Don Shou

In the rugged lands of Erimata, where mountains reach skyward and the Leviathan's waters stretch far and wide, Don Shou stands as a land steeped in ancient power. This nation, the center of draconic rule, is at a pivotal moment in its history. The aftershocks of recent, world-altering events have yet to subside, leaving both dragons and mortals in a state of flux. Emperor's Peak, the age-old font of power, along with the forested outskirts and sprawling plains, serve as living chronicles of a sacred Covenant between dragonkind and mortals.   As the dragons strive to rebuild and re-establish their dominion, the mortal populace is left to consider their role in a changing world. In Don Shou, arcane wonders coexist with political intricacies, creating a nation where every scale, feather, and leaf has its own tale to tell. Whether you're an academic intrigued by the mystic arts, a statesperson keen to understand the balance of power, or an adventurer in search of both peril and treasure, Don Shou offers an array of opportunities and challenges.  


Enveloped by the Gyre Ocean, Don Shou boasts a geography as grand as the dragons that rule it. Dominating the landscape is the Leviathan, the largest body of freshwater in the world, centrally located and serving as a geographical focal point. To the north, pine forests flourish, providing a natural barrier that segues into the Wyrmpeaks, a smaller mountain range in the southwest.   However, it is Emperor's Peak in the east that stands as the pinnacle of the nation's topography, a massive mountain that serves as the seat of dragon rule. South of this towering peak lies a large deciduous forest, offering a contrast to the evergreen expanses of the north. An intricate network of rivers crisscross the land, fed by both the mountain ranges and the Leviathan. Off the northern coast, a scattering of small islands can be found.   Don Shou's climate is relatively mild, tending toward the cooler side. Its weather patterns include warm summers and cold winters. Due to the presence of dragons, the ecology is somewhat skewed; while plant life is abundant, the animal population is sparse. Most dragons choose to hunt in neighboring Yen Su Ma, leaving Don Shou's wildlife relatively undisturbed. As a result, many of the mortals residing here have adopted a vegetarian lifestyle, living off what the land and its draconic rulers provide.


In the distant past, dragons were the uncontested rulers of the world, a time when mortals were yet to walk the lands. Their dominion was first challenged by the arrival of the Ancestors. The ensuing conflict eventually led to the formation of the Covenant. The God Golem, as mentioned in the ancient tablets housed in Sorona's Crest, was to serve the dragons first. While the exact interpretation of this clause remains debated, it is said that the God Golem constructed Emperor's Peak in their honor, dubbed the "Center of the World," a mountain designed to be a sanctuary for dragons and within reach of many primals.   With the Covenant solidified, dragons enjoyed an unchallenged rule over Erimata. That changed during the Age of Horror, when Ulric Lothor brokered the Dragon's Peace, allowing refugees to settle in Undai and eventually spread across the continent. For nearly two millennia, Emperor's Peak stood as the epicenter of draconic rule and society.   However, in the year 6,071 DA, a calamity struck. A devotee of the imprisoned necromancer Senex Malus, known as the Prophet Stroud, attacked Emperor's Peak. His assault triggered volcanic activity that not only damaged parts of the city but also destroyed many dragon egg clutches housed beneath it. A group known as the Band of the Last Days thwarted Stroud, but the damage was already done. Stroud's actions disrupted the Ley Lines around Dromaria, unleashing imprisoned creatures and causing worldwide havoc.   The repercussions of this attack have been profound. The next generation of dragons is at risk, with many having lost their eggs. Emperor's Peak, the heart of dragon society, has been severely compromised. Stroud's final message, magically broadcast to the world, called for the end of draconic rule over mortals. His message has ignited debates and unrest, especially in Undai, challenging the very foundation of the Covenant.   Now, the dragons of Don Shou find themselves in a precarious position, wrestling with the immediate need to restore, rebuild, and seek retribution for the damages incurred.  


In Don Shou, dragons are more than just rulers; they are the living embodiment of the land's history, might, and wisdom. The Covenant, the ancient accord that binds dragon and mortal, serves as the guiding philosophy of the society. Mortals privileged to dwell in Don Shou usually earn their place through acts of valor or service that align with draconic ideals.   Public life in Don Shou often centers around ancient rituals and ceremonies, many of which involve reciting age-old draconic texts or showcasing art forms that glorify the majesty of dragons. Here, governance and spirituality are intrinsically linked, with the dragons' dictates serving as both law and holy writ.   Contrary to a society solely under draconic dominion, Don Shou offers a unique symbiosis. Dragons, in their wisdom, encourage mortals to contribute to the arts and sciences. While these pursuits must align with draconic ideals, they nonetheless provide a space for mortals' creativity to thrive, resulting in a societal construct that only exists within the countries' borders.  


Dragons hold dominion not just over the land but also its diplomatic endeavors. The Covenant, upheld by both dragons and mortals, serves as the foundation for all external relations. While the dragons wield ultimate authority, they do so with a wisdom that often transcends territorial disputes, making them formidable negotiators.   The territories neighboring Don Shou, particularly Yen Su Ma to the south and Liyish to the east, follow the rule of the dragons. Yen Su Ma serves as a primary hunting ground and farmland for Erimata's dragons. Liyish, the scholarly nation, often collaborates with Don Shou in areas of arcane and historical research.   Few mortals earn the privilege to reside in Don Shou, and those who do have usually performed remarkable services for the dragons. As such, the nation remains insular, opening its borders only for significant diplomatic events or Covenant-related ceremonies. This insularity should not be mistaken for isolation, however, as Don Shou remains keenly aware of global happenings, ever watchful for events that might require the wisdom and might of dragons to intervene.   To lands outside of Erimata, Don Shou is seen as a place of extremes. Most outsiders fear the dragons, wishing to remain far from their rule. The country finds very little in terms of outside trade, although Port Eden does serve as the one place where people may stay without express permission from the dragons. Anyone wishing to work or trade in Port Eden must still swear allegiance to The Dragon's Peace.  


While dragons in Don Shou may not concern themselves much with traditional commerce, they are known for their affinity for wealth. Most take what they need directly from the land, affecting the more structured economies minimally.   However, mortals living in Don Shou do participate in the formal Sithir based economic system, using coins for everyday transactions and tithes.   The lone exception to Don Shou's insular economy is Port Eden, a key trading post open to external trade. Here, foreign merchants can conduct business under strict regulations and the vigilant oversight of dragonborn enforcers. Swearing allegiance to the Dragon's Peace is a prerequisite for any commercial activities within the port.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

The Dragon Empire. While the heart of dragon rule emanates from Emperor's Peak, much of the practical governance is conducted through the well-established factions in Yen Su Ma: The Thundering Flight and the Monarchy. These bodies uphold the Covenant and manage both draconic and mortal affairs, extending their jurisdiction over Don Shou as well.   The Ceremonial Seat. Emperor's Peak serves as more than just a geographical marvel; it is the ceremonial seat of the dragon empire. Dragons residing here are often those tasked with guiding and protecting Erimata and its principles. While it may not be the hub of daily governance, it holds immense importance for ceremonial functions and rites. Many dragons choose to lay their clutches here, thereby making it a sanctuary of the next generation of draconic rulers.   Elovesor. A gold dragon deeply involved in mortal affairs, Elovesor is a companion to the former Sovereign Sage Harvie Deadeyes and his apprentice Riieyu Divmur'ss. Known for her peaceful demeanor and slow-to-anger disposition, her unleashed wrath is a force to be reckoned with. Often considering Harvie and Riieyu as her own children, she displays a maternal loyalty that is unbreakable. Eloveser frequently finds herself embroiled in the matters of the Sovereign Sage, influencing outcomes both positively and negatively.   Nym. As the designated diplomat for off-continent affairs, Nym is a green dragon who has little patience for foolishness. Despite her devotion to the Covenant, she harbors a resentment for her role, yearning to return to the sanctity of Emperor's Peak. Since the recent upheaval at the Peak, Nym has opted to stay within dragon territories, zealously ensuring their safety and integrity. Her temperament might be short, but her dedication to her kin and the Covenant is unmatched.   Yami. A youthful black dragon with an adventurous spirit, Yami serves as the companion to current Sovereign Sage, Malik Kincaid. Having fought alongside the Band of the Last Days to save what remains of Emperor's Peak, Yami has earned a special place of honor among the resident dragons. He frequently exploits this honor for personal gains, leveraging his newfound status to navigate the social dynamics of draconic society.  

Current Events

Attack on Emperor’s Peak. Seven years ago the Prophet Stroud devastated the dragon’s capital city, destroying much of the mountain with it. The base of the explosion was located in the rookery, killing the next generation of dragons. The recovery process has been slow, and dragons everywhere are growing restless. The city has seen a mass exodus, and those remaining are struggling.   Mortal Aid. Volunteer mortal citizens are refusing to leave Emperor’s Peak, determined to help return the dragons to prosperity. Though the dragons can ill afford the extra strain on their current resources, they have come to rely on the mortal aid.   Graveyard Guardians. The guardian of Don Shou’s dragon graveyard was killed in the attack on Emperor's Peak. Ever since, debates have occured about who should take the role, with no discernable end. Citizens of Luanyi, the former capital city, have taken over the responsibility of protecting the graveyards. The city's fervor has been inspirational, vigilant day and night, making it impossible to enter undetected.   Lake Restoration. There have been efforts to return the great Leviathan Lake to its natural state after the explosion of Emperor’s Peak, but they have been stalled. The lake has been poisoned by volcanic ash, dramatically affecting dragons and local wildlife. Druid sects have recently set up around the massive body of water and have begun communicating with animals to understand their plight.


  • Don Shou
    In the rugged lands of Erimata, where mountains reach skyward and the Leviathan's waters stretch far and wide, Don Shou stands as a land steeped in ancient power. This nation, the center of draconic rule, is at a pivotal moment in its history. The aftershocks of recent, world-altering events have yet to subside, leaving both dragons and mortals in a state of flux. Emperor's Peak, the age-old font of power, along with the forested outskirts and sprawling plains, serve as living chronicles of a sacred Covenant between dragonkind and mortals.   As the dragons strive to rebuild and re-establish their dominion, the mortal populace is left to consider their role in a changing world. In Don Shou, arcane wonders coexist with political intricacies, creating a nation where every scale, feather, and leaf has its own tale to tell. Whether you're an academic intrigued by the mystic arts, a statesperson keen to understand the balance of power, or an adventurer in search of both peril and treasure, Don Shou offers an array of opportunities and challenges.  


    Enveloped by the Gyre Ocean, Don Shou boasts a geography as grand as the dragons that rule it. Dominating the landscape is the Leviathan, the largest body of freshwater in the world, centrally located and serving as a geographical focal point. To the north, pine forests flourish, providing a natural barrier that segues into the Wyrmpeaks, a smaller mountain range in the southwest.   However, it is Emperor's Peak in the east that stands as the pinnacle of the nation's topography, a massive mountain that serves as the seat of dragon rule. South of this towering peak lies a large deciduous forest, offering a contrast to the evergreen expanses of the north. An intricate network of rivers crisscross the land, fed by both the mountain ranges and the Leviathan. Off the northern coast, a scattering of small islands can be found.   Don Shou's climate is relatively mild, tending toward the cooler side. Its weather patterns include warm summers and cold winters. Due to the presence of dragons, the ecology is somewhat skewed; while plant life is abundant, the animal population is sparse. Most dragons choose to hunt in neighboring Yen Su Ma, leaving Don Shou's wildlife relatively undisturbed. As a result, many of the mortals residing here have adopted a vegetarian lifestyle, living off what the land and its draconic rulers provide.
Don Shou

Don Shou Base Map Image

Location   Continent of Erimata
Cities, Towns, & Villages   Capital: Emperor's Peak   Cyra, Denneth, Felo River, Luanyi, Port Eden, Temai, Yenneth
Natural Landmarks   The Caresh, The Ento, The Leviathan, Su Forest, The Tail of the Beast, The Tongue of the Beast, The Wyrmpeaks
Points of Interest   The Dragon Graveyard
Mission Statement   "Dragons are supreme, and their rule will remain uncontested."   Goals
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Reconstruct and rejuvenate Don Shou in the wake of recent calamities.  
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Counteract emerging narratives that undermine the dragons' rightful sovereignty over Don Shou.  
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Reinforce and solidify cross-border alliances to uphold the sanctity of the Covenant.

General Governance
  The word of the dragons is law, and this law is solely aligned with the Covenant. While technically governed by the Thundering Flight and the Monarchy in Yen Su Ma, Don Shou serves as the ultimate bastion of draconic rule. While there are mortal settlements, their rule is a mere reflection of the overarching dragon authority, existing to facilitate the daily lives of those rare mortals privileged enough to reside within Don Shou's borders.   The governance structure leaves little room for ambiguity or discretion. Infringements against the Covenant or local laws are met with immediate and uncompromising action, almost invariably resulting in exile. This strict adherence to the Covenant ensures a remarkable level of peace and stability within the country. With entry to Don Shou being such a closely guarded privilege, granted either by the dragons themselves or inherited from ancestors who received such favor, the population is naturally predisposed to uphold the laws that govern them. Therefore, minor transgressions are rare and often swiftly dealt with at the local level, but always in strict accordance with the draconic principles that are the foundation of Don Shou.

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