Cliffgrazer Llamas in Dromaria | World Anvil

Cliffgrazer Llamas

Cliffgrazer Llamas, native to the southern reaches of the Slatetop Mountains, are built for traveling over difficult terrain. With their broad, textured hooves and thick coats, they're well-adapted to the harsh conditions of the region. These llamas are commonly used as pack animals and are deeply ingrained with the town of Rastein. Known for their even temper and keen sense of direction, they're commonly domesticated at Llamazing Lyle's sanctuary on the banks of The Ores. Many Rastein residents care for at least one, and their signature "mwa-ah-ooo" call is a familiar sound throughout the area. Miners and traders often keep trinkets that represent the beasts, believing them to bring good luck and favor from the mountain spirits.
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Llamazing Lyle's

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