
~ Lucas Vindex, The Bloodhound
Former Educator of the Odelian Order
6,043 DA
Former Educator of the Odelian Order
6,043 DA
Life on Dromaria is a cycle of rebirth in the ever-blooming garden of Polurn; this is the truth of the world unless you are a tiefling. A person will find themselves part of the normal lifecycle until adolescence when their curse begins to alter their skin. First, the pigmentation changes to deep hues, typically red or purple, although variations are sometimes seen. Shortly after they will begin to grow horns, fangs, and a tail. Normally standing up to 6 feet tall and weighing between 150 to 250 pounds, tieflings typically live up to 80 years, maturing when the affliction fully manifests. Each tiefling's journey becomes a personal quest in response to their new self. Frequently distrusted, the world has never been their friend, fearing both their appearance and what they represent. Unlike other mortals, tieflings are disconnected from Polurn's cycle of life and death. This transformation, generally perceived as a curse, leads them into an unpredictable unknown. For some, the prospect of a single life heightens their fear of death, motivating them to live as safely as possible. For others, this newfound perspective intensifies their appreciation of being alive, prompting them to make the most of each moment.
The Culture of Rebirth
For centuries following Polurn's sacrifice, the world's inhabitants questioned the effectiveness of her act. It was clear that the "Untethering" ceased, but tangible proof of reincarnation remained elusive. A determined faction, known as the Viviscendants, embarked on a quest to trace souls that had returned, culminating in the creation of the spell, Transactive Memory. In the wake of this breakthrough, a splinter faction of Eshanan elves, called the Intemporal Flock, emerged. They practiced deliberately finding their reincarnated companions through a variety of divinatory methods and attempts at communication with "The Garden", Polurn's afterlife. While global interest in uncovering past lives is rare, these groups persist in their practices. Curiosity-driven individuals seeking insight into their former selves may journey to the Viviscendant's headquarters in Liyish or the Flock's sanctum in southern Leng.
While tieflings represent the smallest population demographic, their presence is always evident when around. It is for this reason that many prefer to keep to hidden communities, although a brave few can always be found in the hustle and bustle of major cities. Those who venture out into the world regularly face suspicion and hostility. However, those with compassion, understand tieflings are simply people, much like themselves, despite the fears their presence may evoke. Every community has witnessed a loved one transform at some point. The stronger communities support their changing members, providing them with the strength to endure, rather than casting them aside. Sadly distrust towards tieflings has peaked in the aftermath of the Demon War, which occurred only 15 years ago.
Lilith curses Polurn upon her sacrifice.
The origins of tieflings remain a mystery, although the Illumination faiths attribute the curse to Lilith the Cruel. The scriptures read that the Demon Lord Lilith held an ancient grudge against the Krazier family, specifically the matriarch, Hadim Krazier. During the earliest days of the Ancestors on Dromaria, Hadim's daughter Polurn would go on to sacrifice herself, creating the spark that began the cycle of life and death. In the moments before Polurn would die, Lilith cursed her, causing a portion of Polurn to become tied to the hells, forever linking her work to the demons. Whether the tales are true, mortals have unpredictably manifested demonic changes during their adolescent years since the earliest days. Unlike most of the Dromarian races, large-scale historical events seldom feature tieflings. Instead, their narratives focus on singular, hidden individuals. The tieflings that dare step into the public eye typically make intense, brief appearances, choosing where to etch their legacy. In recent history, a swell in the tiefling population occurred in the years between 6,055 DA - 6,062 DA, before the Demon War. Viewed as an ill-omen, the suspicion was validated by the years to come. Following the war, the number of tieflings plummeted drastically, nearing extinction, with a notable absence of new transformations for three years after the Demon Lord Lucca's. The remaining tieflings, subjected to heightened hostility, began to seek solace in distant, quieter communities. Amongst themselves, whispers persist of Asylum, a place deep in the ancient homeland of Zan'deil that supposedly offers peace.
Tiefling Backgrounds
Here is a Dromaria specific background associated with tieflings:
While this represents tieflings, people who are separate from the cycle of rebirth could find themselves with a similar backstory.
The Nature of the Curse
For almost two centuries it was believed the curse was limited to humans and Upiryrials, until the first elvenari youth began to exhibit signs. In the years that followed every mortal race, except dragonborn and embers, have been afflicted.
Halflings, gnomes, and goblins go through the most drastic alterations, rapidly growing over a few months to a year.
Tiefling Traits
The tieflings of Dromaria have the same in-game statistics as found in the 5ed Player's Handbook.
Lilith the Cruel Tiefling
Not all tieflings come from the blood of the same fiendish entity. In some instances, you may even be linked to Dromaria's first demon, Lilith the Cruel.
Ability Score IncreaseLilith the Cruel Tiefling
Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score increases by 1. Lilith's Gift
You know the Minor Illusion cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the Cause Fear spell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the Alter Self spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. This trait replaces the Infernal Legacy trait.
Cultural Tidbits

Mentoring an adolescent tiefling is considered an honorable act and a sacred duty to the devout of the Lothoren faith.

It is estimated that 1 in every 600,000 people have the chance to be afflicted by the curse, although the exceptionally long lifespan of elves warps this statistic.

Because of their distinctive appearance, tieflings have developed traditions of body art and adornments. From carefully carved horn decorations to elaborate skin tattoos, these personal expressions are seen as a celebration of their new identity.