The Thundering Flight Organization in Dromaria | World Anvil

The Thundering Flight

When the Covenant was founded, it required individuals who would bear its weight. As part of the agreement, the position of the Sovereign Sage was established. The Sage was responsible for upholding the laws and being the mediator between the dragons and mortals. The dragons themselves formed the Thundering Flight, a tribunal of three whose objective was to be the final rule in all matters related to the Covenant.   In the ages since the Flight has taken on more responsibility. After the Dragon's Peace was signed and mortals were given the opportunity to live on Erimata, the physical rule of the Covenant became far more vital. The members of the Flight were forced to cover much of the continent, dealing out regular punishments. In response, each Erimata nation has developed systems of law to work alongside the Thundering Flight, allowing others to bear varying levels of authority.   Anyone born in Erimata is a citizen under the Dragon's Peace and is subject to the power of the Thundering Flight and the Sovereign Sage. Opposition inevitably results in exile or death. The tribunal has become far more involved in politics than was originally intended. While an honored position, the Thundering Flight is seldom coveted by those who hold it.   When a member of the Flight dies, all available dragons convene on Emperor's Peak to appoint a new member. This task is known to take considerable time, sometimes up to decades. Most dragons are unwilling to give up their own freedoms for the greater good. It usually isn't until a dragon is bullied into the position that it is accepted.


The Thundering Flight rules over The Covenant for the dragons residing in Dromaria. It primarily operates within dragon-controlled territory but can be called to intervene in extreme matters outside of Erimata, with its verdict being the final say.   Every Erimata nation has its own government, but all are subject to the Thundering Flight. The Flight's governmental objectives are to preserve the dragons' culture by ensuring national education, safeguarding elder draconic entities, and the defensive might of Erimata. Although the Flight doesn't get involved with local disputes, there are usually dragonborn representatives present in legal proceedings and court cases.   Currently, the Thundering Flight is mainly concerned with radical lawless dragons, attacks on The Covenant, and the fugitives of the Ley Prisons.  

Allies & Enemies

The Thundering Flight considers anyone who opposes them as an enemy of The Covenant. This is a belief held by the dragons of Erimata, and it is unlikely to change. There is no middle ground when dealing with the Flight; you either agree with them, or you are wrong.   The regional leaders of Erimata work under the orders of the Flight, and while they do not report directly, it is understood that the Flight has the power to depose and replace any leader they choose. The relationship and priorities of these leaders greatly depend on the dragons currently presiding over the Flight.   The churches of Matunas and Dromadaes exist throughout all of Erimata and work in collaboration with the government. These religious institutions are dedicated to the Covenant and aim to educate citizens about the proper use and reverence of arcane teachings. Their presence has played a significant role in shaping the religious culture for mortals in the dragonlands.   The Sovereign Sage also interacts with the Thundering Flight and shares many responsibilities with them. Harvie Ambrosius held the position of Sage for the last 1,500 years, but with his failure, the Flight ruled that he had to leave the position. The new Sage, Malik Kincaid, has a fledgling relationship with the dragons that is yet unproven.   The Covenant constantly faces multiple enemies, but the biggest danger comes from the lawless dragons of Mortéglace and Ebon. These dragons live in isolation, but when they gather and work together, they become a significant challenge for the Flight. As the lawless dragons are a major threat, the Flight is constantly dealing with them.   The most notorious beings that have breached the Covenant are known as Unforgiven. To be Unforgiven means to embody ideals that persist through actions; they are beings who, even after being defeated, continue to sow discord through memory. These are immortals, gods, monsters, and men whom the Thundering Flight will continue to battle. Many creatures recently released from the Ley Prisons have connections to Unforgiven or are among them themselves.
The Seats of Power
  In Yen Su Ma, on the western coast, there are two large plateaus that rise above the clifftops. These landmarks are known as Greyroost and Dagger's Tabernacle, and they are home to the rulers of the dragonlands.   Greyroost is where the Thundering Flight nests, with three dragons claiming it as their home. It is a place of intersecting elemental pathways that have become a nexus of dragon lairs over thousands of years. The dragons share the power they have pooled, living together in a blend of different elements.   Dagger's Tabernacle is a city in itself that serves as the center of power for the Monarchy, the rulers of Yen Su Ma and the Thundering Flight. It consists of various buildings, courts, and open spaces that are large enough to accommodate even the biggest dragons. There are also repositories of knowledge and vaults of power located both inside and outside the plateau.
"Modern dragons have lost. You obsess over trivialty, while those of us who laboriously drudge through your politics watch in disbelief. If you seek agency in our affairs, then you should take on the task yourselves."

~ Fushio, the Booming Bellows
Retirement Speech

Unforgiven: Senex Malus
  Senex Malus is infamous for giving rise to the first undead dragon and was imprisoned in the Ley Prison beneath Emperor's Peak for doing so. After his follower, the Prophet Stroud, sacrificed himself to break the prison's spell, Malus was freed. He has remained unseen ever since.   In response to Malus's disappearance, dragons have taken up residence in Leng, near the cities of Li, Dao and Mai, where Malus's tower once stood. The Thundering Flight has declared that any necromancy performed within Erimata will result in execution. The clerics of Matunas and Dromadaes have taken up permanent residency in Emperor's Peak, working tirelessly to eradicate every trace of Stroud's lingering spellwork.  

Major Players



Lawful Neutral, Green Dragon   Raised in Emperor's Peak, Tox’lutori was an unruly wyrmling due to their keen intellect and ceaseless toxic breath. To tame the dragon, they were sent to live under the direction of Sandlord Ryodo, ruler of the Esh Republic Esh Republic. While under his care, Tox studied at Sorona’s Crest, where the original relics of the Covenant were kept.   Living at a crossroads between three nations, Tox’lutori became obsessed with travelers' stories, especially those involving dragons. As Tox was coming into their powers, they were unwittingly coerced into serving a lifelong appointment to the Thundering Flight. Placed into a ruling position so young, Tox’lutori has since taken to the role with zeal.   As Tox'lutori embraced their role within the Thundering Flight, they found solace and purpose in the pursuit of knowledge. Fueled by their fascination with travelers' tales and a thirst for understanding, Tox'lutori began to amass a vast hoard of information, transforming the innards of Dagger's Tabernacle into a chaotic labyrinth of books, scrolls, and other collections. Gifted with a perfect memory, the green dragon's hoard has quickly grown, demanding attendants constantly return with new information.   Tox'lutori is a combination of academic interest and a longing to emulate the personalities depicted in the pages of their cherished books. They channel their passion into action, assuming the role of a hero to people who find themselves in trouble. Acting in secret, Tox patrols Erimata, putting themselves in danger to aid travelers. Tales of Tox’lutori’s heroics are spread across Yen Su Ma.


Neutral Evil, Blue Dragon   Yakui is a young blue dragon who joined the Thundering Flight with the purpose of contributing to the greater whole of dragons. He was raised among the lawless dragons of Mortéglace and became filled with anger over his perceived exile.   Shortly after his arrival, there was an unexpected opening on the Flight. In a surprising move, Elovesor, the Scion of the Sage, recommended Yakui, expressing the need for a fresh outside perspective.   Although Yakui is still learning to control the elements that surround him and is far from his full power, he is a passionate dragon who believes that The Covenant needs to be reworked to include all dragons and all people, if it is to exist at all.


Neutral Good, Silver Dragon   Xi' was born to the primal Kidoarash within the Great Forest of Leng. During her formative years, she found the ways of the local elves and elvenari to be perplexing, which prompted her to leave her small clutch and reside with the dragons of Erimata. As a juvenile among Emperor's Peak, Xi' assimilated the customs and aspired to be part of the Thundering Flight. When the opportunity arose, she achieved her dream.   In 5,700 DA, the Prophet Stroud captured Xi' when she returned to visit Kidoarash. Xi' was kept hidden in the Tower of Malus and presumed deceased. During this period, Xi' was utilized as a source of power, primarily her blood. Stroud deprived her of sight and confined her in a pit, draining her blood for scrying and divination.   When the Band of the Last Days infiltrated the Tower of Malus, they liberated Xi' and aided her in returning to Emperor's Peak. However, during her captivity in the Tower, she became severely debilitated, with her body sustaining significant damage. Though she cautioned the dragons of the impending danger, it was too late to forestall the Prophet's machinations.   Following the attack on Emperor's Peak, Xi' resumed her position on the Thundering Flight. There were four dragons for a brief period, which was an unprecedented occurrence. Shortly after Xi's return, Fushio the Booming Bellows departed to perform his Toothless Vigil.   As a member of the Thundering Flight and a lifelong politician, Xi' excels in her chosen profession. She is patient and even-tempered, with a dedication to her ideals. Since her release from the Tower, she has regained some strength, but she is still unable to fly or see. Xi' exudes power, purposefully displaying what little strength she has left.   Xi's focus outside of the Flight has been on locating Senex Malus, and she has deployed all of her personal resources toward that objective. Her distress upon learning that Kidoarash died just five years before her release has shaken her.

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