Unveil the Shadows: Discover Kindred Comics

Long ago, during a period of eternal darkness, the dragons of Dromaria opened their borders, allowing the people of the world shelter. Now, thousands of years later, I present you the results of the Dragon's Peace, Tao, the largest city in the world.   This piece was the first image I received that was official Dromaria art. It felt amazing to see. This city is the setting for the Kindred comic book series, a melting pot where people from all over the world have gathered. Here in the dragon-ruled lands of Erimata, a new hero rises from the ashes of global instability, destined to face an immortal Upiryrial who wishes to cull the world of its weak.   “Kindred” tells a tale of power, responsibility, and a legacy left behind. The prologue introduces us to the Governess, Lady Annabelle. We witness a terrifying moment where she is attacked, and saved by a mysterious masked vigilante, speaking in riddles. Afterward, when he removes the mask, we are briefly introduced to our main protagonist, Riieyu, an elvenari man once poised to become the Sovereign Sage.   Throughout the series, we will follow his journey, learning lessons he follows and how they have made him what he is today. Shadows Over Tao sets the stage for discovering what it means to become a hero in Dromaria.  

Concept Art

Character Concept Art

City of Tao, Old District

Kati Drinkwine

The comic is illustrated and colored by Kati Drinkwine, who has brought the city of Tao and its inhabitants to life. Her art has infused this series with a soul far beyond its humble beginnings. From concept to the final page, Kati’s work has brought Dromaria to life in an entirely different medium. She is fantastic and wonderful, and I could gush about her talents forever.   The introduction of the gold dragon Elovesor, who plays a key role in Riieyu's story, feels like The Covenant has come to life. We have written so much about the agreement made by the dragons and mortals, but it had only been words up until this.   Make sure to check out her socials or catch her streaming her work:    

Kindred Sample Page

A page from issue one.

Comic Series

Dromaria was initially designed as an RPG Setting and the Kindred comic is the first step into something larger. The prologue is adapted from a short story by Chuck Edens, and we worked in all kinds of traditional Dungeons & Dragons mechanics into it. You will see classic spells and their components, while Kindred himself is based on the shadow sorcerer subclass. Our hero will struggle with these concepts himself, having to adapt his spells to situations and realize that it isn’t always possible to fight from the shadows.   Join us on this journey to explore the depths of power, the price of secrets, and the true meaning of being a hero. The prologue is available now here:  

Kindred Prologue Link

Prologue Issue

  We will be releasing the first Kindred series called 'Lessons' as 6 individual comics. Stay tuned for future issues, where Kindred, alongside a wide cast of other characters, confronts the aftermath of a world shaken, testing the limits of the Covenant. From the seedy underbelly of the Old District in Tao to the Upiryrial threat of Amararatha Cull and her unknown desires, the adventure is just beginning.   Issue one, 'The Verdict of Amarantha Cull,' will be released later this year. Featuring variant covers, physical copies of the Prologue: Shadows Over Tao, and more, keep an eye out for a Kickstarter to accompany its release, taking place around the new year.   Dive into the prologue and join the discussion on our Discord. Share your thoughts, theories, and excitement as we reveal more about Riieyu's journey and the fate of Tao.

Small Image of Drew
Written by Drew Whitney

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