Devout in their faith, the clan has joined the surge in guilds to preserve their place within the hierarchy of power worldwide. Always looking to spread the word of Serithell and her Calling, Kamihikari has risen quickly as a heavy influence in the current Guilds of Tor.
Sonata Greylake
Lawful Good, Female Elf Sonata Greylake is an esteemed Warpriestess of the Calling and the strategic leader of the Kamihikari Guild. An ageless elven woman of regal bearing, she gained recent fame for her military acumen during the Demon War. Her leadership has been instrumental in instantly establishing the guild's reputation. Sonata's accomplishments in service of her faith and nation have earned her the status of a folk hero among the people of the capital city of Kerithal. Her optimism and cheerfulness are as well-known as her skill in strategy and combat, making her a beloved figure among her allies and a respected adversary among her foes. In her role as a Warpriestess, Sonata has demonstrated an uncanny ability to blend spiritual devotion with practical military strategy. Her proficiency in dueling, coupled with her tactical insight, has led to numerous successes for the Kamihakari Guild. This dual aspect of her persona, a warm, optimistic leader and a formidable tactician, defines her approach to both governance and conflict.Ideals
![]() | Devotion to the representation of both the great religions and the elven gods. |
![]() | In the absence of the Kamihikari bloodline's direct intervention, it is up to those who stand for them to rise up and succeed. |
![]() | Seek out the lost relics, whether holy artifacts or lost testaments of the old prophets. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Holy Relics. Kamihikari takes special interest in jobs that involved lost or previously unknown holy relics. |
![]() | Spreading the Word. The guild works to preach the faith to those who lack. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Alms Box, Bit and Bridle, Feed (7 days), Floating Shelf, Holy Symbol of Serithell, Holy Water (flask), Potion of Healing, Riding Horse, Riding Saddle, Slatetop, Soul Charm, and choose any 1st level Cleric Spell Scroll Monthly Stipend: 250 gp and an equal amount to the organized faith of your choosing, lodging fees, and feed (7 days)Downtime Benefits
The vast wealth of the Kamihikari Clan grants you the following benefits during any downtime.Knights of the Blossom
Founded during the rebuilding of the city, the Knights of the Blossom operate out of New Blarek. Their reputation for helping the downtrodden has granted them many benefactors, allowing for a quick rise to prominence. Despite their association with the city, the Knights maintain complete independence, choosing which jobs to take purely off of need and merit.
Rosalind Fletcher
Lawful Good, Female Human Sacred Knight Rosalind Fletcher, the devoted leader of the Knights of the Blossom, is an icon of the Lothoren faith. Her commitment to spreading her religion's principles, through both charitable deeds and martial prowess, have earned her the esteemed title of Sacred Knight. Her position grants the rare privilege of anointing others who share her ideals and commitment. Her leadership is characterized by a blend of compassion and bravery. She has harnessed her authority to assemble a coalition of virtuous warriors, mirroring the legendary journey of Lothor. Under her guidance, the Knights of the Blossom have embarked on missions across Pathriam, striving to continue the work started by Lothor himself. Her belief in the importance of doing good without seeking accolades shapes the ethos of the Knights, fostering a culture of selflessness and humility within their ranks. Rosalind’s love for adventure and exploration often leads her to uncharted territories. This trait not only fuels her personal journey but also inspires her followers to embrace challenges beyond their comfort zones. The Knights of the Blossom, under her leadership, have become synonymous with integrity and bravery, tirelessly working to uphold the values of Lothor and make a meaningful impact in the world.Ideals
![]() | In times of trouble it is up to those who can to maintain order and peace. |
![]() | Do your job, but do not sacrifice your personal ideas to do so. |
![]() | The individual matters just as much as the masses. |
Guild Symbol
Base of Operations
New Blarek
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Threats to Individuals. The Knights are often called upon as bodyguards or protectors. |
![]() | Threats to Prosperity. Everyone should have the chance to flourish and live enriched lives. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Bit and Bridle, Feed (7 days), Fresh Pellet, Healer’s Kit, Mending Box, Pathway®, Riding Horse, and a Riding Saddle Monthly Stipend: 80 gp, Feed (7 days), and 2 x Spell Scrolls of AlarmDowntime Benefits
The Knights believe in hard work and offer the following benefits for doing so in your downtime.- Knights of the Blossom will fully match any investment you make during downtime, as long as a portion of profits go to a charitable cause.
- When performing research you are considered to have access to a library at all times.
- For twice the cost and twice the amount of downtime, the guild will scribe Spell Scrolls of the appropriate level for you.
Knights of the Saber
Formed by the people for the people. The Knights of the Saber began with the intention of representing the great capital of Ania, founded by proud loyalists to the Crown. They are now a long standing guild and one of the forerunners of the current era. The Knights have since become an official part of the royal court, sponsored by the Dominion Royal Bank.
Rory Dahlword
Chaotic Good, Male HumanKnights Commander Rory Dahlword, the youngest brother of Grandmaster Marcus Trenton Dahlword III, rules the Knights of the Saber. Elevated to leadership following his brother's appointment as Grandmaster of the Civil Legion by King Ender Ramus, Rory's ascension, unanimously supported by his peers, reflects the high regard in which he is held within the ranks. Renowned for his tenacity and commitment to the Tritos Dominion, Rory quickly distinguished himself. Under his command, the focus of the guild has shifted. Once involved in the internal affairs of the royal court, they now prioritize the pursuit and elimination of defectors, turncoats, and traitors, particularly those undermining the neighboring states of Frijring and Serawa. This shift stems from Rory's strategic goal of reasserting the Dominion's influence over these regions. His bold decision to integrate more Shatterstaves into the Knights' ranks is a tactical move aimed at reining in the fledgling nations. Rory's leadership is driven by an intense love for his country, a passion that informs every decision he makes. He upholds the principle of clarity in judgment, ensuring that anger never clouds his tactical choices. At the heart of his command is the belief that the Knights of the Saber are not just a military unit but a brotherhood united in their cause for Ania. However, he openly carries a strong sense of betrayal from the seceded nations, a sentiment that often intensifies in the face of opposition.
![]() | Those without magic should not be subjugated by those who have access to it. |
![]() | Protect your own. |
![]() | Training and hard work will allow anyone to succeed. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Threats to the Nation. If something has the potential to threaten the great nation of the Tritos Dominion, the crown will fund the expedition to stop it. |
![]() | Persecution of Magical Use. The crown takes special interest in criminal acts of magic users in all forms. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Barding (light), Bit and Bridle, Feed (7 days), Mastiff, Military Saddle, Portable Ram, Tinderbox, Warhorse, and choose one Martial Weapon Monthly Stipend: 50 gp, feed (7 days), rations (7 days), and mending of armor and weaponryDowntime Benefits
You have the full backing of the great city of Ania during your downtime, as long as you remain active.- When investment during downtime the guild will reimburse up to 100 gp per month due to failed investments.
- When training, in addition to your Intelligence also add your proficiency modifier.
- When working, if you roll above a 21 on your ability check, you receive double the amount of gold.
Magus Decree
Working out of Kurago, the former capital Kuran Territory, Magus Decree blends the combination of arcane and blade better than anyone else on Dromaria. Officially sponsored by the Kotodama Clan and the ruling class of the region, members of the guild are hired for their unparalleled skill in combat, equally matching wizardry with war.
Grand Magus Salazar Kotodama
Chaotic Good, Male Elf Grand Magus Salazar Kotodama, the grandchild of the legendary Seinaru Kotodama, stands firmly at the helm of the Magus Decree guild. His prodigious mastery of Ael'mashtir in his youth marked him as an elf of exceptional promise, a legacy he continues to build upon. Under Salazar’s guidance, the Magus Decree operates with a degree of autonomy; members are entrusted with their own strategies, payment assessments, and task management. Away from the guild, Salazar is a devout follower of Sithir, his spiritual beliefs influencing his approach to leadership. His studies with Seinaru in the Tower of Enneth truly honed his arcane prowess, leading to his esteemed position as Grand Magus. Now an older man himself, father of six and grandfather of twelve, Salazar is a busy individual balancing life and duty. His commitment to preserving the old ways and revitalizing ancient practices in response to modern challenges is a reflection of both his and the Kotodama Clan's identity. It is their belief that only the strongest and most capable should be part of the Magus Decree. The legacy stems from a desire to forge resilience through adversity, a philosophy Salazar applies as much to himself as to the guild's members. Despite creating adversaries in his selective pursuit of talent, he maintains a strong bond with those who are accepted, instilling in them a sense of pride and responsibility.Ideals
![]() | Above all else represents the dignity of the Kotodama Clan. |
![]() | A distracted mind is a lazy mind. |
![]() | If you have perfected your craft you have stopped trying. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | High Skill Assignments. Only those considered the best are admitted into the guild, therefore only the best assignments are taken. |
![]() | Constant Conflict. The guild is always seeking to throw themselves into the fray. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Bit and Bridle, Component Pouch, Feed (7 days), Portable Scholar, Riding Horse, Riding Saddle, Signet Ring, choose a Martial Weapon to be made Adamantine, and choose a 1st level Wizard Spell Scroll Monthly Stipend: 50 gp, Feed (7 days), and Rations (7 days)Downtime Benefits
The guild firmly believes in personal training and vigilance on the job and expects those qualities to be constantly adhered to.- When making an Intelligence (Arcana) ability check during downtime, double your proficiency modifier.
- Whenever you succeed at research you receive one additional piece of lore.
- Magus Decree covers all costs for training.
Misfit Adventure Party
The Misfit Adventure Party stands as a sanctuary for those seeking a place to belong. Embracing an all-inclusive membership policy, this guild opens its doors to adventurers from all walks of life, never turning away those in need. Known for their fair and honorable conduct, the Misfits distinguish themselves from other guilds that may dabble in less scrupulous activities. The guild is well known for having an exceptional number of gnomes among their ranks.
Janea Sheldon
Neutral Good, Female Human Once a member of the Arcane Collective, Janea Sheldon found her path diverging from the group's rigid principles. Her conviction that magic should serve a greater global purpose rather than just being preserved and protected led her to forge a new direction. She established the Misfit Adventure Party, a haven for adventurers who often go unnoticed, needing just a bit of encouragement and guidance to reach new heights. With a keen eye for the hidden potential in the downtrodden and the outcasts, she transforms them into capable adventurers and heroes. Her mission is straightforward yet impactful: harnessing the power of unity and goodwill to forge a safer, kinder world. Under her stewardship, the Misfit Adventure Party has evolved into a beacon of hope, helping marginalized individuals turn into agents of positive change. Janea's blend of compassion and purpose drives her to inspire each member towards contributing to the greater good. Her leadership emphasizes not just strength and skill, but also empathy and altruism. This transformative approach has reshaped countless lives and challenged traditional perceptions of heroism.Ideals
![]() | If you have the resources to do so it is probably worth helping. |
![]() | Pay attention to what is really going on, and focus on the big picture. |
![]() | Know who you represent and what they stand for. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Things that Matter. Take on the jobs that will make a lasting difference in a positive way. |
![]() | Things that Help. If it helps others it is worth doing. |
Guild Symbol
Base of Operations
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Ball Bearings, Bit and Bridle, Donkey, Feed (7 days), Flashdart, Riding Saddle, and choose one Weapon to be made Silvered Monthly Stipend: 100 gp and a full refund on necessary housing, feed, or rationsDowntime Benefits
While not as far reaching as the more funded guilds, the Misfit Adventure Party firmly believes in supporting their members.- During downtime the guild will Identify any magic items as well as use Legend Lore on anything more obscure.
- The guild will cover the cost and provide the resources needed for you to use Sending during each week of downtime.
- Misfits will match any winnings made while participating in the Stonesport during downtime.
Silverfield began as a venture for adventure, turning into a fully operational adventurer’s guild. Located in the city of Tor and backed by the wealthy merchant’s located throughout the city, Silverfield has a reputation for inexperienced members who are exceptionally well backed.
The Children of SilverfieldIn the wake of their predecessors' transition from adventurers to prosperous merchants, the Children of Silverfield have inherited the reins of the guild. This new generation, descendants of various guild heroes and leaders, wields their abundant wealth and inherited status with varying degrees of responsibility. Silverfield, once a stalwart adventuring force, has evolved under their leadership into an entity driven by the diverse whims of these young heirs. Some of this generation seek to harness their fortune for worldly betterment or wish to dabble in adventure, offsetting their inexperience with sheer enthusiasm and resources. Others, aspiring to emerge from the long shadows of their forebears, recklessly plunge into perilous endeavors, often escaping by a mix of luck and legacy. Having forsaken their familial names to adopt the surname Silverfield, they now carry a common legacy that is distinct from their individual familial ties. The four current leaders of Silverfield represent a blend of youthful naivety, over-privileged backgrounds, and well-meaning intentions, marking a new chapter in the guild's history.
Milo Silverfield
Chaotic Good, Male Dwarf Milo Silverfield, the youngest guild leader, steps into his role with inherent charm. The son of storied adventurer Luther Wave, Milo inherits both a legacy of wealth and prestige, and the responsibility of advancing Silverfield's adventuring spirit. Despite his inexperience, Milo's approach is marked by eagerness to explore and readiness for the challenges of adventuring. Carrying his father's legacy, Milo finds himself at a juncture of privilege and expectation. His path is shaped more by navigating real responsibilities than by combat skills. While traditional fighting prowess eludes him, Milo excels in rallying support and captivating audiences. Amid admirers and hopeful brides, Milo's focus is still on adventure, using the guild's activities as a canvas for his aspirations. His pursuit of adventure is a journey to prove his worth, hoping to transcend his lineage.Terrance Silverfield
Chaotic Neutral, Male Human Son of Lola Brass, the Herald of the Southern Court, Terrance abandoned his family name in pursuit of something greater. As a teenager, he found himself alone in the Liyish wilderness, where he was forced to live off his wits without protection. This harrowing experience transformed him, and when he returned to civilization, Terrance was a changed man. Years of honing his craft have earned Terrance a reputation for razor-sharp shrewdness in negotiations. He is comfortable amidst tension and adept at turning charged situations to his advantage. Terrance has a distinct knack for steering conversations in his desired direction. His approach, often laced with sarcasm, might not always be well-received, but it is undeniably effective. Within the Silverfield guild, Terrance is the driving force behind ventures reaching new heights of profitability. He excels in the art of negotiation, cultivating advantageous positions with finesse that is as admired as it is feared.Carla Silverfield
Neutral Good, Female Human Raised in the lap of luxury as a restless youth, Carla channeled her energy into intense martial practice. Her upbringing in a wealthy merchant home emboldened her spirit, fueling her drive to excel in physical prowess. Of the four current leaders of Silverfield, Carla works as a warrior, her skills honed through rigorous training and a competitive nature. As the head trainer and lead field operative for the guild, Carla's role is both critical and dynamic. She is driven by the goal of elevating their status to unprecedented heights, utilizing her skill with a blade. Her life is a constant balance between the thrill of competition and the responsibilities of leadership, embodying the spirit and ambition of Silverfield.Dawn Silverfield
Chaotic Good, Female Elvenari Originally from a family of trade brokers, Dawn chose to step away from her family's long-standing legacy. Working as negotiators, bridging the gap between the Great Forest residents and the people of Yakone, she lived a life stuck between the elvenari of the woods and the elves of the city. Aspiring to create her own legacy, Dawn amassed her resources and set out to make a name for herself, a decision that would eventually lead her to relinquish her family name in favor of Silverfield. Her journey took her through a period of questionable dealings in the Esh Republic, particularly around the town of Annesville. There, she provided mediation between the local citizens and the Emperor's representatives in Corsenth. This period of her life was marked by heavy risk and opportunity, molding her into a figure capable of navigating the most intricate commercial landscapes. Dawn's prowess eventually caught the attention of the former leaders of the Silverfield guild. Recognizing her skills and enterprising spirit, they welcomed her into their ranks. She now applies her exceptional understanding of trade, finance, and negotiation to Silverfield and works tirelessly for her chosen path.Ideals
![]() | The world needs saving, use your means to do it. |
![]() | Seek out that which will aid everyone as a whole. |
![]() | Establish your own roots where you choose. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Gathering Contacts. Often jobs will be taken with the specific intent of making lasting connections. |
![]() | Adventure. Many members are bored with their current situation and will take anything that sounds like a potential adventure. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up. Starting Gear: Abacus, Bit and Bridle, Feed (7 days), Force Baton, Merchant’s Scales, Perfume (vial), Portable Scholar, Potion of Healing, Saddlebags, Self-Writing Quill, and choose between a Camel or a Draft Horse Monthly Stipend: Lodging fees, and any paper, parchment, or ink neededDowntime Benefits
Thanks to long lengthy ties to the merchant Guilds of Tor, you are able to get the best deals in your off time.- When selling magic items during downtime you are always able to get at least 100% of the base price.
- When carousing you cannot make hostile contacts.
- When investing during downtime you do not need to roll for complications.
Sticky Fingers
New to the scene, the Sticky Fingers have adopted the most successful features of classic thieves’ guilds to streamline the service. Known to toe the line of legality, the guild offers exceptionally reasonable rates, making up costs through other means. While not a traditional member of the Guilds of Tor, the Fingers have proven their worth and their mettle.
Tack Tallow
Neutral Evil, Male Halfling Once a halfling man consumed by greed, Tack Tallow's fate took a dramatic turn when his avarice led him to steal a cursed locket. Adding his picture to the necklace triggered a transformation, softening his skin and turning it green. In the weeks that followed, Tack's life unraveled, and he was driven from his home, losing the locket in the process. Left to wander the countryside, Tack desperately searched for the cursed object amidst his scattered wealth to no avail. Adapting to his new form, he devised a cunning plan to regain his lost riches and, possibly, his original form. Luring adventurers to his lair with promises of treasure, he enlisted their help, planting the seeds of what would become the Sticky Fingers guild. Over time, Tack transitioned from a physical presence to more of a mythic figure, becoming a symbol of the guild's origins. Despite this transformation, he remains a tangible entity, masterminding operations with unending greed. Under his covert leadership, the Sticky Fingers are driven to steal ceaselessly, motivated by Tack's hope that one day the cursed necklace will be returned to him, restoring his original form.Ideals
![]() | Always be looking for optimal circumstances. |
![]() | Honor among thieves is for thieves, the Sticky Fingers are professionals. |
![]() | If they believe it, then isn't that all that matters? |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Take em’ all. No job is too small if it means making money. |
![]() | Missing objects. Whether missing by legitimate means or not, the Sticky Fingers will find it for you. You might even get it back. |
Guild Logo
Base of Operations
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Abacus, Grappling Hook, Hat of Disguise, Helpful Hand, Magnifying Glass, Potion of Healing, Steel Mirror, Tinderbox, and your choice of Burglar’s Pack, Climber’s Kit, or Thieves’ Tools Monthly Stipend: The Sticky Fingers do not believe in payments beyond that for the assigned job.Downtime Benefits
The guild uses its influence with local fences to get you deals in your downtime.- You may sell two magic items at a time instead of one during your downtime.
- When making a Charisma (Persuasion) ability check to sell a magic item you have advantage.
- Hard investments are considered moderate risks for Sticky Fingers when during downtime.
Tainted Morals
After a wildly successful start, Tainted Morals has begun to attract a certain kind of patronage. With locations spread across all of Pathriam, the guild has managed to gain a substantial underground following. They now serve as the esteemed cutthroats of the guild world.
Aletha Matieus
Neutral Evil, Female Elvenari Aletha Matieus is a name that resonates through the streets of Staffons as a figure of intrigue and debauchery. Originally a vivacious individual known for her outgoing personality, Aletha's life was a whirlwind of excitement across the northern regions of the Tritos Dominion. Her reputation as a patron of vice was well-established, with her presence regularly gracing gambling dens, brothels, and other establishments of indulgence. Approximately 20 years ago, Aletha took control of a guild called Iron Paradox and subsequently changed everything about it. Initially acquired for its resources, under her leadership, the new guild, Tainted Morals, underwent a radical transformation, rebranding itself as an organization that was willing to undertake any job, irrespective of its nature. Aletha's approach to leadership was unapologetically pragmatic, and Tainted Moral's reputation grew. Sadly, Aletha's life took a fatal turn one fateful night during a back alley brawl. As she lay dying, a doppelganger seized the opportunity to delve into her mind, absorbing her memories. In an instant, Aletha Matieus ceased to be, replaced seamlessly by the being who adopted her identity entirely. This entity, now living as Aletha, continues her legacy, maintaining her charismatic and ruthless demeanor. The doppelganger, while embodying Aletha's persona, operates with a distinct perspective. It upholds her reputation and style, navigating the guild's activities and maintaining its repute in the criminal underworld. To the outside world, Aletha Matieus is still the notorious leader of Tainted Morals, but beneath the surface lies a creature with its own intentions, forever masquerading as the woman it once replaced.Ideals
![]() | Work is work, let the law sort the rest out. |
![]() | Take advantage of circumstances when they present themselves. |
![]() | Toe the line, but rarely cross it. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Bounties. Dead or alive. |
![]() | Scandals. Tainted Morals has made their name in dealing with what others wouldn’t. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Alchemist’s Fire (flask), Lanyon Lantern, Deft Touch, Manacles, Silk Rope (50 ft), Signet Ring, and a Trained Raven Monthly Stipend: 100 gpDowntime Benefits
Tainted Morals encourages their members to use their downtime as they see fit.- When gambling the guild will pay off debts up to 100 gp.
- When carousing, you have the contacts necessary to mingle with the upper class.
- If you acquire a rival, the guild will place an official legal bounty on them.
The Ünders
The Ünders are a force unto themselves. They are funded by bored yet wealthy tinkerers, long retired adventurers, and centuries of personal lineage. Primarily doing work that interests their own members, the guild specifically seeks out adventure regarding the search into oneself. A unique and somewhat exclusive guild, often thought of as a bit too reckless for their own good.
Goldie Witherstone
Chaotic Good, Female Dwarf Known as "the most interesting person in the world," Goldie Witherstone is not just the leader of The Ünders, she is its lifeblood. Her druidic connection with the elements has taken Goldie on adventures across every continent, witnessing wonders of the unknown. Regarded as a folk hero, Goldie is adored for her daring exploits and envied for her unbridled spirit. Her stories and adventures captivate the guild's benefactors, who live vicariously through her exhilarating journeys. The grander her exploits, the more support and resources she garners. Goldie's achievements and charisma have given her the authority to dictate The Ünders direction. From choosing the jobs to assigning roles, Goldie's decisions are final, and her leadership style has shaped the guild's approach. Instead of dividing tasks, members rally around her, accompanying her and enabling Goldie to continue her extraordinary ventures.Ideals
![]() | Heritage and history. Strengths and bonds. |
![]() | Never miss a meal, but if you have to, absolutely don’t miss the drinks. |
![]() | You have the resources and skills, use them. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Tales of Old. Chasing down legends, especially those related to one’s ancestry. |
![]() | A Good Time. If it sounds like a good time, why not? |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Dynamite (Stick), Flask, Potion of Healing, Sealing Wax, Signet Ring, Steel Mirror, Tankard, and your choice of Brewer’s Supplies, Diplomat’s Pack, Mason’s Tools, Scholar’s Pack, or Tinker’s Tools Monthly Stipend: 150 gp, 150 gp worth of crafting resources, and guaranteed any letters from home while in the fieldGuild Symbol
Base of Operations
Downtime Benefits
The Ünders are quite wealthy and they are more than supportive of their members in their off time.- While practicing the Calling downtime the DC for success and progression is reduced by your proficiency modifier.
- You have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) rolls while determining the success of exploration during downtime.
- While carousing you do not need to roll for complications.
Veterans of the Illusion
Not well-funded; nor the most qualified, or interested, the Veterans of the Illusion stand for little and care about even less. Among their guild hall outside of the famous Library of Asundeai, you will find performers, vagabonds and those simply filled with wanderlust.
Jackson McKnight
Neutral Good, Male Halfling Jackson is a proud and perpetually optimistic leader. His professional journey began as a bard studying in Graetis before he unexpectedly stumbled into his current position. His outgoing and personable nature has elevated Jackson to the forefront of the Veterans of the Illusion. While he is a hardworking and charismatic halfling, Jackson's true ambition lies in elevating the Veterans to a more distinguished status within the Guilds of Tor. Presently, they struggle with insufficient funding and a lackluster reputation, hindering their ability to attract notable figures. Consequently, Jackson has been compelled to gather a team of lackadaisical, underpaid, past-their-prime, and unmotivated adventurers. Despite these challenging circumstances, he remains unwaveringly positive, eagerly accepting any guild assignment that pays, hopeful that each new venture will set the Veterans on a trajectory toward triumph.Ideals
![]() | Do enough to get by. |
![]() | Fight only when necessary. Avoid conflict through other means. |
![]() | A lie told often enough becomes the truth. |
Interests & Jobs
![]() | Does it Pay? Life is expensive, do this and get paid. |
![]() | Affordable. Many jobs are not taken by other guilds due to low pay and member safety. The Veterans will do it anyway. |
Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend. Starting Gear: Bit and Bridle, Pony, Portable Scholar, Potion of Healing, Riding Saddle, Sealing Wax, Signet Ring, and your choice of one Musical Instrument Monthly Stipend: Lodging fees and additional lodging for an apprenticeDowntime Benefits
The Veterans can’t provide much, but they do their best to help.- When relaxing you do not have to maintain a specific lifestyle to gain the benefits.
- When gambling you may roll a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check instead of one of the other checks.
- You can use the gambling and Stonesport downtimes simultaneously.
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