Serpent's Treasures Building / Landmark in Dromaria | World Anvil

Serpent's Treasures

Serpent's Treasures is a shop featuring a unique array of dragon-related goods found in the city of Tintown. The shop's owner, Cadmus Broodfang, works in direct opposition to The Covenant and sells illicit goods to spite it.   All of the items found within Serpent's Treasures were once part of a dragon or were taken from one. Cadmus has a varied selection of unlawful items, from body parts to armaments and armor crafted using forbidden dragon components.   Cadmus will purchase anything that relates to dragons, no matter how minuscule the connection. As it is highly illegal to own or trade draconic body parts, his shop has been heavily questioned by citizens of Tintown. It's no surprise to many that Cadmus stocks exclusive items for the Civil Legion elite. It is widely believed that he maintains his business due to a hidden, friendly alliance with royalty.
Tintown   Owned & Operated By
Cadmus Broodfang

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