Part Four: Tintown, Quarantined in Dromaria | World Anvil

Part Four: Tintown, Quarantined

Read the following as the group approaches Tintown:
A tremendous wall, standing some fifty feet tall, offers nothing but a cold rebuff as you approach the steel gates of Tintown. Somewhere inside gears turn in a “tick-tack, tick-tack” of rhythm, loud enough to speak of their size. For a city with this many people, little other noise comes from within. Even with the enormity of the wall before you there are buildings poking above the skyline. Born of a different age, ancient machines sprout from structures like vines on a tree. However, not all you see here is of the past. A flying ship covered in propellers appears to be made from a metal bound oblong balloon and can be seen docked somewhere within.   There is no one immediately visible and the gates are shut to you. Flags with the sunburst of Ania flutter around the battlements. A piece of parchment is hung from the wall announcing "Beware City Wide Quarantine."   After a long silence a man dressed in the red, blue, and gold of the Civil Legion hails you from atop the wall.


Tintown is in distress. Formerly a wonderland of invention, recently the city has been taken by a devastating illness. The Crown has sent a large force of Civil Legion soldiers to take care of Tintown and its citizens. With the Duke and Duchess being out of the city, the man put in charge of the operation is Magister Reshep Eliot.   He and his battalions belong to a group known as The Shatterstaves. The Shatterstaves have a long history with magic and have a deep hatred for it. They blame most of the modern world's troubles on the arcane and train to fight against those who wield its power.   The Shatterstaves have begun battling the illness the best way they know how, with a city wide quarantine. There are those in town with magical abilities who could heal, but the Shatterstaves prosecute anyone they see doing so.   In truth there are two dybbuks from the Cruel Wood who have secretly been causing problems for Tintown since the Demon War. Most recently they are responsible for the blight on the city.      

Welcome to Tintown

The group will not be allowed inside the city until they present the proper paperwork to Magister Eliot himself. He will meet the party at the gate and will be hard-pressed to allow anyone in. If the group can present the proper writs, he will allow them into the city to collect the supplies and dragon slaying equipment they require, but he will have soldiers escort them the entire time. Reshep and his Shatterstaves are making strides to quell the plague that ravages Tintown but some citizens worry their methods are too extreme.   The players may not not have much time to enjoy Tintown this time around, but listed here are some places and events that might catch their attention.  
Shelter Lake
Shelter Lake is a farming community of the Tritos Dominion. Thanks to its distance from the capital, the town is both a common settling point for those wanting to get away, and the launching point for those looking to escape the simple life. The town rests in a lush countryside with The Emerald Wood to the north, green year round. To the west is a large fresh-water lake that the town shares its name with.   The well-traveled road that winds through buildings is split near evenly between stone and wooden foundations. After a fire generations ago, much of the town was rebuilt. This has led to a clear divide between what the locals call "Old Town" and everything else. None of that seems to bother the folk who live there these days. Either on your way in or out of Shelter Lake, as the road circles around the water, you will pass by friendly waves from boaters bobbing near the shore.

Reshep Eliot
Magister Reshep Eliot (lawful neutral, human Shatterstaff) is a commander in The Shatterstaves, a specialized military unit that is part of the Civil Legion of Ania. Reshep's family has a long-rooted military history and he is an accomplished practitioner of martial arts.   At only twenty-five years old, Reshep carries with him a deep sense of duty to his job; he leads the Civil Legion's effort in the city of Tintown with a stern hand and an iron will. He is known for being a passionate yet cold leader. The Shatterstaves have a deep hatred for those that practice arcane magic, believing it to be responsible for many of the city's troubles, and Magister Eliot is at the head of the charge.   Roleplaying Reshep Eliot and the Shatterstaves
Reshep will meet the group at the gates but likely won't accompany them any further. If the party moves about town he will always turn up right as things are getting interesting, wanting to know what they are up to. The supplies the party requires have not been used in a very long time and are kept in storage. Reshep has no interest in helping the party lug the heavy equipment up and is aware that some of the old inventions in storage have begun going haywire.   If combat occurs Reshep will not fight, only issue commands and bring more Civil Legion troops. He wants any combatants taken alive and has no interest in murder on his streets.   Further details on the Shatterstaves is listed below in the "Dealing with the Shatterstaves" section.   Personality Trait. “The old ways are the best ways, and I follow them.”
Ideal. “What's inside a mortal man is stronger than any spell or trinket.”
Bond. “The Shatterstaves are my brotherhood, and we will protect our home.”
Flaw. “I despise magic and any who use it, and I don’t need aid from them.”
  Read the following as the players move about Tintown:
There is little familiarity as you walk the streets of Tintown. First is the lack of people. The only folk you see moving about are the Shatterstaves of the Civil Legion, wearing burnished breastplates and carrying lanterns on hooked pikes. They patrol everywhere you go, passing curious machinery that sits dormant, mementos of the city’s former glory. It is hard to tell if a building is a home or business, everyone a mish-mash of stone and metal.


The City of Tintown


Experiencing the City

Tintown is an old city that has been restored in the modern era. It has served as a military base for many generations, claiming to be impenetrable against dragons. The city is built into the Slatetop Mountains and surrounded by a large 50-foot high, 30-foot wide, stone and steel wall, also built into the mountains. Roads and buildings climb upward the deeper you move in the city, with buildings sitting at varying levels. Normally airships use Tintown as a port, but the quarantine has halted all travel. Currently two airships are parked at the north harbor waiting for permission to leave.   Currently there is little movement happening. The only people out are priests, soldiers, or citizens moving quickly and under escort. If there is a resistance or fight against the Crown in Tintown it is not visible. Because the city is under quarantine it is quite possible your party will not do much exploring. However, if they do, here are a few places they might find themselves near.   Chateau Charmont. Chateau Charmont is an expansive keep built in the city of Tintown at the foot of the Slatetop Mountains. Surrounding the entirety of the estate stands walls fifteen feet high and twelve feet thick. A crenelated crown adorns the top of the structure and the entire building is draped in ivy. Inside, it is decorated with luxury furniture and artwork from all over Dromaria. The keep has a spacious courtyard filled with a small fruit orchard. Normally citizens of Tintown are encouraged to visit regularly and take what they wish. It is the home and seat of power for the Duke and Duchess Charmont.  


Chateau Charmont, seat of power in Tintown

  The Temple of Saint Ren. Commemorating the esteemed Saint Aurias Ren, this house of worship has been a fixture in Tintown since its earliest days. The building stands near the city gates, a reminder to all that pass through that their journey is blessed by the gods.   This once beautiful church of Asir was desecrated at the height of the Demon War. Recently it has been repurposed as a hospital for the people of Tintown. The temple's restoration and healing efforts are being led by Nina Hurns, a renowned cleric of Asir.   The Tintown Bridge. Located on the eastern edge of the city is a metallic structure of wire that hangs across the Trident River. The Tintown Bridge is a massive suspension bridge that has long been a marvel on Pathriam. The bridge has stood for over a thousand years and is still in pristine condition. Built when Tintown was known as "The City of Tomorrow", it is unclear what methods were used to preserve the structure.   The Tintown Bridge serves as the safest way to cross The Trident and is the only method for large caravans.   The Wyatt Apparatus. This mysterious machine has been standing in Tintown for centuries. It appears to be a large cone filled with all sorts of complex machinery. The structure is made of iron and stone and stands over thirty feet high. A plaque on the front reads: "The Wyatt Apparatus - To build a world where everyone has power. May the City of Tomorrow lead the future."  

Current News and Rumors

While in Tintown, if you want to explore rumors or events you may use the following:   Wild Dogs. Before the lockdown there was a rise in wild dog attacks outside the city, seemingly coming from the Cruel Wood.   Ghosts in the Chateau. Shadows have been seen moving about outside Chateau Charmont, though the grounds are supposed to be empty.   Alchemist in the Keep. Old rumors of alchemists doing bizarre experimentation are said to have taken up within The Red Keep.   The Future of the Civil Legion. Talk of The Shatterstaves that have infiltrated the Civil Legion. Many believe they are being held under quarantine as a means for the soldiers to maintain control of the city.    

Encounters in Tintown

The party may come across any of the following encounters while in Tintown:   Smolderthorn Alarm. While the party is in Tintown it's possible for Smolderthorn to fly near the city on its way back to the Red Keep. This would be a good way to inform the group that Smolderthorn is back home in his lair before the group arrives. The nearness of the dragon will cause the Civil Legion to become up in arms, adopting a defensive position and manning the walls. This could give the group a chance to lose the soldiers following them and give them the opportunity to move about the city freely for a time.
The Crimson Hush. Many residents are now suffering from some form of debilitating condition brought on by an evil source. The adventurers are no exception. Anyone who visits Tintown is potentially exposed to a disease known as the Crimson Hush. This affliction causes extreme coughing, leading to a red face and bulging eyes.   A humanoid who comes into contact with someone who is coughing must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become infected. One day after infection, the creature begins to cough uncontrollably. The creature cannot take bonus actions or reactions and cannot maintain concentration on spells. At the end of the second day the creature loses the ability to speak, coughing their throat raw. Their face takes on a permanent crimson color from the burst blood vessels. Each long rest after the second day the creature’s exhaustion increases by one point. Lesser restoration or Heal may remove the effects of the disease but does not grant the creature immunity to future infection.   Two dybbuks have been living in Tintown, off and on, for almost ten years. They regularly move between the city and the Cruel Wood. Most recently when the Duke and Duchess left to visit Ania the dybbuks snuck into Chateau Charmont. The creatures have been living on the grounds ever since, seeking to cause chaos.   One of the dybbuks has been wandering around town as a trusted physician named Doctor Gilthorp Sporis. They have been using the good doctor’s body to inject folks with syringes filled with the disease.   If your players come across Dr. Gilthorp Sporis read the following:
Footfalls thud across the pavement behind you as a man yells something in excitement, “I did it! I made the cure!”   Turning you see a short man with fraying black hair dressed in white robes. He is running in your direction, albeit slowly and with a bad limp. In his right hand he is clutching a white and red medical bag, while in his left he has a glimmering syringe filled with a red liquid.
Dr. Gilthorp Sporis Dr. Gilthorp Sporis (neutral good, gnome doctor) was a well-known and respected physician in Tintown. He is now a man possessed, literally. Dr. Gilthorp died five days ago and is now a dybbuk, gleefully spreading pestilence around the city. Though the dybbuk retains some of what the doctor used to know, it mostly just distorts the knowledge in disturbing ways.   Personality Trait. “I love the suffering of a city in distress.”
Ideal. “My fun begins with this city, then...who knows?”
Bond. "I won't go back and you can't make me.”
Flaw. “I think I'm mingling in flawlessly, but I'm not.”  
Combat Encounter
The dybbuk wants nothing more than to inject people with its syringe of diseased liquid. The body it is currently inhabiting is now falling apart and looks terribly decayed if anyone gets close enough to notice. While it still maintains this form, the dybbuk will inject as many people as it can. It strikes with a melee attack of +6 to hit, dealing 1 point of damage and injecting its target with the disease. The temporary body has 20 HP and if it is destroyed the dybbuk will use Dimension Door to escape, returning to the orchard outside Chateau Charmont.   If the players follow rumors to the Chateau they will find the 2x dybbuks in the orchards outside the manor house. They have taken up the bodies of Civil Legion guards who normally patrol the area.  

Dealing with the Shatterstaves. The Shatterstaves are a brutish lot with a deep disdain for magic. They have total authority of Tintown, with the Duke and Duchess out of town and the city on lockdown. They are focused on containing the illness and stopping magic from being used within the city, as they believe it is the cause of the ill fate. If magic is used in their vicinity they will issue one warning. The second warning the Shatterstaves will manacle and gag the offending player until the group gathers what is needed and leaves. The third warning, the Shatterstaves will cast the offending players tongue in silver and exile all involved out of the city.   Many Shatterstaves may try and taunt or bait casters into using their abilities, but they will never strike first. They believe spellcasters are often reckless and impetuous and this is proof to them. They are a group who specializes in killing and capturing mages, and will always target spellcasters first.   If the Shatterstaves notice a member of the group come down with the Crimson Hush, that player will not be allowed to leave the city until they have not shown symptoms of illness for one week. The player will need to find another way out of the city otherwise.    

The Priests of Asir. Asir is most commonly worshipped as a goddess of healing, summer, and life as part of the Illumination faith. Summertide Illumination heralds her as the first saint and her texts make up the majority of the Summertide Tome of Valediction. Those who follow the Path of the Ancestors have long preserved her ancient writings and Song Stones. Asir’s teachings and methods have defined medicine since the earliest days of Dromaria. In Tintown her priests are devoted to serving the community and rebuilding the The Temple of Saint Ren.   Because they work as healers, the priests of Asir have been permitted to move freely about the city, so far. If given the opportunity one of the priests will approach the party and secretly hand them a note. The note reads: "Please visit the Temple of Saint Ren." If the party tries to speak to the priest they will notice that their tongue is silver.   If the group accepts, the head priest and cleric of Asir, Nina Hurns will greet the party at the temple and make a request of them.   Read the following as the group enters the temple:
As you approach the massive cathedral you find a once beautiful building in a severely damaged state. Recently repaired stained glass windows and scaffolding around the outside now sit untended. Inside resembles a well organized makeshift medical ward. Long rows of occupied cots and medical equipment fill every available space. Priests and clerics move from bed to bed, tending to their patients as best they can. Yet despite their efforts there is a constant echo of coughing. The tomb of Saint Ren sits on display in front of the ailing people of Tintown, a centerpiece of the church and a bolstering of spirits for those in need.
The priests are desperate to find a cure to the illness impacting Tintown and are not being allowed to properly investigate what is going on. Most recently two of their members were punished by the Shatterstaves, who cast their tongues in silver. Nina made an arrangement with Cadmus Broodfang, owner and operator of Serpent's Treasures, to use his arcane skills in their research. The Civil Legion tends to give Cadmus more leeway because he has such a close relationship to the Crown, but he did not show up at their agreed upon time. The priests cannot be seen talking to the dragonborn for fear of reprisal.   If the group can get to Cadmus and find out what is going on, or even better, bring Cadmus to the temple, Nina will be grateful. Whether they succeed or fail, the party may always receive healing at Asir's temple while in Tintown.   If the players have collected the unicorn hair from earlier in the adventure and show it to Nina she will offer to buy it off of them by procuring one item from Cadmus's shop, no matter the cost. The hair will be exceptionally useful in creating a cure for the town's illness.
Nina Hurns
Nina Hurns (neutral good, half-elf cleric) is a caring person who loves nothing more than helping others heal - both spiritually and physically. She is an advisor for those in need and an advocate for those whose voice needs to be heard. Whenever possible, Nina does her best to ensure that justice is served for all parties involved. With her strong convictions and leadership skills, she leads by example in service to Asir.   Roleplaying Nina Hurns
It is hard to get Nina worked up, but she is beyond her boiling point. Her priests do their best to keep the peace and provide care for Tintown. Yet at her behest, Magister Eliot has been forced to step in to prevent violence on more than one occasion. Now two of her priests have been maimed by the Shatterstaves.   She is not sure what to make of the Civil Legion in Tintown, but she is sure the illness is real and they are getting in her way. Nina is a skilled cleric who understands the severity of the situation she is in. She does not have much to offer as a reward besides gratitude and ensuring others they are doing the right thing.   Personality Trait. “I'll do my best for these people in Asir's name, despite any opposition.”
Ideal. “Peace is the only path to true healing.”
Bond. "My life is devoted to Asir.”
Flaw. “My passion for peace is often used against me.”
Serpent's Treasures
Serpent's Treasures is a shop featuring a unique array of dragon-related goods. The shop's owner, Cadmus Broodfang, works in direct opposition to The Covenant and sells illicit goods to spite it. All of the items found within Serpent's Treasures were once part of a dragon or were taken from one. Cadmus has a varied selection of unlawful items, from body parts to armaments and armor crafted using forbidden dragon components.   Cadmus will purchase anything that relates to dragons, no matter how minuscule the connection. As it is highly illegal to own or trade draconic body parts, his shop has been heavily questioned by citizens of Tintown. It's no surprise to many that Cadmus stocks exclusive items for the Civil Legion elite. It is widely believed that he maintains his business due to a hidden, friendly alliance with royalty.   The shop is stocked with the following items that Cadmus is openly selling: Emerald Pen, Dragon Touched Focus (Slumbering), Dust of Disappearance, Stone of Good Luck, Stone of Ill Luck, and a Potion of Heroism   Cadmus does not remember which one is the Stone of Good Luck or Stone of Ill Luck.
  The following are things he has behind the counter that only come out for trusted customers: Dragonhide Belt +1, Arrow of Slaying (Dragon), and Dragon Scale Mail (Green)   Cadmus Broodfang
Cadmus Broodfang (chaotic good, black dragonborn shopkeeper) is the proprietor of Serpent's Treasures and a reclusive individual. He has made it his life's mission to hunt down dragons and collect their entire hoard, as well as any other related item he can find. His deep disdain for dragons of all kinds is evident in the draconic artifacts that he chooses to sell in his shop.   Cadmus is an incredibly savvy businessman and often brokers deals between adventurers or sells them rare items they couldn't otherwise acquire. Despite his connections to royalty, Cadmus keeps a low profile to avoid being targeted by those who oppose him. It is commonly believed that he is working with the Civil Legion.   Roleplaying Cadmus Broodfang
There is no great love between Cadmus and the Crown. He has no desire to see Tintown under quarantine or his fellow citizens die of a plague. However, he will not openly risk being seen moving about the city, especially near the The Temple of St. Ren. More than anything Cadmus is interested in the dragon sightings that have been occurring recently. If he finds out the group is heading to deal with the dragon he will do most anything to get his hands on the plunder.   Even at his most desperate Cadmus will not act irrationally, maintaining his cool in both business and safety. If Cadmus agrees to go with the party to the temple, follow the section called "Dealing with the Shatterstaves" for moving around the city. If Cadmus is caught, or Magister Eliot arrives, he will avoid using magic at all costs, attempting to bribe his way out of the situation if things get desperate.   Personality Trait. "Do you have what I need? Then I have a need for you."
Ideal. "Dragons are the main cause of issues on Dromaria."
Bond. "I'm a savvy man who hates his heritage."
Flaw. "I will never admit I was wrong because I am never wrong."

Gathering the Supplies.
To gather the dragon nets and The Bomboozler the players will need to go down into the old Tintown storage facility. Magister Reshep will supply directions and descriptions of the items. He will also warn the party that there may be dangerous things down there and he can't spare anyone to heal them.   In the old store rooms 2x Clockwork Iron Cobras have broken free of their crates and are roaming.   The dragon nets are visible, hung on the far wall. Each net weighs approximately 250 pounds. The Bomboozler is still in a crate and requires a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find. If players search the remainder of the storage they may find most things from the common equipment section and an inert body of a Clockwork Iron Cobra.

Character Advancement

The players should be awarded with their third level up if at least two of the following things occurred upon encountering Lawmaster Andias in the Cruel Wood:

  • The players survive the fight with the troll mounted wyvern.
  • The players complete any of the optional quests or encounters in Tintown.
  • The players acquire the goods from the Shatterstaves.
  • The players survive their encounter with Sir Barry the Houndmaster.

The Quest Continues

If the party succeeds at both bringing Cadmus to the temple unseen and slaying the dybbuk(s), there is hope for the future of Tintown. Their reputation will grow considerably in the area, especially once the Duke and Duchess return.   Once everything is completed and all combats are settled, prepare to reunite with the recruits that have been collected up to this point and begin final preparations for engaging the dragon. To The Red Keep!     To continue the adventure head to: Part Five: The Red Keep

Encounters between Shelter Lake and Dondarian can be found here: RKA: Encounters

Articles under Part Four: Tintown, Quarantined

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