Ley Prison

There are conduits of lifeforce that encircle the worlds of the Sunrun System called Leylines. Dromaria’s leylines are an exceptionally flourishing source of energy, enriching the environments they cross over. Since Lei Shin, the first Sovereign Sage, exceptionally powerful mortals have used the leylines to fuel their needs.   The Leyline Prisons were designed to hold creatures who could not be killed. Lei Shin worked alongside the brightest minds of her age, crafting a system that would be impenetrable, buried beneath places of great importance. As of 6,071 DA the Prophet Stroud broke the connection between the prisons and their power source, releasing the captives.   The Sovereign Sage also kept artifacts and other items of immense power in the Ley Prisons. Adventurers may be tempted to infiltrate these dangerous locations, seeking long lost treasures. However, some creatures may not have left their cells, making the journey a deadly experience.   There are five known Leyline Prisons, although it is likely there have been more:  
  • Annesville Prison / The Nethul Prison. Located beneath an experimental laboratory once run by Nethul Xistrith. This prison has not had a formal caretaker beyond the Sage in centuries. Moldra Sallow, a Champion of Nethul, has taken residence in the old lab and has recently been cleaning it up.
  • Ebon Prison. The World Tree in Ebon has been the site of a prison since before the Age of Horrors, maintained by the tritons who remained there. It is the least used of the prisons, forgotten until the return of Maegaloth the Apex to Morteglace. The current Sage has yet to visit since the event.
  • Emperor’s Peak Prison. Fortified within the mountain, the dragon’s prison was designed to house captured Unforgiven. It was created by the Dragon Sage and had not been used in millennia. It was the site of the Leyline Prison’s breaking.
  • Otherwyld Prison. Shifting throughout the heart of Tempus Nova is a prison designed specifically for Otherwylders. Approved by Dipthi herself, it has been overseen by the mysterious Ridox Wiggletoe since the middle of Harvie Ambrosius’ reign as Sage. Ridox has not been seen in centuries.
  • Tensen Prison. Found in the elven spiritual capital and home of the Emperor. The Tensen Prison was overseen by Emperor Aenaryuu Kaless. After the prisons broke, Aenaryuu kept the remaining captives held until his death a few years later.
  • Unknown Prisons. Scholars have long assumed that there is a prison beneath the Sovereign Spire, which is located at a Leyline nexus point. Beyond that, the rest is completely up to speculation. It is likely the Sage, or other powerful beings, have long used the Leylines in moments of peril, calling on power beyond themselves. Any number of monsters may have been sealed away, slowly waking to a new world.

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