Part Four: Tintown, Quarantined
Part Four:
Tintown, Quarantined
Welcome to Tintown
Magister Eliot
Crimson Hush
Gathering Equipment
Leaving Tintown
Tintown, Quarantined
Tintown is a city of innovation currently in a contagious pandemic of the Crimson Hush. The Duke and Duchess were visiting the capital when the sickness began and are now unable to return. In response, the Crown has sent a specialized regimen of the Civil Legion to handle the situation. Until the city’s rulers return, the Shatterstaves control the city, led by Magister Reshep Eliot. Shatterstaves disdain all things magic and have placed Tintown into quarantine. The Magister and his battalions prosecute anyone who meddles in the Legion’s business. Despite their efforts, no progress has been made toward ending the plague. Reshep has refused to fund medical aid from the local Summertide church. The real culprits behind the Crimson Hush are two Huldrekall from the Cruel Wood who have secretly been causing problems for Tintown since the Demon War. Thra-ssk’inn and Ikk-la-oon (Skin and Ikk), delight in causing chaos and visit the city when bored. For the last few weeks, they have been purposefully spreading disease through the deceased Dr. Gilthorp Sporis. Recent sightings of Smolderthorn have stirred unease, though always from afar. Soldiers remain on high alert, aware of the attack during the festival, but with the plague gripping the city, the dragon is an afterthought. Ballistae have been primed and schedules set, yet the focus remains on the more immediate danger.
Read the following when approaching Tintown:
A tremendous wall, standing some fifty feet tall, offers nothing but a cold rebuff as you approach the steel gates of Tintown. Somewhere inside gears turn in a “tick-tack, tick-tack” rhythm, loud enough to speak of their size. For a city with this many people, little other sound resonates.
Buildings rise above the skyline, born of a different age. Ancient machines sprout from the structures like vines on a tree. A massive zeppelin, covered by tarps, is docked on the upper reaches above the city. The gates are shut to you. Flags with the sunburst of Ania flutter around the battlements. A piece of parchment is hung from the wall announcing 'Beware City Wide Quarantine.'
After a long silence, a man dressed in the red, blue, and gold of the Civil Legion hails you from atop the wall.
A New Demon
The Huldrekall was once a dybbuk, a demon that possessed corpses and thrived on terror. After inhabiting an Otherwylder, it was forever altered. The fey's lingering memories twisted the demon’s nature, giving it new desires.
Now, the dybbuk has become a blend of mischief and alien will. It still seeks corpses to possess, but its motives have shifted from pure depravity to cruel, curious malice. It manipulates the living in grotesque ways, weaving unfocused chaotic schemes.A New Demon
Welcome to Tintown
The characters are not allowed inside the city until they meet Magister Eliot. When he comes to the gate, the Magister will be hard-pressed to allow anyone inside, treating newcomers as hostile. With proper paperwork, he will reluctantly agree, insisting visitors have a military escort.
The pressure of current events may not allow for sightseeing, but the city remains occupied. Potential points of interest and encounters are listed below.
- Character Objectives. Get the dragon supplies and leave the city safely.
- Shatterstaff Escort. Two Shatterstaves will travel with the characters, staying within sight at all times.
- Lobs. If the characters recruited Lobs, he has no interest entering a diseased city and will happily remain outside. If he does enter Tintown, Lobs will stay at the Sleep Inn while everyone else works.
Magister Reshep Eliot
Lawful Neutral, Human Shatterstaff
Reshep is a commander in the Shatterstaves, a specialized unit of the Civil Legion. His family has a traditional military history and he is an accomplished practitioner of martial arts. At twenty-five years old, Reshep is young for his position, leading with a stern hand and an iron will. He is a passionate yet cold leader. Magister Eliot is a fervent believer in the Shatterstaves’ cause, distrusting anyone who uses magic.
Roleplaying Reshep Eliot
Reshep will meet the characters at the gate, but will not accompany them any further. The requested supplies have never been used and are kept in storage. Reshep has no interest in helping lug heavy equipment and will order soldiers to stay out of the warehouse. The older inventions within have been going haywire and the Magister will not risk the Shatterstaves. If combat occurs, Reshep will not fight, simply issue commands and demand extra troops. He wants combatants taken alive and dislikes killing. Further details on dealing with the Shatterstaves are listed below in "The Shatterstaves" encounter. Personality Trait. “The old ways are the best ways, and I follow them.”
Ideal. “Power. What's inside a mortal man is stronger than any spell or trinket.”
Bond. “The Shatterstaves are my brotherhood, and we will protect our home.”
Flaw. “There is more value in the sting of a cane than kindness.”
Reshep will meet the characters at the gate, but will not accompany them any further. The requested supplies have never been used and are kept in storage. Reshep has no interest in helping lug heavy equipment and will order soldiers to stay out of the warehouse. The older inventions within have been going haywire and the Magister will not risk the Shatterstaves. If combat occurs, Reshep will not fight, simply issue commands and demand extra troops. He wants combatants taken alive and dislikes killing. Further details on dealing with the Shatterstaves are listed below in "The Shatterstaves" encounter. Personality Trait. “The old ways are the best ways, and I follow them.”
Ideal. “Power. What's inside a mortal man is stronger than any spell or trinket.”
Bond. “The Shatterstaves are my brotherhood, and we will protect our home.”
Flaw. “There is more value in the sting of a cane than kindness.”
Experiencing the City
Tintown is an old settlement, restored in the modern era. It serves as a military base, claiming to be impenetrable against dragons. The city is built into the Slatetop Mountains and surrounded by a 50-foot high, 30-foot wide, stone and steel wall. The Emerald Wood tapers off as it reaches the ramparts, and the mighty Trident River runs on the eastside. Roads and buildings climb upward when moving deeper into the city. Quarantine has halted all travel. The colossal suspension bridge that runs over the Trident hangs deserted. Two covered Capran Carrier zeppelins are parked at the north harbor, unable to leave. If the characters are looking to rest they will be directed to the Sleep Inn.
Read the following as the characters move about the city:
The only people you see moving about are the Shatterstaves, priests, soldiers, or citizens moving under escort. The soldiers are wearing burnished breastplates and carrying lanterns on hooked pikes. If there is a resistance against the Legion here it isn’t visible.
You pass all sorts of curious machinery that remains dormant, mementos of Tintown’s former glory. The buildings here are all almost entirely a mishmash of stone and metal.
- Chateau Charmont. Chateau Charmont is an expansive keep built into the base of the Slatetop Mountains. The chateau is the home and seat of power for the Duke and Duchess of the Southern Tritos Dominion. Surrounding the estate are walls fifteen feet high and twelve feet thick. A crenelated crown adorns the top of the structure and the entire building is draped in ivy. Inside, it is decorated with luxury furniture and artwork from all over Dromaria. The keep has a spacious courtyard containing a fruit orchard. Under normal circumstances, citizens of Tintown are encouraged to visit and take what they wish.
- Temple of Saint Ren. Commemorating the esteemed Saint Aurias Ren, this temple is a house of worship for Summertide. The building has been a fixture in Tintown since its earliest days, built near the Tintown Bridge gate. It is a reminder to all who pass that their journey is blessed by the gods. The temple was desecrated at the height of the Demon War and has yet to fully recover. Recently it has been repurposed as a hospital during the quarantine. The temple's restoration and healing efforts are being led by Nina Hurns, a cleric of Asir.
- Tintown Bridge. The Tintown Bridge is an 8,000-foot-long suspension bridge and is considered one of Pathriam’s marvels. The bridge has existed for over a millennia and maintains its pristine condition. Built when Tintown was known as "The City of Tomorrow", it is unclear what methods were used to preserve the structure. The bridge serves as the safest way to cross the Trident and is the only method for large caravans or vehicles into the Southern Dominion.
- The Wyatt Apparatus. This mysterious machine has been in Tintown for centuries. It is a large cone filled with all sorts of complex machinery. The structure is made of iron and stone and is just over thirty feet high. A plaque on the front reads: "The Wyatt Apparatus - To build a world where everyone has power. May the City of Tomorrow lead the future."
- Sleep Inn. Accommodations for a low price. The rooms are clean and spacious, if lacking in amenities and modern conveniences of big cities. The perfect place for when you need four walls, a bed, and nothing else. The inn has no patrons, but is occupied by Civil Legion soldiers in their off-hours. A bugbear named Gus Bardbury runs the establishment.
Current News and Rumors
While in Tintown, if characters wish to explore they may discover the following information:
- Wild Dogs. Before the lockdown, there was a rise in wild dog attacks outside the city, seemingly coming from the Cruel Wood.
Ghosts in the Chateau. Shadows have been seen moving about the Chateau Charmont, though the grounds are supposed to be empty.
The Future of the Civil Legion. There is talk of Shatterstaves infiltrating the Civil Legion. Some believe they are being held under quarantine as a means for the soldiers to maintain control.
The Royal Bank institution is responsible for collecting taxes from the kingdom, as well as providing loans for those they deem responsible. It also serves as a hub for business transactions between merchants, traders, and other parties in the city. The bank representative of this branch is Rodel Lee. In addition to normal banking, characters may do the following:
- Trade counterfeit coins for 1/4th of the value.
- Cash in writs.
- Experience Rodel’s jokes.
- "Why don’t dragons deposit gold?"
Because humans shouldn’t have scales. - "What does a king say when he robs you?"
Thanks for the taxes. See ya next year! - "A goblin walked in here the other day asking about bread. The little fella must have been hard on his luck because he didn’t have any dough."
- "I know a lot of jokes about rich kids. But they don't ever work."
- "I got locked in a safe yesterday, but it wasn't my vault."
- "Fella came in the other day with some questions. I said I could help him out if he was willing to give me a tip, so he stabbed me."
Encounters in Tintown
The characters may come across any of the following encounters while in Tintown:
The Shatterstaves
The Shatterstaves have complete authority in Tintown and believe magic is the cause of the city’s problems. Their focus is containing the Crimson Hush and persecuting magic users. Dealing with the Shatterstaves is meant to be difficult. They are a dangerous sect of power and will meet force with force. When in doubt they will exile any offenders from the city, banning them for life.
If a spell is cast in their vicinity, the soldiers will issue two total warnings before instigating punishment. After a second warning, the Shatterstaves will manacle and gag offenders. If matters escalate, the guilty character's tongue is cast in silver, and all involved are exiled.
- Cast in Silver. The target's tongue has been encased in silver, preventing them from speaking. They cannot communicate verbally, cast spells with verbal components, or use abilities that rely on speech. This effect is permanent unless the silver is physically removed, requiring a successful DC 25 Wisdom (Medicine) check and specialized tools.
Downtown Map
If a Shatterstaff notices signs of the Crimson Hush, the character will be sent to the Temple of St. Ren for care and quarantine. Until the character shows no signs for 24 hours, they will not be permitted to leave Tintown.
Read the following when encountering Shatterstaves:
Shatterstaff Encounter
Shatterstaves patrol in groups of four. When being escorted, other patrols will ignore the character's presence. The soldiers have been given orders to observe passage to the warehouse. If a Shatterstaff catches the characters unsupervised, they will assign two members to resume surveillance. They involve themselves if they notice any of the following:
Shatterstaves believe spellcasters are reckless and will instigate to find the guilty, taunting people into using their abilities. The soldiers will never strike first, but once started will target spellcasters exclusively until unconscious or dead.
Soldiers clad in arcane rune-inscribed breastplates walk past, carrying hooked pikes tipped with swaying shadow-cast lanterns. Their uniforms are similar to the Civil Legion, but these are altered, stripped of the golden sunburst, and replaced with a broken staff. Faces open and determined, they carry short bows at their sides.
Shatterstaves patrol in groups of four. When being escorted, other patrols will ignore the character's presence. The soldiers have been given orders to observe passage to the warehouse. If a Shatterstaff catches the characters unsupervised, they will assign two members to resume surveillance. They involve themselves if they notice any of the following:
- Meddling with the Crimson Hush or an infected individual.
- Cadmus Broodfang. The Shatterstaves have a standing order to apprehend Cadmus Broodfang for questioning.
- Cadmus is to be escorted to Magister Reshep Eliot. If taken he will not return.
- Combat encounters or violent altercations.
Shatterstaves believe spellcasters are reckless and will instigate to find the guilty, taunting people into using their abilities. The soldiers will never strike first, but once started will target spellcasters exclusively until unconscious or dead.
Shatterstaff Roll Initiative
Medium Humanoid, Lawful Neutral
Armor Class 15 (Breastplate)
Hit Points 50 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.
Saving Throws STR +5, INT +4
Skills Arcana +4, Investigation +4
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 3
Disruption. When the Shatterstaff damages a creature that is concentrating on a spell, that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain concentration. Magic Resistance. The Shatterstaff has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Medium Humanoid, Lawful Neutral
Armor Class 15 (Breastplate)
Hit Points 50 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3) |
12 (+1) |
14 (+2) |
14 (+2) |
10 (-) |
12 (+1) |
Skills Arcana +4, Investigation +4
Senses Passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 3
Disruption. When the Shatterstaff damages a creature that is concentrating on a spell, that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain concentration. Magic Resistance. The Shatterstaff has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Special Equipment. The Shatterstaff carries a Lanyon Lantern. The lantern sheds bright light in a 30-ft. radius and dim light for an additional 10 ft. Invisible creatures and objects are visible as long as they are in the lantern's bright light. Actions
Multiattack. The Shatterstaff makes two pike or shortbow attacks. Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 ( 1d10+3 ) slashing damage. Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 ( 1d6+1 ) piercing damage. Reactions
Mage Slayer. When a creature within 10 ft. of the Shatterstaff casts a spell, the Shatterstaff may use their reaction to make a melee attack against that creature.
Smolderthorn Alarm
At some point after the characters arrive, Smolderthorn will pass nearby on his way back to the Red Keep. This event serves to remind the players of the dragon’s presence and offers the characters an opportunity to slip away and pursue other activities while the city is distracted.
The entire event lasts about 10 minutes, in which the characters will be largely forgotten as the focus shifts to the dragon. Smolderthorn stays far enough away that his fear aura doesn't affect anyone and remains out of range of the defenses. The Civil Legion immediately takes up arms, adopting defensive positions along the ramparts.
- During this period the character’s escort will leave, moving to their assigned stations.
- Smolderthorn appears to be scouting and taunting. If confronted the dragon will leave before anyone gets close.
- Other events may occur during this period, such as receiving the note from the Summertide priest in “Priests of Asir” or stumbling on the Huldrekall in “The Crimson Hush” encounters.
Read the following when Smolderthorn arrives:
Read the following as Smolderthorn leaves:
An alarm rings through Tintown, two quick bursts of "aaaROOOO," followed by a voice from unseen loudspeakers: "Formation Dragon." The alarm repeats. Shouts and the clatter of steel ring out as Legion troops move swiftly through the empty streets, some riding elevators, others racing upstairs to man the ballistae. A red blur soars through the clouds, its shadow briefly passing over you before moving out of sight.
Read the following as Smolderthorn leaves:
The waters of the Trident churn as Smolderthorn descends onto the Tintown Bridge. The structure groans under his enormous weight but holds firm, much like the defenders of Tintown. A stroke of fortune that the bridge sits empty under quarantine as Smolderthorn spreads its wings and unleashes a reverberating cascade of fire across its surface. Before the soldiers can react, the dragon vanishes into the horizon, a lingering tension left in its wake.
Priests of Summertide
Summertide Illumination heralds Asir as the first saint and goddess of their faith. Asir’s teachings have defined medicine since the earliest days of Dromaria. Presently, in Tintown, her priests are serving the community and rebuilding the Temple of St. Ren. So far, because they work as healers, the priests have been permitted to move freely. When given the opportunity, one of them will approach the characters and hand them a note in secret. The priest's tongue is coated in silver and they cannot speak.- The note reads: "Please visit the Temple of Saint Ren."
Read the following when entering the temple:
The cathedral was once beautiful, but it is in a severely damaged state. Empty scaffolding encircles the building, blocking sight through the old stained glass. Inside has been transformed into a medical ward. The open chamber echoes with desperate wheezing coughs.
The honored tomb of Saint Ren is on display in the center of the temple, the only surface clean of medical supplies. Long rows of occupied cots rest where the pews were, now pushed to the edges of the chamber. Robed priests with masked faces move from person to person, tending to their needs.
The temple cannot afford much, but will offer a symbol of their faith if Cadmus is located. The totem is a small silver emblem featuring a starling on one side and Asir’s holy symbol, the Midsummer Cadueces (two hands cupping a lotus flower) on the other.
Summertide Spirit Totem: StarlingBy showing the Summertide Spirit Totem, you display allegiance to those of the faith. You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at temples, shrines, and other established places of Summertide, though you must provide material components necessary for spells. You have specific ties to the Temple of St. Ren and have a residence there when required. While near your temple, you can call upon the priests for assistance, provided what you ask for is not hazardous and you remain in good standing.
Unicorn Hair
If the characters have collected the unicorn hair from the Witchling Encounter, Nina wants to buy it. The best she can offer is one item from Serpent's Treasures, no matter the cost. She believes the hair will be exceptionally useful in discovering a cure.Further rewards related to Nina may be found in the "Chateau Encounter" below.
Nina Hurns
Neutral Good, Elvenari Cleric
Nina is a caring person who loves helping others heal, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. She works as an advisor and an advocate for those in need at the Temple of St. Ren.
In matters of justice, Nina volunteers her time and the temple’s resources to ensure fair play for all involved. She has strong convictions and is a confident leader, who focuses on service to Asir and the community. Nina has taken on the task of restoring the Temple after its recent desecration. A peaceful woman at heart, Nina will seek every method possible to avoid violence.
Roleplaying Nina Hurns
Nina’s priests do their best to keep the peace and provide care for Tintown. Under normal circumstances, it is hard to get Nina riled up, but she is beyond her boiling point. At her behest, Magister Eliot has been forced to step in to prevent violence on more than one occasion. Now two of her priests have been maimed by his Shatterstaves. Used to the Civil Legion in Tintown, Nina is appalled by the Shatterstaves behavior. Now, they are preventing her from actually helping others. Nina is a skilled cleric who understands the severity of the situation she is in. Personality Trait. “I'll do my best to provide aid despite any opposition.”
Ideal. “Devotion. Peace is the only path to true healing.”
Bond. "My life is promised to Asir.”
Flaw. “My passion consumes me.”
Roleplaying Nina Hurns
Nina’s priests do their best to keep the peace and provide care for Tintown. Under normal circumstances, it is hard to get Nina riled up, but she is beyond her boiling point. At her behest, Magister Eliot has been forced to step in to prevent violence on more than one occasion. Now two of her priests have been maimed by his Shatterstaves. Used to the Civil Legion in Tintown, Nina is appalled by the Shatterstaves behavior. Now, they are preventing her from actually helping others. Nina is a skilled cleric who understands the severity of the situation she is in. Personality Trait. “I'll do my best to provide aid despite any opposition.”
Ideal. “Devotion. Peace is the only path to true healing.”
Bond. "My life is promised to Asir.”
Flaw. “My passion consumes me.”
Serpent's Treasures
Serpent's Treasures is a shop featuring a unique array of dragon-related goods. The shop's owner, Cadmus Broodfang, works in direct opposition to the Covenant and sells illicit goods to spite it. All of the items found within Serpent's Treasures were once part of a dragon or were taken from one. Cadmus has a varied selection of unlawful items, from body parts to armaments and armor crafted using forbidden dragon components. Cadmus will purchase anything that relates to dragons, no matter how minuscule the connection. As it is highly illegal to own or trade draconic body parts, his shop has been repeatedly called into question. It's no surprise that Cadmus stocks exclusive items for the Civil Legion elite. It is widely believed that he maintains his business due to a hidden, friendly alliance with royalty. The shop is currently closed. Cadmus has heard rumors the Shatterstaves are looking for him, and patrols pass by regularly.Cadmus Broodfang
Chaotic Good, Dragonborn Shopkeeper Cadmus is a reclusive individual. He has made it his personal quest to hunt down Covenant-related belongings and collect dragon hoards. He carries a fervent grudge with his heritage, blaming dragons for all of life’s problems. Adventurers frequent the Serpent’s Treasures to broker deals and sell rare items they couldn't elsewhere. Despite his prolific connections, Cadmus keeps a low profile. He works with the Civil Legion, but not the Shatterstaves. Since their arrival, Cadmus has been hiding within his shop, keeping it locked. He has ignored visitors and decided against meeting with Nina, prioritizing his safety instead. When the characters arrive, Serpent’s Treasures is closed. There is a sign reading “Quarantine. Come back later.”Shop Stock
The shop is stocked with the following items that Cadmus is openly selling. He does not remember which one is the Stone of Good Luck or the cursed Stone of the Rapscallion.
- Dust of Disappearance
- Ioun Stone (Reserve)
- Potion of Heroism
- Rope of Climbing
- Stone of Good Luck
- Stone of the Rapscallion
- Stored: Protection from Energy
- Arrow of Slaying (Dragon)
- Dragon Scale Mail (Green)
- Dragon Slayer (longsword)
- Roleplaying Cadmus Broodfang
- If Cadmus discovers the characters are here on Nina’s behalf, he is willing to at least listen.
- Cadmus will welcome people inside if they mention their dragon-slaying expedition and don’t exhibit signs of infection.
Cadmus has no desire to see Tintown under quarantine or his fellow citizens die of a plague. He will not openly risk being seen moving about the city, especially near the Temple of St. Ren or the Shatterstaves. His sense of self-preservation is currently out-weighing his conscience. Cadmus begins as indifferent toward newcomers. No matter his attitude, he has a vast knowledge of dragons and is willing to share it.
Personality Trait. "Do you have what I need? Then I have a need for you."
Ideal. "The Covenant. Dragons are the main cause of issues on Dromaria."
Bond. "I'm a savvy man who hates his heritage."
Flaw. "I will never admit I was wrong because I am never wrong."
The Crimson Hush
Residents are suffering from a debilitating condition brought on by an evil source and the adventurers are no exception. Anyone who visits Tintown is potentially exposed to the Crimson Hush. This affliction causes extreme coughing, leading to a red face and bulging eyes.
The two Huldrekalls have been here, off and on, for almost ten years. They regularly move between the city and the Cruel Wood. Most recently when the Duke and Duchess left to visit Ania, the demons snuck into Chateau Charmont and have been living on the grounds ever since.
There are two potential encounters with the Huldrekall while moving about the city and one at the Chateau. The fiends travel separately unless at the Chateau, using Dimension Door to move quickly about. Their time is almost up in Tintown and they are becoming more and more brazen with their antics as the Crimson Hush spreads.
- Ikk-la-oon is in the body of Mildred, a Cliffgrazer Llama who is walking the streets. Ikk has completely given up its facade and is talking to anyone they pass by, shouting words of ill-omen. The Huldrekall is waiting to infect as many people as possible before discarding Mildred’s corpse.
- Thra-ssk’inn is wandering around as a trusted physician named Doctor Gilthorp Sporis. They have been using the good doctor’s body to inject folks with syringes filled with the disease, claiming it is a cure. They are currently wandering near the Royal Bank.
Disease Effects
A humanoid or beast who comes into contact with an infected creature's bodily fluids must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become infected themselves. One day after infection, the creature begins to cough uncontrollably. The creature cannot take bonus actions or reactions and cannot maintain concentration on spells. At the end of the second day the creature loses the ability to speak, coughing their throat raw. Their face takes on a permanent crimson color from the burst blood vessels.
Each long rest after the second day the creature’s exhaustion increases by one point. Lesser restoration or Heal may remove the effects of the disease but does not grant the creature immunity to future infection.Ikk (Mildred) Encounter
Ikk is seeking pleasure by freaking people out, unnerving the masses as a doomsaying llama. The Huldrekall is hunting for the largest group of people it can find to infect before discarding its corpse.
If the characters encounter Ikk (Mildred) read the following:
During this encounter all Ikk wants is to get the characters close enough to spit blood on them. It will rant about the end times, the Demon War, or whatever else inspires. Its Blood Spit ability can be used one time.
Ikk is seeking pleasure by freaking people out, unnerving the masses as a doomsaying llama. The Huldrekall is hunting for the largest group of people it can find to infect before discarding its corpse.
If the characters encounter Ikk (Mildred) read the following:
A wooly, long-necked beast pads along, seemingly sightseeing. It bellows a chilling chant, the tell-tale sound of a cliffgrazer llama, ‘Mwa-ah-ooo. Mwa-ah-ooo.. do you feel Nethul’s touch straaaaaa-ngling the life from you, Sintown? Are you weeping for those who have yet to paaa-ass?’
The unearthly voice that emanates from within its gullet is startling. Its bulbous black eyes pierce through you as it approaches; a look of fury, bordering on madness.
- Blood Spit. The Huldrekall exhales a torrent of blood in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become infected with the Crimson Hush.
Ikk (Mildred)
Chaotic Evil, Cliffgrazer Llama/Huldrekall Pack Animal Mildred was a pack animal that Ikk killed and took over. They have only been in the body for a few hours, chatting with anyone they meet, spitting in their face before departing. Roleplaying Ikk (Mildred)Ikk has taken on the role of a doomsayer, shouting about the end of the world. The Huldrekall was seeking joy in terrorizing people, but no longer finds pleasure in the experience. Having grown bored of Tintown, Ikk wants to hurt as many people as it can and leave. Personality Trait. "My urge to spit is greater than my intelligence."
Ideal. "Doom! Tear it all down and never start again."
Bond. "Terror is more important than death."
Flaw. "I no longer care about anything."
Doomsayer Lines
- “There is no escaaa-pe.”
- “Time to remove the wool from your eyes.”
- “All that remaaains is despaaa-air.”
- “This is the aaa-alpca-lypse!”
Skin (Dr. Gilthorp Sporis) Encounter
Thra-ssk’inn has set up near the Royal Bank. The Huldrekall is giving out free vaccines to anyone who passes by, as long as they aren’t accompanied by soldiers. When dealing with the characters, Skin will act as if they have made a discovery, stabbing the first person they can if given an opportunity.
If the characters encounter Skin (Dr. Gilthorp Sporis) read the following:
The body it is currently inhabiting is falling apart and appears decayed if someone is close enough to notice. The Huldrekall strikes with a melee attack of +6 to hit, dealing 1 point of damage and injecting the target with the Crimson Hush.
Dr. Gilthorp's body has 20 hit points and if it is destroyed the Huldrekall will use Dimension Door to escape, returning to the orchard outside Chateau Charmont.
Thra-ssk’inn has set up near the Royal Bank. The Huldrekall is giving out free vaccines to anyone who passes by, as long as they aren’t accompanied by soldiers. When dealing with the characters, Skin will act as if they have made a discovery, stabbing the first person they can if given an opportunity.
If the characters encounter Skin (Dr. Gilthorp Sporis) read the following:
Footfalls thud across the pavement as a man yells something in excitement, "I did it! I made the cure!"
There is a short individual with fraying black hair dressed in white robes. He is running in your direction, albeit slowly and with a bad limp. In his right hand, he is clutching a white and red medical bag, while in his left he has a glimmering syringe filled with a red liquid.
Skin (Dr. Gilthorp Sporis)
Chaotic Evil, Gnome/Huldrekall Doctor Doctor Sporis was a respected physician. He is now a man possessed, literally. Dr. Gilthorp died a few weeks ago and is a sack of skin controlled by a Huldrekall, gleefully spreading pestilence around the city. Though the fiend retains some of what the doctor used to know, it distorts the knowledge in disturbing ways. Roleplaying "Dr. Gilthorp Sporis"Personality Trait. "I love distress, it fuels me."
Ideal. "Chaos. My fun begins with this city, then... who knows?"
Bond. "This world is much better than where I'm from."
Flaw. "I think I'm mingling in flawlessly, but I'm not."
Chateau Charmont Combat Encounter
Skin and Ikk spread the Crimson Hush through Tintown, before settling at the Chateau after quarantine began. They stayed inside briefly, but the Duchess’s spells activated, forcing them to leave. The Chateau is currently under the effects of the Guards and Wards spell (save DC 18) until the Duchess returns. The estate’s staff are stuck in their homes under quarantine. Any Civil Legion guards posted here have died. The Huldrekall have been reporting normal behavior to their superiors as necessary. The duo has been living in the orchard ever since the spell activated, slowly piling up corpses. Read the following in the orchard:
Skin and Ikk spread the Crimson Hush through Tintown, before settling at the Chateau after quarantine began. They stayed inside briefly, but the Duchess’s spells activated, forcing them to leave. The Chateau is currently under the effects of the Guards and Wards spell (save DC 18) until the Duchess returns. The estate’s staff are stuck in their homes under quarantine. Any Civil Legion guards posted here have died. The Huldrekall have been reporting normal behavior to their superiors as necessary. The duo has been living in the orchard ever since the spell activated, slowly piling up corpses. Read the following in the orchard:
The sweet air of a fruit orchard muddles with that of putrid rot, a cloying scent of sickness. Bodies are scattered, seen in the shadows among apple trees. Swollen eyes and bloated throats are the only features that remain of the crimson-faced dead.
Chateau Orchard Map

2x Huldrekall and 1x Refurbished Thresher occupy this section of the orchard. There are also 6x corpses for the Huldrekall to possess: 3x humanoid and 3x llama. Each corpse takes 5 points of damage to destroy when not possessed by a Huldrekall. A DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check may reveal the number of corpses.
Thresher Tactics
- The thresher’s alarm has been deactivated to prevent it from bothering citizens.
- The thresher will not leave the north side of the orchard map during the encounter.
- The thresher is alert, hostile, and will stay in the confines of the area it guards. An Intelligence (Arcana or History) check may reveal this information, although it will not inform what the specific area is.
- The thresher attacks whatever is closest to it.
Huldrekall Tactics
The Huldrekall are already possessing the corpses of two soldiers. They will target whoever appears weakest or has the least amount of hit points, trying to create new corpses to possess.
The Huldrekall are already possessing the corpses of two soldiers. They will target whoever appears weakest or has the least amount of hit points, trying to create new corpses to possess.
- The Huldrekall's Whip Lash ability adds the additional text: If a creature drops to 0 hp from a tentacle attack it must immediately make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become infected with the Crimson Hush.
- They know the specific area that the thresher guards.
- They will fight near the thresher to bait others nearby, hiding inside it and suffering force damage if necessary to avoid attacks.
- They will possess the scattered corpses if they do not currently have a body.
- Ikk no longer cares about existing and will fight to the death.
- If defeated, Skin will attempt to flee using Dimension Door[, retreating to the Cruel Wood.
- Huldrekall leave no bodies behind when slain.
Rewards & Outcomes
The orchard contains discarded trinkets and belongings, 36 gp, 111 sp, a diamond worth 75 gp, a bushel of apples, and 2x syringes filled with the Crimson Hush.
The orchard contains discarded trinkets and belongings, 36 gp, 111 sp, a diamond worth 75 gp, a bushel of apples, and 2x syringes filled with the Crimson Hush.
If Nina Hurns' attitude is friendly, and the characters bring proof of their victory to the Temple of St. Ren, she will reward them with a bundle of scrolls, kept hidden since the Shatterstaves arrival.
Scroll Bundle. 1x Detonation, 1x Instant Attunement, 1x Revivify, 1x Sapping Smite
Scroll Bundle. 1x Detonation, 1x Instant Attunement, 1x Revivify, 1x Sapping Smite
Gathering Equipment
To acquire the dragon nets and the Bomboozler the characters will need to go down into the old Tintown storage facility. Magister Reshep can supply directions, descriptions of the items, and provide a keycard. Depending on his attitude toward the characters, Reshep may warn them of potential dangerous objects. He will not spare anyone to help. Shatterstaff escorts will remain on the surface. The warehouse is located underground next to the Crown Barracks on the east side of the city, near the Temple of St. Ren. It is down a steep ramp, leading to a large cavernous series of metal sliding doors, labeled by number. The far east end of the cavern has a massive door that leads to the cliff face outside. The characters have the key for #14.Warehouse Map
Read the following when entering the warehouse:
Combat Encounter
In the old store rooms, there are 2x Capran Rattlers that have broken free of their crates and are roaming. The room contains an unattended Capran Crane that has gone haywire.
Touching the door apparatus with the key provokes a slow response. The old mechanism slips before it catches, thrumming with energy. There is a loud screech of grinding gears as it slides downward into the floor.
A dim inner light reveals heavy machinery in motion. Two writhing metal masses slither about, between scattered debris and crates. A gentle rattling accompanies their movements. Affixed to the ceiling, a bulky automated steel claw jerks about, lurching back and forth along a series of rails. It sparks and releases a pungent black smoke.
Combat Encounter
In the old store rooms, there are 2x Capran Rattlers that have broken free of their crates and are roaming. The room contains an unattended Capran Crane that has gone haywire.
The crane is a large mechanical arm capable of lifting 5,000 pounds. It can move across the ceiling in all directions along rails. A control panel is buried under the scattered objects that can be seen with a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check. The Capran Crane can be repaired or disabled with a DC 15 Intelligence (Tinker Tools).
The crane has a 19 AC, 100 hp, and a 15 damage threshold. The Capran Crane operates as a Lair Action.
The rattlers no longer have directions to follow and will attack anything that moves. Loot
The dragon nets are visible, hung on the far wall. Each net weighs approximately 250 pounds. A single Bomboozler is still in a crate and requires a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find. If characters search the remainder of the storage they may discover items from the common equipment section and the parts necessary to build or repair two Capran Rattlers.
The rattlers no longer have directions to follow and will attack anything that moves. Loot
The dragon nets are visible, hung on the far wall. Each net weighs approximately 250 pounds. A single Bomboozler is still in a crate and requires a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find. If characters search the remainder of the storage they may discover items from the common equipment section and the parts necessary to build or repair two Capran Rattlers.
Capran Rattler Roll Initiative
Medium Construct, Unaligned
Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28)
Speed 30 ft.
Skills Athletics +7
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages understands common but can’t speak
Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 4
Magic Resistance. The rattler has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Unusual Nature. The rattler doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.
Bonus Actions
Battle Rattle. As a bonus action, the rattler's tail shakes and produces one effect roll 1d8 :
Medium Construct, Unaligned
Armor Class 12 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28)
Speed 30 ft.
16 (+3) |
12 (+1) |
14 (+2) |
3 (-4) |
10 (-) |
1 (-5) |
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages understands common but can’t speak
Proficiency Bonus +2 Challenge 4
Magic Resistance. The rattler has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Unusual Nature. The rattler doesn’t require air, food, drink, or sleep.
Bonus Actions
Battle Rattle. As a bonus action, the rattler's tail shakes and produces one effect roll 1d8 :
- 1-2: Flashbang. The tail flashes with a brilliant light. All creatures within 15 feet of the rattler must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the start of its next turn.
3-4: Poison Mist. A poison mist disperses into the air. All creatures within 15 feet of the rattler must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 13 ( 3d8 ) poison damage.
5-6: Fear. The rattle gives a warning of danger. All creatures within 15 feet of the rattler must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened.
7-8: Confusion. A hypnotic rhythm hums from the tail. All creatures within 15 feet of the rattler must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or become confused. Capran Rattlers are immune to this effect.
On their next turn, creatures must use their action to make one weapon attack against a random creature they can see within 30 feet of them, using whatever weapon they have on hand and moving beforehand if necessary to get in range. If they are holding no weapon, they make an unarmed strike. If no creature is visible within 30 feet, they take the Dash action, moving toward the nearest creature.
Bite. Melee Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 ( 1d6+3 ) piercing damage.
Lair Actions
When in the warehouse, the Capran Crane will act. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the crane takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects:
When in the warehouse, the Capran Crane will act. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the crane takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects:
- Toss Object. The crane grabs whatever is nearby and throws it across the warehouse.
The crane grabs one object weighing 1 to 5 pounds that isn’t being worn or carried. The object is thrown in a straight line up to 90 feet in a direction you choose before falling to the ground, stopping early if it impacts against a solid surface.
If the object would strike a creature, that creature must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the object strikes the target and stops moving. When the object strikes something, the object and what it strikes each take 3d8 bludgeoning damage.
Clamp. The crane clamps down on a target and lifts it upward. The crane makes a melee attack at +7 . If the crane hits, the target is restrained and lifted 30 feet to the ceiling. The creature may use an action to escape with a DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics). The crane releases the target at the start of the next lair action.
Wild Flailing. The arm moves wildly. All creatures must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
Leaving Tintown
When the characters are leaving consider their relationships and how it will impact their current standing with each faction or individual.
- Friendly. In the unlikely event that the characters become friendly with the Shatterstaves, Reshep Eliot will send 15 Shatterstaves to aid in the dragon encounter.
- Indifferent. Reshep will allow the characters to leave with the cargo.
- Hostile. If the characters have engaged in hostile actions with the Shatterstaves, they will be removed from the city and banned from returning.
The Shatterstaves
- Friendly. The church will offer healing and a place to stay after the dragon encounter.
- Indifferent. The priests will treat the characters like any other citizen.
- Hostile. Characters will be barred from receiving aid or healing from Summertide places of worship until they have atoned.
Priests of Asir
- Friendly. Cadmus will use the Sending Stone to give exclusive deals on future reserved stock.
- Indifferent. Cadmus will treat the characters like standard clients.
- Hostile. Cadmus will blacklist the characters from Serpent's Treasures.
Cadmus Broodfang
Character Advancement
The players should be awarded with a level if at least two of the following events occurred upon finding Lawmaster Andias in the Cruel Wood:
- The characters survive the fight with the troll mounted wyvern.
- The characters complete any of the optional quests or encounters in Tintown.
- The characters acquire the goods from the Shatterstaves.
- The characters survive their encounter with Sir Barry the Houndmaster.
The Quest Continues
If the characters succeed at both bringing Cadmus Broodfang to the temple unseen and slaying the Huldrekall, there is hope for the future of Tintown. Their reputation will grow considerably in the area, especially once the Duke and Duchess return.
To continue the adventure head to Part Five: The Red Keep.
Encounters between Tintown and the Red Keep can be found in the RKA: Encounters.
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Dromaria, their respective logos, and all Stonehome Games titles and characters are property of Stonehome Games LLC. in the U.S.A. and other countries.
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