Part Two: Dondarian, the Merchant City in Dromaria | World Anvil

Part Two: Dondarian, the Merchant City

Read the following text as you approach Dondarian:
A few miles out from the Merchant City of Dondarian you begin to encounter Civil Legion patrols. Their blue uniforms, trimmed with red, feature a golden sun blazing in the center. Many of them look exhausted but still greet you in passing.

If the party stops to engage with the patrols, the Civil Legion troops are interested in Shelter Lake and the roads ahead. They are willing to share the following information:

  • The dragon attacked the city but all of the major damage was located outside in a shopping area called The Caravan.
  • There were a total of 14 deaths and many more injured.
  • The cities of Bastor and Crammin were also attacked by the dragon during the Festival of the Crown.
  • The Baron has not received new information from the Duke and Duchess Charmont in a few weeks.

Read the following as you reach Dondarian:
You smell the burnt ground before you see it, a mixture of blackened wood and grief. Folks have gathered outside the city walls, currently in the process of moving scorched debris into carts. They glance your way but continue their work.   The slow rush of water churns to your right as you approach the Ores, a river that flows through the center of Dondarian. Ten-foot walls surround the city and gates stand on either side of the water. Drooping banners still hang from the festival, forgotten in the aftermath. Following the road, you approach the entrance to the city.



The city of Dondarian was hit by the dragon the same day as Shelter Lake, but only outside the walls. An area the locals call The Caravan was burnt to the ground. The cities of Bastor and Crammin, as well as many small villages, were also attacked and have been requesting aid from Dondarian. The Baron has been in meetings with the Civil Legion soldiers, issuing commands through subordinates.   With the instability in the region, and now a red dragon plundering the countryside, Baron Druceff has grown increasingly nervous. He is reluctant to send troops far from the city.

Welcome to Dondarian

Dondarian is a merchant and military city located on the Ores River in the Tritos Dominion. Ten-foot tall stone walls encircle the area, reinforced with guard towers and manned by the Civil Legion. Outside the walls Dondarian is surrounded by the Emerald Wood.   The city has four garrisons within it, one at each entrance and an additional behind Chateau Druceff, the seat of power in this region. The two entrances along The Ores each have a large gate capable of blocking passage. For many years, it has been an area of relative peace, but with all of the recent changes in the kingdom, there has been much instability and concern.

The citizens of Dondarian are hardworking individuals whose primary focus lies on agriculture and trade. Featuring tall stone walls and multiple Civil Legion regiments, the city of Dondarian is a crucial resource for the kingdom of Ania. Additionally, there sits an expansive Crown Barracks near the exterior wall that accommodates any infantry troops operating within the region.   Situated directly adjacent to the imposing city walls, Dondarian is encompassed by The Emerald Wood. The Ores River flows through the center of town, and two sturdy gates operate at each entry point along its shoreline.   For centuries, the Yarrow Valley and its surrounding farmlands shipped their goods through Dondarian, both grown onsite or imported from afar. As a result of this, plus being home to one of the largest military forces in the country, Dondarian has evolved into an essential center for trade as well as political affairs.

Experiencing the City

Dondarian is a small city with more people passing through than living within its walls. Many of the locals live on farms nearby, visiting town to sell and ship their wares. The people here are so used to travelers they barely notice when someone new arrives. The Civil Legion troops stationed here treat the area as their home and are protective of the citizens. After the festival people are mostly staying inside.   There are two inns in the city, The Guiding Shepard and The Kings Respite. Currently the King's Respite is being used to house the injured and has no rooms.   The Guiding Shepherd. This modestly appointed and moderately sized inn is in the area of town called Purveyor's Plaza. In the heart of Dondarian, the Shepard is constantly busy and it is sometimes difficult to procure a room. The inn is run by the Grevald Family.   Purveyor's Plaza. An expansive bazaar in the heart of the city. All the goods and services of Dondarian can be sought and purchased here. Operated by the Merchant Guild of Dondarian.
  Chateau Druceff. The Baron's estate in Dondarian, it has housed the last four barons of the southern Tritos Dominion. Appointed with all the finest and most well-crafted furnishings the region has to offer, it serves as representation of the skilled work and goods that can be found here. It is universally recognized as the most elegant establishment in the area.

Current News and Rumors

While in Dondarian if you want to explore rumors or events you may use the following:   Shipping Problems. For many reasons shipping has been delayed here in recent months. Now, with the attack, things are even more dire. The Merchant Guild is desperate for things to return to normal.   The Baron's Struggles. Baron Druceff has fallen out of favor with the region, struggling to keep up with food demands. Despite his best efforts, the area has become unstable.   The Survivors. A group of rebels in the town of Lolien upriver have been robbing caravans. The Baron is desperate to stop them.

Encounters in Town

The party may come across any of the following encounters while in Dondarian:   The Merchant Guild of Dondarian. Already unhappy with the Baron, in light of the recent dragon attack the Merchant Guild is desperate for any information they can get about what is happening, specifically in Tintown. Larry Vanderpelt will approach the party when Andias is not around. They wish to ask questions about what the party is doing and request their assistance.   Prior to the dragon attack the Merchant Guild's ledgers were given to the nobles. Now, after a few days, the books have not been returned and no one at Chateau Druceff is answering. Knowing that horses are in short supply, Larry is happy to offer 2x draft horses and a finely covered merchant wagon for the return of the ledgers and any information they can use.
Larry Vanderpelt
Larry Vanderpelt (lawful neutral, human, guild leader) is the leader of the Merchant Guild of Dondarian. They are a blue collar middle-aged individual with no living family. Larry has devoted their life to hard work and has great respect for the Crown of Ania. Most nobles tend to view Larry as a bit of a bumpkin or a simpleton.

Personality Trait. “Success for the merchants of Dondarian means I have succeeded.”
Ideal. “Things must be done fairly.”
Bond. “I value my success on how hard I work.”
Flaw. “I hate that people see me as simple, I run a whole guild.

The Basilica of the Bloodied Claw. This church follows the teachings of the ancestor Dromadaes. The religion believes in maintaining peace with the dragons and bearing them reverence. The Covenant, an ancient agreement between the mortals and dragonkind, states that if a dragon attacks unprovoked the mortals are allowed to defend themselves.

Brother Cristos, head priest of the Basillica, wishes to understand the motives of the dragon's attack. The creature has broken the Covenant, which is a rarity in the modern age. If Cristos gets wind that the players intend to kill the dragon he will enact a plan. He will not directly approach the party unless the first part of his plans fails.

A priest (use the Priest stat block) of the Basilica has been charmed by Brother Cristos to follow the party and catch someone when they are alone. The priest will carry a Portable Eye, part of a pair in which Cristos has the other. The eye will allow Cristos to cast remotely. Given the chance he will attempt to cast a Geas upon an unsuspecting character.

Geas has a one minute cast time and a sixty foot range. The priest will attempt to blend in wherever they are but has no skill in stealth. If the priest is caught and linked to the Basilica, Brother Cristos will vehemently deny any knowledge of the incident and will have the priest publicly flogged. Cristos will have already hidden his own Portable Eye in the priest's rooms.   The Geas wording is as follows: "You and your companions shall harm no dragons unless the dragon harms you first."  
Obediah Cristos (neutral, human cleric) is a wizened and elderly cleric serving the Church of Dromadaes. Most of Dondarian, not linked to the Crown of Ania, view Obediah as a grandfather figure. Brother Cristos has a shady past he is very tight lipped about. He is caretaker of the Basilica of the Bloodied Claw, and is rumored to train mages unsanctioned within its catacombs.

Personality Trait. “I speak carefully and with purpose.”
Ideal. “My religion maintains the peace of Dromaria.”
Bond. “I will follow the teachings of the past to prevent future problems.”
Flaw. “Magic does it better.”


Meeting with the Baron

Andias will attempt to set up a meeting at Chateau Druceff when the party arrives in town. Due to current events the Baron is reluctant to see anyone. Once he hears that Andias has gathered a group of would-be dragon slayers, he will at least hear what the group has to say. A meeting will be set for the day after the party's arrival.   The party's goal here is to gather resources and troops. Andias knows that the city of Tintown is a large military base and has materials used to fight dragons, although he does not know the specifics of their instruments. Andias's plan is to petition the Baron for everything, intending to send the party on to Tintown, while Andias leads troops to find the dragon's lair. He will encourage the party to be honest and warn that the use of magic may be frowned upon.

Nobility of the Southern Tritos Dominion

The hierarchy of the Tritos Dominion has been in place for centuries. The southern region of the country is far less populated than its northern counterpart, and therefore left in the hands of two major noble houses: House Charmont and House Druceff.   House Charmont is based out of the city of Tintown and is run by Duke Jamison Charmont and Duchess Augusta Charmont. Their role is to control the region, maintaining shipping, and defensive positions. Tintown serves as a military base and the middle point of the kingdom.   Directly beneath their rule is House Druceff, located out of Dondarian. There Baron Aaron Druceff works to control the farmland and security of his post. Dondarian serves as a military base and fundamental location for the collection of taxes.   The noble's decisions impact the daily lives of their citizens in critical ways. The Duke and Duchess are ultimately responsible for the well-being of the region and are currently visiting the capital of Ania in hopes of doing so. Little did they know the catastrophes that would await their departure.    

Chateau Druceff

As the players approach the Chateau read the following:
As you walk down the road toward Chateau Druceff you pass by a series of large warehouses and silos. Wagons are stored behind secure fences and Civil Legion troops walk the area. Things change as you approach the grounds of House Druceff. Carefully manicured hedges are sculpted around the entrance, leading to a large courtyard complete with a flowing fountain. Brightly plumed peacocks roam freely, watching as you pass by. A short homely woman steps from the manor to greet you.
  The party is greeted by the eldest daughter of the Baron, Lady Amelia Druceff. She will guide them to her father's office, chatting with them about current events.
Amelia Druceff
Lady Amelia Druceff (chaotic good, human noble) is the eldest daughter of Aaron Druceff, Baron of the Tritos Dominion. She is responsible for the running and day to day care of House Druceff. Amelia has a big heart and is filled with concern about her families' down trending direction and longs for a more vital role in the family. Many underestimate her based solely off her appearance and would be unwise to do so.   Personality Trait. “I am genuine in my concern.”
Ideal. “I know my house isn't the greatest, but I care for it more than anything else just the same.”
Bond. “My family matters.”
Flaw. “My ambition outweighs my conscious in desperate moments.”

Read the following as the players enter the Chateau:
Inside Chateau Druceff is even more impressive. The building is old and feels like a home despite its extravagance. Paintings of family members hang throughout accompanied by works of art from across Dromaria. You pass a grand ballroom on the way to the Baron's office, complete with chandelier.

The Meeting

When the party arrives the Baron will request to see Andias alone. After fifteen minutes Andias will exit and tell the party that the Baron would like to speak to them.   If the party attempts to listen in, they may hear Andias tell the tale of what happened in Shelter Lake and that they plan to kill the dragon. He will also ask about anti-dragon equipment that is stored in Tintown. The Baron is furious that Andias left his post and will demand to see the group, doubting their trustworthiness. He wishes to speak to them without Andias present to get a better idea of who they are.     Read the following as the players enter the Baron's office:
The office is large with a domed glass ceiling, filling the room with natural light. Books line built-in shelves and a beautiful painting of the estate hangs on the back wall. Two Civil Legion members stand at attention on the far side of the room, flanking Baron Druceff. The Baron sits behind a large desk covered in scattered paperwork. He looks exhausted, his silver hair combed to one side and shaved on the other is the only part of his appearance that looks maintained. He motions to you to sit, ushering to chairs that were clearly brought here for this purpose.

Baron Druceff
Aaron Druceff (chaotic good, human noble) has been Baron of the region for the last fifteen years. He is a King's man through and through. For a long time, despite the troubles in the capital, Baron Druceff maintained a strong grip on the land under his control. Recently it has all fallen apart. When things began to overwhelm him, Aaron panicked and ever since he has become slightly paranoid. He has been reluctant to send troops too far from Dondarian. He has also slacked in his responsibilities for the Merchant Guild, delaying the collection of taxes. Those issues have greatly delayed shipments, leading to more cascading problems. Now, with a dragon attack, the Baron is desperate and angry.  
Personality Trait. “I'll do my best despite the weight put on me.”
Ideal. “My house's standing means my family's success.”
Bond. “I would follow the King anywhere.”
Flaw. “I am in charge, and you should listen to me.”

Running the Encounter

  There are two major goals with this encounter.   The first goal is to get a clear sense of the player's motives and ambition. The Baron should ask questions about them individually, questioning their experience and skill. He is especially interested if players have allegiance to other countries and will distrust anyone from Frijring or Serawa.   The second goal is to judge if they are worthy of his time and capable of killing a dragon. He is reluctant to send troops away even more so after the attack. Although he won't say it outright, he wishes to pass this responsibility on to the Duke and Duchess. The Baron wants to be convinced, but his politician exterior makes him go through the motions.   The Baron does not want to be seen as incompetent, and may take offense to outright suggestions. Whichever character has the highest passive Insight may realize this, and deduce that if the Baron feels like something is his idea, he is more likely to go along with it. Have players roll charisma (persuasion) or charisma (deception) depending on how they approach the situation. If any character has the noble background or something similar it may give them advantage on any checks with the Baron if it is brought up.   He is well aware of the anti-dragon items stored in Tintown, and may inform the party of the specifics of Dragon Nets and The Bomboozler.   If the players have talked to Larry Vanderpelt and agreed to get the ledgers back they can be found sitting on the edge of the desk. The Baron will not part with them willingly, especially to a group of strangers.   Rewards: If the Baron is even mildly convinced he will agree to write them the necessary paperwork for Tintown. If the party has done a good job in the encounter he will be willing to provide Andias with up to fifty soldiers.


Optional Quest

If by the end of the encounter the Baron is convinced that the party can be trusted and are skilled enough, he may ask them to take on a mission that needs to be kept secret.

Lolien was supposed to send aid in the aftermath of the dragon attack and it has not yet arrived. If the party is willing to investigate along the road and report any findings to Sir Kyler Clemons the Baron would be most appreciative. He will confirm with Kyler using the Slatetops their report and have the knight reward them as he sees fit, with a guaranteed payment of 25 pp.

The Plan

The party is able to gather any necessary supplies here, and should, as it is their last real chance to do so. If they still need to buy horses they will be able to from The Kings Respite for 225 gp, a 300% markup. Hans Goodbower (chaotic good, human horse handler), is a child who helps out in the stables and is reluctant to part with any of his herd.   Andias has come up with a plan and will cover the next steps with the party.

  • He will head with any Civil Legion troops you recruited to the Red Keep and begin scouting operations. Any further troops you recruit should be sent straight to the Red Keep to meet with Andias.
  • The party should head upriver to Lolien and see about recruiting the strongest fighter in the region, a dragonborn named Lobs as well as any other troops the nobles will send.
  • After Lolien the group should head to Tintown to get the requisitioned anti-dragon materials and ask about help at the Red Keep.
  • The two major items in Tintown are Dragon Nets and a Bamboozle Bomb.
  • Meet Andias and the troops at the Red Keep.

Character Advancement

The players should be awarded with their first level up if at least two of the following things occurred upon leaving Lolien:  
  • The players survive the dragon encounter.
  • The players survive the Mudrake encounter.
  • The players completed any optional quest or encounters in Dondarian.
  • The players get Baron Druceff's support.


The Quest Continues

To continue the adventure head to: Part Three: Lolien, The Survivors

Encounters between Dondarian and Lolien can be found here: RKA: Encounters

Articles under Part Two: Dondarian, the Merchant City

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