
Settled in the northeastern reaches of the dragon-dominated continent of Erimata, Liyish stands as an intellectual beacon to the world. Governed by the wisdom of Nath'sunseer, the eldest known primal dragon, the nation is a sanctuary for scholars, mages, and adventurers alike. Here, the hallowed halls of the Sunseer Academies offer unparalleled education, while the omnipresent Guilds of Tor navigate a labyrinth of bureaucracy to keep the focus on learning and discovery.   Yet, Liyish is not just a land of quiet study; it is a place where the thirst for knowledge meets the urgency of global challenges, making it a crucible for both the mind and the sword. Whether you seek arcane secrets, diplomatic ties, or the thrill of the hunt, Liyish extends its invitation to all who honor the Covenant.  


The nation is a rugged peninsula situated in the northeast corner of Erimata, bordered by the Gyre Ocean to the north and the Sterling Ocean to the south. The landform, reminiscent of a dragon's wing, experiences a generally cold climate marked by brisk winds and frequent snowfall. The small mountain range known as Hatchling Ridge snakes down from the northeastern corner into the country's heart, giving birth to numerous rivers that crisscross the terrain.   Sparse pine forests punctuate the terrain, offering a contrast to the otherwise harsh conditions. A basin in the southwest, often referred to as the "Dragon's Cradle," serves as the dwelling place for the primal dragon Nath'sunseer. The country's coastline is jagged, marked by ridges and dotted with small islands, offering natural barriers against the ocean's might.


Liyish has its origins deeply intertwined with Nath'sunseer, a primal dragon of earth. When the primal first opened its lands to mortals, it had a singular vision: to create a hub of knowledge-sharing that would bridge the gap between dragonkind and the mortal races. Over centuries, this vision manifested into the formation of the Sunseer Academies, which have since become fundamental centers of learning, drawing scholars from all corners of Dromaria.   Initially, Nath'Sunseer took a direct role in the administration of the academies, but as the demand for education grew exponentially, the primal realized that overseeing day-to-day operations was not feasible or desirable. This led to the establishment of the Guilds of Tor, bureaucratic entities that could handle the minutiae of running an educational institution, from student admissions to course scheduling, thereby freeing Nath'Sunseer to focus on what it loved most: education.   Over the years, Liyish has grown into a bustling nation, home to some of the most brilliant minds on the continent. The academies have expanded their curricula to include not just arcane and scholarly studies, but also practical skills and adventuring techniques. Despite its academic orientation, Liyish has never shied away from taking an active role in global politics, especially when it aligns with the goal of promoting its own agenda. The nation's history is one of peaceful yet impactful influence, due to the enduring vision of its primal founder.  


Within Liyish, the pursuit of knowledge is the cornerstone of society, heavily influenced by the primal dragon Nath'sunseer. Academic milestones are celebrated fervently, often with public ceremonies and the bestowal of scholarly relics. Nath'Sunseer's influence permeates every aspect of daily life, from architecture inspired by ancient wisdom to common expressions reflecting a pursuit of enlightenment. Even the arts, from painting to theater, often center around themes of education and the lore of dragons.   Within this scholarly environment, social engagements frequently take on an academic flavor. Events, whether casual gatherings or formal soirees, often include intellectual games and debates, organized primarily by the Guilds of Tor. These guilds also serve as the framework for adventurers and scholars alike, offering a sanctioned space for more risky or experimental pursuits.   Dragons, often in mortal guises, are a common sight and are treated with a mix of veneration and scholarly curiosity. Their frequent interactions with mortals contribute to detailed accounts of draconic life. The nation is a hub of education and a focal point for those seeking to understand the mysteries of dragons and the wider world.  


Liyish is an epicenter of education. Its schools and academies draw scholars, students, and intellectuals from across the globe, all united in their quest for knowledge. This universal thirst for wisdom makes Liyish a peaceful and protected nation; no country would risk severing ties or disrupting the tranquil stability of such a valuable resource.   The Guilds of Tor serve as the diplomatic face of Liyish to the outside world. With representatives stationed globally, they facilitate the international exchange of knowledge and maintain the high standards of education that Liyish is renowned for. This extends the influence of the primal dragon and the nation's core philosophy of enlightened unity, further solidifying its global importance.   While Liyish enjoys harmonious relations with its neighboring countries, especially Don Shou to the west, it relies on external support for resources such as food. This interdependence fosters a network of trade and mutual support that benefits not just Liyish but the entire continent of Erimata. The nation's peaceful ethos and unmatched intellectual resources make it a generally respected and indispensable member of Dromaria.  


The economy is closely linked to its educational institutions and the Guilds of Tor, which function as the foundation of the nation's financial framework. Tuition fees from a diverse array of students form a significant portion of the country's income, sustaining not only the Sunseer Academies but also supporting local businesses and public services.   The Guilds of Tor manage all aspects of commerce and industry. They collect tuition, allocate research grants, and maintain a carefully balanced budget that serves both academic and practical needs. Scholarships, fellowships, and academic sponsorships are common forms of support, often provided by alumni or international patrons who recognize the value of the education Liyish offers.   Though rich in intellectual capital, Liyish is not self-sufficient in terms of agriculture. The country relies on supplies from Yen Su Ma and trade with neighboring nations for essential goods, primarily food. This trade relationship is mutually beneficial, as Liyish exports its prized commodity, knowledge, through its educated workforce, academic resources, and the far-reaching influence of the Guilds of Tor.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

The Guilds of Tor. A collective of bureaucratic organizations, the Guilds of Tor manage a broad range of responsibilities that go beyond academia. While they guide students in their academic paths, handle tuition, and facilitate career opportunities for graduates, they also serve as the sanctioned framework for adventurers and other risk-takers. Operating under the guiding principle, "Out of chaos we provide order," their main objectives are to prevent Nath'sunseer from becoming bogged down in administrative details and to ensure that every student and guild member has an equal chance at success, whether in education or adventurous pursuits. Both newcomers and long-tenured students, faculty, and adventurers often find themselves navigating the Guilds' intricate administrative procedures. While they are generally viewed as a necessary part of academic and adventurous life, the Guilds can also be a significant, time-consuming hurdle for those trying to enter the system.   Nath'sunseer. Nath'Sunseer, a Primal dragon of earth, is the oldest known living dragon and the revered figurehead of Liyish. The primal opened its lands to mortals, allowing the creation of the Sunseer Academies so that its vast knowledge could be shared in the pursuit of mutual understanding. Known for its ancient wisdom and rumored extraordinary power, Nath'Sunseer has never engaged in battle and has never been seen outside of Liyish.   Elder Provost. Elder Provost is an ancient copper dragon responsible for guiding students to their appropriate academic paths within the Sunseer Academies. Known for his noble disposition and commitment to fairness, he exemplifies the Guilds' goals of offering each student an equal and fair opportunity. Additionally, Elder Provost is a connoisseur of ancient texts and is said to personally oversee the Guilds' extensive library, rumored to contain scrolls and tomes dating back to the early days of the Covenant.   Chancellor Chauncey Wetherby. A stringent and calculating red dragonborn, Chancellor Chauncey Wetherby holds the responsibility for tuition assignment and collection for the Sunseer Academies. Never one to skim off the top, their primary concern is to ensure Nath'sunseer receives every coin of its rightful tribute. Wetherby has a reputation for relentless pursuit of debtors, using their connections to dragons to instill a sense of urgency and fear in those who have failed to pay their dues.   Chancellor Alor'delora Kotodama. An Eshanan advisor, council member, and former standout student, Chancellor Alor'delora Kotodama operates as the vital link between Nath'sunseer and the Guilds of Tor. She diligently ensures that the primal dragon remains undistracted by administrative details, thus preserving the institution's focus on education and knowledge dissemination. Alor'delora also holds diplomatic ties with the Leng Empire, working tirelessly to foster positive relations between elves and dragons.   Zelgadis Markov. A renowned hero and Chosen of Polurn, Zelgadis Markov is a distinguished professor of arcane study at the Sunseer Academies. Invited to the role because of his remarkable skill in arcane arts and his record of honorable actions, Zelgadis frequently clashes with the guilds due to his ability to sidestep their bureaucratic procedures. Specializing in ice and frost-related magic, Zelgadis has gained considerable experience from his travels off the continent, and he is currently known to be residing in Mortéglace.  

Current Events

East Coast Piracy. Piracy along the east coast of Erimata has escalated into a significant concern. In response, Liyish has joined forces with Yen Su Ma and the Esh Republic to assemble an armada aimed at safeguarding trade routes. While these powers have historically clashed in the waters around Dendenwine, the conflict has begun to encroach perilously close to Erimata's shores.   Academy Abduction. A noteworthy event has recently shaken the Sunseer Academies in the city of Tor: the abduction of a student related to Soulpyre Fizzlesticks, an influential figure from Thorn and educator of the Odelian Order. The incident has spurred a whirlwind of speculation and theories among students and faculty alike, as no one is certain who is behind the kidnapping.   Refugees from Don Shou. An ecological catastrophe in neighboring Don Shou has led to a mass migration of wildlife into Liyish. These animal refugees have overwhelmed the local ecosystems, consuming much of the available plant life. This has caused considerable hardship for residents of towns situated close to the border.   Ji the Diamond. Liyish has recently seen an influx of bounty hunters, adventurers, and mercenaries, all attracted by reports that Ji the Diamond, a goblin immortal, has been sighted within the territory. Having escaped from the Ley Prisons when the Prophet Stroud attacked Emperor's Peak, Ji has a substantial bounty on her head, placed by the Sovereign Sage. As a result, individuals from across the realm are arriving to try their luck at capturing the warrior.


  • Liyish
    Settled in the northeastern reaches of the dragon-dominated continent of Erimata, Liyish stands as an intellectual beacon to the world. Governed by the wisdom of Nath'sunseer, the eldest known primal dragon, the nation is a sanctuary for scholars, mages, and adventurers alike. Here, the hallowed halls of the Sunseer Academies offer unparalleled education, while the omnipresent Guilds of Tor navigate a labyrinth of bureaucracy to keep the focus on learning and discovery.   Yet, Liyish is not just a land of quiet study; it is a place where the thirst for knowledge meets the urgency of global challenges, making it a crucible for both the mind and the sword. Whether you seek arcane secrets, diplomatic ties, or the thrill of the hunt, Liyish extends its invitation to all who honor the Covenant.  


    The nation is a rugged peninsula situated in the northeast corner of Erimata, bordered by the Gyre Ocean to the north and the Sterling Ocean to the south. The landform, reminiscent of a dragon's wing, experiences a generally cold climate marked by brisk winds and frequent snowfall. The small mountain range known as Hatchling Ridge snakes down from the northeastern corner into the country's heart, giving birth to numerous rivers that crisscross the terrain.   Sparse pine forests punctuate the terrain, offering a contrast to the otherwise harsh conditions. A basin in the southwest, often referred to as the "Dragon's Cradle," serves as the dwelling place for the primal dragon Nath'sunseer. The country's coastline is jagged, marked by ridges and dotted with small islands, offering natural barriers against the ocean's might.

Liyish Base Map Image

Location   Continent of Erimata
Cities, Towns, & Villages   Denwa, Katra, Nan, Sower, Treywin, Tor  
Natural Landmarks   Felo River, Hatchling Ridge, The Kin, Threshold
Points of Interest   Nath'sunseer, The Shield, Treetop Hideaway
Mission Statement   "To enlighten the populace, thereby fostering a deeper understanding of dragonkind and their ancient wisdom."   Goals
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Anvil Bullet Point
Ensure the well-being, safety, and contentment of Nath'Sunseer, as he represents the ultimate source of knowledge.  
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Anvil Bullet Point
Establish Liyish as the intellectual hub of Erimata, attracting scholars, mages, and adventurers from across the world to engage in meaningful dialogue and exploration.

General Governance   While the Guilds of Tor manage the day-to-day operations, they do so with the implicit aim of honoring Nath'sunseer and the Covenant. This reverence for the primal dragon and the Covenant is embedded in the legal and social fabric of Liyish, guiding its laws and its international diplomacy. In this way, Liyish remains not only an intellectual sanctuary but also a stronghold of the Covenant's principles.   Exile is the most common punishment. Individuals found in extreme violation of the Covenant's terms are most commonly sent to Asylum, an area on the ancient homeland continent of Zan'deil. The Guilds of Tor are responsible for administering such sentences, although they act with great caution, ever mindful of the weight of their decisions.
Laws Pertaining to Non-Citizens   Scholar's Writ Requirement.
Non-citizens wishing to stay in Liyish for an extended period must both swear the Dragon's Peace and obtain a Scholar's Writ. Failure to present a valid Scholar's Writ when requested by authorities is punishable by immediate expulsion from the country.   Restricted Access to Nath'Sunseer's Basin.
Non-citizens are not allowed to venture into Nath'Sunseer's basin without explicit permission from the Guilds of Tor or Nath'Sunseer themselves. Violators will face immediate exile or death.
Laws Pertaining to the Sunseer Academies   Academic Integrity.
Students are strictly forbidden from using magical means such as divination or enchantments to gain unfair advantage in their studies. Violation of this law will result in immediate expulsion from the academy and possible legal action.   Unauthorized Experimentation.
Students are not allowed to conduct magical experiments or dangerous scholarly pursuits outside of designated areas. Those found in violation risk expulsion and a period of servitude to the Guilds of Tor to compensate for any damages or risks posed.

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