Sheathe of a Thousand Blades in Dromaria | World Anvil

Sheathe of a Thousand Blades

Wondrous item (sheathe), legendary (requires attunement by a fighter of at least 10th level)

The sheathe is crafted from the skin of a hydra, slain a thousand times to collect a thousand heads. Each stitch was sewn by the god Sithir himself, using a thousand needles, each one made from its own meteorite. The sheathe is adorned with etchings made from leathered vines of the World Tree located in Tensen. These intricate patterns and runes glow softly when a sword is drawn.   Enhanced Attunement. A creature attuned to the sheathe can attune up to a maximum of 1,000 swords, by placing them into the sheathe one at a time and focusing on each for one minute. A weapon attuned to this way must be a bladed weapon with a hilt that can be wielded with one hand.   Sword Summoning. Through a fluid motion, the wielder sheathes the current sword and draws a chosen attuned sword in its place. Only one sword can be drawn from the sheathe at a time. If no sword has been drawn, the first one may be drawn freely, requiring no action. After the first sword has been drawn, performing this fluid switch to another attuned sword requires a bonus action.   Blade Protection. Swords stored in the sheathe are hidden from divination magic and are immune to damage. If the sheathe is unattuned or destroyed, all stored swords are destroyed and cannot be recovered.   Only one sword may be drawn from the sheathe at a time. Any swords that are outside the sheathe automatically return to it if a new one is drawn.

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This sheathe belongs to Proelia Summus, elf of divine lineage and unmatched skill with the blade. She is the granddaughter of Serithell and Sithir, the gods of the elves. Raised and mentored by Sithir himself, Proelia mastered the art of Ael'mashtir, the Calling of the Blade. Recognizing her unparalleled skill, Sithir bestowed upon her this extraordinary sheathe.

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