
Cadmus is a land of raining ash and searing heat. Under the watchful eye of Drosstemprus, a primal dragon of fire, the country thrives. Its challenging terrain conceals untold riches, vast reserves of gold waiting to be unearthed. To the north, the Tremblewood offers a booming lumber trade, adding another advantage to this industrious nation's wealth. With easy access to the Amber Ocean and the Thornway Tram running through the country, Cadmus sees plentiful trade from across the globe.  


Cadmus is a realm defined by its molten peaks and volcanic activity, where ash drifts down like grim snow; yet life persists. Hardy shrubs and mosses defy the heat, growing more abundant as one moves away from the fiery mountains. The warmth of the land draws reptilian life and other creatures that thrive in extreme conditions, often attracting more dangerous predators.


Granted stewardship by the Sovereign Sage in 4,345 DA, the primal dragon Drosstemprus has long overseen Cadmus. When Thorn discovered the land's gold reserves, a mutually beneficial agreement was struck: Thorn would manage the territory's day-to-day operations, freeing the primal dragon from this burden and filling Thorn's coffers in the process.  


Guided by the mercantile wisdom of the god Sithir and the moral tenets of the Illumination faith, Cadmus boasts a modern, cosmopolitan culture. Despite the scorching heat, which necessitates lighter attire, many of the realm's customs align with those of the broader Westlands. Dragons, both living and departed, are revered here, thanks to the nation's unique role as the guardian of Pathriam's draconic graveyards. The Thornway Tram, a commodity of magical technology, facilitates travel and trade, linking Cadmus with neighboring nations.  


Rich in gold and resources, Cadmus is a sought-after ally, despite its inhospitable climate. Bohdan, which once claimed the land Cadmus holds, still disputes the territory's sovereignty. However, the might of the Odelian Order and the presence of the primal dragon dissuade any reclamation attempts.  


Cadmus is the heart of gold mining on Pathriam, its economy anchored in the extraction and trade of the precious metal. The nation's wealth has made it one of the most prosperous territories, sought after for alliances and fiercely protected.  

Ruling Parties & Factions

The Odelian Order. A ruling assembly of mages hailing from Thorn, the Odelian Order oversees the general governance and magical endeavors in Cadmus. They focus on a myriad of objectives, from arcane research to agricultural development, serving the territories under Thorn's dominion.   Educator Asher Clag "Oracle of Dust". An ember educator from the Odelian Order with a unique bond to Drosstemprus, Asher is the primal dragon's sole confidant and spends considerable time in Soot, his hometown. His status as one of the most important members of the Order is emphasized by the citizens of Cadmus, who back Asher as their representative.   Drosstemprus, the Stifling Steward. The primal dragon of fire residing in Eminence, Drosstemprus oversees Pathriam's dragon graveyards. A creature of loneliness rather than rage, he treasures companionship but often loses friends to the harsh conditions of his volcanic home.  

Current Events

Volcanic Unrest. The community has been abuzz with concerns over escalating volcanic activity. Asher Clag of the Odelian Order has defied orders, and has lead an effort to unbury the village of Chromic. Knights of the Blossom have arrived to assist citizens living close to the mountains affected by heavy ashfall.   Environmental Catastrophe. A lava seepage incident from the volcano Eminence has devastated a gold foundry along the Burning River. The molten gold flooding into the waters has caused an environmental crisis that threatens both industry and local ecology.   Tensions with Venden. Disputes over the border and the Tremblewood have strained relations between Cadmus and Venden. A guild known as the Daring Dynamos were hired to drive Venden out of Tremblewood and have opted for an unconventional approach, releasing Klaxon Threshers into Venden territories.   Political Asylum. Chancellor Laurali Estavossa, a political refugee from the Tritos Dominion and an advisor privy to Ania's secrets, is being sheltered by the Odelian Order in the capital of Halcyon. Tainted Morals, from the Guilds of Tor has been dispatched to flush them out, capitalizing on the bounty Ania has placed on the Chancellor.   Miracle at Shepherd's Ridge. A mystical dome has appeared around Shepherd's Ridge, shielding it from volcanic activity and bestowing miraculous healing and good fortune upon its residents. The dome remains even after the volcano ceased, raising questions and awing the citizenry.   Dragon Funeral. A dragon held in high esteem has recently passed away, and preparations are underway for its interment in the Boneyard. This solemn event has the local dragon-loving community in mourning but also in celebration of the dragon's life.


  • Cadmus
    Cadmus is a land of raining ash and searing heat. Under the watchful eye of Drosstemprus, a primal dragon of fire, the country thrives. Its challenging terrain conceals untold riches, vast reserves of gold waiting to be unearthed. To the north, the Tremblewood offers a booming lumber trade, adding another advantage to this industrious nation's wealth. With easy access to the Amber Ocean and the Thornway Tram running through the country, Cadmus sees plentiful trade from across the globe.  


    Cadmus is a realm defined by its molten peaks and volcanic activity, where ash drifts down like grim snow; yet life persists. Hardy shrubs and mosses defy the heat, growing more abundant as one moves away from the fiery mountains. The warmth of the land draws reptilian life and other creatures that thrive in extreme conditions, often attracting more dangerous predators.
Country of Cadmus

Cadmus Base Map Image

Cities, Towns, & Villages
Capital: Halcyon   Chromic, Panner, Pender, Shepherd's Ridge, Tindertree

Natural Landmarks
Burning River, The Dales, Ember Thicket, Eminence, The Firepeaks, The Gold River, The Tremblewood

Points of Interest
The Bonepit, The Boneyard, The Gold Road, Tremble Mill

Cadmus Mission Statement
"Though our skies are dark and clouded, our future is bright and warm."
Cadmus Goals
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Cadmus' primary focus is the mining and refining of gold, the lifeblood of its economy and the driving force behind its national progress.

Local Laws
  Cadmus generally follows the legal structure laid out by the Odelian Order of Thorn. However, the true ruler of the land is the primal dragon Drosstemprus, whose edicts supersede all others when invoked. For matters requiring arbitration between the Odelian Order and the primal, the Sovereign Sage may act as an intermediary. Specific laws do exist related to the following:  
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Access to the dragon graveyards is strictly regulated. Mortals are prohibited from entering the sacred grounds without explicit permission and must be accompanied by an approved guide.
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Gold theft is prosecuted locally in Cadmus. Offenders are subject to branding on their palms. The brand remains for a period corresponding to the amount of gold stolen. Once healed, an arcane mark remains as a permanent record of the crime.

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