Naz'Nuvarr, The Burnished Baron

In his youth, Naz’Nuvarr found piracy irresistible. His life was free, filled with the joy of discovery, sailing under the stars, and facing the world head-on. As time passed and the thrill of the sea dimmed, the young bronze dragon realized it was the ships he was sailing upon that he loved. With this, he settled on a lair in the Lake of Omens on eastern Zan'deil. There, he would commandeer any ship that passed by, gifting its owner with its weight in gold.   The area that Naz settled in had long since been changed by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes after Rodgort's death. The remnants of the Primal dragon’s hoard were buried beneath the waters, items of malevolent intent and the need to burn. The cursed hoard changed Naz’Nuvarr, warping his body and spirit.   At first, it began with a pain inside. Then it spread, showing through his scales, like a burning coal that refused to go out. The pain started to define Naz’Nuvarr, and it consumed him. He sought only to soothe the hurt and knew only one thing that could satiate him: ships.   Now, in his full size and glory, Naz’Nuvarr became a terror of the Drakefire Ocean, stealing every ship passing through his territory and filling the Lake of Omens with thousands of prized possessions. The region, tainted by the dragon’s lair and infused with Rodgort’s cursed hoard, changed. Those few tribes who lived nearby began to gather around the dragon, and in turn, Naz became their ruler.   Now known as The Burnished Baron, he has become a dragon of immense size and power. The Baron has ruled this region for thousands of years, making the nearby ocean impossible to traverse by ship. In that time, Naz’Nuvarr’s wound has grown considerably, covering the majority of his lower right flank with a dark red and black mass of corruption. His temper has grown in kind.   The Burnished Baron has developed an all-consuming rivalry with a nearby dragon known as Kish the Mad, whose territory is adjacent. The Baron’s petty nature shines through, working to disturb his neighbor, perpetually seeking to drive them from their lair. In turn, Kish sends anyone who enters his territory to raid Naz’s lair to gather parts of Rodgort's hoard.

Roleplaying Naz'Nuvarr

Personality Traits. "Ships are the most fascinating things in the world."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "I rarely interact with new people, so I like to put on a show when I do."
Ideal. "Custodianship. What is mine is mine, and I will do with it as I choose."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Flamboyance. Everyone should remember meeting me."
Bond. "Those in my dominion are free to do as they wish, so long as they are mine."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "Sometimes, things must burn to rise anew."
Flaw. "I am exceptionally petty with anyone who crosses me."
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ "My constant pain drives me to act irrationally in times of great stress."

Scale Color
Seaworn Bronze

Emperor's Peak
Current Residence
Lake of Omens
Ruled Locations
Lair of the Burnished Baron

Read Aloud Description
Under the vast canopy of wings that eclipse the sun, is a dragon of immense size, its scales a deep bronze tinged with the patina of the sea, etched with the silhouettes of ships as if branded by the tales of the deep. Horns, long and curved, stretch back nearly to its wings, framing eyes that pulse with the ferocity of contained storms. The scent of burning, a reminder of an ever-present agony, emanates from a charred and blistered swath across its underbelly.

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