Part Three: Lolien, The Survivors


Lolien is a war-torn forest city located between the settlements of Dondarian and Rastein. Unaffected by the dragon's attacks, Lolien is suffering from internal conflicts. The citizens are displeased with the aid the Crown is providing, considering it to be too little, too late.   Five years after the Demon War, Lolien faced the horror of Sedatia, a fey being of immense power. During this period a local thieves' guild called the Sticky Fingers, pledged allegiance to the Otherwyld witch. As a result, the townsfolk had no choice but to flee.   Caraconne Lashi became a modern-day folk hero, rallying the remaining citizens to stand against the menace. Along with the dragonborn Lobs and his Witch Hunters, they protected their beloved city from permanent harm. This conflict left deep scars on Lolien that will never be forgotten. Now that people have returned, rumors are running rampant about which residents were complicit with the Sticky Fingers' treasonous actions.   Following the conclusion of the Witch War, there were a few short months of respite wherein citizens had an opportunity to rebuild their lives. However, this peace was disrupted by the arrival of the Civil Legion. In an attempt to secure Lolien, troops appointed by the Crown took over the restoration efforts, changing the city’s landscape. There are now constant skirmishes between the citizens and the military.   Earlier today a young elven man named Bindin Laurels set fire to a ship, killing two soldiers. He has been arrested and is being held in Fort Tritos. Bindin is part of a rebel group led by Caraconne Lashi.

Current News & Rumors
  While in Lolien if characters wish to explore they may discover the following information:   Theft from the Lawmaster. Quentin Le'Cheff's residence was robbed. No one knows who did it, but everyone is pointing fingers. The truth is that the event never happened and the Lawmaster is using it as a diversion to his other schemes.   Slatetop Sabotage. Someone stole the Secure Slatetops from Fort Tritos, disconnecting those in charge with the local cities. While most suspect the rebel Survivors, it was in fact the Sticky Fingers at the behest of Bars Maclaski.   Calamity in Tintown. Travel through Tintown has been difficult. Rumors suggest that some great calamity has befallen the city. Everything from plagues to dragons, and a few that claim the great Wyatt Apparatus finally blew up.
Read the following text as the characters approach Lolien:

    You notice that the damage of the surrounding area has increased, though not the work of a dragon. Along the road up ahead there is a small group of soldiers apprehending an elven youth. The young man is shouting, "Where was the Crown? Where was the King when we needed him?"   The banks of the Ore's River are stained black, a burning sailboat smoldering on the shore. Bodies of soldiers are being fished from the river. A well-dressed halfling man is leading the operation.   Beyond the wreckage lies Lolien, an elven settlement burrowed among the forest with the river at its heart. Houses are tended by families who have grown them with devotion over many years, a place where tree and home become a union. Further ahead rises a stone and metal monolith, a fort adorned with Ania's golden sunburst emblem, asserting the Crown's presence.
Bindin Laurels Figurine
Bindin Laurels Burning Boats

Welcome to Lolien

The entrance to the city is guarded by the Civil Legion. The soldiers want to ensure there will be no issues with newcomers, directing them to Fort Tritos. Once the characters have spoken to Sir Kyler Clemons and have received his approval, they are free to move about Lolien.

Read the following when approaching Fort Tritos:

    Passing through the gates, the barrack's expansive compound is filled with Civil Legion soldiers sparring in full combat gear. The courtyard echoes with the clang of clashing steel. A man in full-plate walks among them correcting stances and critiquing technique. He notices you out of the corner of his eye and walks in your direction.

Lolien Base Map Image

Interactive Map

Sir Kyler Clemons

Lawful Good, Human Knight   Kyler is a seasoned veteran who was recently knighted by King Ender Ramus. As head of House Clemons, Kyler is currently stationed in Lolien overseeing Fort Tritos under the authority of Lawmaster Le'Cheff. As a soldier, Kyler is an experienced combatant, having served as a commander during the Demon War. Most consider him a cold but fair man who has more experience on the battlefield than in conversation.

Roleplaying Kyler Clemons
When first meeting with the characters, Kyler will begin as indifferent. Two of his soldiers were just killed and he is trying not to lose his composure. If he believes the group's story, Kyler will give directions around town and contact the Lawmaster. An appointment may be set whenever you find it convenient after the characters have had a chance to interact with the city. Kyler has no interest in discussing the recent deaths, directing questions to Quentin.   Regardless of how the conversation goes, Kyler wants to know about the dragon attacks and current events. He is concerned and has had no new information in days. The Slatetops connected to Dondarian, Bastor, and Tintown were recently stolen and the knight is eager to hear about the neighboring cities.   If Kyler determines everything is on the up and up, he may offer the characters his home as a temporary residence.

Personality Trait. "I will stand strong so those around me know they needn't fear."
Ideal. "Chivalry. I believe honor is lost and needs to be returned to its proper station."
Bond. "I am devoted to King and Crown and I will die in their service."
Flaw. "My loyalty blinds me to injustices."
Kyler Clemon's House Map
Kyler Clemon's House
Sir Clemon's Home. Kyler's house is a one-story brick home near Fort Tritos. He has three rooms that can serve as bedrooms, as well as his living room. The house is newly constructed and sparsely furnished, reflecting how little time Kyler spends there. If the characters search the residence they will find reminders of the Demon War and paperwork related to his noble house. Kyler keeps anything of financial value locked in his office in the fort.

Lawmaster Quentin Le'Cheff

Neutral Evil, Halfling Lawmaster   House Le'Cheff is one of the Dominion’s major noble houses, located in the city of Owens. Quentin, leveraging his family’s name, has become the highest-ranking individual in Lolien, ruling over Fort Tritos and commanding the Civil Legion. He is a young, unproven noble and this is his first post. Quentin’s current goal is to eliminate the rebel threat in the city by any means.   Baron Druceff has requested Quentin as an advisor on recent issues, ranging from military strategy to diplomacy. Despite being unseasoned, the Lawmaster’s clear-minded approach and high level of education have quickly made him one of King Ender Ramus's more trusted officers. Even with the civil unrest in Lolien, Quentin has impressed his superiors. So far he has garnered respect, using swift retaliation against his enemies.   While Le’Cheff’s motives are sometimes questionable, his low profile allows him to go unnoticed. He has granted Sir Kyler Clemons full command of the Civil Legion, hoping the knight is too busy to notice mistakes. The Lawmaster has invested heavily in the Honeypot, which has become quite influential in Lolien since its inception.   Quentin is down by the water overseeing the retrieval of the soldier’s bodies when the characters arrive. He is not present at the initial meeting with Kyler.   Roleplaying Quentin Le'Cheff
Quentin sees the characters as equal parts threat and possibility. He does not want anyone involved in his personal affairs, but adventurers could eliminate his current problems. He will put all the blame on the Survivors, intending to make Binden Laurels an example.   Quentin wants some work done off the books. During his meeting with the characters, the Lawmaster may invite them to have a more discreet discussion at the Honeypot.   When talking with the characters about sending additional troops to fight Smolderthorn, Le’Cheff will defer to Sir Kyler Clemons.

Personality Trait. “I'll do what it takes to get the job done.”
Ideal. “Advantages. Life's not fair, so I won't play fair.”
Bond. “The Crown has given me everything, and I'll give them some of what I have in return.”
Flaw. “I dislike competition, so don’t get in my way.”

Experiencing the City

Lolien has a rich elven heritage. The influence of Leng can be seen throughout, with houses featuring gated entries, tiled roofs with broad eves, and an absolute reverence for wood. However, there is a divide. The architecture splits where the Civil Legion moved in. Straight stone buildings with little attention to detail mar the beauty of the city’s east side. There is tension here among the citizenry, with little warmth for visitors, especially ones who appear to be working for the Crown.
  • Fort Tritos. Named after the longest reigning King of Ania, Fort Tritos is a large and well-fortified barracks. It was re-established in 2 UE by Lawmaster Quentin Le'Cheff at the behest of Chancellor Laurali Estavossa. It is heavily garrisoned with Civil Legion soldiers and acts as a seat of power for the Crown in Lolien. Although appointed with very little lavishness, it serves its purpose as both a place to rest and a strategic post from which to defend against enemy forces. The townsfolk are well aware that the fort was built to serve as a reminder of the King's presence. Lawmaster Le'Cheff runs the operations of the fort while Sir Kyler Clemons has direct command of the Civil Legion.
  • Gentle Rains Inn. Built around the base of a large oak, the Gentle Rains Inn is a beautiful two-story building made entirely of greenwood. There is a stylish common area and up to twenty-four rooms available. Though not nearly as frequented as it once was, the inn has its fair share of local business. The establishment is run by Rain Norlochi and has become a common meeting place for those in The Survivors.
  •   Bindin Laurels, the man who was arrested when the characters arrived, has a permanent residence upstairs. His room contains a few mementos and the following items of interest: a tinderbox, a douser, a soul reliquary, and a calendar featuring the “Luscious Lads of Capran Corp.”  
  • The Honeypot. It is said in Lolien that honey equals power. Owned and operated by Bars Maclaski, The Honeypot is the largest gathering of "Bee Ranchers," and honey suppliers on Dromaria. They boast of having more than 12 acres of "bee goodness." Their relationship with House Le'Cheff has allowed The Honeypot to spread globally.   The Honeypot is a front for the Sticky Fingers. Lawmaster Quentin Le'Cheff has a secret partnership with the thieves' guild and works hard to keep it that way.
  • The Arda Elowen. The Arda Elowen is an elm tree, brought to Lolien from Tensen, the capital of Leng and seat of the Emperor. Meant as a symbol of prosperity in the new land, it was planted at Lolien's founding by King Caraconne Tritos. Over the centuries the tree grew into a massive landmark, towering above the south side.   During the opening days of the Witch Wars, the Arda Elowen was the first thing attacked in Lolien. The tree was left broken, plundered for lumber by the invading army. The Arda Elowen has recently bloomed once again. Its rebirth is considered a sign of luck and fortune. If a character visits the Arda Elowen, they may receive a feeling of peace and the effects of a blessing, giving them 1d4 to their next ability check, attack, or saving throw.

Flag of Leng

Flag of Ania, capital of the Tritos Dominion.

Flag of Ania, capital of the Tritos Dominion.

Encounters in Town

The characters may come across any of the following encounters while in Lolien:  

The Survivors

A band of rebels, led by Caraconne Lashi, have taken it upon themselves to battle forces in the city. Ousting the Civil Legion and the Sticky Fingers are their top priorities. The Gentle Rains Inn is used as a regular meeting space.   Lilea Dawn is a spy working for the Survivors and will begin to tail the characters as soon as they enter Lolien. Any information she gathers will be reported directly to Lashi. Lilea is skilled at her craft and has 17 Dexterity (Stealth). She will flee, using secret hideouts and passageways if spotted.

    Lilea Dawn

    Chaotic Good, Human Spy   Lilea works as an informant for the Survivors. She does her best to keep the rebels one step ahead of the Crown. Lilea idolizes Caraconne Lashi and longs to be a hero to the people herself.   Roleplaying Lilea Dawn
    Personality Trait. “I want peace, and I'll fight for it.”
    Ideal. “Adversity. Struggle is necessary to make something greater.”
    Bond. “I believe in the Survivors. We fight for the people of Lolien.”
    Flaw. “I crave fame and envy those that have it.”

Caraconne Lashi

Chaotic Good, Elf Fighter   Caraconne was named after the first elven King of Ania, Caraconne Tritos. She is a freedom fighter, hero, and leader of the rebel Survivors. Born and raised in the city of Lolien, Caraconne is fiercely devoted to her home.   Years of conflict have left Caraconne physically scarred. Yet, despite losing an eye in battle, she hasn’t lost any of her beauty. Caraconne is renowned for driving Sedatia's hornet riders from Lolien and discovering the Sticky Fingers' involvement with the enemy forces during the Witch Wars.   She now spends her days fighting the Civil Legion and trying to root out the Sticky Fingers' members who remain.

Roleplaying Caraconne Lashi
If the group is meeting Caraconne then it means they have had an encounter with the rebels. She will only approach a character directly if they aid or harm her cause, beginning as indifferent. Caraconne has already written off Bindin as lost to the cause.   If the characters aid her rebels, she will find a place away from the Civil Legion to speak. She would like to offer thanks and enlist help in a bit of espionage. Caraconne is convinced the Sticky Fingers stole Slatetops from Fort Tritos to frame her. Any evidence the group can provide would help her take them down. If the characters return with proof, she will give them a few precious items from the rebel's armory, a pair of Boots of Elvenkind and a Cloak of Elvenkind.   In addition, Caraconne has a friendly relationship with Lobs, having fought together against Sedatia. She will recommend the characters bring him some food.   If the characters work with the Civil Legion against her rebels, Caraconne will attempt to sabotage their quest. She will steal unattended items left in rooms, release mounts into the wild, and remove wheels from vehicles. If she knows the characters want to recruit Lobs, Caraconne will ensure she is present when they meet to undermine their attempt.   Personality Trait. "I am only hard because I have to be."
Ideal. "Revolution. We will be free of the tyrants who oppress us."
Bond. "Memories of the dead fuel me. I will honor my fallen comrades.”
Flaw. "I have learned that violence actually can be the answer."
  Caraconne Lashi Roll Initiative
Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Good
Armor Class 15 (Breastplate)
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3)
13 (+1)
14 (+2)
10 (-)
14 (+2)
16 (+3)
Saving Throws STR +7, CON +6
Skills Athletics +7, Perception +6
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Elven
Proficiency Bonus +4 Challenge 9
Evasive Footwork. At the start of Caraconne's turn, roll 1d6 and add the total to her AC until her next turn.

Special Equipment. Caraconne wields the Commander's Blade.

Multiattack. Caraconne makes two melee attacks with her Commander's Blade.   Commander's Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ( 2d6+3 ) slashing damage, and the target must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. If the target fails, Caraconne may use her bonus action to issue a command through her sword as if casting the spell Command.

Inspirational Commander. At the start of their turn, anyone Caraconne considers an ally receives an additional 1d6 to use on their next ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.

The Civil Legion

The Civil Legion in Lolien serves under the command of Lawmaster Le'Cheff and Sir Clemons. Unless given a reason not to, soldiers will ignore the characters, choosing to focus on more immediate problems.

Combat Encounter
In the early evening during the first night in Lolien, Civil Legion soldiers will get into a fight with a group of Survivors near the Gentle Rains Inn. The Survivors are dressed as performers, carrying counterfeit coins inside their instruments. One of the soldiers stopped to ask where the people were headed, and at this point, no one knows who threw the first punch.   This encounter should have a lasting impact. Depending on which side the characters help, if any, will determine how the feuding faction’s attitudes will change. If a peaceful solution occurs, both sides will report kindly to their superiors.

Read the following when the characters come across the brawl:

    You overhear a commotion. Tucked behind a two-story bright green building, is a group of people wrestling against the trunk of a massive oak. A few drums and an instrument case lay scattered on the cobblestones. Bright clothes of red and green can be seen clashing against the splint mail armor of the Legion. Four soldiers are locked in a fistfight with some performers.   In a simple upward motion, a soldier's sword slashes across a woman's face, sending blood spurting into the air. At once the Legion's steel is drawn.   Before the woman has time to scream, you hear one of her companions yell at you, "Help us! Please!" while simultaneously a soldier begins to bellow, "The Legion, gather the Legion!"
In total, there are 4x Civil Legion troops and 6x rebels, five of whom are still standing. If left unchecked the soldiers will kill the rebels, enraged at the death of their companions earlier in the day. If the characters actively fight against the Civil Legion troops, the rebels will use that time to run into the inn to alert Caraconne Lashi. She will arrive one round later. Caraconne's stat block is listed above.   Use the Veteran stat block for the soldiers. The soldiers do not carry heavy crossbows and are each missing 10 hp. The rebels are not trained combatants and have a total of 8 hp each.  
    Rewards & Outcomes. The rebels have their instruments filled with their stolen coin. There are 3 x hand drums, a lute, and a set of bagpipes, and a total of 660 gp and 230 sp worth of counterfeit coins.   The Civil Legion troops each have splint armor, a longsword, a shortsword, and a total of 68 gp, 22 sp, and 44 cp between them.   If the characters work against or harm the Survivors, the rebel’s attitude will change to hostile, becoming difficult to work with.   If the characters work against or harm the Civil Legion, it will become exceptionally difficult to achieve a positive outcome before leaving the city. This assumes witnesses were willing to report the outcome. If there are none, and there is a necessary cleanup, Caraconne Lashi will handle it.

The Sticky Fingers

Depending on how (or if) the characters approach The Honeypot will determine what they encounter. Lawmaster Le'Cheff has told the Stickyfingers to avoid visitors while they are in town.

  • If the characters travel to The Honeypot without an invitation, they may overhear a conversation between Bars Maclaski and Quentin.
  • If the characters have an invite from Quentin, he will task them with a sensitive matter.
  Read the following when approaching The Honeypot:

    Out on the western edge of Lolien, large swathes of land have been cleared. In the center stands a white ranch-style building with a bright red tin roof. It is an eye-catching contrast against the lush backdrop of the Emerald Wood. As you draw closer, there's a faint hum followed by an unmistakable scent, bees and honey!   Hundreds and hundreds of beehives are set in neat rows of boxes behind the main building, with workers scattered throughout.

    Bars Maclaski

    Neutral Evil, Halfling Guild Leader   Bars is the owner and operator of the Honeypot, also serving as a leader of the Sticky Fingers guild. Few would know it, but he is a ruthless man obsessed with wealth.   Maclaski is a master of blending in wherever he is, to the extent that he can become virtually invisible in plain sight. Between his skill at going unnoticed and his business acumen, he is exceptionally adept at maneuvering through political environments.

    Roleplaying Bars Maclaski
    Personality Trait. “You can trust me until you can't anymore.”
    Ideal. “Greed. I want wealth any way I can get it.”
    Bond “I value two things in this world, honey and money.”
    Flaw. “I'm devious and I'll do whatever I think is necessary.”
No Invitation

If the characters travel to The Honeypot without an invitation, they may overhear a conversation between Bars and Quentin.   If they do read the following:

    There are dozens of employees in sight within the main building. Muffled but distinguishable voices emanate from somewhere in the back, catching your attention. A large garage door is open, just enough for a conversation to be overheard.   (Quentin) "Clemons bought it, as I knew he would. The Survivors," there is a scoff at the name, "well whatever they call themselves, they are easy targets. He would believe they did anything, especially steal."   (Bars) "So he thinks the Lashi woman did it?"   (Quentin) "He knows she did it. No chance it comes back sticky."   It is at that moment you hear a voice behind you.   Abruptly, you hear a woman’s voice, "Would you like a sample of our Stinky Special?"   A halfling attendant stands behind you, her white apron embroidered with bees. A nametag pinned to it reads "Jasmine." She is holding a tray of honey in porcelain cups. By the time you turn back around the door is shut.
  The Stickyfingers stole three Secured Slatetops from Fort Tritos. These particular boxes are linked to House Druceff in Dondarian, House Charmont in Tintown, and House Clemons in Ania. The guild intends to use the Slatetops to send misleading information, allowing them to reach strategic locations uncontested.   Bars has one of his more trusted associates in the back office writing letters, informing the houses of roadways that are clear, and requesting additional troops be sent elsewhere for support.   If confronted the associate will grab the evidence and run, fighting only as a last resort. Use the Assassin stat block for this encounter.   Any employees who notice will alert Bars, but otherwise, no one will get involved. If Bars grows suspicious he will skip town.

If the characters were invited to the Honeypot, the rendezvous will take place in the garage, with Quentin and Bars present.   Quentin wants to root out the Survivors for good but doesn’t want the Civil Legion to take the blame. He is worried that undecided citizens may side with the rebels if violence escalates between the factions. Le’Cheff wants the adventurers to help him locate Caraconne Lashi and get justice for the deceased.

Gentle Rains Inn Floor One Battlemap

Gentle Rains - Floor 1

Gentle Rains Inn Floor Two Battlemap

Gentle Rains - Floor 2

Combat Encounter
Caraconne is to be captured alive and brought to The Honeypot. If the characters succeed at the task, Quentin will personally deliver Caraconne to Dondarian bound in chains and present her to the Baron.   The Survivors and Caraconne can be found at the Gentle Rains Inn. She is there with 1x officer and 3x rebels, who will remain defiant to the end. If a fight breaks out, any civilians will leave. Use the Bandit Captain stat block for the officer and the Scout stat block for the rebels.  
    Loot & Reward. If the characters succeed in capturing Caraconne Lashi they receive an additional 20 troops to their cause and are rewarded with her weapon, the Commander's Blade.
  If Caraconne is captured or killed, the Survivors will remain out of sight until the characters depart.

Recruiting Lobs

Lobs is a high-level heroic adventurer from the Witch Wars, who calls Lolien home. He is not concerned with the conflicts in the city, although he is friendly with Caraconne Lashi. She has tried to recruit him to her Survivors many times. Lawmaster Le'Cheff calls upon Lobs to deal with particularly troublesome problems, paying hefty fees for the service.   Unbeknownst to anyone in Lolien, the dragonborn has secretly been appeasing Smolderthorn by giving it the remainder of his treasure. It hasn’t occurred to Lobs that there might be a different way to handle the situation. Despite his low intelligence, Lobs understands the workings of dragons and has seen the Red Keep multiple times while paying tribute. He has never been beyond the keep’s moat and is unsure of what lurks within.   Lobs understands that Smolderthorn left Don Shou when Emperor's Peak was attacked because the dragon was sick of catering to mortals. Now it has come to claim a birthright and retake the land that belonged to its ancestor.   Recruiting the dragonborn isn't intended to be challenging; he's willing to join if the characters can help retrieve his belongings. Instead, the encounter's goal is to make the players question if Lobs is worth their time. He does not appear to be a heroic figure and should seem useless in most situations.

Read the following when approaching Lobs' home:

    There is a four-story home made of brick and stone. Arrows are lodged in the mortar and abandoned arms and armaments are scattered across the yard. At the far north of the compound is a destroyed catapult, seemingly frozen and shattered. Looking down upon you from the roof is a husky white-scaled dragonborn wearing a collage of mixed-matched bright colors. He is bundled in a heavy woolen scarf with trousers that have more patches than pants. Above his head he is holding a large gargoyle statue, prepared to hurl it should there be trouble.


    Chaotic Good, Dragonborn Barbarian   Lobs is a retired adventurer who spends his days lounging on his roof and eating. He hails from Denma'roo, although he has no relationship with his dragonborn kin. In his early teens, Lobs left to earn gold and never returned, unsure of how to get back. He settled in Lolien, doing grunt work for the Sticky Fingers.   When the city was attacked by the Otherwyld witch Sedatia, the Sticky Fingers joined her assault. Lobs fled with his neighbor Addielade Farnsworth to Gnome's Landing, seeking refuge. Instead of hiding, the pair attracted others and became “The Witch Hunters,” going on a grand adventure across the Eastlands and Mortéglace.   Roleplaying Lobs
    If Caraconne Lashi has told Lobs anything negative about the characters, or they had her arrested, he will be reluctant to go, demanding some sort of payment in advance.   Above all else, Lobs is lazy. Even so, flattery can get him moving, depending on his mood. Nothing will stop him from complaining constantly about hunger or the cold, despite being immune to the latter.   Lobs is reluctant to talk about his adventuring days. The Witch Wars were hard on him. He found the events terrifying but won’t admit it. He had friends die and was under the spell of the witch Lamentia for months. The only part he enjoys talking about is his treasures.   Using Lobs in combat will greatly alter the difficulty of encounters and he should avoid fighting until Smolderthorn. If Lobs does get involved in combat, he throws whatever is nearby. If the characters have a wagon, he will ride in it the entire time, otherwise, he will bring a horse.   Personality Trait. “The shortest path is the quickest way.”
    Ideal. “Sloth. Comfort is my top priority.”
    Bond. “If I say I'll do it, I'll do it and I don’t want you thinking otherwise.”
    Flaw. “I operate on Lobs' time and am always where I am supposed to be.
    Lobs' Treasures
      The following is a list of what Lobs has given to the dragon: Storm Maw (warhammer), Ring of Protection, Rust Bag of Tricks, and the Belt of Arctalian.
    Combat Lobs

    Lobs Roll Initiative
    Medium Humanoid, Chaotic Good
    Armor Class 16 (Natural Armor)
    Hit Points 184 (16d12 + 80)
    Speed 40 ft.

    22 (+6)
    12 (+1)
    20 (+5)
    9 (-1)
    14 (+2)
    7 (-2)
    Saving Throws STR +9, CON +9
    Skills Athletics +10, Stealth +5
    Damage Immunities Cold
    Senses Passive Perception 12
    Languages Common, Draconic
    Proficiency Bonus +5 Challenge 13
    Rage (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). As a bonus action, Lobs can enter a rage that lasts for 1 minute. The rage ends early if Lobs is knocked unconscious or if his turn ends and he hasn't attacked a hostile creature or taken damage since his last turn. While raging Lobs gains the following benefits:
    • He has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
    • He deals an extra 3 damage when he hits a target with a melee weapon attack.
    • He has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
    Throw Anything. Lobs may use anything he finds as a ranged improvised weapon dealing 1d8 damage.

    Special Equipment. Lobs carries a Javelin of Lightning that he throws at the start of combat. It recharges at dawn.

    Multiattack. Lobs makes three melee or ranged attacks using his claws or improvised weapons and his breath weapon if it is available.   Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 ( 1d8+6 ) slashing damage, or 14 1d8+9 slashing damage while raging, and may Lobs may immediately use his bonus action to attempt a grapple.

    Improvised Weapon. Ranged Weapon Attack: to hit, reach 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: 11 ( 1d8+6 ) bludgeoning damage.

    Javelin of Lightning. Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 30/120 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 ( 1d6+5 ) piercing damage. If the command word is spoken the javelin turns into a bold of lightning, forming a line 5 feet wide that extends out from Lobs to a target within 120 feet. Each creature in the line, excluding Lobs and the target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 ( 4d6 ) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. The lightning bolt turns back into a javelin when it reaches the target. Make a ranged attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes damage from the javelin plus 13 ( 4d6 ) lightning damage.

    Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6). Lobs exhales an icy blast in a 5-foot wide, 30-foot line. Each creature in that area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 17 ( 3d10 ) cold damage on a failed save, or have as much damage on a success.

    Storm's Embrace. Lobs targets a hostile creature he can see who is attempting to move. He calls upon the elements to freeze and bind it, reducing its speed by half.

    Leaving Lolien

    When the characters are leaving consider their relationships and how it will impact their current standing with each faction.

      Civil Legion

      • Friendly. Sir Kyler will provide up to 30 troops to the cause.
      • Indifferent. Require Charisma checks to acquire aid.
      • Hostile. The characters are kicked out of the city with no additional rewards.


      Caraconne Lashi Map
      Caraconne Map
      • Friendly. Caraconne Lashi will provide a map of the Emerald Wood between Lolien and Tintown, marked with helpful details. (map link here)
      • Hostile. A Survivor will secretly cast Illusory Script on something that belongs to the characters, such as their wagon. The script is a cascading rainbow of colors meant to draw the eye, slandering the group. The spell is visible to everyone but the characters and lasts for 10 days.

      Sticky Fingers

      • Friendly. Bars will offer any interested characters a spot in the Sticky Fingers, including the sign-on bonus found here. In addition, Bars will provide a Bank Note for 1,000 gp that can be claimed at the Royal Bank in Tintown. The halfling has no interest in a dragon ruling these parts and will gladly finance its removal.
      • Hostile. The Sticky Fingers have marked the characters’ belongings with pheromones for an ambush on the road to Tintown using their Rumblebees, patent pending. See the RKA: Encounters for details.
    Character Advancement
      The players should be awarded their second level up if at least two of the following things occurred upon leaving Lolien:  
    • The characters survive the encounter with the Witchlings.
    • The characters survive any of the optional quests or encounters in Lolien.
    • The characters earn the support of Sir Kyler Clemons, Quentin Le'Cheff, or Caraconne Lashi.
    • The characters are successful in recruiting Lobs.

    The Quest Continues
      When the group has recruited Lobs and obtained provisions from Fort Tritos, they may begin the trek to Tintown.   To continue the adventure head to Part Four: Tintown, Quarantined.   Encounters between Lolien and Tintown can be found in the RKA: Encounters.

    Articles under Part Three: Lolien, The Survivors

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