Dalton Shane in Dromaria | World Anvil

Dalton Shane

Dalton Shane, the pragmatic co-leader of the Daring Dynamos, has roots embedded in the merchant world of Pilien. Raised in a family accustomed to traversing the countries of Thorn and Belwin, his youthful years were spent absorbing the intricacies of trade and commerce, particularly along the coast of the Westlands. At the age of 20, his entrepreneurial spirit led him to establish Shane's Shipyard in the city of Anchor, marking the beginning of his personal venture into the shipping industry. However, this venture met an abrupt end when treachery resulted in the destruction of his life's work.
  This catastrophe ignited a new path for Dalton. Dedicating years to understanding explosives, he meticulously traced the components used in the sabotage of his shipyard. This quest for knowledge and retribution brought him to Tempo, the man who would become his mentor and his closest friend. Their partnership flourished as they navigated the risky waters of smuggling along the coast of the Sterling Ocean and the pirate isles of Dendenwine.   His quest for vengeance eventually gave way, and Dalton went legit, founding the Daring Dynamos alongside Tempo. Dalton's role in the guild is pivotal; he is the mastermind behind every operation, orchestrating plans from their base in Pilien. While Tempo is the face in the field, Dalton's expertise ensures their operations run smoothly. His family life is as central to him as his guild duties, with his wife, Bertha, and daughter, Holly, playing key roles in the day-to-day management of most endeavors.

Roleplaying Dalton Shane

Personality Trait. "Unlike my ghostly companion Tempo, I'd prefer to keep all of my digits in tact."
Ideal. "A little bit of planning can spare you a lot of pain, never go into anything blind."
Bond. "While the Daring Dynamo's are close to my heart, the real reason I choose this line of work is to remain close to my best friend Tempo."
Flaw. "I love explosions of any kind and will advocate their use as a solution to most problems."
14th day of Moonstone

Skin Tone
Dark brown

Shaved bald
281 lbs

Current Residence

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