Lawless Dragons in Dromaria | World Anvil

Lawless Dragons

Dragons who do not align with the rules of the Covenant are labeled as lawless. While not a recognized faction, many of these dragons form gatherings and groups for their own purposes. Most dragons who live outside the Covenant do so on the continents of Ebon, Mortéglace, and Zan'deil, choosing to maintain their lairs away from mortal law. However, not all lawless dragons hide themselves away or act against mortals.   Like the mortals themselves, these dragons have created pockets of society, each different in their own right. Some choose to live solitary lives, while others form clutches with the intent of rebuilding in the north. Although rare, some reckless dragons live among mortals, choosing to display their dominance through terror. To be a lawless dragon is to constantly be at risk, but it comes with the benefit of being free from governance.  


Most lawless dragons live by these simple principles: all lands belong to the dragons, freedom is of the utmost importance, everything smaller than them is food, and anything weaker than them should kneel or die. While the majority of lawless dragons have little love for their own kind and none at all for humanoids, believing mortals are a scourge on the world, not all feel this way. Many are inspired by the adoration and places of power mortals are inherently prone to give them, and will work to eliminate any threats to their comfortable positions.  

Allies & Enemies

Lawless dragons have few allies. There are those they can trust as equals and those beneath them. Their greatest threat to survival is the Covenant. The religion’s ardent followers are a constant thorn in the side for those dragons who don't adhere to the law. The only enemy that rivals Covenant devotees are other lawless dragons, constantly seeking to upset balance or claim a higher place in life. Followers of Rodgort look to lawless dragons as the burning claws of their deity and will enable them however they can.
Character Background
  For those interested in playing a dragonborn born to lawless dragons, you may find more information here:  
Temp Image of Lawless Dragons
Dragons Clashing over Mortéglace

The Bonepit
  Lawless dragons are commonly thought of as enemies to civilization. Despite this, their physical remains are still protected under The Covenant. As such, there is a special place reserved for these dragons in the dragon graveyards of Cadmus. They are laid to rest in The Bonepit, a mass grave site dedicated to keeping the remains separate from the rest of the dragons. While still considered sacred, this separation is meant to punish those who stand against Covenant dragon rule.

Major Players

These are the Lawless Dragons that are the most feared, respected, or deeply rooted in their respective regions and cultures. Those dragons who decide to rule and those simply too powerful to ignore.    

Ethglacial the Peerless

Chaotic Good, Silver Dragon   The might of Ethglacial is unquestioned. The sight of this towering and brutish silver dragon with oversized, monstrous fangs is an extreme rarity reserved only for the strongest. Normally she takes the form of a young female Upiryrial with a bald head, ebony skin, blue lips, and massive scaled wings inlaid with silver. In her mortal guise, she retains her draconic power, bearing rippling muscles, and standing at an imposing seven and a half feet.   Ethglacial once served as an advocate and enforcer of the Covenant. Fighting in countless battles over the centuries against both mortals and dragons, it is said she never found an equal. As she aged and witnessed the continued strife within the faith, Ethglacial lost her concern with dragon law.   The silver dragon found purpose in meeting the next challenge, even if it was bigger than she was. With each battle her skills improved, her power increasing so dramatically that dragons began to fear her, wondering how she so quickly reached what they had spent lifetimes trying to achieve. Where she once fought for the sheer pleasure of it, the thrill of the hunt, strength unmeasurable, showing no mercy and sparing no one, time passed and Ethglacial changed. She no longer fought to kill or seek revenge, instead showing mercy, even to her fiercest enemies. Ethglacial’s new purpose was simply to fight and test her limits, to push herself beyond them, and to become the strongest she could possibly be.   For the last century, Ethglacial has claimed the Terrorridge Forest in Mortéglace as her lair. Dragons and other creatures from across the region have pledged their loyalty. As the most powerful creature in her territory, Ethglacial issues open challenges to anyone who would dare face her.

Kaida, the Flaunting Fang

Lawful Evil, Blue Dragon   Kaida is among the most popular dragons across Dromaria, actively working to promote herself to mortals and dragons alike. Her beauty is eclipsed only by her vanity. She travels to wherever she can get attention, showing off for audiences in dramatic performances.   Currently Kaida lives along the north east coast of Mortéglace, under the rule of Ethglacial the Peerless. Up to this point Ethglacial has exerted little control over Kaida, allowing the blue to do her own thing. While many places hold admiration for “The Flaunting Fang,” Kaida has been known to terrorize the town of Ceristas, demanding much of the citizens. She regularly interrupts trader routes and disturbs shipping lanes, causing the region to fall behind. Depending on her mood Kaida will bless the area she controls with good weather or cause endless lightning storms.

Kish the Mad

Chaotic Evil, Brass Dragon   Kishfishious was born to the dragon’s of Emperor's Peak at the tail end of the Age of Horror. In the aftermath of such a devastating period, Kish was taught to craft, to collect, and to preserve. He was raised alongside the mortals of the time, serving as their protector and ally. When Kishfishious came of age he was given the title of Valtgard and served alongside the mortals in the Arcane Sacrarium.   As a protector of ancient artifacts and traditions, Kish became a legend. Objects were spread across the globe, buried or lost to the darkness that has enshrouded things for so long. Kish and his companions were responsible for gathering these powerful objects, returning them to the vaults for safe keeping. For nearly five hundred years Kish led the Valtgard, passing down its secrets to the next generation.   When Kish neared his thousandth birthday he found an object that would forever change him. A weapon named “Heritor’s Foil” began to speak to him. The blade convinced the dragon that it should be kept apart from the others, a hoard of its own. Kish agreed, and began to bring it companions, stockpiling every sentient item that should be returned the Arcane Sacrarium.   Over the centuries that followed Kish changed, forgetting his duty and becoming a hermit. Within his lair is a hoard of unknown size, filled with sentient items that have become the dragon’s friends. In the rare moments Kish is outside near the Godswept Peaks, he is seen watching over the Feral Steppes, engrossed in a rivalry with the nearby dragon, Naz'Nuvarr, The Burnished Baron.

Naz'Nuvarr, The Burnished Baron

Neutral Evil, Bronze Dragon   In his youth, Naz’Nuvarr found piracy irresistible. His life was free, filled with the joy of discovery, sailing under the stars, and facing the world head-on. As time passed and the thrill of the sea dimmed, the young bronze dragon realized it was the ships he was sailing upon that he loved. With this, he settled on a lair in the Lake of Omens on eastern Zan'deil. There, he would commandeer any ship that passed by, gifting its owner with its weight in gold.   The area that Naz settled in had long since been changed by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes after Rodgort's death. The remnants of the Primal dragon’s hoard were buried beneath the waters, items of malevolent intent and the need to burn. The cursed hoard changed Naz’Nuvarr, warping his body and spirit.   At first, it began with a pain inside. Then it spread, showing through his scales, like a burning coal that refused to go out. The pain started to define Naz’Nuvarr, and it consumed him. He sought only to soothe the hurt and knew only one thing that could satiate him: ships.   Now, in his full size and glory, Naz’Nuvarr became a terror of the The Drakefire Ocean, stealing every ship passing through his territory and filling the Lake of Omens with thousands of prized possessions. The region, tainted by the dragon’s lair and infused with Rodgort’s cursed hoard, changed. Those few tribes who lived nearby began to gather around the dragon, and in turn, Naz became their ruler.   Now known as The Burnished Baron, he has become a dragon of immense size and power. The Baron has ruled this region for thousands of years, making the nearby ocean impossible to traverse by ship. In that time, Naz’Nuvarr’s wound has grown considerably, covering the majority of his lower right flank with a dark red and black mass of corruption. His temper has grown in kind.   The Burnished Baron has developed an all-consuming rivalry with a nearby dragon known as Kish the Mad, whose territory is adjacent. The Baron’s petty nature shines through, working to disturb his neighbor, perpetually seeking to drive them from their lair. In turn, Kish sends anyone who enters his territory to raid Naz’s lair to gather parts of Rodgort's hoard.

Oris the Golden Counsel

Neutral Evil, Gold Dragon   Once revered among dragonkind, Oris now bears the scornful title of Clutch Killer. Manipulated into granting the Prophet Stroud access to Emperor's Peak, the fallout forced Oris to flee with his two whelps, seeking refuge in the unlikely haven of Bohdan, among the citizens of Ugarth. Known for his desire for influence and recognition, Oris diligently works to earn Champion Chambers' trust, aspiring to become an advisor or consultant, and through this new allegiance, he seeks to rebuild a semblance of his lost status.

Smolderthorn the Reclaimer

Chaotic Evil, Red Dragon   Smolderthorn is an adult red dragon who claims to have lineage to a dragon from almost 2,000 years ago, Scaborous the Pure. Scaborous terrorized the Tritos Dominion in its time and Smolderthorn has returned to do the same. Smolderthorn has taken up residence in an old military keep in the Cruel Wood, and has been attacking towns in the region.   With the recent attack on Emperor's Peak, Smolderthorn has been rattled. Anti-dragon movements have begun to spread and Smolderthorn is looking to claim new lands before what he has can be taken from him. He has begun to touch on aspects of Rodgort, pushing the evil god’s agenda.

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