Kaida, the Flaunting Fang in Dromaria | World Anvil

Kaida, the Flaunting Fang

Kaida is among the most popular dragons across Dromaria, actively working to promote herself to mortals and dragons alike. Her beauty is eclipsed only by her vanity. She travels to wherever she can get attention, showing off for audiences in dramatic performances.   Currently Kaida lives along the north east coast of Mortéglace, under the rule of Ethglacial the Peerless. Up to this point Ethglacial has exerted little control over Kaida, allowing the blue to do her own thing. While many places hold admiration for “The Flaunting Fang,” Kaida has been known to terrorize the town of Ceristas, demanding much of the citizens. She regularly interrupts trader routes and disturbs shipping lanes, causing the region to fall behind. Depending on her mood Kaida will bless the area she controls with good weather or cause endless lightning storms.

Roleplaying Kaida, the Flaunting Fang

Personality Trait. "I am not satisfied until every eye is appreciating me."
Ideal. "Beauty. What is lovelier then me?"
Bond. "I pay homage to Ethglacial out of necessity, but long to be free from her grasp."
Flaw. "I am frequently captivated by my own reflection for extended periods of time."

Scale Color
Slate grey and cobalt
Countless short along back ridge

Current Residence
Terrorridge Forest

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