Daring Dynamos in Dromaria | World Anvil

Daring Dynamos

Some work is just too dangerous and for those jobs there are the Daring Dynamos. Based in Pilien, on the continent of Pathriam, the Daring Dynamos are a relatively small guild who have made a very large name for themselves. They hold no ties to any larger organizations, believing firmly in remaining independent.    




Chaotic Neutral, Male Dwarf

Tempo is a man stuck in the twilight between life and death. He carries the aura of a battle-hardened survivor, his refined attire contrasting starkly with a body scarred from time. A former miner of the Darkstone Clan in Kul' Karit, his life took an unexpected turn following his exile for stealing explosives.   His path, from a disgraced miner to a daring smuggler, eventually led him to his best friend Dalton Shane. Together, they ventured into the world of explosives running, laying the foundations for the Daring Dynamos. The guild is now a legitimate enterprise, born from their shared expertise in incendiaries, seafaring, and trade.   While on an excursion off the coast of Zan'deil, Tempo's ship was capsized and he drowned. Upon awakening on the beach nearby, he found himself Tethered to his own corpse, his soul having left and rebounded to his body in the midst of decay. Now bound to the mortal plane after his vessel's demise, Tempo thrives in his peculiar state of existence.   Despite his rough exterior, Tempo harbors an artist's soul. Once proficient with his dominant hand, he now navigates the challenge of relearning his artistic touch. His speech, direct and incisive, speaks of a man who embraces life and seeks its thrills.

Dalton Shane

Neutral Good, Male Human   Dalton Shane, the pragmatic co-leader of the Daring Dynamos, has roots embedded in the merchant world of Pilien. Raised in a family accustomed to traversing the countries of Thorn and Belwin, his youthful years were spent absorbing the intricacies of trade and commerce, particularly along the coast of the Westlands. At the age of 20, his entrepreneurial spirit led him to establish Shane's Shipyard in the city of Anchor, marking the beginning of his personal venture into the shipping industry. However, this venture met an abrupt end when treachery resulted in the destruction of his life's work.   This catastrophe ignited a new path for Dalton. Dedicating years to understanding explosives, he meticulously traced the components used in the sabotage of his shipyard. This quest for knowledge and retribution brought him to Tempo, the man who would become his mentor and his closest friend. Their partnership flourished as they navigated the risky waters of smuggling along the coast of the Sterling Ocean and the pirate isles of Dendenwine.   His quest for vengeance eventually gave way, and Dalton went legit, founding the Daring Dynamos alongside Tempo. Dalton's role in the guild is pivotal; he is the mastermind behind every operation, orchestrating plans from their base in Pilien. While Tempo is the face in the field, Dalton's expertise ensures their operations run smoothly. His family life is as central to him as his guild duties, with his wife, Bertha, and daughter, Holly, playing key roles in the day-to-day management of most endeavors.


Anvil Bullet Point
To make a name for oneself is to etch your history onto the pages of remembrance.
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Do not waste time on piddling matters, others with less important tasks will take care of them.
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If it can't be blown up you need a bigger bomb.

Interests & Jobs

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Bragging Rights. All about being the first and being the best at it.
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Risk and Danger. The Dynamos seek out the most dangerous jobs, often those others won’t take.


Your guild grants you the following equipment upon signing up with them as well as a monthly stipend.   Starting Gear: Bit and Bridle, Bomb, Douser, Go-Between, Potion of Fire Resistance, Riding Horse, Riding Saddle, and choose one Weapon to be made Silvered   Monthly Stipend: 100 gp and matching contributions to your family, necessary ammunition, rations (7 days), and feed (7 days)    

Downtime Benefits

Boasting is best, and the Daring Dynamos are nothing if not the best. The guild promotes bravado in all its forms.   • Any money made through pitfighting the Daring Dynamos will pay you an equal amount.
• The guild will always cover carousing fees for the lower and middle class.
• If you acquire a rival it becomes public gossip and you are aware of their movements and motives.

Base of Operations

Bounty Execution Writ Symbol
Arcane Investigation Charter Icon
Necrocleansing License Symbol
Beast Hunter Permit
Arcane Conveyance Authority Symbol
Use of Force Seal Symbol
Artifact Reclamation License Symbol

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