Mother Malign

Mother Malign was an Otherwyld enchantress of immense power. Long ago Malign seized control of the goddess Dipthi (goddess of chance, fey, gnomes, goblins, mischief) and used the goddess’s power to spread panic and destruction into Dromaria. She was eventually defeated by united Ancestors, and her remains were divided into three crystal hearts.   The fragments were locked away in different Ley Prisons. After the prisons were broken, Mother Malign was free, but divided, taking the form of three separate beings, Lamentia, Secretia, and Sedatia. They terrorized much of Pathriam before being defeated by the Guilds of Tor. Mother Malign is currently sealed within a gnome warlock named Addelaide Farnsworth. Addie has not been seen outside of the Otherwyld since the end of the Witch Wars.
Three Aspects of the Whole
  Lamentia. Seductress who was focused in Mortéglace. She left thousands forlorn at her death, now called Lamentia's Lost.   Secretia. Hag who tried to take over Gnome's Landing. Her attempt was thwarted before reaching fruition.   Sedatia. Demon-pacted witch who waged war over parts of the Tritos Dominion. She was killed in Lolien.

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