Part Five: The Red Keep


The Cruel Wood is a shadowy forest that is difficult to traverse. The trees serve as a shield against those who seek the wood's lone structure, the Red Keep. Control of the land is always changing, and its current host, Smolderthorn the Reclaimer, has the area on high alert.   The darkness and size of the Cruel Wood make it difficult for light to pierce the canopy. Since the Demon War, the forest has been inhabited by a significant number of vile creatures. As a result, except for the birds and snakes, the animal residents have either fled or died.  
  • Andias Teft and the Civil Legion are set up a mile into the woods. They will meet with the characters shortly after their arrival.
  • The woods are currently a dragon’s lair. The effects are noted in "A Dragon's Lair."
  • The outer area is difficult terrain due to its wet and boggy nature. Smolderthorn's Lair negates this effect closer to the Red Keep.
  • There are no natural light sources inside the wood.
  • Wind moves through the trees and creates a loud whistle that makes it hard to determine the source of sounds.
  • The only clear view of the sky is in the area of the Red Keep, which can easily be seen from above.
The Red Keep is a perilous place with a dark history. Over time various factions have employed the fortified location for nefarious purposes, and the remnants of those deeds still stain the complex. The structure is magically fortified and in fantastic condition for its age. There have been no permanent occupants in over a year. The last person to claim the keep was a deceased druid named Passago.   Oldtown is a hidden underground refuge long used by criminals and refugees. The entrance is accessible from somewhere inside the keep. When Smolderthorn arrived, he slaughtered the people living in Oldtown and destroyed their homes. Corvus Kindle, a gnomish warlock, was one of the only survivors. He fled to the surface into the Red Keep where he was eaten by a black pudding.   Three kobolds, who also escaped the dragon's attack, are now living in the keep. Smolderthorn is asleep in its lair, unaware and unconcerned about the events taking place above.  
    Character Objectives. At this point in the adventure, the group should have visited Shelter Lake, Dondarian, Lolien, and Tintown, having amassed troops, gear, and allies along the way.   Once contacted by Andias, the characters must make their way into the Red Keep, find a way underground, and flush the dragon out. After Smolderthorn has reached the surface, they will rejoin the Civil Legion and try to slay the beast.
The Cruel Wood
  Encounters between Tintown and the Red Keep are found in RKA: Encounters.   The "Sir Barry & His Hounds" encounter may not present much of a challenge if the characters recruited troops in Tintown. Information on altering its difficulty is included.   If the characters do not encounter Barry, read this instead as they enter the Cruel Wood:

The wood looms ahead, a dense canopy that swallows the light. The ground grows increasingly soggy, and the scent of sulfur rises with an abrupt heat. Whoops of wild dogs answer each other in the shadows. Lingering eyes in the darkness retreat as you pass.

A Dragon's Lair
  This area has been Smolderthorn's lair for months now and the effects can be felt. The following things may occur as stated:  
  • Small earthquakes are common within 6 miles of the dragon’s lair.
  • Water sources within 1 mile of the lair are supernaturally warm and tainted by sulfur.
  • Rocky fissures within 1 mile of the dragon’s lair form portals to the Elemental Plane of Fire, allowing creatures of elemental fire into the world to dwell nearby.

Lawmaster & the Legion

Andias and the gathered troops are set up in a temporary camp, concealed by a combination of druidic magic and conventional methods. The Legion has recruited a local centaur druid to help scout and provide cover.

When the scouts approach the characters read the following:

    The climate in the woods has been warped by Smolderthorn, the air simmering with humid heat, carrying the acrid scent of noxious smoke.   Snarling yowls of hounds in the distance are ever-present, accompanied by the cawing of crows and the twit of a warbler. To those who went through Civil Legion training in their youth, or who regularly frequent nature, you begin to hear the “Hoo Hoo” of barn owls; a bird out of place. Nearby scouts are signaling to one another of your approach.   A few more “Hoo Hoos” sound out before a figure in darkened leather carrying a small lantern emerges from the shadows. You are led to a covered path, where wooden planks have been laid to prevent sinkage in the soft earth.   Dim light flickers as you enter a fog-shrouded camp, concealed by magic. The grounds are minimal, with only a few horses and a single cart visible amidst clustered tents. Soldiers, having traded their usual red and yellow uniforms for camouflaged leathers, move with quiet purpose; a readiness honed by training.
The Camp
  The camp is staged in a perimeter among the trees. Tents are staked wherever even ground can be had. There are only enough horses for the wagons and supplies. Flames sprout up randomly in the area so soldiers are carrying dousers. There are no campfires allowed. The entire arrangement is designed to be torn down quickly.   The area is well hidden. Most of the plants are under the control of the druid, weaving a tighter canopy and additional natural cover. She is also providing a fog cover.
  If the characters recruited Lobs he will stay behind with the gathered forces upon meeting up with them. Lobs has visited the Red Keep on several occasions and is mildly familiar with the Cruel Wood.   Due to the heat from Smolderthorn's Lair, this is the one area where Lobs is comfortable, and no longer complains of the cold.

Andias's Plan

Andias's plan will vary depending on how successful the characters have been throughout their adventure. No matter the numbers or items they acquired, the basics of the plan will remain the same.   The concept is simple in theory:  
    1. The characters make their way into the Red Keep and find a way into Oldtown.
    2. Once inside, locate the entrance to Smolderthorn’s lair.
    3. Wait till dawn.
    4. Force Smolderthorn to the surface where the Civil Legion will be waiting in ambush.
    5. The characters make their way to the surface to help finish off the dragon.
    6. Victory.
    Addendum. If the characters collected the Bomboozler they are expected to drive Smolderthorn from his lair with it. If they collected the dragon nets the soldiers will use them in the initial ambush to prevent flight.
  Now it will be up to the characters to find their way inside the keep and into the underground. Andias will have his troops ready to strike at dawn. He will provide a crude map and the most direct route to the Red Keep from here.     Further details regarding how to handle Smolderthorn, can be found in "How to Fight a Dragon" and the Smolderthorn "Indoor" and "Outdoor Encounters."


Neutral, Female Centaur Druid   Andias recruited a druid named Pil’pe’pete who has been providing information, scouting, and magical concealment. Pil’pe’pete lives alone, apart from her former druidic circle. She dislikes Smolderthorn’s presence and wants the dragon gone.   Pil’pe’pete is the best source of info for the Cruel Wood and will provide what little she knows about the Red Keep. A large constrictor snake follows the centaur, typically coiled around her arm. Her animal companion has no name as she replaces them often. The Legion troops have been calling her “Pete.”   Roleplaying Pil’pe’pete
Pete is an exile from the druids of the Cruel Wood, although she still follows their principles, believing in the purifying power of living in a challenging home. Pete is not a warrior and is unwilling to combat the dragon regardless of attitude or coercion.   She can provide the following information:  
  • She has never been inside the Red Keep. The druids avoided it before Smolderthorn.
  • There is an entrance to Oldtown inside the Red Keep, although she doesn’t know where.
  • The keep has always attracted vagabonds and criminals but believes the current residents are all dead.
  • The last ruler of the keep was a druid named Passago who was attempting to open a portal to another plane.
  Pil’pe’pete has a request to make regarding Passago’s work. Somewhere in the keep was a portal, powered by elemental gems. If any of the gems remain, and they are returned to her, Pete’s attitude will become friendly. She does not have any items or monetary rewards to offer. Further details on becoming allies with Pil’pe’pete can be found in the "Keeping the Keep" section.     Personality Trait. “I only agreed to this to get you to leave sooner.”
Ideal. “Damyomhikir. This forest belongs to nature, not to any single entity living in it.”
Bond. “I am bound to the will of my druid circle, despite my exile.”
Flaw. “I am as stubborn and unmoving as stone.”


How to Fight a Dragon

When facing Smolderthorn the dragon will be impacted in several ways depending on how successful the characters were up till this point. Listed here are the optional troops and items that may have been acquired and how they could impact the planning stages of the upcoming conflict.   Civil Legion Troops. Smolderthorn’s total hit points are reduced by 1 for each Civil Legion soldier recruited and by 2 for each Shatterstaff recruited. The total possible recruits are:   Supplies. The anti-dragon supplies include the Bomboozler and the Dragon Nets.  
  • Bomboozler. Will remove the Smolderthorn’s legendary saves.
  • Dragon Nets. Smolderthorn’s speed is reduced to 0.
Information for each situation is included in the Smolderthorn "Indoor" and "Outdoor Encounters."    
Battleground Knowledge
  Pil’pe’pete’s scouting has revealed the following information about the chosen battlefield:  
  • The area has been cleared of most vegetation due to fire.
  • There are two known entrances, excluding the one inside the Red Keep.
    • One is miles away through a series of underground tunnels, accessible from somewhere inside Oldtown.
    • The battlefield entrance is directly outside Smolderthorn’s Lair and is filled with magma pools and poisonous fumes.
  • The keep has a 30-foot moat, a drawbridge that is up, 30-foot walls, arrow slits, and unmanned parapets.

Welcome to the Red Keep

The Red Keep is a fortified stronghold, protected by magical defenses and surrounded by an imposing moat and walls. Once inside, the characters will navigate the courtyard and come across three kobold inhabitants. These kobolds may help or hinder their journey below, where Oldtown and Smolderthorn’s lair lie hidden. Though the upper keep is not overrun with creatures, its history and dangers create an atmosphere of tension. The keep could serve as a future home, a base of operations, or a final source of loot before the ultimate confrontation.

    Read this as the characters approach their destination:

    As you near the Red Keep the heat rises considerably. There is no moisture left in the ground, fallen foliage crackling beneath your feet. As you near the Red Keep the heat rises considerably. There is no moisture left in the ground, fallen foliage crackling beneath your feet. Scorch marks cover dying trees, and smoke lingers, undisturbed by the whistling winds.   When you reach the clearing it contains an enclosed courtyard surrounded by thick, red brick walls. Four buildings rise above the crenelations, barely in view. The moat is still, filled to the top, near thirty feet across; no signs of life stir in the water. On the west side, the drawbridge is raised, its length shielding an iron portcullis.

Outer Defenses

Before entering the Red Keep there are defenses to protect its perimeter. The walls and the moat possess magical properties.

The Moat
The moat is 20 feet deep and 30 feet wide. The surface of the water is still, although any creature that enters the water is immediately stuck in an unseen current.   Those who enter the water must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be dragged to the bottom and held there. The saving throw DC increases by 1 for each passing round. Creatures with a swim speed have advantage on the saving throw.   The bottom of the moat is covered in skeletons of all sizes.

The Outer Wall
The walls surrounding the keep are 200 feet long, 30 feet high, and 10 feet thick, made of carved Basmuth bricks. The wall possesses two notable magical properties. Detect Magic reveals an Evocation aura and faint remnants of old preservation magic.  
  • Magic Missile. The wall is designed to repel those who attempt to enter using magic. If anyone casts a spell within 120 feet of the outer walls, they will be met with magic missiles in response, taking 3d4+3 force damage. A DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check can deduce the missiles come from the arrow slits.  
  • Thunderwave (Recharge 5-6 ). There is a hum of electric energy laced into the stones. If anyone touches the outer wall they are immediately struck with a thunderwave, DC 16 Constitution saving throw. If they fail, they are knocked back 10 feet into the moat and take 2d8 thunder damage, half damage on a success. Once this effect occurs it needs time to recharge, and does so on a 5 or 6 .
  The Entrance
The front of the keep has a drawbridge that acts as both a front door and entry point. It is the only visible door on the keep. When the characters arrive the drawbridge is up and any investigation inside will reveal that the mechanism has long been broken. Behind the drawbridge is a shut and locked iron portcullis.

Inside the Keep

Once past the outer walls, the characters will find themselves in a courtyard with four buildings and a well at the center. The entrance to Oldtown is in the well. The individual building descriptions are detailed below.   Occupants
Bolt, Pocky, & Rum Rum are three kobolds who are living in the Keep and are curious about the characters. None of them speak great Common but are fluent in Draconic. The dragonkin are in the midst of a very important decision:  
    What do they do with their badger?
  If the characters make a considerable amount of noise when entering the keep, the kobolds will take notice, moving to the parapets to watch. They are cowardly creatures who have no interest in combat.

The Kobold's Prisoners
Black Pudding. The kobolds have captured a black pudding in the Red Dungeons. Before the kobolds discovered it, the pudding ate a man named Corvus Kindle who was wearing a Ring of Mind Shielding. The ring now contains his soul. Corvus has been trying to communicate through the ooze.   Thister the "Badger." The kobolds have also caught a badger that is hanging inside a cage down the well. The badger is actually Thister, an imp familiar to the deceased Corvus. Thister took this form to fool the kobolds but it hasn’t worked. He hasn’t spoken to his captors, but may once he sees the characters.

Read the following once the characters are inside the walls of the Red Keep:

    Yellow dry grass stretches across the compound, left in a state of neglect. The air is unnaturally still and the sky exposed.   Rodent bones and scraps of cloth are scattered among the four buildings, surrounding a housed well in the center of a stone-paved courtyard. Brittle ivy crawls over the ruddy exterior of everything. The southwest structure’s doors hang open, paper littered among broken glass and iron cauldrons.

Bolt, Rum Rum, & Pocky

Chaotic Neutral, Kobold Refugees   The kobolds lived in Oldtown for almost a year before Smolderthorn showed up and destroyed it. The surviving dragonkin evacuated, taking up residence in the Red Keep in the building they call the Dragon's Nest. If threatened the kobolds will beg for their lives. Their attitude begins as friendly, but they are easily frightened.   Bolt, Rum Rum, and Pocky are the only remaining refugees from Oldtown. They don’t know how many people were killed, but it was a lot. The kobolds went back down to get their stuff, but the place was so badly damaged that they scavenged and left. The only thing down there now is ghosts and an angry dragon.   All three of them would have normally fled, but they are unwittingly kept here by their draconic link to Smolderthorn. Given enough time, other kobolds in the region will start coming here as well.

Kobold Stats
  Bolt, Rum Rum, and Pocky have the kobold stat block. They carry the equivalent of clubs instead of daggers.

Read the following when meeting the kobolds:

    Inside the keep, three small dragonkin are scuffling with each other. They are dressed in scavenged, ill-fitting casual wear.   The tallest of them is swinging a rusty frying pan in emphasis, while the heaviest one is loudly munching on something crunchy. A furry tail dangles from the corner of their mouth.   Ducking beneath the mess, the smallest kobold clutches a tattered wig to its head, dragging an iron cauldron away, muttering in Draconic.
Bolt, Rum Rum, & Pocky Figurines
Bolt, Rum Rum, & Pocky
(in order left to right)

Roleplaying Bolt
Bolt is selfish. Their only concern is feeding themselves, which has diminished the trio’s meager supplies. The easiest way to Bolt’s heart is to give them more than their siblings got. Of the three Bolt contributes the least.   As the biggest, Bolt considers themselves to be the leader.

Personality Trait. “I'm the biggest so that means I get the most.”
Ideal. “Dibs. If I get to it first it's all mine.”
Bond. “I dislike Rum Rum and being shackled to them.”
Flaw. “I work hard to avoid work.”
Roleplaying Rum Rum
Rum Rum is always creating plans, trying to keep Pocky and Bolt alive, though the others rarely listen. As the youngest and smartest of the siblings, the kobold is eager to talk and thinks the black pudding is the greatest thing that has ever happened.   Rum Rum considers themself the most attractive, and therefore, the rightful leader.

Personality Trait. “If you start with a smile, they may not beat you.”
Ideal. “Ego. I don't think I’m the most handsome kobold, everyone else does.”
Bond. “I’m the sticky bit that keeps the family together.”
Flaw. “All my plans are flawless and I insist they’re used.”
Roleplaying Pocky
The eldest of the siblings, Pocky considers himself a warrior, claiming the Red Keep in the name of Smolderthorn. Pocky believes the dragon spared their lives to enact some great service in the future, although they have no idea what it could be. He is the least cowardly, but first to signal a retreat.   Of the three Pocky is the most stern, considering themself the leader.

Personality Trait. “Serious business requires a serious kobold.”
Ideal. “Strength. I want to be strong like Smolderthorn so the world will bow to me.”
Bond. “I disagree with how my siblings want to do things, but I love them.”
Flaw. “My false bravado gets me into losing situations.”

The Kobold's Purpose

The kobolds are here to provide information and represent the brutality of Smolderthorn. The little ones will gladly talk about their lives and engage the characters in their black pudding quandary. They will discuss the following topics if shown kindness:   Oldtown
  • The town was scary to them even before Smolderthorn. They were in the lowest caste and not treated well.
  • There were rulers in Oldtown and the Red Keep before, but not since they have lived here.
  • Oldtown is filled with ghosts now that Smolderthorn killed everyone.
  • The entrance to Smolderthorn’s Lair is behind two massive doors that were locked and unopened in their time here. They have not seen the other side.
The Black Pudding
  • Despite their fears, the kobolds are excited about their ooze. They successfully trapped it in the dungeons and have been feeding it whatever they find.
  • Pocky wants to turn the ooze into a weapon and present it to the dragon.
  • Bolt is fattening it up to eat it.
  • Rum Rum believes the pudding is speaking but doesn’t understand what it is saying.
Further details on the black pudding can be found in the "Red Dungeon" section. If the characters kill the black pudding the kobold's attitude will change to hostile, although they will not attack.

The Badger
  • There is a badger in the well and they are going to feed it to the pudding. Would the characters like to watch?
  • The kobolds have no idea that the beast is an imp. Details on the badger can be found under Thister the "Badger".

The Well

(#5 on the Red Keep Map)   The characters may explore the Red Keep, but their objective lies in the well. The entrance to Oldtown is surrounded by a stone pavilion, in the middle of the paved courtyard. The area has seen regular travel over centuries.   The well is 10 feet across, with carved handholds to ease entry. Stairs were added sometime after the keep was built, constructed of grey stone. The staircase is entirely enclosed until the last 20 feet and leads to a dried-up basin 200 feet below the surface. In normal times, this is the main passageway to the underground.   Once the characters get to the bottom of the well move on to the "Oldtown" section.

Describe the following when examining the well:

    A modest stone pavilion sits at the center of the courtyard, sheltering a well beneath a simple red awning. Worn pulleys hang from the ceiling, though they hold no ropes. The well’s wide mouth leads to mossy cobblestone stairs, spiraling into darkness. Handholds encircle the inner walls, edges smoothed by countless travelers.

Familiar Recruitment

  If there is a warlock or other character capable of summoning an imp familiar, Thister may volunteer their services instead of being hostile.   The character must exhibit some measure of power or Thister will choose chaos over calm. Thister has the same stats as a normal imp familiar, but can cast Identify at will in addition to its normal abilities.

Thister the "Badger"

Neutral Evil, Imp Familiar   Thister was the familiar of Corvus Kindle. When its master died (immediately after their heroic escape) Thister thought it was finally free. While celebrating, Thister tried to return to Oldtown and stumbled into a kobold trap. The imp took the form of a badger and has been like that ever since, waiting for the chance to escape.   If the kobolds try to feed the badger to the black pudding, Thister will transform back into its impish form and attempt to bargain, even though it does not have anything to bargain with.  
    Shapechanger. Thister is purposefully deceptive. It is not concerned by any of this, and confident in its ability to escape. Perceptive or insightful characters may realize something is off, and that the badger is putting on a subtle performance.
Read the following when the characters see the badger in the cage:  
    A hemp rope holds a sturdy iron cage, suspended precariously from a pinion staked inside the well. A squat, gray, and white-furred badger is trapped, dangling over the dark void. It whimpers in desperation, staring up at you with knowing eyes.   The smell of brimstone thickens from below as the beast struggles to free itself from its confines, gasping for fresh air.
  Roleplaying Thister
The imp is bitter about its imprisonment. If freed, Thister will do whatever it can to bait the characters into trouble, inciting conflict between them and the kobolds or purposefully leading them into the Skulldug Nosher in Oldtown.

Personality Trait. "I no longer have a purpose and probably shouldn't stick around."
Ideal. "Worth. I won't serve another unworthy master."
Bond. “Advocating chaos is a necessity in my line of work."
Flaw. "I enjoy watching others struggle."

Red Keep Maps

Red Keep Labeled Map

Red Keep Labeled

The Red Keep Unlabled Map

Red Keep Unlabled

Dragon's Nest

(#1 on the Red Keep Map)  
The Dragon's Nest Map
The Dragon's Nest
The kobolds have made this their new home. The building is a wide open chamber supported by four pillars. The east wall is filled with every bit of interesting junk the kobolds have found since living here. The rest of the room is a poorly assorted mix of dead and dying plants.   The druid who most recently lived here used this as a growroom for his alchemical needs. The kobolds have been trying to grow food indoors using chemicals they found in the Seeping Apothecary, with little success.   The plants growing here are not edible. They are a breed of purple flower used to make the poison, Midnight Tears. Due to their poor condition, there is only enough here to make a single dose. If cultivated and treated properly, the flowers could produce a considerable amount.   The room contains miscellaneous items from the Player’s Handbook Equipment section worth less than 1 gp, but is primarily junk. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check will uncover a scroll case containing a deed to the Red Keep. The deed is an excellent forgery, signed by King Caraconne Tritos. A DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check will reveal the deed and signature are fake.  
    Loot. Forged Red Keep deed.

Read when entering the Dragon’s Nest:

The building is one room, with a high ceiling and four pillars. It is lit by candlelight, with long tables, filled with pots of dying sickly purple flowers. There is a curious mixture of floral notes and decay.   The east wall is surrounded by tables tipped on their side, refurbished as a line of defense for the kobold's sleeping quarters. Three filthy blankets are arranged behind the barricade, protecting an assortment of foraged items and debris. Unidentifiable meat and picked-over carcasses fill an otherwise unused corner.
  Prized Possessions
The kobolds have collected what they consider the best items in the keep. Treated friendly, they are excited to show them off.  
  • Bolt. An axe-beak’s beak. Not edible.
  • Rum Rum. A rock he thinks is shaped like a kobold. It's not.
  • Pocky. A fist-sized red dragon scale from Smolderthorn. Found on their trip back to Oldtown.

Seeping Apothecary

(#2 on the Red Keep Map)  
Seeping Apothecary Map
Seeping Apothecary
The Seeping Apothecary is currently a ravished dormitory. In its prime, it was home to the Enduring Philosophers, a sect of alchemists seeking immortality. Their never-ending quest led the Philosophers to experiment with a variety of oozes and slimes. They were successful, creating potions and salves that would alter a humanoid’s form to become amorphous.   The alchemist's hubris eventually led to their downfall. For centuries slimes would pour from the Cruel Wood during the warm seasons, slowly eating away at the countryside. Even though the Civil Legion eliminated the source of the seeping in the late 5,000s, to this day oozes still emerge from the building at random.

Read when entering the Seeping Apothecary:

The kobolds have thoroughly vandalized the largest of the four structures. What remains is spread and broken on the ground, littering its perimeter.   The inside walls are covered in a glowing green lichen, stretching out to form hallways. Built-in shelves remain but hold nothing of interest. The inner corridors are filled with long shadows made by open doorways, crammed with splintered wood and garbage. Stone bunk beds lay disheveled and abandoned in the timeworn dormitory.

The inside of the apothecary now contains open, damaged bedrooms, and the few remnants of the Enduring Philosophers legacy. It is covered in continuously growing lichen and small insects. The kobolds found the black pudding here.   Enduring Philosophers
A character may make a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check to recall information about the Seeping Apothecary and its former inhabitants.   Locked Chamber
One preserved chamber is located in the building's center. A DC 18 Dexterity (Thieves Tools) will unlock the room. Large items have fallen against the door, but a small creature can squeeze through the gaps once unlocked. A DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check can move the door enough for anyone to enter.   The room contains untouched crates and supplies.  
    Loot. Alchemist's Supplies, Magic Item Formula for Potion of Fire Breath, and a spellbook containing the Alter Self, Color Spray, Confusion, and Stoneskin spells.   Details on Magic Item Formulas can be found in “Downtime Activities” in chapter six of the DMG.


(#3 on the Red Keep Map)  
Red Keep Storage
This facility is a squat L-shaped building, with raised stone platforms around the edges. Throughout the keep's history, it was used as storage, and recently by the druid Passago in elemental experiments. His intentions are a mystery, but summoning sigils and a collapsed section of the room where a ruined portal lies speak to his purpose. The druids of the Cruel Wood, Pil’pe’pete among them, are eager to understand Passago’s time as lord of the Red Keep.   The kobolds have ransacked the building. Anything they considered valuable they took to the Dragon’s Nest. Besides the portal, the room contains rubble, refuse, and damaged books.   Read the following when entering:

The warehouse is cluttered with open, rummaged crates, pushed to the room's edges on raised stone platforms. Decayed books and papers are scattered about. Crude carvings of arcane symbols cover the walls. At the back, a section of the floor has sunk into the ground, surrounded by blackened scorch marks. The remains of a wooden statue lie buried among the stones and dirt; a once beautiful woman, is now scarred by fire.
  Passago’s Journals
If the Mending spell is used on the books, it will bring back the writings of the mad druid. His only coherent thoughts are admissions of devotion to an unnamed love.   Summoning Sigils
With a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, a character can uncover details about the sigils on the walls. They were designed to sustain conjuration spells for extended periods and were not professionally made. Either the carvings were the work of an amateur or someone under duress.   Elemental Portal
The portal was meant to open a passage between here and the Plane of Earth. It exploded and collapsed a section of the floor, burying the remains in stone and dirt. With a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check, characters can see that parts are still whole beneath the debris. The covered portal contains one blue, yellow, red, and green gemstone affixed to the stone. Higher results may disclose that the area is unstable and handling any portion carelessly could collapse it.  
  • Detect Magic. Detect Magic, or a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, will reveal that only the yellow gem has magical power and is from the school of Conjuration.
The portal is blocked by rubble, and safely moveable with a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. Failed checks to access the ruined portal or remove the yellow gemstone, will summon an earth elemental. When it appears it will clear the debris and become hostile. If the elemental is summoned, the gem is destroyed.  
    Potential Combat Encounter. 1 x Earth Elemental
    Potential Loot. Elemental Gem: Yellow Diamond
The other gems are cracked and will break in their sockets if handled carelessly. Jeweler's Tools may be used to salvage the three other gems, worth 100 gp each.   Given enough skill, time, and money it is possible this elemental gateway could be reconstructed. Characters with high Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Nature) may be able to understand its construction.

Red Dungeons

(#4 on the Red Keep Map)  
Red Dungeons Map
Red Dungeons
The Red Dungeon is the oldest structure still serving its original purpose. Constructed to imprison Covenant-breakers, magical protections were laid down by the Sovereign Sage Maltavoris. Over time these cells have held innocents, prisoners, experiments, and monsters of all kinds. Of the thirteen cells, only three retain their magical power. One of the three contains the kobold’s prized black pudding.

Read the following when entering:

The dungeon air is cool and heavy. Thirteen iron-barred cells line the windowless walls, their purpose unmistakable. Faint Draconic symbols are etched above each one, though only a single chamber remains sealed, its door a faintly glowing purple light. Inside, a black mass of wet, gooey tendrils spreads across the floor. Outside the cell, the kobolds have piled refuse as offerings for the creature.
  The building contains thirteen prison cells with no windows. Three of the cells still function as intended. The floor slopes to a single grated floor drain in the center of the room. The dungeons have been stripped clean of everything in the kobold’s desire to feed the pudding.   Magical Effects
The cells have their keyword carved in draconic above them. The kobolds were able to understand the language and didn’t question why it worked. The keyword is: “Egrem-bow,” or “Shackle” in Common, and takes an action to speak. The working cells have the following effects:  
  • Locking Mechanism. Once the keyword is spoken, a door won’t function for anyone but the creature who spoke the command. The action remains in effect as long as the creature is alive.
    • Pocky was the last creature to close the cell.
  • Shackling Rattle. A creature who touches the bars or tries to pass through them is subjected to extreme vibrations. The creature must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be stunned for 1 minute.
  • Calm Emotions. Upon activation, a Calm Emotions spell is cast inside the cell, DC 16 Charisma saving throw. The spell repeats every 1 minute, or until the creature inside fails the saving throw. Once the spell affects a creature it remains active until the cell is opened.
  • Recharging the Cells. A high enough Intelligence (Arcana) check or further research into the Red Dungeons may reveal that the draconic symbols are the source of power for the cells. With enough time and materials, it may be possible to recharge them.
  The Black Pudding
There is a single black pudding that contains a small fraction of Corvus Kindle’s consciousness, which is trying to communicate. Corvus doesn’t understand what is happening, or that he is dead. His soul is lingering in a Ring of Mind Shielding, using the ooze to seek help.   The tendrils are constantly changing between the words “Help,” Trapped”, and “Kindle” in Gnomish.  
  • Language: Gnomish. A character who is proficient in Gnomish will recognize that Kindle is spelled like a surname.
  • Detect Magic. Detect Magic will reveal auras of Abjuration (warding) and Enchantment (deception) inside the ooze.
The ring may be extracted by killing the black pudding or causing it to split, where it will fall to the floor. If the ring falls, roll 1d20 . On a 1, it rolls into the drain, falling somewhere into Oldtown below.   If the kobolds witness the characters attacking the ooze they will become hostile, although they will not attack. If the kobolds have two oozes because of the character's actions they will forgive all transgressions and become allies for life.  
    Loot. Ring of Mind Shielding

Corvus Kindle

Neutral Evil, Gnome Warlock   Corvus was born in Gnome's Landing. As the smallest gnome his age, he lacked confidence, although he found some joy in theater. He spent his youth traveling and when the Demon War began, his troupe headed to the capital city of Ania. Upon arriving he followed his mates, unknowingly joining up with a guild of demon loyalists.   The Fist became Corvus’ life. For two years he felt like he belonged, giving his entire self to the cause. In return, he was granted dark powers and capable of summoning demons. When the war ended, and the remaining Fist members were in disarray, Corvus fled. He has been living in Oldtown ever since, scared to leave.   When Smolderthorn attacked, Corvus was the only person to make it to the surface. He died in the black pudding, after being consumed while sleeping. Since dying, Kindle’s memory has become cloudy, and most of his time as a warlock is fading.   Subjects Corvus doesn’t remember that Thister does:  
  • Corvus was present at the meeting for the planned assassination of King Caraconne Tritos.
  • The warlock pact Corvus made is with the Implord Uman.
  • To summon Thister for the first time, Corvus had to murder an innocent man. Thister can still hear the screams, they are delightful.
  Freeing Corvus's Soul. Corvus fears letting go and would rather work for someone cruel than be forgotten. If freed, there is a brief scent of sulfur as his pact ends.
Roleplaying Corvus Kindle
Corvus Kindle Figurine
Corvus Kindle doesn’t understand he is dead or trapped inside his Ring of Mind Shielding. Now his memory is full of holes and most of what he remembers is of his youth. Corvus is highly susceptible to flattery, and if treated kindly, may provide tips about costumes and theatrics.  
    Corvus’s Consciousness. If Corvus Kindle’s consciousness remains in the Ring of Mind Shielding, once per day he may provide its wearer advantage on a Charisma (Disguise Kit) or (Performance) check.   Demonic “We.” As part of his demonic warlock pact, Corvus no longer says “You” or “I,” referring to both himself and the ring’s attuned owner as “We.”   Personality Trait. "I want to do something that matters and leave a legacy."
    Ideal. "Subjugation. I made a pact with a demon I don’t remember. I am compelled by it anyway."
    Bond. “If you say yes enough, eventually someone else will too."
    Flaw. "My ego is frail and easy to sway."


Read when reaching the bottom of the well:

    The cobblestone walls give way to hardened earth at the bottom of the spiral stair. There is no water, only an open, lightless chamber with a wide, downward-sloping passage.   Sweltering heat blooms, growing more intense this close to the dragon’s lair. Empty sconces hang from wooden beams down the tunnel to Oldtown. The path is well-worn, traveled routinely over centuries. It is uncomfortably quiet.
  No water has ever filled this basin. Dug when Scaborous the Pure claimed this land, the people connected the surface to the depths, creating the path that leads to Oldtown. The ramshackle city began as stone hovels and expanded over time. It changed little in the wake of Scaborous demise, becoming a refuge for the destitute and downtrodden.   The tunnel is dark and slopes downward from the bottom of the well, extending 200 feet further underground before opening into Oldtown. The walls hold empty torch sconces and small man-made caves. The space is wide enough for large creatures to pass unhindered. All life has either fled or died.  
  • Poisonous Gas. Under normal circumstances, this tunnel sees regular use. Currently, dead insects and vermin lie within the small stone hovels in the walls. A DC 13 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Medicine) check will reveal that the creatures died from inhaling poison.   While near Smolderthorn’s Lair, poisonous vapor may form. The gas spreads around corners, and its area is lightly obscured. The effects linger for one minute. Each creature that starts its turn in the gas must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned or one hour. While poisoned in this way, a creature is incapacitated.
  • Extreme Heat. While in the area of Oldtown or the Dragon’s Lair, the characters are subjected to Extreme Heat.   When the temperature is at or above 100 degrees Fahrenheit, a creature exposed to the heat and without access to drinkable water must succeed on a Constitution saving throw at the end of each hour or gain one level of exhaustion. The DC is 5 for the first hour and increases by 1 for each additional hour. Creatures wearing medium or heavy armor, or who are clad in heavy clothing, have disadvantage on the saving throw. Creatures with resistance or immunity to fire damage automatically succeed on the saving throw, as do creatures naturally adapted to hot climates.
  • Skulldug Nosher Spirits. A Skulldug Nosher has moved into Oldtown. It uses trapped spirits as lures to draw creatures to it. The ghosts act as if they require help and will try to entice the characters toward the Nosher.
Entrances to Oldtown
  There are three total entrances to Oldtown. Smolderthorn cannot use the Well entrance due to his size.  
  • The Well. The most commonly taken path. Capable of fitting large creatures.
  • Dragon’s Lair. Inside Oldtown, massive doors open to the lair. From within, a wide tunnel leads hundreds of feet to the surface.
  • Oldtown Ravine. Inaccessible from the surface without flight, a jagged ravine breaks through to numerous caves near the ceiling of southern Oldtown. The exit is miles from the Red Keep.

Alerting Smolderthorn
  The dragon has no fear of mortals, as none in this land could withstand Smolderthorn’s might or have the audacity to face his fury.   If alerted to the character’s presence, Smolderthorn will remain in his lair awaiting them. He will prepare as needed, waiting to ambush in turn. Smolderthorn will hide using his +6 Dexterity (Stealth), and attack with his breath weapon at the first opportunity.   As dawn arrives, if Smolderthorn becomes aware of the Civil Legion troops outside, he will not remain in his lair, choosing to take the Oldtown Ravine exit. He will move to the surface and attack the awaiting troops from the sky. The characters will need to rush if they want to salvage the mission.   The Smolderthorn "Lair Combat Encounter" and "Outdoor Combat Encounter" contain further details.

Ruins of Refuge

  The ruins of Oldtown are littered with the remains of 20-30 permanent structures, now burnt, hollow, and unstable. Smaller caves dot the outer edges, once used as makeshift homes or sleeping areas, though no signs remain to indicate their original purpose. The area has become Smolderthorn’s rage pit, its ground scorched and littered with bodies, too damaged or charred to be recognizable.   Any useful items have been destroyed. Exploring the ruins serves only to endanger the group’s mission, as most buildings tilt dangerously, ready to collapse at any moment. The sole exception is a three-story home on the western wall, worn but maintained, standing in stark contrast to the surrounding devastation. This building is the Skulldug Nosher and what the spirits are leading to.

When the players first enter Oldtown read the following:

The hall opens into a shadowed expanse, where the shells of ruined structures cling to the cave floor. Worn draconic iconography covers the outer walls, lines softened with age.   Spectral glowing spirits are the only source of light, flickering in and out of existence. They drift through the gloom, repeating the motions of their former lives, unaware of the ruins around them. A rumbling snore reverberates throughout the cavern. From the darkness, a pale humanoid apparition materializes before you, beckoning.

Skulldug Nosher

This house is not a home. The Skulldug Nosher is a slow-moving spiritual monstrosity with the power to possess inanimate structures, typically found in derelict towns, farmhouses, and other abandoned dwellings. Concealed within these vessels, it deceives the unwary, luring them into eternal captivity. It is particularly drawn to locations marked by death and loss.   Once ensnared, victims' souls are added to its collection and enlisted to ensnare others. While not swift, escape from its labyrinthine interior proves exceedingly difficult. Destroying the Skulldug Nosher is the only way to free the souls it has imprisoned.  
  • The Building. The Skulldug Nosher is the only "safe" structure left standing in Oldtown. It appears old and singed, but the supports are intact and structurally sound.   The house has three stories with two main entrances, one in the front and one in the back. The house's exterior is made of carved gray stone and has wooden floors throughout. All of the windows have been boarded up. The ceilings vary in height by floor. The first floor has 12-foot-high ceilings, the second floor has 10-foot-high ceilings, and the third floor has 8-foot-high ceilings.
  • Spirit Lures. Within a 1 mile radius of a Skulldug Nosher spirits can be found, luring intelligent creatures back to the building the Nosher possesses. A creature that encounters a spirit lure can make a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check to understand the spirit's purpose.   The spirits of this particular Nosher will offer safety from Smolderthorn, providing shelter. If Smolderthorn makes noise or poisonous vapors appear, the apparitions will use it as an opportunity to issue a warning. Their intentions appear benevolent but they are limited in their ability to communicate them. The Spirit Lures cannot speak for themselves but can repeat words using the same voice they heard speak.

Skulldug Nosher Map

Skulldug Nosher Map

Skulldug Nosher

Skulldug Nosher

Read the following when approaching the Skulldug Nosher:

A grey brick three-story building is a sturdy haven amidst the ruins of Oldtown. The windows are boarded up and scorched along with the rest of the outer walls. In the attic window a soft light flickers briefly.

Combat Encounter

Tactics. Due to its limited mobility, a Skulldug Nosher typically establishes itself in a single, permanent location. From there, it deploys its spirit lures to roam the surrounding areas, drawing potential victims towards its lair with promises of safety. Should its subtle tactics fail the Nosher will resort to force, launching debris, possessing the vulnerable, and using any means necessary to draw victims into its grasp. Once inside, the Nosher subjects its captives to a disorienting maze of ever-shifting rooms, where lethal hazards and its malevolent maw await.

Read when the Skulldug Nosher transforms:

    The building groans and shifts as if breathing, its hard oak floors creaking beneath an unseen weight. The structure itself twists, contorting as it comes alive. The walls pulse and fracture, reaching out with splintered fingers, turning the silent refuge into a living nightmare.

Inside the Nosher. None of the rooms in the house are lit when the characters arrive, although most areas contain working oil lamps or fireplaces. The Skulldug Nosher is aware of its surroundings and all creatures within it, wanting nothing more than to eat and absorb souls. The spirits have no choice in the matter, despite their desire to be free.   Outside the Nosher. The Skulldug Nosher remains hidden, but it won’t let prey escape if no one enters. It will target whoever it believes to be the weakest-willed with its Possession ability, forcing them to come inside. Against those who refuse to enter, the house will launch Debris until a victim is unconscious, where it will slowly move to consume the fallen.  
    Rewards. When the Skulldug Nosher is defeated the spirits are released. They will give what little they have left to offer, placing the Death Ward spell on those who saved them. The spell's effect lasts for 24 hours or until used.

  Skulldug Nosher Roll Initiative
Gargantuan Monstrosity, Chaotic Evil
Armor Class 7 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 214 (14d20 + 70)
Speed 5 ft.
18 (+4)
1 (-5)
20 (+5)
12 (+1)
10 (-)
3 (-4)
Damage Resistances Acid, Cold
Damage Vulnerabilities Thunder
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Exhaustion, Frightened, Incapacitated, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Stunned
Senses Blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius), Tremorsense within the structure, Passive Perception 10
Languages Telepathy 50 ft.
Proficiency Bonus +4 Challenge 9
False Appearance. While the Skulldug Nosher remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary building.   Spirit Lure. Within a 1 mile radius of a Skulldug Nosher spirits can be found, luring intelligent creatures back to the building the Nosher possesses. A creature that encounters a spirit lure can make a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check to understand the spirit's purpose.   Detritus. When not maintaining its false appearance, the Skulldug Nosher impedes travel within it. When a creature moves into or within the Nosher, it takes 1d4 piercing damage for every 5 ft. it travels.  
Multiattack. The Skulldug Nosher makes three attacks using any combination of its bite and debris.   Bite. Melee Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ( 1d12+4 ) piercing damage. If the creature is large or smaller it is grappled (escape DC 16) as the Nosher begins to chew on it. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and a creature grappled by the Nosher must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw at the start of the Nosher's turn or take 16 2d12+4 piercing damage.   Debris. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 10 ( 1d12+4 ) bludgeoning damage.   Swallow. The Skulldug Nosher makes one bite attack against a large or smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, that creature is absorbed by the Nosher, being moved around inside the structure. While swallowed the creature is blinded and restrained, has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the Skulldug Nosher, and it takes 28 ( 8d6 ) slashing damage at the start of its turn.   If the Skulldug Nosher takes 30 damage or more in a single turn from a creature inside it, the Nosher will regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall prone where they began. If the Skulldug Nosher dies, a swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by using 20 ft. of movement, exiting prone.   Special
Possession. At the start of the Skulldug Nosher's turn it will attempt to possess a creature that is hostile toward it, DC 16 Constitution saving throw. A creature possessed in this way is drawn deeper into the Nosher, using its entire next turn to move as far from the exits as possible. A creature possessed in this way does not take damage from the Skulldug Nosher's detritus ability.  

Smolderthorn's Lair

On the eastern side of Oldtown, in the shadows of a shallow inner chamber, sit two enormous redstone slab doors bearing intricate dragon iconography. Behind them is an ancient lair built two thousand years ago, designed for Scaborous the Pure. Smolderthorn has made it his home and is slowly supplying energy to unlock the Essence that has faded. With a dragon’s presence, the magic is returning.   The doors weigh two tons each. They will open for someone with draconic heritage who speaks the command word of “Bex-Nif” in draconic, meaning “Open.” There is a steel service door built into the bottom right big enough for a large creature to pass through. The lock has not been used in centuries and is simply jammed, DC 16 Dexterity (Thieves Tools).

Read when entering Smolderthorn’s Lair:

    Intense heat billows from the doorway, heavy with acrid fumes. The air is thick and difficult to breathe. A sprawling lair stretches nearly 200 feet across. Jagged stone perches line the towering cavern walls. Light flickers unevenly from pyres spread across the chamber, glinting off a central obsidian pillar inscribed with carved runes, defaced by heresy. Covered by the crossed-out ‘C’ of the Anom, their faded magic gently pulses beneath the graffiti.   Smoke rolls across the ground obscuring loose coins and blackened bones. Piles of ash and treasure are half-buried in the dim glow of fire. A wide cave mouth occupies the eastern wall, where stalactites and lava pools await trespassers.

Smolderthorn Inner Lair Battlemap

Smolderthorn's Lair

The Anom
  The Anom, a crossed-out 'C', is the most recognized symbol of Rodgort, signifying chaos and destruction. It is generally detested, representing a direct affront to the values held by most of society. Followers of the Covenant are taught to seek out bearers of this symbol and bring them to swift justice.

Lair Combat Encounter

The moment the characters enter the lair there should be a sense of urgency. Every decision they make will influence the limited time they have to act. Their window to force Smolderthorn outside is narrow and any delay could prove costly. Hesitation could mean the difference between success and failure.   The characters are not meant to fight the dragon here and will likely die if they do so. Instead, their goal should be to drive Smolderthorn out of his lair into the awaiting ambush with whatever means they have at their disposal. As soon as the Bomboozler is released the device will begin its cacophonous sonic attacks and flashing with bright lights.   The east wall has a tunnel large enough for Smolderthorn to move through comfortably that leads outside. The dragon may attempt to fight back but will not remain in the area of the Bomboozler for more than one full round. As soon as Smolderthorn exits the tunnel, the effects of "Escaping the Lair" begin. Characters will be dealing with magma, tremors, and volcanic gas as they follow.
Smolderthorn the Reclaimer. Smolderthorn has the statistics of an adult red dragon from the 5ed Monster Manual. Formidable enough on his own, he is even stronger in his lair which makes driving him out a necessity.   As mentioned in "How to Fight a Dragon", Smolderthorn’s stats are altered upon entering the ambush in the "Outdoor Combat Encounter".   If the characters alerted Smolderthorn or waited until dawn, the dragon is awake. If the characters attempt to ambush the dragon when he sleeps, Smolderthorn rolls at a +13 Wisdom (Perception) to sense intruders.  
    Dragon Senses. Smoldethorn has Blindsight 60 ft., Darkvision 120 ft., and Passive Perception 23.
  Roleplaying Smolderthorn the Reclaimer
Personality Trait. "I would rather see the world burn than live beneath the Covenant."
Ideal. "Retribution. Dragons have known only suffering since the mortals arrived. I intend to respond in kind."
Bond. "I carry the legacy of Scabourus the Pure and am thriving in the immense shadow he cast."
Flaw. "There are those who have called me a pyromaniac, but they are ashes now."

Smolderthorn's Tactics. Smolderthorn will tear, bite, and breathe fire until all opposition has fled. He will attack from range with his breath weapon and use lair actions to subdue intruders. If someone uses magic against him, Smolderthorn will switch styles and physically attack the caster until they are unconscious or dead. He doesn't care about immediately finishing individuals off, but will if they prove to be persistent.   Inside his lair, Smolderthorn will climb more than fly but has enough space to span gaps or leave the chamber. If he feels endangered Smolderthorn will exit using the eastern cave.   As noted in "Alerting Smolderthorn," if aware of the character’s presence, Smolderthorn will remain in his lair awaiting them. He will prepare as needed, waiting to ambush in turn. Smolderthorn will hide using his +6 Stealth, and attack with his breath weapon at the first opportunity.   As dawn arrives, if Smolderthorn knows of the Civil Legion troops outside, he will not remain in his lair, choosing to take the Oldtown Ravine exit. He will move to the surface and attack the awaiting troops from the sky. The characters will need to rush if they want to salvage the mission.     Lair Actions  
  • Magma erupts from a point on the ground the dragon can see within 120 feet of it, creating a 20-foot-high, 5-foot-radius geyser. Each creature in the geyser’s area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 ( 6d6 ) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
  • A tremor shakes the lair in a 60-foot radius around the dragon. Each creature other than the dragon on the ground in that area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
  • Volcanic gases form a cloud in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point the dragon can see within 120 feet of it. The sphere spreads around corners, and its area is lightly obscured. It lasts until initiative count 20 on the next round. Each creature that starts its turn in the cloud must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the end of its turn. While poisoned in this way, a creature is incapacitated.
    Additional Challenges. Smolderthorn has access to his lair actions in this chamber. Given enough time more lair actions would be available due to the construction and inlaid magic of the pillar. The following effects are always active in this particular lair:  
  • Cold damage is reduced by half.
  • Weapon attacks made against a dragon are met with Hellish Rebuke cast at 1st level, DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, dealing 10 ( 2d10 ) fire damage, or half as much on a success. The spell originates from the runes on the central pillar. This effect may occur once per turn.

Escaping the Lair

The escape from Smolderthorn’s lair is a dangerous, fast-paced gauntlet of environmental hazards that test the characters' resourcefulness. The lair is volatile, and the party must act quickly to survive and reach the final battle on time.   This escape consists of five distinct scenes, each representing a new, escalating threat. After each scene, one character takes the lead, while the rest may assist or support. The leader’s action influences the group’s success in the next obstacle.   Each obstacle presents a primary challenge. However, the group can choose to either face the obstacle head-on or attempt creative solutions to bypass it. Teamwork is key, but lingering too long could cost the lives of soldiers and NPCs outside or give Smolderthorn the opportunity to flee.   While the challenges present straightforward danger, characters might attempt alternative solutions using their abilities, tools, or environment. Spells to manipulate earth, water, or air could be effective, as could physical barriers or teleportation magic. Encourage players to think creatively and reward quick thinking, but ensure that any delay carries the risk of further danger.     Scene Dynamics   Lead Action. Before the scene occurs, one character takes the lead to act, attempting to prepare the group for the upcoming challenge. The character may use whatever is at their disposal, including ability checks, magic items, spells, or other creative solutions.   The base DC begins at 11 in the first scene, increasing by 1 each time. You may want to alter the difficulty of this action based on the character’s approach considering the context of the situation.  
  • Success. Characters have advantage on the next scene’s saving throws.
  • Failure. Characters have disadvantage on the next scene’s saving throws.
Supporting Actions. Other characters may assist the leader by offering Help or taking small actions to support, such as casting minor spells, preparing equipment, or offering guidance. Supporting actions may give the leader advantage on their check, or reduce the consequences of failure, depending on the creativity and feasibility of their efforts.

Read aloud when entering the tunnel:

    The tunnel stretches forward, its jagged stone barely containing the tremors beneath. Thin streams of magma seep through cracks in the ground, casting a red glow that dances in shadows. Low-hanging smoke swirls around stalactites that quiver with each distant rumble. The path bends ahead, disappearing into the unknown, as the faint roar of the earth deepens, urging haste.
Scene 1: Magma Surge
Lead DC: 11   The ground and ceiling begin to crack open, molten rock spilling forth as the lair starts to collapse.  
  • Saving Throw. DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to dodge the sudden rush of magma.
  • Failure. The character takes 3d6 fire damage.

Scene 2: Noxious Gas
Lead DC: 12   Thick, acrid fumes pour from natural vents, burning lungs and eyes. The air becomes harder to breathe with each step.  
  • Saving Throw. DC 13 Constitution saving throw to resist the effects of the noxious gas.
  • Failure. The character’s speed is reduced by half for 24 hours and they have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks due to continuous coughing.

Scene 3: Falling Stalactites
Lead DC: 13   The lair shudders violently, dislodging massive stalactites that come crashing down from the ceiling.  
  • Saving Throw. DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to avoid being crushed.
  • Failure. The character takes 3d6 bludgeoning damage and is incapacitated for the remainder of the “Escaping the Lair” encounter. The effect may be removed with a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check or after receiving healing magic.

Scene 4: Steam Geysers
Lead DC: 14   Jets of scalding steam shoot up from cracks in the ground, filling the tunnel with blinding mist.  
  • Saving Throw. DC 13 Constitution saving throw to avoid eye damage.
  • Failure. The character is blinded for 1 hour.

Scene 5: Wall of Fire
Lead DC: 15   A blazing wall of debris blocks the only way out, and the intense heat from the flames makes passage dangerous. The sounds of battle can be hear beyond the flames, but the path is treacherous.  
  • Saving Throw. DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to navigate through the flames and debris.
  • Failure. The character takes 3d6 fire damage and catches fire, taking 1d6 fire damage per round until extinguished as an action.
    • Complication. If a character fails by 5 or more, they are trapped behind the flames for an additional round, giving Smolderthorn more time to escape.
Each round the characters delay behind the wall gives Smolderthorn opportunities to escape.  
  • If Lobs has grappled the dragon, reduce the delay by 1 round.
  • If dragon nets have restrained Smolderthorn, the dragon may attempt a DC 25 Strength check to escape. Failure means damaging the nets and reducing the DC by 3 for future escape attempts.

Outdoor Combat Encounter

The final showdown with Smolderthorn will take place when the characters emerge from the dragon’s lair. The outcome is uncertain and heavily influenced by success or failure throughout the adventure.   In this section, we outline the battlefield and potential scenarios based on the character’s achievements. NPCs have assigned roles but may be used as needed to help swing the fight as desired. Andias, Lobs, and the soldiers work as thematic elements rather than heavy hitters. Although this is a team effort, the goal is to let your players shine or die in the attempt.   The battlefield remains the same if Smolderthorn has already taken to the sky, except for the ring of fire.

Smoldethorn’s Status
Smolderthorn is affected by the following:  
    Civil Legion Troops. Smolderthorn’s total hit points are reduced by 1 for each Civil Legion soldier recruited and by 2 for each Shatterstaff recruited.   Bomboozler. If the Bomboozler has been deployed, Smolderthorn will have used all of his legendary saves during the escape.   Dragon Nets. The nets have taken damage, and their break DC is reduced by 1d6 .
    • Smolderthorn’s speed is reduced to 0.
    • Smolderthorn cannot use his Wing Attack while restrained by the dragon nets.
    • Smolderthorn’s scales have been damaged and his AC has been reduced by 2, to 17.
      Lobs. Lobs will begin the encounter having already grappled Smolderthorn. While grappled, Smolderthorn cannot use his Breath Weapon or Bite attacks. Lobs maintains his grapple for 1d4 rounds.
  The Battlefield
Red Keep Adventure - Outdoor Combat Map - Smolderthorn
Outdoor Combat Encounter
The battlefield is a 30 ft. x 30 ft. burned-down clearing surrounded by a ring of fire. Smolderthorn is restrained in the center by the dragon nets. Fire is a constant concern.  
    If trapped, the dragon seeks to escape. Between the Bomboozler and the ambush, Smolderthorn has more than enough cause to be fearful. Smolderthorn’s only concern is taking flight, and he will accomplish this by biting, tearing, and burning anything he can get his claws on. If freed from its restraint, Smolderthorn will rain fire from above until forced to flee or the opposition is routed.   Lobs
    Lobs has been waiting for his moment to shine and does not intend to disappoint. He will busy himself with disabling the dragon's breath weapon by force, grappling with Smolderthorn’s maw to keep it closed for the duration. If he is harmed or loses his grip, he will do everything in his power to reapply the grapple. Lobs has no intention of surrendering and will hold out as long as he must to fell the dragon, or die in the attempt. Lobs has 30 hit points remaining.   Andias
    Andias is caught behind the ring of fire, cut off from the battlefield. He is directing troops into position and tending to the injured. If he gets enough support to put the flames out, he will join the fight, otherwise, he will continue to lead from a distance. If the dragon has taken to the sky, Andias will command troops to seek the cover of the trees and prepare to retreat. Andias has 35 hit points remaining.   The Civil Legion
    The soldiers are here as a means to reduce the dragon’s hit points and to help illustrate the threat of Smolderthorn. They are not meant as active combatants and will slow down combat if used as such.   Most of the Civil Legion are injured or dead, but not all. To maintain the presence of the soldiers, you may use them to help or hinder the characters. If needed, Civil Legion soldiers use the Guard stat block.   Once per round of combat, a soldier may perform the following before a character’s turn:
    • Provide the Help action.
    • Stabilize or reposition a wounded character.
    • Maintain the dragon nets.
    • Call out for aid.
The following read-aloud descriptions cover the most likely scenarios the characters will discover upon entering the battlefield.

Scenario 1.
Read aloud when entering the battlefield if Lobs is present:

A ring of fire surrounds Smolderthorn, encircled by sparks and twisting smoke. Lobs, his white scales charred black, is locked in a brutal struggle. The dragonborn’s body is badly burnt, his clothes gone, and blood runs from a broken horn lodged in his side. The dragon frenzies, thrashing in fury, its tail smashing through burning wreckage, but Lobs holds firm, snarling with raw effort.   The ground bubbles with molten slag as Smolderthorn’s anger grows. Everything is burning, bodies, the dragon, and the battlefield itself. The cries of soldiers fade behind the wall of fire, as the rising sun casts light through the smog.

Scenario 2.
Read aloud when entering the battlefield if Lobs is not present:

A ring of fire surrounds Smolderthorn, encircled by sparks and twisting smoke. Three soldiers cling desperately to the dragon nets, struggling to keep the beast restrained. With a savage thrash of its tail, Smolderthorn smashes one of them, the body crumpling beneath the impact.   The ground bubbles with molten slag as Smolderthorn’s anger grows. Everything is burning, bodies, the dragon, the battlefield itself. The cries of soldiers fade behind the wall of fire, as the rising sun casts light through the smog. You can hear the ignition of fire building inside the dragon’s throat as it prepares to exhale.

Scenario 3.
Read aloud when entering the battlefield if Smolderthorn has taken flight:

Flames spread across the ground, thick smoke hanging over the charred remains of soldiers. Smolderthorn strafes unseen, using the rising sun to stay hidden, its fiery trail cutting through the destruction.   Bodies lie strewn about, and the few surviving legion members fight desperately to help their wounded. Arrows fly aimlessly into the smoke, searching for any target. The air crackles with energy as the dragon’s breath primes again, the soldiers bracing for another wave from above.

The Aftermath

If Smolderthorn is dead or subdued the characters have earned a moment of triumph. They’ve accomplished a monumental feat, standing as the heroes who dared to face a dragon. Fires still burn across the battlefield, and wounded lie mixed among the dead. Soldiers work to put out flames and tend to the fallen, but the weight of victory is undeniable.   Survivors of this day will remember the character’s bravery. Though the fight is over, the aftermath is filled with both the pangs of recovery and the satisfaction of success.

Loot & Rewards

The characters are promised 5,000 gold from Shelter Lake's prize fund, but with 15,000 gold in the dragon hoard, Andias understands the situation. Though the bulk of the funds are needed for repairs and rebuilding, the Lawmaster won’t begrudge anyone keeping a portion for their heroics. He cares about the city’s recovery but recognizes that the adventurers have earned their reward. As long as he can ensure some is set aside to help cover the costs of reconstruction, anything else is fine.   Smolderthorn’s Body
By law, the body of a dragon belongs to Emperor's Peak and must be reported to the Thundering Flight. Desecrating a dragon’s corpse, even one like Smolderthorn, can carry a death sentence. Cadmus Broodfang from Tintown is willing to pay a substantial sum for any dragon parts, which could be used for powerful spells. Alternatively, the characters can report the dragon’s body to gain favor with the Covenant dragons.   Dragon Hoard
Listed here is a standard adult dragon hoard with a few additional items donated by Lobs. Adjust as desired.

  • 12d6 × 100 cp
  • 4d6 × 1,000 sp
  • 8d6 × 1,000 gp
  • 10d6 × 100 pp
  • 2d6 x mundane items
  • 6d6 x gems
  • 3d6 x art objects
  • 1d8 x magic items
The hoard also includes the following items that Lobs gave to the dragon and 15,000 gold that was stolen from Shelter Lake, Dondarian, and Bastor during the festival.  
  • Storm Maw (warhammer), Ring of Protection, Rust Bag of Tricks, and the Belt of Arctalian
  •   Keeping the Keep. For more details, refer to the “Keeping the Keep” section. Andias and the Civil Legion have no objections to the characters claiming the Red Keep, especially if they maintain order and contain Oldtown. As long as the characters handle the responsibilities of managing the area, they’re free to make the Red Keep Red Keep their own without Crown interference.


    Character Renown

    If word spreads that the characters are responsible for Smolderthorn’s death, their reputation will shift in various ways. In the southern Dominion, especially in the towns hit by the dragon, they will be celebrated as heroes. In the northern Tritos Dominion, they are likely seen as ambitious upstarts, but important to keep an eye on. Dragonborn and dragons themselves may take an interest, whether with questions or hostility, depending on their motivations and loyalties.  


    Lobs wants his belongings back, but more than anything, he longs to return home, even if it means giving up everything, except his Javelin of Lightning. He’s willing to cooperate with the characters if they help him, but don’t expect him to part with his prized weapon.  
      Lobs may be convinced to stay at the Red Keep if the players make the right offer. For more details, see "Keeping the Keep."

    Lawmaster Andias

    Andias begins organizing the troops to gather the remaining hoard. With the outlying towns in need, he believes the best course of action is to hand over the wealth to Baron Druceff for the region’s recovery. He’ll insist on returning the funds to Dondarian.

    Civil Legion

    While in the Tritos Dominion the characters will continue to encounter the Civil Legion.  
    • Friendly. Soldiers will treat the adventurers as heroes, offering aid, jobs, and a warm welcome.
    • Indifferent. Things go back to business as usual, with the occasional nod of respect or leniency for the dragon slayers.
    • Hostile. If the characters were hostile to the Civil Legion during the adventure but still fought alongside Andias and the soldiers to slay Smolderthorn, the Legion will be conflicted. They won’t forget the adventurers’ hostility, but the dragon’s death will temper their response. The Tritos Dominion may still seek punishment for past actions, but Smolderthorn’s defeat will make the outcome less severe.

    Other Groups

    Guilds of Tor. The Guilds of Tor will insist the characters acquire proper permits or join an existing guild. Their influence ensures no unlicensed adventurers thrive in the region without facing repercussions.   Sticky Fingers. Allies of Sticky Fingers gain access to valuable jobs and information. The guild, being licensed, offers the party protection from the Grisly Six. However, the group must prove themselves worthy before gaining full membership.   Shatterstaves. Alignment with the Shatterstaves brings influence within the Tritos Dominion and King Ramus's favor. With Smolderthorn defeated, and the Crimson Hush contained, the group's reputation will soar. The Legion may seek to enlist the characters for future campaigns beyond the Dominion.   The Survivors. Regardless of the adventure's outcome, the Survivors still struggle against the Civil Legion's oppression. With Smolderthorn defeated, the Legion has intensified efforts to wipe out the rebels, pushing them to the brink. Heroes trusted by these factions may be called to action.
    Smolderthorn Lives
      Failing to trap or kill Smolderthorn the Reclaimer here will be disastrous, but that doesn't mean the fight is over. Soldiers and some adventurers may perish, but survivors will have the chance to regroup and heal. Depending on the character’s renown, they may find factions and allies capable of strategizing a new plan.   However, failure has dire consequences. Most NPC allies and soldiers gathered during the campaign will fall, and Smolderthorn will be free to terrorize the region. After a time it will enact vengeance against the Tritos Dominion by striking out at Bastor, a city already struggling to recover. By eliminating the coastal city, Smolderthorn will send a message of dominance throughout the Dominion that cannot be ignored.   The role the characters play from here is up to you. Smolderthorn will remember those who challenged him. The Red Keep will shift into a defensive bastion, and kobold worshipers will rise from the depths to defend it in overwhelming numbers.
    Further Quests
      Keep your eyes peeled for future From the Village Vault adventures that can help continue your journey in Dromaria.   License to Thrive. The Grisly Six will not tolerate unlicensed adventurers. If the characters want to continue in Dromaria, they must find their place within the Guilds of Tor or risk punishment. The Grisly Six have long maintained strict control over adventuring rights, ensuring they hold sway over the region’s stability.   Relics of the Past. The Ander Clan is desperate to reclaim Storm Maw, the warhammer wielded by Lobs, as they believe it is the key to defeating Maegoloth the Apex. Daisy Pennyday, a fierce and well-known warrior monk, leads the charge to retrieve the relic. The dwarves have tracked the weapon’s whereabouts and will stop at nothing to return it to their people.   Shelter Lake Knights. Andias has earned a promotion and invites the characters to join him in Dondarian for his knighting ceremony. This honor could open doors for the characters to further influence the political landscape of the Dominion, with Andias as a trusted ally.
    Table of Contents
    The Red Keep Adventure

    Skulldug Nosher art by Yury Nikifarau.

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