Driftscale - Background

You exist separate from the dragonborn's traditional social structure, born to dragons living outside the Covenant. This divergence from tradition may attract scorn or admiration, branding your choices as unorthodox. Whether your dragon chose to voluntarily leave or was driven out due to unavoidable circumstances, you've embraced the existence of a wanderer upon leaving that life behind. Life outside The Covenant is laden with challenges and demands adaptability, with new cultures, laws, and customs presenting as a strange and confusing labyrinth.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit, one type of Musical Instrument
Equipment: A backpack, a musical instrument (one of your choice), traveler's clothes, and a keepsake from your dragon heritage
Feature: Driftscale Instinct
You have a heightened awareness of dragon activity in your surroundings. This uncanny ability enables you to anticipate and prepare for potential encounters. As a Driftscale, dragons, particularly those bound by The Covenant, recognize you and are likely to react with apprehension. Consequently, encounters with dragons in the wild are likely to commence cautiously, providing you with a unique advantage in both diplomatic and combat situations.
Suggested Characteristics
Driftscale are commonly defined by where they grew up and what kind of dragon raised them. Their lives outside lawful society leads to strange cultures and misguided ideals. Their flaws often reflect their ignorance or lack of caring about how others act.  
Parental Relationship
  Your lineage traces back to a dragon, yet the nature of your relationship with this majestic creature is wholly your own to define. Below, you'll find some possible dynamics that could characterize your interactions with your dragon clutch, offering potential reasons for your decision to depart.  

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