Maegoloth the Apex

  Maegoloth the Apex Roll Initiative
Huge Monstrosity (Giant), Chaotic Evil
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 275 (22d12 + 132)
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft., fly 60 ft.

30 (+10)
16 (+3)
22 (+6)
13 (+1)
18 (+4)
23 (+6)
Saving Throws DEX +8, CON +11, WIS +9
Skills Athletics +15, Intimidation +11, Perception +9, Stealth +19
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Fire
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Poisoned
Senses Blindsight 30 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., Tremorsense 30 ft., Passive Perception 19
Languages Common, Giant
Proficiency Bonus +5 Challenge 16
Legendary Resistance (1/Day). If Maegoloth fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.   Flight. Maegoloth cannot fly for more than 10 minutes at a time before stopping.   Tunneler. Maegoloth can burrow through solid rock at half its burrow speed and leaves a 10-foot-diameter tunnel in its wake.   Regeneration. Maegoloth regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point.   Unusual Nature. Maegoloth the Apex doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.  

Multiattack. Maegoloth makes two attacks between its Talons and Rock.   Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 20 ( 3d6 + 10 ) slashing damage.   Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 30 ( 4d10 + 10 ) bludgeoning damage. Rocks thrown by Maegoloth deal double damage to objects and structures.     Legendary Actions
Maegoloth can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Maegoloth regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.   Attack (Costs 1 Action). Maegoloth makes an attack with its Talon or Rock.   Move (Costs 1 Action). Maegoloth moves up to its speed.   Fear (Costs 2 Actions). Maegoloth uses its gaze on one creature it can see within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become frightened for 1 minute. The frightened target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends on it, the target is immune to Maegoloth’s gaze for the next 24 hours.


Maegoloth is a monstrous combination of fire giant, owl, and wurm. The creature has the head, wings, and talons of the owl, torso, arms, and size of a fire giant, and the lower portion of a wurm. Remade by the god Ishkul, Maegoloth attracts monsters to its side because of its corrupted nature. Hordes can regularly be found following the giant.   If Maegoloth the Apex is slain or destroyed, it will return, hatching from an altered and distorted egg of a monster within the region before returning to full strength within a month.  


Ages ago a fire giant commander named Aegoloth the Strapping, arrived with ill tidings. Dwarves had arrived on Mortéglace and were held up in the nearby mountains. As time passed all attempts to stamp them out were routed. Aegoloth longed to claim the region for the giants and Ishkul, the Upiryrial who had treated them so well. The giant commander was willing to do whatever was necessary, pleading with Ishkul to grant him a boon, to which the monster maker readily agreed.   As a fire giant, Aegoloth was already a formidable force, but Ishkul changed him. Combining the lower body of a wurm with the wisdom, vision, and agility of a giant owl, Ishkul had forever altered the nature of Aegoloth. Now called Maegoloth the Apex, the monstrosity sought to reclaim Mortéglace. It became a god among the giants and a tyrant of the skies, known to the dwarves as Guth-Nas Bloodbane.   Maegoloth was imprisoned within the Leyline Prisons before the Age of Horror, and has recently returned seeking to take Mortéglace for the giants. Lesser followers of Maegoloth do whatever they can to earn the attention of the great giant, all in the hopes of one day being consumed by the colossal horror, becoming part of its magnificence.  


Maegoloth’s size is among its greatest assets, and it knows this. For a creature as large as Maegoloth, it has surprising maneuverability and has learned to adapt in combat. While the monstrosity rarely comes across entities that threaten it, when Maegoloth does, they will quickly assess the situation and use one of its many forms of movement to escape. The giant has no qualms about leaving allies behind.   If Maegoloth catches an opponent, it will toss them skyward and dig beneath them, causing them to fall into a pit. If there are multiple enemies Maegoloth will judge who is the largest threat and capture or kill them first. Those who encounter Maegoloth often underestimate the giant’s tactical mind, but it has survived thousands of years of conflict. Whenever possible Maegoloth will consume whatever it has captured.   Maegoloth was created as a creature capable of laying siege to any fortification, and in this area the giant commander excels. Maegoloth’s powerful taloned fists can smash through solid stone as if it were mud, making walls and towers no obstacle. What Maegoloth can't tear down, it will destroy with devastating rocks it rips from the ground.  

Roleplaying Maegoloth the Apex

Personality Trait. "I desire to break this frozen land and bring it to heel beneath me."
Ideal. "Wisdom. I lead because I am the wisest, not because I am the largest."
Bond. "Ishkul blessed me with many gifts and I will serve him for eternity."
Flaw. "Though I don't need to eat to survive, my appetite is insatiable and causes me to devour many of my own followers."

Maegoloth the Apex

Maegoloth the Apex


Feather Color
Snow white
Razor sharp, hooked

Created By
Ruled Locations
The Fountain
"You can try and hide, but nowhere is safe. You’ll feel the ground tremble before Guth’Nas Bloodbane arrives, accompanied by the wails of hundreds of giant monstrosities. If you're lucky the end will come quickly and you won't have to witness the horrors it will bring."  
~ Daisy Pennyday

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