Part One: Shelter Lake, Festival of the Crown
Part One:
Shelter Lake, Festival of the Crown
Welcome to Shelter Lake
Townsfolk Encounters
The Tournament
Smolderthorn Attack
The Aftermath
Shelter Lake, Festival of the Crown
Welcome to Shelter Lake
Shelter Lake is a farming community in the Tritos Dominion. There is a large fresh-water lake of the same name to the west and the Emerald Wood to the north. For years it has been an area of relative peace, but with the recent changes in the kingdom, there has been growing instability and concern. The Festival of the Crown has not been celebrated in almost 420 years. People are desperate for peace and unity, so they have come together to mark this special occasion in grand style with performances, fireworks, and a jousting tournament.Read the following text to begin:
It is a grey cloudy day, but to the people of Shelter Lake that doesn't matter. At this early hour, the town is bustling with a special energy. Blue, red, and gold decorations have been hung from windowsill to doorway in colorful tribute to their beloved kingdom. After six years of turbulence in the capital, someone has been crowned; hail King Ender Ramus!
A stage is set up in the center of town, with musicians playing gentle horns and guitar. Near the waterfront, two large firework carts wait for night to fall. Children scamper around the wheels, hoping to glimpse the treasures, as excited to see the lights as they are to hear them explode.
Colorful stalls feature games, candies, and toys for all to enjoy. Along the lake road, large stands are arranged for the main event: a jousting match with a grand prize of 5,000 gold sovereigns, supplied by the new King.
Come and join them in their celebration, welcome to the Festival of the Crown!
Experiencing the Town
The town of Shelter Lake is small but pleasant. The people here welcome visitors as it shakes up the normalcy of their daily lives. With the festival today everyone is excited. The town is set up to house games of all kinds. Any Civil Legion troops stationed here will also participate, expecting a day of peace and fun. There are a variety of people to meet, games to play, and locations to visit if the party desires to. Any questions about the area can be explained to the party through Elder Kierie Bastinade at the start of the adventure or Andias Teft as the they continue.
- The Hanging Trout. The Hanging Trout is a humble two story inn built from the unique greenwood lumber of the nearby Emerald Wood. The first floor has a polished deep green bar and long hall tables. A small stage sits in the back corner, with a few stacked stools nearby. Fishing gear and prized catches line every inch of the walls. There are a total of six rooms on the second floor, all interchangeable, except the room at the end of the hall which holds a moderately nice suite. The establishment was built by its owner Burton Talos, and is the newest building in town.
- The Temple of the Hammer. A holy site dedicated to Forn, this temple honors dwarven heritage in the Tritos Dominion. It is a stone structure, separated into two major sections. The larger of the two is a foundry, serving the community of Shelter Lake. The second building is a museum, holding the history of the town. The temple is run by Elder Kierie Bastinade, a priestess of Forn. She has served the community of Shelter Lake for almost 300 years and is the foremost expert on most things.
- The Lake. Shelter Lake is the largest body of freshwater in the Eastlands. Forhold, of Serawa, and Shelter Lake share the water and joint fishing operations. Due to recent national conflicts, there have been disputes over the area. Shelter Lake's citizens keep the lakefront well-maintained.
Current News & Rumors
While in Shelter Lake characters may come across the following information:- Trouble in Tintown. Panic has descended upon Tintown. Some kind of plague has hit the city and rumors say that the Duke and Duchess have abandoned their citizens, leaving the Civil Legion there to find a solution to the issue. In truth the two left before the sickness, heading to visit the capital city of Ania.
- Struggles with Demand. Crop demand is too damn high! Farmers are struggling to keep up with the needs of the kingdom, and many of them are unable to afford the prices that buyers are commanding. The nobles and politicians are seeking any kind of solution to the issue.
Townsfolk Encounters
There are a variety of NPCs in town for the characters to interact with. Some of these individuals will die in the upcoming dragon attack and are listed as Fated to Die. Lawmaster Andias Teft is outlined first due to his importance. Follow the links for more specific details.
Lawmaster Andias Teft
Lawful Good, Human Lawmaster
Andias faithfully serves the community of Shelter Lake, regularly journeying to more distant locales for check-ins. Assigned as Lawmaster by the Baron of the region, Andias is considered loyal, idealistic, and adept at his duties. While there is not a plentiful amount of crime, Andias is able to solve the few incidents that do occur.
Roleplaying Andias
Andias wants to do right by the people he is meant to protect. Whenever Andias talks to the characters he seeks to understand their motives, as he is curious about their heroics. Nothing would please him more than having helpful adventurers in the area for difficult tasks. If the characters began by helping Elder Kierie Bastinade, Andias will express his gratitude and thank them personally. He hopes they enjoy their stay and is certain he can find more work for them if they stick around.
Personality Trait. "Happy to help, but don't mistake kindness for weakness."
Ideal. "Discipline. I put in hard work seeking to inspire it in others."
Bond. "I will protect my assigned city with my life."
Flaw. "I trust far too easily."
Roleplaying Andias
Andias wants to do right by the people he is meant to protect. Whenever Andias talks to the characters he seeks to understand their motives, as he is curious about their heroics. Nothing would please him more than having helpful adventurers in the area for difficult tasks. If the characters began by helping Elder Kierie Bastinade, Andias will express his gratitude and thank them personally. He hopes they enjoy their stay and is certain he can find more work for them if they stick around.
Personality Trait. "Happy to help, but don't mistake kindness for weakness."
Ideal. "Discipline. I put in hard work seeking to inspire it in others."
Bond. "I will protect my assigned city with my life."
Flaw. "I trust far too easily."
Key InformationAndias is a central figure in this adventure and should be introduced before the festivities begin. When the dragon attacks he will be the voice of reason in an otherwise chaotic event.
Elder Kierie Bastinade
Neutral Good, Dwarf PriestKierie is a loyal priestess of Forn who serves the community. Around 300 years ago she was ordained at the Temple of the Hammer located in Shelter Lake, making her the town's oldest resident. Possessing an impressive intellect and incomparable skill with crafts, Kierie's contributions to her community are immeasurable. She has played an integral role in Shelter Lake’s longevity over the centuries.
Roleplaying Kierie
If the party began the adventure helping Kierie, she will speak their praises to the other townsfolk. She is a stubborn woman who treats everyone as if they were her family.
Personality Trait. "If your grandmother won't punish or love you, I will."
Ideal. "The Calling. Follow one's calling and Dromaria will provide."
Bond. "I know the right path and will lead others to it."
Flaw. "I have lived long enough that I no longer care about niceties."
Gil Ivy
Neutral Good, Ember CitizenGil is a grey and blue mottled man who is loving the festivities. He has made it his personal goal to ensure everyone in town has a crown of fire lilies for the event. Gil isn't particularly well known, although he does live in town.
Roleplaying Gil
Personality Trait. "If I smile others will too."
Ideal. "Admiration. Honor those who truly deserve it."
Bond. "I strive to make people smile, even if I don't know them."
Flaw. "I care too much about what other people think of me."
Nip Kipton
Chaotic Neutral, Halfling Gossip Nip is a local gossip, dressed in nice clothes that are never cared for. He is normally found at the bar in the Hanging Trout, but with the festivities he can drink wherever he likes. Loud and boisterous, Nip is notorious for sharing everyone's business.Roleplaying Nip Kipton
Personality Trait. "I'm always looking for a new story."
Ideal. "Caution. Everyone has an angle, especially my enemies."
Bond. "No one can out gossip me, I take pride in that."
Flaw. "I like to talk and can't keep a secret to save my life."
Personality Trait. "I'm always looking for a new story."
Ideal. "Caution. Everyone has an angle, especially my enemies."
Bond. "No one can out gossip me, I take pride in that."
Flaw. "I like to talk and can't keep a secret to save my life."
Fated to Die
Sir Jane Troft
Chaotic Good, Human Knight
Jane Troft was sent to Shelter Lake to guard the prize money for the joust. She is a knight of Ania and has faithfully served her post for ten years. Jane was the last knight to be crowned by King Caraconne Tritos, and is a beacon of loyalty and honor.
Jane loves riding and will participate in the joust despite being the host.
Roleplaying Sir Troft
If the characters followed the adventure hook for Elder Kierie, Jane will have heard of their aid. Either way, she will encourage characters to join in the joust. Jane is a knight through and through, and will not accept any form of cruelty towards citizens.
Personality Trait. "If you can unseat me I'll buy you a drink."
Ideal. "Charity. Take care of others before you get yours."
Bond. "My proudest achievement is my knighthood."
Flaw. "I no longer wish to fight real battles, but I haven't told my commanders."
Roleplaying Sir Troft
If the characters followed the adventure hook for Elder Kierie, Jane will have heard of their aid. Either way, she will encourage characters to join in the joust. Jane is a knight through and through, and will not accept any form of cruelty towards citizens.
Personality Trait. "If you can unseat me I'll buy you a drink."
Ideal. "Charity. Take care of others before you get yours."
Bond. "My proudest achievement is my knighthood."
Flaw. "I no longer wish to fight real battles, but I haven't told my commanders."
Neutral Good, Orc Mercenary
Traegar stands out in an area filled with so many humans. Far from his home of Rakankrak's Den, he has arrived in the Eastlands looking for work. He originally wanted to take on the job for Elder Kierie. Traegar will joke around with the party about joining them on their future adventures.
Roleplaying Traegar
Personality Trait. "I have a good memory for faces and always remember a favor."
Ideal. "Humor. A laugh means more than a sword."
Bond. "I want to improve the lives of my people, even if I'm far from home."
Flaw. "My pride leads me into trouble."
Roleplaying Traegar
Personality Trait. "I have a good memory for faces and always remember a favor."
Ideal. "Humor. A laugh means more than a sword."
Bond. "I want to improve the lives of my people, even if I'm far from home."
Flaw. "My pride leads me into trouble."
Lothor's Light
Lothor fought bravely to defend the world in its darkest moments and for his deeds he is remembered as a beacon who illuminates the people. Lothor’s Light is an ancient tradition in which every village in the region has a unique version. In Shelter Lake, it is a challenging race to see who will represent Lothor for the festivities, lighting a pyre at the end.- The Goal. Traverse a path and light a pyre by swimming across a portion of the lake while carrying a still-burning torch.
Since everyone in the town has gathered, the race begins on difficult terrain. Many folks, such as the elderly, are only participating and not racing but will still clog the area.
In total, the characters have 200 feet of ground to cover and an additional 60 feet of water. Sportsmanship and fair play are encouraged. Whoever wins the race is rewarded with the Coronation Crown, crafted for the occasion by Elder Kierie Bastinade.
When the festival officially begins, read the following:
The town has gathered around a series of large blackened stones on the outskirts, where a continuously burning flame flickers within the circle. The Lawmaster stands near the fire. Around you, the citizens begin handing out unlit torches as Andias speaks.
"People of Shelter Lake, today we celebrate the coronation of a new king. Ender Ramus will serve our beloved Tritos Dominion with integrity and might. I know you are excited about the joust this afternoon. Five thousand gold crowns to the winner!
But for now, it is time to honor this occasion with a tradition that hasn’t been seen for centuries. Raise your torches.
This fire serves as a reminder of our past and what we can endure. In the name of Lothor, our great protector, light your torch.”
One by one the people move forward, lighting their torches.
"We spend this day in honor of the sun. Out on the lake, there is an unlit pyre. Whoever lights it is our coronation day champion. Let the festivities begin!"
There are a variety of vendors set up all around town. Here are a few places to visit:
Toys & Trinkets. This stall sells a variety of wooden toys and trinkets. Wooden swords can be bought for 1 sp each.
Sandy's Stains. A face paint booth with real tattoos.
Sandy's Stains. A face paint booth with real tattoos.
Meat & Sweet. This stall is selling an assortment of smoked meats and freshly baked pies.
Pineapple Pete's. Alcohol of all kinds, served in exotic imported pineapples.
Pineapple Pete's. Alcohol of all kinds, served in exotic imported pineapples.
Pop Pop's Potions & Perfumes. All natural potions made without magic. There is one each of Oil of Slipperiness, Potion of Animal Friendship, and a Potion of Water Breathing. Players may purchase these for 50 gp each.
There are a variety of games going on around town. Here are a few for characters to enjoy:
Bass Races. Bass races take place all day long and townsfolk are always betting on the outcomes. Every contestant is assigned a fish and rolls 1d6 each round. Whoever rolls the highest total by the end of round five wins. Betting takes place after each round.
Watch the Ball. A sallow looking man with nimble fingers has three cups and one ball. He will place the ball under the center cup and mix them around. Players may make a Wisdom (Perception) check against the man's +6 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand). Wagers may be set up to 5 gold each to a maximum total winnings of 50 gold.
Logsplitting. In a lumber town there is always wood to be split. Each contestant chops through as many logs as they can in five swings. Logs have a 10 AC and 10 hp. Each contestant is given a hand-axe (1d6 slashing damage). If anyone beats the reigning champ's record of 4 logs, they will win a Greenwood Axe provided by the Greenwood Mill.
Greased Pig Wranglin'. A pig has been greased up and let loose in town. Whoever catches it and holds it for a full round wins the pig. Roll a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check at disadvantage to catch it.
The Tournament
The joust is the culmination of the festival and the townsfolk are excited to watch. Character's are encouraged to participate and any who do will be provided with a riding horse, a lance, and a shield. When you reach the final round of the joust, before anyone rides, move on to the dragon encounter.
Participants. Sir Jane Troft, Traegar, Alexis Bettany, and Roland Chaucer will participate in the event. If your party has too many characters who wish to participate, replace Roland or Alexis as needed. You may also add in townsfolk to lose to the other NPC participants if characters do not fill out the tournament bracket.
The participants have the following statistics and employ their listed strategy:
Sir Jane Troft. AC 20, +8 to hit, +10 Animal Handling.
Sir Jane Troft adapts as needed, changing up her strategy.
Traegar. AC 12, +5 to hit, +5 Animal Handling.
Traegar jousts without strategy using his normal statistics.
Sir Jane Troft adapts as needed, changing up her strategy.
Traegar. AC 12, +5 to hit, +5 Animal Handling.
Traegar jousts without strategy using his normal statistics.
Roland Chaucer. AC 17, +6 to hit, +7 Animal Handling.
Roland is reckless.
Alexis Bettany. AC 16, +6 to hit, +6 Animal Handling.
Alexis is patient.
Roland is reckless.
Alexis Bettany. AC 16, +6 to hit, +6 Animal Handling.
Alexis is patient.
Roland Chaucer
Chaotic Neutral, Dwarf JousterRoland rides a trained ram. He is a mean man who enjoys playing mind games on and off the field.
Alexis Bettany
Lawful Good, Human Hedge Knight Alexis is a jouster for hire. She is an old rival of Jane Troft.Joust Rules
The rules of the joust are as follows:The first rider to score three broken lances or unhorse their opponent wins. In the event of a tie the joust continues until one participant takes the lead or someone is unseated. A jousting lance is destroyed when it hits. New lances are handed out and passes are repeated until one or both participants are unhorsed or three points are scored.
Attacks. Every jouster wields a shield (+2 AC if proficient) and a lance (1d12, use Strength for attack and damage rolls). On each pass, a jouster rolls an attack with their lance. Hits. If a jouster is hit, they must make a ride check (see below) with a DC equal to the damage taken. On a failed check, they are unhorsed and lose the joust. Ride check. A ride check is a Strength (Animal Handling) check. Initiative. Attacks happen simultaneously, and it is possible for two jousters to unhorse each other.Passes. On each pass, a jouster may attack normally, or choose one of the following maneuvers:
Reckless: +5 to attack, -5 to AC. Patient: -5 to attack, +5 to AC. Braced: -5 to attack, +5 to Animal Handling. High in Saddle: +5 to attack, -5 to Animal Handling. Eyes Up: +5 to attack. If you are hit, roll a d20. On a 1, you lose your left eye if you have it, and on a 2, you lose your right eye if you have it. On a 3-4, you gain a Horrible Scar, and on a 5-10 you gain a Minor Scar. (See the DMG p. 272 for the effects of these injuries.)
Read the following at the start of the joust:
On the main road by the lakefront homes, wooden stands have been built opposite each other, facing the tilt. People are stuffed into the seats, murmuring excitement and exchanging bets. Flags of crimson and gold are draped on every bit of visible wood, fluttering in the breeze. Down by the dirt packed road are lines of wooden lances and horses ready to ride.
Sir Jane Troft rides to the middle of the post atop her barded mare and yells to the crowd, "Let the joust begin!"

Joust Map
Smolderthorn Attack
Running this encounter. The characters are not intended to fight in this encounter. Instead, they are meant to deal with the events of an adult red dragon attacking as it occurs. This is a test of the character's survival skills, cowardice, or heroics.
A few specific NPCs will die as the dragon is first attacking as described. Beyond that, it is up to you which other NPCs survive.
Each round of combat there are multiple things the characters can do to help themselves or others. Smolderthorn takes the same actions no matter what is happening unless you choose otherwise. His interest is to destroy, claim the prizes from the festival, and if possible leave with dinner. The dragon does not feel threatened by anything in Shelter Lake. As the rounds progress, Andias will become more active in the events as outlined below.
Read the following as the final round of the joust begins:
The clouded sky parts momentarily, allowing the setting sun to peek through. Sir Troft rides out to applause, lance held high. Ripples of elation roll through the crowd in anticipation of the finale. This tournament has been more exciting than Shelter Lake had hoped for.
Explosions rock the air. At first, there are a few pops and whistles, the whirring spin of a firework bright and red in the sky; then there is nothing but a cascading torrent of fire, broken stone, steel and bone. Screams of the dead and dying can be heard everywhere, horses yelling louder than men. You are no longer certain what is going on.
Encounter Start
Begin by having everyone roll a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw dealing 3d6 fire damage on a failure or half as much on a success. Afterward, each character must roll on the Dragon Attack Table to see what has happened to them after the initial breath weapon. Once the characters have rolled on the Dragon Attack Table read the following:In the immediate aftermath of the explosion there is chaos. In the center of the field a charred body rides on a burning mount, the remains of Sir Troft toppling sideways to land with a crunch. Flames cover everything, the sound of burning muffled by the cries of the injured.
A burst of wind temporarily parts the smoke, giving rise to the smell of sulfur. Descending is a silhouette of death. Monstrous swept-back horns sit atop the head of a red dragon as it surveys the town. Its curved snout pours soot as it breathes, an inferno in its blazing eyes.
Dragon Attack Table
Die Roll 1d6 |
Effect |
1 | You are buried under rubble. Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) DC 15 to escape. Each round stuck under rubble leads to a point of exhaustion. |
2 | There is a concussive blast that ruptures your ears. You are deafened for the next 24 hours. |
3 | Your ribs are broken. Whenever you attempt an action in combat, you must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you lose your action and can’t use reactions until the start of your next turn. The injury heals if you receive magical healing or if you spend ten days doing nothing but resting. |
4 | You are flung 30 feet in a random direction and knocked prone. |
5 | You are on fire. Take (3) 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of your turns until someone takes an action to douse the fire. |
6 | You are crushed in a stampede of people and horses. Roll a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save you take 3d6 bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a success. |
Round 1
After everyone rolls initiative, the characters may notice details of the battlefield.
In the first round the dragon will use its Frightful Presence ability while it searches for the prize money.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of the dragon’s choice that is within 120 feet of the dragon and aware of it must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the dragon’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
Round 2
In the second round, the dragon will land to grab its gold. In doing so it will use its Wing Buffet to clear the smoke, spreading the fire further across the area. Characters must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage, or half as much on a success. Andias will begin to yell orders from near the lake, issuing commands to move people to safety and begin a bucket brigade.Round 3
In the third round the dragon will speak to the citizens of Shelter Lake, taunting them as it steals and kills. Afterward, Smolderthorn will fly, breathing along the lake and causing steam to rise, dealing 1d6 fire damage. Andias will help any PCs who are still in trouble. If no one is, he will begin moving rubble off of townsfolk, asking any of the characters he sees for aid. Moving rubble requires a DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check.Round 3 Continue
Read the following when the dragon acts:
Read the following when the dragon acts:
The dragon's voice is deep and cruel, a permanent snarl on its tongue.
"This gold is a pitiful offering, but I expected nothing less. Let it be known, dragons have returned to claim what is rightfully ours. Let your survival on this day be remembered as a testimony to my... generosity. I will reign as Scabrous the Pure did before me and you will serve."
A rush of wings beats in rhythmic waves as the creature takes flight across the lake. An ignition of golden flame reflecting off the water gives way quickly to the rise of scalding steam. Howls of pain rise above the echoes of destruction.
Round 4
In the fourth round the dragon will begin its preparations to leave. In doing so, it will land one last time, seeking to grab someone for dinner. Smolderthorn will choose a spot near the characters to do so, giving the impression that he may attack. Andias will draw his blade but otherwise continues to help the adventurers, aiding townsfolk, or providing healing if necessary.Round 5
At the end of the round the dragon will grab a random NPC and leave the battlefield.
Read the following as it does so:
The dragon takes to the sky a final time, cinders and ash swirling in its wake. There is an immense quiet in its absence, interrupted by someone's scream.
The Aftermath
When the dragon departs, Andias, along with any other capable townsfolk, will begin the process of recovery. Fires will be put out and people will gather the injured and dead. When enough time has passed Andias will approach the adventurers asking for their aid.
Information regarding the name "Scaborous the Pure" can be found in the Temple of the Hammer, kept by Elder Kierie Bastinade. The legend of Scaborous the Pure dates back thousands of years. The dragon once terrorized the area, claiming the land as its own. During its reign, the dragon lived beneath a place called the Red Keep, found to the northeast in the Cruel Wood. The Firepit, which started the Light of Lothor, is said to be the result of Scaborous's fire.
Andias wants to go kill the dragon who attacked. He is confident that the region's nobles will provide troops and gear to aid in the encounter. He is also aware of a powerful hero named Lobs who lives in Lolien. If they can recruit the retired adventurer, it will greatly increase the chance of success. The Lawmaster does not have a full plan, but once he talks to the Baron he is confident they can figure it out.
He does not have much to offer personally, but he is willing to promise the 5,000 gold crowns that the dragon took, along with anything else that can be found in its lair.
Once the group agrees, Andias will lead the way to Dondarian to hunt a dragon.
The Quest Continues
To continue the adventure head to Part Two: Dondarian, the Merchant City.
Encounters between Shelter Lake and Dondarian can be found in the RKA: Encounters.