Thorn is a beacon of arcane mastery and educational excellence. Governed by the Odelian Order, this territory has overcome numerous obstacles, be it historical conflicts, demonic invasions, or internal power struggles, to emerge as a linchpin in both regional and global dynamics.
From its nuanced relationships with neighboring nations to its thriving economy propelled by magical advancements, Thorn is a complex, versatile territory. As it continues to rebuild its capital, New Blarek, the nation's influence and ambitions remain the subjects of both awe and scrutiny.
Located in the middle of the Westlands of Pathriam, Thorn shares its northern frontiers with Bohdan, Venden, and Cadmus, each boundary fortified for added security. The Firepeaks and Crystalcap Mountains delineate the north eastern edge, beyond which lies Erindor. Along the center of the eastern edge and the Scorched Sea is the small country of Graetis, situated within Thorn's borders. The Sterling Ocean forms the western border, and to the south is the neighboring Belwin. Two contrasting forests, the venerable yet diminished Thorngrove and the more expansive Dragon's Nest, define the northern and central regions. Between them lies Gremlin Knoll, a series of rolling hills. The Row, an age-old river, flows north to south, merging with the Layesstear, while the southeast's Broken Ridge Mountains hosts rivers that flow into Belwin and feed the Scorched Sea. The region experiences diverse climatic conditions, harboring lakes, an abundance of flowers, and productive southern farmlands. The land's arcane richness attracts various species, but its high level of habitation limits the prevalence of dangerous creatures.
Located in the middle of the Westlands of Pathriam, Thorn shares its northern frontiers with Bohdan, Venden, and Cadmus, each boundary fortified for added security. The Firepeaks and Crystalcap Mountains delineate the north eastern edge, beyond which lies Erindor. Along the center of the eastern edge and the Scorched Sea is the small country of Graetis, situated within Thorn's borders. The Sterling Ocean forms the western border, and to the south is the neighboring Belwin. Two contrasting forests, the venerable yet diminished Thorngrove and the more expansive Dragon's Nest, define the northern and central regions. Between them lies Gremlin Knoll, a series of rolling hills. The Row, an age-old river, flows north to south, merging with the Layesstear, while the southeast's Broken Ridge Mountains hosts rivers that flow into Belwin and feed the Scorched Sea. The region experiences diverse climatic conditions, harboring lakes, an abundance of flowers, and productive southern farmlands. The land's arcane richness attracts various species, but its high level of habitation limits the prevalence of dangerous creatures.
Born during the Great Migration, settlers initially shared Thorn's lands with the Rakankrak and Undain dwarven clans. The Age of Horror darkened the region as Ishkul, god of Experimentation, turned it into a nightmare realm. Divine forces led by Asir, Matunas, and Vale ousted him, paving the way for resettlement. After the Age of Horror, the people returned to find their lands occupied by the Civil Kingdom, igniting the first great war between Dromaria's mortals. With dwarven assistance, the settlers reclaimed their territory, including the Crystalcap Mountains for the Undain Clan, forging an alliance that holds to this day. In the wake of this struggle, the Arcane Collective emerged. Led by the Sovereign Sage Azha Govstevania, the Collective founded the city of Blarek. Blarek later expanded to form Thorn, which included what is now the country of Belwin. However, the expansion of the Otherwyld forest led to Belwin's formation as a separate entity in the centuries that followed. Thorn's borders shifted due to ongoing skirmishes with the Civil Kingdom and complex relations with its dwarven neighbors. This led to the formation of new countries like Cadmus and Venden, each with a unique relationship with Thorn. The Odelian Order, a body of potent mages, assumed leadership, personifying the country's founding principles of arcana and education. The most cataclysmic event in recent memory was the Demon War. Orchestrated by Lilith the Cruel and led by the Demon Lord Lucca Krazier, it decimated Blarek and severely weakened the Odelian Order. Yet, Thorn's resilience shone through. The subsequent reconstruction saw the rise of the Citadel Arcane, a monumental tower symbolizing Thorn's undying commitment to the arcane arts. With the capital city being renamed New Blarek, the nation looks toward the future.
In Thorn, the pursuit of knowledge is the bedrock of society, deeply ingrained from childhood. Schools are ubiquitous, even in the most remote villages, and educational milestones come with societal rituals. Advancing to higher education requires a year of international service, while final projects, often grand, innovative endeavors, mark the culmination of formal schooling. With the Odelian Order's focus on arcane arts, magic pervades every aspect of life, from technology to daily chores. However, the aftermath of the Demon War has brought changes. Lothoren, a widespread faith rooted in Illumination, has surged in influence, particularly in New Blarek where the church aids in governance and reconstruction. Fashion emanates from Thorn, setting trends across the globe. The current style leans toward elaborate, opulent garments, mirroring a societal resurgence of glamour and sophistication. Meanwhile, the city of New Blarek acts as a global hub, boasting incredible diversity and frequent intercontinental travel via magical portals. Despite its cosmopolitan nature, Thorn faces challenges. An influx of Otherwyld creatures has sowed chaos, and tieflings face growing prejudice. Yet, this adversity hasn't dampened Thorn's commitment to its core values of education and the arcane, ensuring its status as a cultural and magical epicenter.
Thorn, under the governance of the Odelian Order, serves as a linchpin in western Pathriam, offering essential goods and magical aid to neighboring regions. However, each relationship has its own unique complexities. In the Eastlands, despite formal peace treaties, Thorn's relationship with the Tritos Dominion remains fraught with longstanding tension that stretches back to the early days of both nations. Closer to home, Thorn enjoys a symbiotic relationship with Graetis. Often treated as a quasi-territory by Thorn, Graetis specializes in higher education and specific research fields. In return for Thorn's financial contributions, Graetis offers unique academic perspectives and research opportunities. The alliance with Erindor, led by the Undain Clan, stands as one of the world's oldest diplomatic bonds. Venden and Cadmus function as key production areas, supplying essential resources in exchange for Thorn's magical and military support. However, post-Demon War rebuilding efforts have led to a lapse in these close ties. Belwin maintains a similar but less entangled relationship, appreciating autonomy while still under Thorn's protective purview. The main regional point of contention comes from Bohdan, governed by the Rakankrak Clan, who desire Thorn's lands but lack the cohesion to reclaim them, thanks in part to internal divisions. On a global scale, Thorn extends its influence through open portals to distant locations like Leng and Erimata, underscoring its widespread alliances.
The nation is an economic powerhouse, largely due to its advancements in magical technology. With a trade network that spans continents, Thorn utilizes regulated portals to facilitate instant transfers of goods and services, minimizing risks and maximizing efficiency. Education and innovation fuel the country's economic engine. Recent breakthroughs in magical power sources have led to the creation of public-accessible technologies, enhancing productivity across all sectors. As a result, Thorn produces goods at an unmatched rate. The nation's wealth isn't hoarded; instead, it is channeled into strengthening alliances and aiding neighboring countries. This reciprocal flow of resources solidifies Thorn's standing as a key economic partner, even if some less magically-advanced nations opt for more traditional trade methods. Within Thorn, food and education are freely provided, a feat made possible through extensive automation and effective taxation. The nation adheres to the Sithir gold standard, a universal currency that further facilitates its broad trade relationships.
Ruling Parties & Factions
Odelian Order. The Odelian Order serves multiple pivotal roles within Thorn: protectors, educators, and leaders. Stationed primarily in New Blarek, their mandate extends from safeguarding the country to ensuring that magic remains accessible to all mortals. They also offer specialized teaching within the Citadel Arcane and deploy aid and magic across the territories under Thorn's dominion. Educator Dolle-Brassi Creed "The Masquerade". Dolle-Brassi Creed is a conundrum wrapped in illusions, a master of deception and strategy within the Odelian Order. Although born into the Rakankrak Clan, his allegiance and responsibilities are firmly rooted in Thorn and its magical institution, the Citadel Arcane. Since the end of the Demon War, he has taken on an increasingly significant role in the governance and defense of New Blarek, orchestrating complex magical safeguards and serving as a senior mentor for budding illusionists. Educator Penelope Fischer "Saint of Exorcism". Chosen of Vale and a sorcerer of elven lineage, Penelope endured the unimaginable loss of her daughter during the Demon War. Her resilience and strength have made her a revered figure, and she actively participates in Thorn's governance alongside her husband, Marcel. Educator Soulpyre Fizzlesticks "The Fey Breaker". With a specialty in planar travel and Otherwyld research, this gnome wizard balances his responsibilities with a passion for music. Regularly seen performing with his family in New Blarek, Soulpyre also serves as a critical asset in managing Thorn's relationship with Belwin. Educator Asher Clag "Oracle of Dust". Within Thorn, Asher Clag is revered for his mastery over elemental magics and his unique relationship with Drosstemprus, the primal dragon. Holding an esteemed position within the Odelian Order, Asher focuses on strengthening the arcane foundations of Thorn and New Blarek. A frequent presence at the Citadel Arcane, he plays a vital role in shaping the next generation of mages, while also serving as a key advisor on matters concerning magical creatures and phenomena. Educator Watson Krokoan "The Platinum Palm". Known for his extreme frugality, this Malkari wizard focuses his efforts on the rebuilding of New Blarek. His budgetary stringency has led to internal debates within the Odelian Order, but it has also driven focused reconstruction efforts. Educator Axiom "The Tempered Apostle". Devoted to Lothoren and trained in both faith and battle by Marcel Fischer, this Neo-Natix wizard brings a physicality to his magical practice. Specializing in enhancement magic and strategy, Axiom adds a martial dimension to the Odelian Order's capabilities. Educator Morana Amna "The Unholy Punisher". Responsible for policing restricted magic from within the Citadel Arcane, this halfling wizard is as relentless in her duties as she is proficient in necromancy. Her stern approach to law enforcement makes her a formidable, if somewhat controversial, figure. Seeker Zendrah Birk. Entrusted with overseeing the flow of goods in and out of Thorn, Seekers are known for having a notoriously high turnover rate, most quickly moving on to more specialized roles. However, Zendrah has lingered in her post longer than any Seeker in the history of the Order, not for lack of ambition, but due to her broad range of interests. This jack-of-all-trades approach has so far hindered her ascent in the Odelian hierarchy, as she finds herself criticized for her lack of focus on a particular magical specialty. Hierophant Marcel Fischer. As a Chosen of Lothor and leader of the Lothoren Church in New Blarek, this half-elf paladin gained renown for his heroics during the Demon War. Married to Penelope Fisher, Marcel plays a vital role in incorporating Lothoren beliefs into Thorn's evolving culture.
Current Events
Rebuilding Initiative. The foremost priority for Thorn is the restoration of New Blarek. This single-minded focus has sparked widespread debate, both within Thorn and in surrounding territories, as some argue that the nation's magical resources could be more effectively utilized elsewhere. Crystal Colosseum. The recent completion of the Crystal Colosseum, a marvel of modern sports architecture, has not only captivated Thorn but has also caught the attention of the broader Rockfall universe. Its inaugural season is highly anticipated. Backlash Against Penelope Fisher. Educator Penelope Fisher's close ties with her husband, a Hierophant in the Church of Lothoren, have triggered concern within the Odelian Order. The religion's growing influence in the wake of the Demon War has compelled the Order to cede a measure of governance to the church, causing internal strife. Bohdan Border Tensions. Concerns are rising within the Odelian Order over Bohdan's aspirations to reclaim territories currently under Thorn's control. In response, Thorn has fortified its military presence along Bohdan's southern borders, a move that has incited anger and countermeasures from Ugarth. Scarcity of Spell Components. An uptick in the cost of rare spell components has led to an increased demand for gold from Cadmus. While not causing outright tension between the two nations, the additional workload is beginning to fray the nerves of Cadmus' populace. The move has also tarnished Thorn's reputation, painting it as a territory driven by greed and ambition.
Nation of Thorn
Continent of Pathriam
Cities, Towns, & Villages
Capital: New Blarek
Anchor, Castletop, Dos' Dodorus, Esca, Kharden, Lucille, Pilien, Port Duck, Rocel, Rubbleslab, Snowdrop, Taro, Trisk, Umpta
Natural Landmarks
The Alluring Meadows, Broken Ridge, The Broken Waters, The Crystalcap Mountains, The Dragon's Nest, The Firepeaks, Gremlin Knoll, The Layesstear, The Row, The Thorngrove, Varro
Points of Interest
The Crystal Colosseum, Fort Dream, Fort Lucien, Fort Tone, The Gold Road
Thorn Mission Statement
"Education, faith, and the pursuit of magical knowledge and application are foundational to advancing and securing the nation of Thorn."
Thorn Goals
Establish New Blarek as a global superpower through strategic alliances and magical innovation.
Prevent further invasions by fortifying borders and bolstering military preparedness.
Guarantee universal access to quality magic education for all citizens.
General Governance
In Thorn, the Odelian Order serves as the pinnacle of authority, both mystical and mundane. Composed of seasoned mages, the Order is responsible for shaping policy, overseeing military operations, and advancing magical research. The city of New Blarek is the administrative heart of Thorn, where traditional law enforcement operates side by side with the Odelian Order's arcane constructs known as the Nostros Arcanum, colloquially called "Law Bots."
Law enforcement takes a decidedly magical approach. Traditional police in New Blarek, often comprised of Lothoren followers or Thorn military veterans, utilize spells like Charm Person for more humane and effective law enforcement. Beyond the city limits, the Nostros Arcanum patrol the lands, their intricately crafted mechanical forms a commitment to justice.
Central to Thorn's justice system is the Thornbite, an arcane brand applied to those found guilty of crimes. This magical mark varies in severity and serves multiple functions: it acts as a form of public shaming, restricts the individual's ability to use certain spells, and in extreme cases, imposes magical compulsions like a Geas spell to correct behavior. The brand’s magical properties also serve a rehabilitative purpose, acting as a form of magical correction to guide the individual back to societal norms. This allows the Thorn legal system to be not just punitive but also transformative, aiming to reintegrate offenders back into society.Thornbite: The Arcane Mark of Justice
In Thorn's judicial system, the arcane mark known as the Thornbite serves as a tailored form of punishment. Cast by specially trained mages, this magical brand appears on the face of the convicted. The mark has three levels of severity:
A sparkling mark that lasts up to a month. Sanction
A slightly glowing mark that lasts up to a year. Anathema
A red glowing mark that lasts indefinitely.
These levels can be accompanied by additional magical effects such as restrictions on spellcasting, empathetic links, or even a Geas spell, depending on the severity of the crime. This mark is both a punishment and a rehabilitation tool.A sparkling mark that lasts up to a month. Sanction
A slightly glowing mark that lasts up to a year. Anathema
A red glowing mark that lasts indefinitely.
Local Laws
Illegally taking someone else's property without their consent.
Thornbite of Warning to Sanction level, depending on the value of the stolen goods. Murder
Unlawfully killing another individual.
Thornbite of Anathema level, often accompanied by a Geas spell to prevent further violence. Physical Assault
Inflicting physical harm upon another individual.
Thornbite of Sanction level, possibly with a restraining effect. Harassment
Persistently annoying or tormenting someone.
Thornbite of Warning level, possibly with an empathetic link. Public Disturbance through Magic
Using magic to disrupt public peace.
Thornbite of Warning to Sanction level, with restrictions on spellcasting. Illegal Experimentation
Unauthorized and potentially harmful magical experimentation.
Thornbite of Sanction level, with severe restrictions on spellcasting. Theft of Government/Arcane Property
Stealing from the Odelian Order or any governmental institution.
Thornbite of Anathema level, with a Geas spell requiring restitution. Reckless Endangerment Through Magic
Using magic in a way that puts others at risk.
Thornbite of Sanction level, with restrictions on spellcasting. Violation of Free Will
Manipulating someone against their will through magic.
Thornbite of Anathema level, with a Geas spell requiring amends. Unauthorized Necromancy
Performing necromancy without proper authorization.
Thornbite of Sanction to Anathema level, depending on severity. Use of Time Magic
Any manipulation of time.
Thornbite of Anathema level, with a Geas spell to prevent further time manipulation. Unauthorized Resurrections
Performing a resurrection spell without authorization.
Thornbite of Sanction level, with a Geas spell requiring service to the community.
Illegally taking someone else's property without their consent.
Thornbite of Warning to Sanction level, depending on the value of the stolen goods. Murder
Unlawfully killing another individual.
Thornbite of Anathema level, often accompanied by a Geas spell to prevent further violence. Physical Assault
Inflicting physical harm upon another individual.
Thornbite of Sanction level, possibly with a restraining effect. Harassment
Persistently annoying or tormenting someone.
Thornbite of Warning level, possibly with an empathetic link. Public Disturbance through Magic
Using magic to disrupt public peace.
Thornbite of Warning to Sanction level, with restrictions on spellcasting. Illegal Experimentation
Unauthorized and potentially harmful magical experimentation.
Thornbite of Sanction level, with severe restrictions on spellcasting. Theft of Government/Arcane Property
Stealing from the Odelian Order or any governmental institution.
Thornbite of Anathema level, with a Geas spell requiring restitution. Reckless Endangerment Through Magic
Using magic in a way that puts others at risk.
Thornbite of Sanction level, with restrictions on spellcasting. Violation of Free Will
Manipulating someone against their will through magic.
Thornbite of Anathema level, with a Geas spell requiring amends. Unauthorized Necromancy
Performing necromancy without proper authorization.
Thornbite of Sanction to Anathema level, depending on severity. Use of Time Magic
Any manipulation of time.
Thornbite of Anathema level, with a Geas spell to prevent further time manipulation. Unauthorized Resurrections
Performing a resurrection spell without authorization.
Thornbite of Sanction level, with a Geas spell requiring service to the community.