Rockjock - Background

As a rockjock, your life revolves around the pursuit of physical prowess, fueled by the thrill of intense athletic challenges. Countless hours of dedication have sculpted your body and granted you mastery over various sports, making you a true embodiment of athleticism. In the world of stonesport, competitors from diverse backgrounds showcase their unique skills, and together, you embark on a thrilling spectacle of agility and elemental ability.   While there are many games in stonesports, it is Rockfall that has taken the world by storm, establishing leagues in every major country. As a rockjock, you are intimately familiar with the sport and have most likely participated in matches.   Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics or Athletics (choose one), Intimidation or Performance (choose one)
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise Kit
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Disguise kit, a trophy of your greatest accomplishment, a costume or uniform representing your sport, an ink pen, and a pouch containing 20 gp
Feature: Stonesport Celebrity
Due to your skills and accomplishments in the arena, you are treated like royalty among the stonesport community. People from all walks of life recognize your name and achievements, and their adoration grants you certain privileges and benefits. As a stonesport celebrity, you may receive perks such as free meals, drinks, or stays at inns, tickets to elite events, or access to exclusive locations where others aren't allowed to go.
Suggested Characteristics
Stonesport originated with ember communities and has expanded far beyond. Where you come from will greatly impact who you are and how you view the world. Within the sports world, competition, personal glory, and skill often form ideals, bonds, and flaws.  
Alter Ego
  It has become a growing trend within Rockfall to create an alternate persona to fight under. These characters embody a sense of origin and self, sometimes reflecting one's most primal side. Here are a few ideas you can use for an alter ego, or you are welcome to specifiy and create your own.  

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