
Rastein is an archeological town in the foothills of the shale-laden Slatetop Mountains. Due to its relative proximity to the Stein, the town has the largest Malkari population in the Tritos Dominion. Most of the residents of Rastein spend their days hunting for relics thought lost to time. Between the Emerald Wood and the mountains, the land is gorgeous but fraught with risk.   The town is built inside the site of a large excavation consisting of three rings with streets between each ring. The buildings are mostly adobe-styled structures, tents, and teepees. The Crown of Ania, which helped fund the expedition, has a few more modern structures that stand as a stark difference to the town's other homes.


Heavily excavated, the area more closely resembles a dig site than a town. Established at the feet of the Slatetop Mountains, but still within the Emerald Wood, Rastein is a beautiful, if not rocky and heavily wooded riverside town. The Ores River originates in the mountains and flows through the eastern portion of Rastein.


Rastein is an archeology focused population with a high number of Malkari. Although many come to town to see the various relics and artifacts kept here. Historians and lore keepers from all over can be found studying the ancient items discovered by the local inhabitants.


Rastein is a relatively new settlement, established in 5,951 DA, only a little more than a century ago. Its founding was a joint effort led by Malkari of the Esh Republic with the aid of the Crown of Ania. Excavations on the site began due to the discovery of a statue known as the Bako Murti. Like most other pioneers, the members of the expedition first had to combat nature to make a place for themselves at the base of the Slatetop Mountains.   Recent history has Rastein focused on the Ores outside of the city and the Stein across the mountains. Malkari from all over Dromaria come to Rastein in hopes of discovering more about their ancestors and their people's mysterious beginnings.


Rastein is within the Tritos Dominion and is ruled by the King of Ania. Regionally it is presided over by Baron Druceff of Dondarian. Locally it is operated by the City Manager and Lawmaster Maldo Dune.


The inhabitants of Rastein are known for their hard work and peaceful nature. Danger from the nearby wilds tends to keep people within the safety of the expedition. The Crown has been known to send forces should aid be required, but if necessary Rastein is more often than not defended by a citizen's militia.


The city has a well-trained and disciplined citizen's militia led by retired General Algahlor Deepslate but has no walls or military fortifications.

Industry & Trade

As a town centered around excavation activities, Rastein has developed a modest trade in precious gems and metals. Cliffgrazer Llamas, commonly domesticated, play a crucial role in transporting these valuable resources, as well as goods brought in by trade caravans. While it's rare, some of the funding for the ongoing expeditions comes from the sale of artifacts unearthed during digs. Trade caravans are a frequent sight, supplying the community with essentials not readily available within the town itself.

Guilds & Factions

Citizen’s Militia. The citizen’s militia is composed of any with the skill to join and is led by Algahlor Deepslate. Although not called upon often, the group is well-trained.

Slatetop Union & The Voyagers. Rastein's people are divided between two different excavation groups, the Slatetop Union and The Voyagers. Though they both share a common interest in archeology, the two groups are frequently at odds as to where they should be digging. The Union prefers to drudge the Ores and scour The Slatetop Mountains, whereas The Voyagers confine their digs to The Stein.


  • Rastein
    Rastein is an archeological town in the foothills of the shale-laden Slatetop Mountains. Due to its relative proximity to the Stein, the town has the largest Malkari population in the Tritos Dominion. Most of the residents of Rastein spend their days hunting for relics thought lost to time. Between the Emerald Wood and the mountains, the land is gorgeous but fraught with risk.   The town is built inside the site of a large excavation consisting of three rings with streets between each ring. The buildings are mostly adobe-styled structures, tents, and teepees. The Crown of Ania, which helped fund the expedition, has a few more modern structures that stand as a stark difference to the town's other homes.
Town of Rastein

Rastein Base Map Image

Interactive Map

Tritos Dominion   Founding Date
5,951 DA   Population
3,000 (70% Malkari, 20% Human, 5% Halfling, 5% Dwarf)   Rulers
Lawmaster Maldo Dune
Baron Druceff   Points of Interest
The Bako Murti, Benevolence Hall, Digger's Docks, Llamazing Lyle's, Omens Park, Ores Crest, Tritos Relic, Voyage End Warehouse
Associated Adventures
Desert Fever, The Gazeless Wanderer

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